Best cards?



  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    I think Nissa's Renewal is a must have in a Green deck. It can generate enough mana to fill the rest of your entire hand while recovering 30 health all in one shot. I find it essential in turning the tide, especially if you are lacking creatures with lifelink.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    buscemi wrote:
    Ohboy wrote:
    buscemi wrote:
    This is usually the point where I stick my head over the top of the trenches and say 'Nissa's Pilgrimage'

    Behold the Beyond is due to break soon, tho, whenever they release a GB or UB planeswalker. And then this long period of stability where we pretend like OP cards aren't a problem will come to an end.

    Who is pretending op cards aren't a problem? Oh right. The ones who got the op cards.

    Does it annoy you that some cards are OP? Then start some threads on the forum! I tried, months ago, several times, and this was the response, so I gave up.


    Stop merely reacting to other people's posts and make some forum content yourself! I look forward to seeing which cards you consider to be OP.

    If people dislike me pointing out the flaws of their ideas, they downright hate the stuff I post.

    I did post once remember? Advocating for certain changes in the game. The suggestions were not popular, and the implementation universally hated by the people here. Being hated gets tiring.

    But point taken. You've inspired me, and it's time to draft a second post.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ohboy wrote:
    I guess we're going full on power creep then?

    Kaladesh is notable in that most of its creatures, to this point, are perceived as anti-power creep, and not much worth playing.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Hexproof has new counters in the form of Thalia and Authority of the Consuls which gives you that 1 turn window when it is summoned to use your removal on the Hexproof creature. Otherwise, you've to resort to first creature disable or mass disable on top of the previously mentioned Hexproof counters.

    My list of best cards are on the basis of being able to slot them into whichever existing planeswalker can best utilise them, is in no particular order (cause they're all too OP) and is not restricted to cards I have:
    1. Olivia, Mobilized for War
    2. Drowner of Hope
    3. Starfield of Nyx
    4. Deploy the Gatewatch
    5. Hixus, Prison Warden

    Special mention: Behold the Beyond
  • Fiddler
    Fiddler Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    At last, Drowner of Hope gets some respect! So flexible.

    Its a mana booster.
    It disables all the opposing creatures.
    It protects block.
    It synergizes so well with colorless creatures and eldrazi scion spawning supports.
    And with all that its an 8/8 + 4/4 for a mere 17 cost?
  • DumasAG
    DumasAG Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Drowner super good. I'd also like to humbly add Prized Amalgam. Excellent in zombies, and powers several different strong combos with different planeswalkers. It's an extraordinarily useful engine in a lot of decks (and only a rare! now you're just SUPER unlikely to get it, as opposed to actual mythic status)
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,961 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know if Ulrich is top 5, but it is way up there. Very strong on its own. It is a strong creature that is both a buff and creature removal in the same card.
  • sageofhalo451
    sageofhalo451 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    My criteria for "OP" is longevity and versatility. What do they offer the meta that is so strong they will integrate into any future sets or even be cornerstones for the foreseeable future.

    1. Deploy the Gatewatch: no matter how expensive your creatures this brings them to the board. Huge offensive and mana advantage.

    2. Mirrorpool: Similar to above and even infinitely better when in concert with Deploy. Every creature with an awesome body is ~twice as good with this little 4 mana support. Every huge mana cost spell to come can be trivial to cast.

    3. Behold the Beyond: Critical mana and card draw advantage.

    4. Startled Awake: Huge mana ramp for a color that already has solid draw and control. Has applications and worth to any future set.

    5. Olivia: Ya everyone knows why but this lady is pervasive. Red can combo with any color right now. Every creature is made a huge threat by Olivia.
  • Pestilence
    Pestilence Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    1. Nissas renewal
    2. Deploy the gatewatch
    3. Engulf the shore
    4. Mirror pool
    5. Olivia

    Honorable mention
    Uncaged fury