Retaliations after tanking



  • HailMary wrote:
    Nemesis wrote:
    Ok, but think of that: Someone beat your tank team with their maxed team. Their maxed team though, isn't very strong, like IM35 lvl35, mStorm lvl32 and mBW lvl20, which means tank teams are like what they expect to earn some points to progress. So you're actually depriving them the chance to go on, just to farm 170 iso max? I think that's what Hawkeye is waiting for round the corner, to put a moral arrow through your tinnykitty..........

    I've never slingshotted an LR for Iso, but I do beat up on a number of 1* teams in PvP due to MMR tanking (for reference, I run a 3xL85 team). I kinda feel bad about it, vut in the end, my own progression wins out over the short-term feelings of a procession of completely unknown names. Also, once I hit 700 in PvP, i get pummeled by 3xL141 teams, so there's some balance.

    I'm not talking about that, you are obviously going to beat 1* teams with your 2*, even with your 3*, after all that's why you tank, to get easier opponents, up to a point. What I mean is should you win the team beat your tank team (red node). When you a see a team with a 6lvl BagMan, or a 1lvl Yelena, you know it's a tank team. Shouldn't they work as a white flag, like hit me all you want, I won't fight back.
    HailMary wrote:
    I'm wire confused by the opposite situation, though. In a LR earlier, a 1* team actually attacked/retaliated against me (and lost). I can't fathom why a 1* team with a loaner special would ever fight L102 LThor + max OBW + L60ish Doom.

    There could be many reasons, new player who now learns pvp and pressed the wrong button, tanking, or even icon_twisted.gif some evil guy taken control of the account and losing to anyone to lose points....... icon_twisted.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Nemesis wrote:
    I'm not talking about that, you are obviously going to beat 1* teams with your 2*, even with your 3*, after all that's why you tank, to get easier opponents, up to a point. What I mean is should you win the team beat your tank team (red node). When you a see a team with a 6lvl BagMan, or a 1lvl Yelena, you know it's a tank team. Shouldn't they work as a white flag, like hit me all you want, I won't fight back.
    Is there really that much of a difference, though? If I've MMR-tanked to the point where I see unmaxed 1* teams without them needing to attack me, it's equivalent to them hitting my tank team, getting on my radar, then me hitting them back with a Team of Whuppage.

    I think doing that just to farm Iso is a bit low, but I beat up on as many weak teams as I can when I'm going for LR placement.

    Also, I doubt there are many unmaxed 1* players who even understand what "tank team" means, so at best/worst, they might confuse your tank team for a seed team.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Is there really that much of a difference, though? If I've MMR-tanked to the point where I see unmaxed 1* teams without them needing to attack me, it's equivalent to them hitting my tank team, getting on my radar, then me hitting them back with a Team of Whuppage.

    I think doing that just to farm Iso is a bit low, but I beat up on as many weak teams as I can when I'm going for LR placement.

    Also, I doubt there are many unmaxed 1* players who even understand what "tank team" means, so at best/worst, they might confuse your tank team for a seed team.

    1* players are people and we are wolves. Wolves eat people. We do not apologize afterwards. We nap.
  • Ghast wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Is there really that much of a difference, though? If I've MMR-tanked to the point where I see unmaxed 1* teams without them needing to attack me, it's equivalent to them hitting my tank team, getting on my radar, then me hitting them back with a Team of Whuppage.

    I think doing that just to farm Iso is a bit low, but I beat up on as many weak teams as I can when I'm going for LR placement.

    Also, I doubt there are many unmaxed 1* players who even understand what "tank team" means, so at best/worst, they might confuse your tank team for a seed team.

    1* players are people and we are wolves. Wolves eat people. We do not apologize afterwards. We nap.

    Ferrets are flesh eating mammals as well icon_eek.gif Silly wolf. icon_lol.gif
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    I'm curious as to where I would fall in this discussion. I started Fearless Defenders with the sole purpose of tanking, and did so for the first day. I saw very little movement among the top 10 during the event. So last night I started to play the event, my first retaliations were all against high level rosters (no 1 or 2 stars). I ended up finishng top 10 and got my last hulk cover.

    I feel bad, but at the same time I wasn't beating up on low level opponents.
  • I Actually Refer ToThis As "Tank And Switch." Been Doing It Ever Since They Added The Skip Tax As A Work Around.
  • If I'm tanking and I get hit, I typically accept the retaliation match with a tank team and retreat. Thus they get points for beating my tank team, plus points for me "losing" the retaliation. It's my way of thanking them for attacking my tank team.
  • locked wrote:
    I'm told that at some point tanking stops being efficient, but if you can field several teams of maxed lvl 141s, I doubt you need any tanking at all. Any 2* getting into the solid 3* land can tank in Shield training with success. You don't want to overdo it though, and it usually isn't required often.

    All of the recent changes serve to mitigate the benefits of tanking.

    The alliance rewards forces players to push higher on each tourney to achieve the "coveted" alliance price cover. This also pushes personal placement score requirements higher for top 10 placement. Once upon a time, 700 would hands down win brackets. Today, 700 on a good day **might** be enough for 10th place.

    The higher the scores climb, the faster the benefits of tanking are consumed away. As noted by previous posters, by 700, there are no remaining benefits of any tanking effort applied from previous tourneys.

    The greater the effort applied to reach higher scores in tourneys, the more effort applied towards tanking is required to undo the MMR gained in a tourney.

    In the long run tanking is still feasible (albeit more cumbersome than before), but its returns are becoming highly marginalized.
  • If I'm tanking and I get hit, I typically accept the retaliation match with a tank team and retreat. Thus they get points for beating my tank team, plus points for me "losing" the retaliation. It's my way of thanking them for attacking my tank team.

    That's the spirit my friend!! Even better of what I thought!
    I will start doing that too..!
  • If I'm tanking and I get hit, I typically accept the retaliation match with a tank team and retreat. Thus they get points for beating my tank team, plus points for me "losing" the retaliation. It's my way of thanking them for attacking my tank team.

    I tend to do the same. So punch *my* tank team to get extra cookie if I'm happen to log in by the time the LR ends.
  • Lyrian wrote:
    The higher the scores climb, the faster the benefits of tanking are consumed away. As noted by previous posters, by 700, there are no remaining benefits of any tanking effort applied from previous tourneys.

    LOL, that sound like the "if you're not first then you're last". Let's phrase it correctly: you admit that there are clear benefits at least to the 700 pts level. That sounds better than "no benefits to even 100", right?

    And I'm not so sure, as probably the formula that rises your MMR considers the beaten opponent's one, so you rise lower amount beating the offered lower guys too. So all you need to do is entering late as possible and skip to fat games so playing least amount of games to remain in the lows.
  • There are two reasons to tank, so far this thread has mentioned one> it's easier to beat down teams that have lower levels then yours. But once you get to a certain point, beating the other team is very easy and the concern becomes getting retaliated against. So the reason I tank is two fold. Lower level teams have almost no chance of beating my team and thus I don't have to pay for shields and in lightning rounds it is extremely fast and easy to get to 600 by beating down 1 and 2* teams. (600 or so is usually enough for top 2). What's funny is tankers like myself actively avoid other tankers because theydon't want retaliations. I won't attack the number two guy in my LR if he's in my mmr, because I can pound on someone else who won't hit back. I know they also follow this practice because they never hit me either, even though I'm worth more points than any other possible target.