Development Thread - (12/15/16)



  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,099 Chairperson of the Boards
    octal9 wrote:
    Are you aware of the current hexproof issue? We cannot target our own hexproof creatures.

    Yes. It was a decision we made due to the way we word and work with the mechanic (Hexproof makes a creature immune to the word "Target" in cards) so it becomes normal that you cannot target your own creatures that have Hexproof. It's also a balancing act on Hexproof as it is very strong, so the downside to it is that you also cannot target your own creatures.

    That was the decision we made about it, but we may revert the change if we feel it affects the game too strongly.

    Hexproof change also means that we cant use Sigarda to give hexproof to first striking humans in G1 decks anymore. Since he wont be able to give them vigilance that easily. Gauranteed no one uses G1 anymore if they have other dual colored pws but still this is not a good change for him.

    Also, not being able to replace a creature if your entire board is hexproof is not good.
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Wizards stopped supporting shroud and only use hexproof now because it's not fun to not be able to target your own creatures. Please don't make un-fun design decisions that the paper game already discovered and created answers for.
  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    Agreed. The hexproof change is not fun. Can you please hotfix just this? This is the absolute worst!
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please, please fix the hexproof change -- I don't want to rebuild my decks AGAIN.
  • nerdstrap
    nerdstrap Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    It's not just the design change! It's so broken you can't replace your own hexproof creature if you want to cast a 4th! Bad QA and development! BAD!
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Volrak wrote:
    Mainloop25 wrote:
    I received an SOI booster instead of an Origins booster this round. It is not a "visual display error" as support claims. We are getting the wrong packs!

    The claim appears to be that the packs we received are the intended rewards, making the packs listed as prizes a "visual display error". But however it's framed it's still a negative and unexpected experience for players.

    The prize for this round was specifically stated to be an Origins pack for 10-50 (I finished 15th).
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Do you know what's funny guys? The devs are doing an awesome job at answering us........EXCEPT when someone mentions more deck slots. In other posts in here I haven't seen one answer at all. Not one.

    Also, forget veil. That is indeed an outdated mechanic. Not used anymore....but Shroud is. That is exactly what you guys did (devs). You made Hexproof Shroud. Please either change it back to what it was or just replace all the instances of Hexproof with Shroud all in one go or give some creatures hexproof and some shroud or, like the Sphinx give it shroud and he still gives other creatures hexproof or....whatever. Not just changing the definition of Hexproof. Or, as you said the definition right now is anything target can't. So yes under that definition you did well to change us not being able to target our change the definition to what Hexproof actually is. Anything an opponent can target can't this creature. Or whatever.
  • JopeX37
    JopeX37 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    Volrak wrote:
    Mainloop25 wrote:
    I received an SOI booster instead of an Origins booster this round. It is not a "visual display error" as support claims. We are getting the wrong packs!

    The claim appears to be that the packs we received are the intended rewards, making the packs listed as prizes a "visual display error". But however it's framed it's still a negative and unexpected experience for players.

    That's a **** argument as far as I'm concerned. The first time prizes were mislabeled was Friday the 9th and here we are almost two weeks later and the wrong packs are *still* being given out as of tonight. If you want to keep doling out SoI prizes fine but say so.

    Also count me in as someone else that thinks the new Hexproof rule stinks. Aside from disliking it from a gameplay situation I think it is confusing and unintuitive to paper MtG players to give a PQ mechanic a paper name but function like a different paper mechanic.

    Finally have you guys given any thought to standardizing the language you use on cards? The paper game had to do this at some point and it seems like you guys are due. For example, as of KLD, there are 4 green spells whose primary function is to destroy an opponent's support, yet they are all worded differently, and as follows: Appetite for the Unnatural-A support your opponent controls is Destroyed, Root Out- 1 support controlled by your opponent is Destroyed, Creeping Mold- Destroy 1 support your opponent controls, and Reclaiming Vines- Destroy 1 Support gem your opponent controls. This kind of thing is sloppy, confusing, and will eventually cause problems. Seems like the sooner you get on it the easier it'll be to actually finish what must be a huge project.
  • JopeX37
    JopeX37 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    qwweetrtr wrote:
    Do you know what's funny guys? The devs are doing an awesome job at answering us........EXCEPT when someone mentions more deck slots. In other posts in here I haven't seen one answer at all. Not one.

