Reality Gem Season Update (12/12/16)



  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    The change to purple also allows you to add even more web tiles if the invisibility tile is matched early, it's not all bad.

    Wondering if he can be more useful as a battery with the web tiles matching change.
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    I'm very disappointed that this weeks 4* update wasn't Mr. Fantastic, but I have to say the damage that buffed Miles does is incredible.
  • shadow310574
    With the purpel power change MM goes back to useless (middle range)

    So why ??

    I use him very often and I never could use his purpel a 2 time during he was invisible.
    The AI match the tile away to fast, but that was ok so far, because invisibility is useless at all, as long as you play with more than 1 Hero.

    But now you have to save purpel AP till you got enough to use it 2 times in a row.
    So at least purpel is just 1 power that costs a hugh amount of AP

    ..... really bad improvment, first time you make a Heroe weaker !!!
  • Skygazing
    Skygazing Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    ..... really bad improvment, first time you make a Heroe weaker !!!

    He's not at all weaker.

    Old numbers for Purple: 5104 base, 543 per web tile

    New numbers for Purple: 6946 base, 902 per web tile

    And his yellow generates AP per tile now.

    You either use Purple immediately when you want to go invis and/or make web tiles, or you save up and use it twice for a big nuke. Which is pretty much how savvy players have used him forever.

    Saying that because it switches back properly makes him weaker is incredibly shortsighted. Chances are if the invis tile was matched, then at least some of the webs were matched too. Which means that the nuke half of his Purple becomes weaker and more of a waste of AP than anything else.

    Plus the change opens up new strategies like purposefully matching the invis tile to generate more web tiles to generate more AP, use with Gwen, etc.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been playing with him in BFF. So far so good, I've been playing him just a bit more conservatively with his purple, usually casting it at 8-10 AP. I think I've lost the invisibility tile like once before I could cast Surprise
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Dauthi wrote:
    So you decided to nerf Miles because he worked too well with another character, but give him a few buffs and call it our character fix for the season? Many of us have ignored the fact that we were promised 2 characters per season to be fixed, but now we get 1 and a middle of the road character was picked because you wanted to nerf an ability?

    This wasn't what we were promised, and is extremely disappointing. Many of us, including myself, came back because we had hoped that the promise wasn't hot air.

    Why is this a nerf? His damage got a significant buff and his yellow got much better. All they did with the mechanics of purple was make it function as it logically should. The way it was originally was more like a bugged version of it. Really made no sense before, it also functions now like every other power utilising a tile on board like ice for example.

    Brigby wrote:
    For the upcoming Versus Season (Reality Gem Season) we will be updating two powers of Miles Morales (Spider-Man). As new characters have been released, some character power sets introduced new ways to make Miles function even better than he currently does.

    As others were discussing, there was some powerful combo that could/would have been abused if he wasn't changed. This is their reason for changing him instead of someone who really needs it.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    So since the change, miles didn't make blue AP anymore. Fix fast please.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Also they never promised two character changes per season. They said that sometimes there might not be any changes and sometimes more than 2.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Also they never promised two character changes per season. They said that sometimes there might not be any changes and sometimes more than 2.


    Here is the original post so everyone can decide for themselves. There is no "if" that there is characters that needs re-balancing, some characters are virtually useless, and to let that go is ridiculous and the reason I left. They put their best foot forward and fixed 2 characters initially. After that they did one, and now they are "fixing" a character that the entire community agrees did not need to be fixed compared to many others.

    Like I said, they did this because his powers conflicted with a new character's, so they changed it then balanced him. I liked the direction they were heading, but it seems like they are getting lazy as time goes on. As a community we need to make sure they realize this and change course. At some point they had the right idea, don't let them forget it.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Dauthi wrote:
    So you decided to nerf Miles because he worked too well with another character, but give him a few buffs and call it our character fix for the season? Many of us have ignored the fact that we were promised 2 characters per season to be fixed, but now we get 1 and a middle of the road character was picked because you wanted to nerf an ability?

    This wasn't what we were promised, and is extremely disappointing. Many of us, including myself, came back because we had hoped that the promise wasn't hot air.
    Dauthi wrote:
    Also they never promised two character changes per season. They said that sometimes there might not be any changes and sometimes more than 2.


    Here is the original post so everyone can decide for themselves. There is no "if" that there is characters that needs re-balancing, some characters are virtually useless, and to let that go is ridiculous and the reason I left. They put their best foot forward and fixed 2 characters initially. After that they did one, and now they are "fixing" a character that the entire community agrees did not need to be fixed compared to many others.

    Like I said, they did this because his powers conflicted with a new character's, so they changed it then balanced him. I liked the direction they were heading, but it seems like they are getting lazy as time goes on. As a community we need to make sure they realize this and change course. At some point they had the right idea, don't let them forget it.

    Please point me to the sentence where they promised two character fixes per season because I have read it for myself and can't see anything to support the assertion you made
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dauthi wrote:
    Also they never promised two character changes per season. They said that sometimes there might not be any changes and sometimes more than 2.


    Here is the original post so everyone can decide for themselves. There is no "if" that there is characters that needs re-balancing, some characters are virtually useless, and to let that go is ridiculous and the reason I left. They put their best foot forward and fixed 2 characters initially. After that they did one, and now they are "fixing" a character that the entire community agrees did not need to be fixed compared to many others.

    Like I said, they did this because his powers conflicted with a new character's, so they changed it then balanced him. I liked the direction they were heading, but it seems like they are getting lazy as time goes on. As a community we need to make sure they realize this and change course. At some point they had the right idea, don't let them forget it.

    below is what I feel is the most important statement in that announcement
    "David wrote:

    This is an ongoing process - we don’t expect to achieve perfect balance overnight, but our goal is to regularly address the most significant issues in the competitive character landscape. Our team is interested in hearing your thoughts on these changes - play with them, see how you feel, and let us know which characters you’d like to see updated next!"
    Miles falls into that criteria?