April Fools Day speculation



  • Daily reward for April 1st: 1x Foolish Dino Token

    Foolish Dino Token, 250g
    85% Bagman
    15% 3* Devil Dino

    5 Pack, 1250g
    0% Bagman
    100% 3* Devil Dino

    4x Bagman Guaranteed
  • A data update that changes your entire roster to Bag-man, followed by an announcement an hour later saying that the prank went wrong and they cannot change it back.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least one Bagman Lightning Round. Maybe a special set of LRs - rotating Bagman, Yelena, Classic Hawkeye, Venom, and Juggernaut. For the last one, you'll be provided with a donated 100th level Juggernaut (as will your opponent, of course). All healing and health packs will be disabled for the length of the tournament. And each board will have twice the normal amount of red.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    For the last one, you'll be provided with a donated 100th level Juggernaut (as will your opponent, of course). All healing and health packs will be disabled for the length of the tournament. And each board will have twice the normal amount of red.
    So basically a round of Rock 'em, Sock 'em Juggernaut with headbutts galore?


  • DEVIL DINO for purchase seems likely. icon_e_smile.gif
  • All characters wearing pigeon masks, all day.

    http://www.kotaku.com.au/2014/03/japan- ... eon-masks/
  • Well, the stage is certainly set.

    Nothing on the events tab but a tank-happy no-buff heroes only PvP.

    Once again, I hope for not nothing.
  • The eternal optimist in me is just going to dream that the 3 star Daken announcement was the joke.
  • I do like the idea of Lightning Rounds featuring Bag-Man, Yelena, both Hawkeyes and Daredevil buffed.

    My MMR will dwindle to nothing!
  • I have been saying it for weeks. Buffed bagman tourney. 300% buff on Bagman. 24 hours.
  • Everyone gets a Spider-ham
  • I'm hoping for nudies from IceIX
  • You get to play as the goons. Place countdown tiles and try to fight the Ai's Modern Storm/OBW/Lazy Thor team.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Destro wrote:
    Everyone gets a Spider-ham

    The man of spiders deserves your respect and admiration. The fat man does not. Give us throg!

  • ^^^^

    Where the **** did that come from?

    ...Huh. Didn't know Frog from Chrono Trigger like Cosplay.
  • D3 announcement:

    It was determined from a review of the code that Loki's third skill had not been properly displayed in game. We have released a minor patch to display the following previously-hidden ability:

    Delaying the Inevitable

    No one's PvE ranking is safe with Loki around. He works tirelessly behind the scenes to draw out all matches needlessly, confusing and frustrating the enemy team.

    Rank 1: delays every move by 20 seconds
    Rank 2: delays every move by 30 seconds
    Rank 3: delays every match by 40 seconds
    Rank 4: delays every match by 50 seconds
    Task 5: delays every match by 60 seconds
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    They will release the super hard math problem from Good Will Hunting and call it the formula for determining PVE MMR and how scaling works.
  • Today's 6 day pve is actually 10 days.
  • Your wife left you due to your MPQ addiction. April Fools, you don't have a wife, youre married to MPQ.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Good April Fools: Free Devil Dinosaur cover!

    Bad April Fools: Free Gold Bagman!