Galactus not unlocking



  • AgentCoulsonLMD
    AgentCoulsonLMD Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    And Patch didn't work either! icon_mad.gif
  • Failbot
    Failbot Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    It has happened to me at least 50% of the time. How am I and my alliance supposed to make progressions if I'm missing out on almost half of my available points? This is beyond frustrating
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2016
    (note: correlation != causation...)

    Here's my notes on when it's happened to me:

    * each time is directly after Galactus refresh (8 hour timer after the last kill of 'Big G')
    * each time I can kill him once
    * each time, the first node completed (multi-wave one... I forgot the essential) did not unlock him...

    iPhone 5 - iOS 10.01.00

    {edit} - yup, the above symptoms hold true for today... I again waited for Galactus' node to refresh before starting my clear, and again... after hitting him once, it re-locked after clearing the first sub-node!

    and false... just had another "Boss not unlocked" on the same clear after completing the 'Wolverine" essential (the one with Hood and a couple goons).
  • Aidonis
    Aidonis Posts: 87 Match Maker
    Couple guys in my alliance had the problem, I thought nothing of it. Round five this morning, he didn't unlock on the Ghostrider node and the Hawkeye node. Super convenient.
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Well submitted ticket as this has happened 3 times so far. Complete sub node and the boss node didn't open
  • Bunky747
    Bunky747 Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    On round 6 and have experienced on round 2,3 and 6. Previous rounds were on random nodes i.e. Wave and non-wave. Never the first fight of the five or the last. So far been the second or fourth. Have skipped animations. iOS 10.2, iPhone 6.

    Updated: saw update from Dev that stated possible Comm issue and to restart app. I had tired that when it occurred as others noted they did. No impact boss still locked and moved on. Per updated post I logged tix.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    New record: FOUR lockouts on one clear!!!

  • tonyeq
    tonyeq Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Happened here too after app refresh. Happens on random nodes on Samsung j3.
  • muffffinman
    Same thing here. Just completed the ghost ride node on level 5 and this is the 3rd time he hasn't unlocked....happened 2x in level 4
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, hit me on round 5 again too. Ghost Rider. Haven't finished the rest yet, but a few alliance mates are also reporting issues. This will make hitting alliance progression impossible.
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2016
    I know the devs have acknowledged this as a known issue, but just to provide some more data:

    - As of Friday afternoon (EST), I've gotten the lockout bug twice out of a possible 24 attempts so far. Listening to my alliance mates, I'm having better luck than most.

    - I'm on iOS 10.2, iPhone 6+. I'm on day 602 and have never had issues like this with any boss fight dating back to the first Galactus run in 2015.

    - My one lockout this interval happened after the Wolverine node (my third, simply clearing left to right). After the unexpected lockout, I tried force restarting. Nothing changed. Galactus was still locked out, so I just went to the next side node.

    - I can't detect any pattern regarding shield intercepts. Out of my last 6 attempts, 5 had no intercepts, 1 of the 5 experienced the lockout bug, and the one time I got an intercept Galactus unlocked fine. (I am not a VIP subscriber).

    - My network connection seems stable. I'm playing over wi-fi and haven't experienced any connection problems over the course of this event.

    Kind of a bummer, as I'm having a lot of fun with the other 99% of this event. I have a champed Cycl4ps and he's kicking Galactus' butt, even in round 7. Sucks when you finally get your roster to a point of strength and then you have to start fighting bugs as well. icon_e_sad.gif

    Edit (Sat 10a): I've consistently had one lockout each of the last few intervals. It hasn't always been the same node, sometimes it's been after my first side node, sometimes it's been a few nodes in. In total, I've had this happen 4 times out of possible 36 attempts.
  • Blykmyk
    Blykmyk Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Up to six times in my four clears...has happened twice each of my last two times.
  • ilikecake
    ilikecake Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    This has happened to me on each 8 hour reset, and for me it has always been the node second from the right that isn't unlocking him.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    Pretty much the same as everybody. Played 2 missions without unlocking Galactus boss fight.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    So many tiny kitties...

    I am super frustrated at this event. Typically these "help the alliance" fights are my favourite... help the team, and get great rewards. Check my results - the last run I placed first in my alliance.

    With the lockout I'm barely in the top 10.

    Adding insult to injury, here's a new lockout - when a round clears, you get a "free" hit on Galactus on the next round. Knowing this (and worrying about the bug), after I beat Galactus down to 0 points in round 6, I switched to DDP fights (giving the server time to register the reward). apon completing that match, I received the round 6 reward but Galactus was still locked out... but...


    I am seriously close to rage-quitting. The only compensation I am willing to receive is full progression rewards. With 1d 14h remaining, I'm pretty sure our alliance is going to get screwed out of full progression because of this bug. icon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gif
  • sKender
    I'm in round 7 and I've lost about 120,000 points icon_cry.gif
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    sKender wrote:
    I'm in round 7 and I've lost about 120,000 points icon_cry.gif

    I hear you... I'm typically in first for my alliance - I even set an alarm to hit the over-night refresh - trying to catchup. Still barely in third.


    I jokingly posted on my alliance:
    Only 2 lock-outs on this clear, a Christmas Miracle.

    Not kidding, it is more strange when I'm not being locked out by this bug. icon_evil.gif