Galactus not unlocking

drag0n41 Posts: 86 Match Maker
I just finished the Hawkeye Sub-node, and after completing it the main boss fight did not unlock. I did the Ghost Rider sub-node it unlocked the boss but the Hawkeye node did not.


  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same here. Did Ghost Rider, Galactus is still locked. The other side nodes are not. icon_mad.gif
  • DJSquiggy
    DJSquiggy Posts: 97 Match Maker
    I did Ghost Rider first and it didnt unlock. I did another fight and then he unlocked correctly. i didnt think to close the app and reopen to see if it would recognize that i already beat one of the "Earths Villians" nodes. if it happens again, i will try it.
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2016
    We finished off round 1 and didn't get our reward. Ok we got it. Was a little delayed.
  • Mawryk
    Mawryk Posts: 14
    Happened to me twice. Once on bullseye node, once on patch node. So I'm down 2 attempts at Galactus so far.

    Tried force closing and restarting, but still no galactus unlock!
  • Nick9819
    Nick9819 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    same here missed two boss battles one after spiderman and one after hawkeye
  • Mawryk
    Mawryk Posts: 14
    Actually, first node that failed for me was the spider-man node (vs bullseye). Second was the wolverine node. At least 2 of my alliance-mates running into the same issue.
  • Starsaber
    I had it happen on the Hulk and Black Widow nodes on the second clear. Didn't see it on my first clear.
  • DJSquiggy
    DJSquiggy Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Did not have it happen after the refresh. So, only once for me, and it was my first node
  • Blykmyk
    Blykmyk Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    It has happened to me three times. Once on level four and twice on level five both times I used Patch and once vs dare devil
  • Caseyd1999
    Caseyd1999 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    It's not that he's not unlocking. His timer is resetting back to 8 hours manning he's re-locking.

    It happened to me twice in round 5. I hope this is fixed by morning because list points don't help in these events.
  • AceCuratola3
    AceCuratola3 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Yes, many are in the same position for my team Mordor.
    Round 5. I lost the option to fight Galactus after completing the node Ghost Rider. Other members on the team missed out after a couple of other battles as well.

    Thanks Ace
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    This happened to me twice: One time after clearing the Spider-Man Sub in round 3 and another time after clearing the Black Widow Sub in round 5. Due to that bug I've lost round about 20.000 points!
  • mdw532
    My alliance is currently checking whether this is a timing issue. Those who skip through end game animations have experienced it. Those that don't have not. Try not skipping through the animations. If it happens despite this, please update so we know it's not the cause.
  • markcoen01
    markcoen01 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I think the boss mission is not unlocking after completing a wave mission.
    I just encountered the issue twice in Round 5 after completing the Ghost Rider and Hawkeye missions (both wave missions).
  • Diarchos
    Diarchos Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    For me also locked after Hawkeye mission.
  • apmonte
    I had three missions last night that did not unlock the boss battle. More disturbing, this morning I got up and the boss battle was still locked and showed 7 hours and 4 minutes on the timer. I hadn't played MPQ since 8 PM the night before, more than 11 hours earlier. The boss battle should have been unlocked. Hoping to have better luck with missions today (but not holding my breath). Now in round 5, this is really beginning to impact both personal and alliance progression.
  • DJSquiggy
    DJSquiggy Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Had this happen twice in round 6. One was the patch round, the other was a spiderman, both were single nodes, not waves.

    I skipped the animations because I always do, so can't add to that.
  • Nivfiremindmizzet
    Nivfiremindmizzet Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Happened to me twice. Once last night, beat a node and was locked out from boss fight for the 7 or so hours. Was able to complete a few noxes this morning and on the second to last node after completion did not unlock the boss bsttle. Had to beat the final node to get an unlock for Galactus. A few member of my alliance have reported the same issue in the group chat. Have to beat 2 nodes to 1 boss fight is quit irritating and block us from maximizing points per round.
  • AgentCoulsonLMD
    AgentCoulsonLMD Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    I played Spidey required and galactus did not unlock. i had no problems up til now.
  • SplashAttack
    This is happening to me constantly. I think it might occur every time I earn an award from the event.