    Also, forget veil. That is indeed an outdated mechanic. Not used anymore....but Shroud is. That is exactly what you guys did (devs). You made Hexproof Shroud. Please either change it back to what it was or just replace all the instances of Hexproof with Shroud all in one go or give some creatures hexproof and some shroud or, like the Sphinx give it shroud and he still gives other creatures hexproof or....whatever. Not just changing the definition of Hexproof. Or, as you said the definition right now is anything target can't. So yes under that definition you did well to change us not being able to target our change the definition to what Hexproof actually is. Anything an opponent can target can't this creature. Or whatever.

    I'm pretty sure Veil/Shroud are the same thing, and the different names are a language thing. To my knowledge, and I've been playing paper MtG for 20+ years, there has never been a Veil mechanic. Also, Paper MtG has discontinued Shroud and replaced it with Hexproof.
  • adman149
    adman149 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    So let me get this straight, I've got a couple of creatures out and cast myself a sphinx. And then, I draw bacon. I want to put him out, but I can't remove my own hexproof creature? So now, I've got to cast an aligned hedron network in order to then switch out one of my hexproof? Seriously? Come on devs. There are some things that need fixing, but THIS isn't one of them.
  • Abenjes
    Abenjes Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I'm fine this if you make my GR 1 to cast! Are you going that. Nope. Then change hexproof back
  • Dologan
    Dologan Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    I don't think being able to target your own hexproof creatures made the mechanic OP, but I don't really mind that aspect of the change too much.

    What is utterly absurd is not being able to replace your own hexproof creatures. Do you realise this makes Sigarda utterly unplayable if you can't replace the puny human tokens she generates and hexproofs with proper creatures?

    I'm pretty sure this is not what you intended, and just an unwanted side effect of the change, but you really need to fix this ASAP, as this really cripples many cards, if not the entire mechanic.
  • I heavily disagree with the changes to bounce effects as well. Not being able to bounce tokens is simply dumb. One of the side effects of tokens is that bounce always destroys them in paper magic. Why make them immune to bounce in this all of a sudden. Tokens are already very powerful, they did not need this boost.

    I just don't understand why you would intentionally change things away from the core rules of magic after having them implemented properly here to begin with.

    Hexproof and bouncing tokens was perfectly fine before. Revert those two changes.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    gulgoth wrote:
    I heavily disagree with the changes to bounce effects as well. Not being able to bounce tokens is simply dumb. One of the side effects of tokens is that bounce always destroys them in paper magic. Why make them immune to bounce in this all of a sudden. Tokens are already very powerful, they did not need this boost.

    I just don't understand why you would intentionally change things away from the core rules of magic after having them implemented properly here to begin with.

    Hexproof and bouncing tokens was perfectly fine before. Revert those two changes.

    Wait, you can't bounce tokens anymore??
  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    What cards can't bounce tokens now? Just the wind successfully bounced a moon token and a dragon token for me in iOS post update.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Changes to hexproof is unecessary and very bad. Plz revert those changes. The mechanic was never broken to beging with event at low level of game play. So many counter measures already exist at lower rarity already.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    What cards can't bounce tokens now? Just the wind successfully bounced a moon token and a dragon token for me in iOS post update.

    Cards that bounced to hand if less than 6 cards like Just the Wind and Harbringer of Tides are not affected.

    Cards like Lashweed Lurker and Gone Missing that bounced to top of deck are no longer able to bounce/kill tokens. see the latest v1.91 patch notes.
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    Change hexproof back, it is ridiculously bad now, especially Sigarda and not even being able to replace her yokens....
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey Will,

    Can you give us an update on whether Saheeli will eventually be available for sale and / or crystals?

  • Hibernum_JC
    Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
    So there is a bug that slipped through with Hexproof - you should be able to replace your Hexproof creatures. We're working to fix that asap.

    As for the Hexproof change in general, we're still discussing the change. We'll keep you posted.