Clarity of Clearance Levels please

warwick2424 Posts: 8
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Morning All,

Like the title suggests, I would just like a bit of clarity on the Clearance level system.

I have just reached full progression for the Groot event (PvE) in CL6. I got my 2 purple 3* Blade's, so I'm happy, and I got the 25 CP's. Yay!!

However, after reading this forum, I have realised that had I reached full progression in CL7, I would have got 2 Blade's, plus a Thing cover. So, basically, 2 x 3* and 1 x 4* for every event.

So, and this is the thing, is the difficulty any different in the event from CL6 to CL7? I appreciate that in CL7 there are more 'better' rosters, so placement will be more difficult, but in progression, is there any difference at all? Would the scaling etc be exactly the same? So, would a lvl 100 Dr Doom in CL6 be a lvl 100 Dr Doom in CL7 in the same sub?

Cheers guys


  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Scaling is based on your roster strength, not what clearance level you choose, so no different. Only difference is progression.
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Basically in terms of how hard it is to reach max progression and how difficult the battles are is the same across all levels the difference is what you get for progression and placement and who you play against for placement.
  • So if the difficulty is exactly the same, why would you ever play in a Clearance level below your maximum level, especially since the rewards are less for the exact same effort?

    So confused right now icon_eek.gif
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't think of a reason you'd want to play on a lower clearance level than your maximum. The rewards are better all around the higher you go, but other than that the game stays the same. I guess you could see it as rewarding the players sticking around for a long time. (In other news, my daily resupply yesterday gave me one whopping standard token, day 650ish icon_lol.gif )
  • Rumakashi
    Rumakashi Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    To prevent strong rosters to compete in lower CL and also to prevent weak rosters to have progression rewards they don't really need right now.
  • Makes sense now. A strong roster won't play below his maximum CL as the rewards aren't worth it

    Cheers chaps
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Uh well I know some people play down to have a higher chance of getting t10 but that is only because cl7 and cl8 aren't really that different. Also the opponents you can fight in versus are tied to what end time you pick and not cl you pick. So like cl 5 people will fight cl 8 people in battles but only cl 5 people for placement.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    The main reason to play in a lower SCL is the potential for higher placement rewards. But for people like me who prioritize progression rewards over placement rewards (and generally don't place higher than top 100 anyway), highest SCLs are the best!
  • Beastwood
    Beastwood Posts: 68 Match Maker
    Even the ranking aint to bad, my squad is alright but i seen some strong squads but in the 7 bracket i came in 6th in rocket and groot and finished in the top 4 in 2 of the 3 sub events.... it's just down to who can hit them last 2/3 hits on the nodes the closest to the end... if you can do clears in 2/3 hours your gonna finish quite high in placements..around 2 hours in there was and about 10 other people on the exact same score, so obviously we were all on 4 clears and waiting for 2 hours in the morning, i dropped to 65 when i got up, by the time i finished the end clears in the last few hours i was back battling up in the top 5 (slightly out muscled in the end by a few 100 points damn those waiters lol)

    Tho this thick as thieves might not be as good for me as it seems to be a lot of dark avengers and they get me churning through health packs so the last hits are going to hurt no doubt (tho my super tank rocket n groot is boosted for this so can heal himself at least) but i still reckon i'll finish pretty high up in the placements... or at least i hope anyway if not i'll still at least take all the rewards, not had a problem with hitting the top reward on any event for a while, even ones where i am missing a char or two...when i moved from 6/7 i didn't notice any difference when i switched..

    But all in all i thinks about the only difference, i image cl 8 will have squads that can smash nodes in an hour or two making placement way tougher...
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kinda wish I had played at a lower level for R&G just to see if placement really is easier at lower levels. I pretty much average 100-200 per event and max out like 25% pass progression pretty much every event.

    Though just reached level 65 SCL today, ya, I'm officially at the original highest staring level. Onward to 100 now.
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    SCL7 and SCL8 both give 4*'s in progression. If it is a good 3* that I want covers for I'll play scl7 because 6 clears (not idealy timed) is top 25 when I've done it versus maybe top 200 in scl8.

    But with the extra hp and iso I'm still not sure it's worth it. I thought about it for the new character release this weekend, but ended up hitting 8.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I played SCL7 last event just to see what happened. I placed much higher than normal without changing my play style. That being said, the rewards to place t50 in SCL7 are about the same to place t100 in SCL8. So in reality, I didn't get any better rewards, just the "satisfaction" of placing "higher".

    The enemies you fight against never change, though. I can honestly say I don't think it is worth playing below your max level, only because you most likely will end up with the same or worse rewards in the end.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    As others have said, joining lower CL levels is all about placement. You're (mostly) making a tradeoff of iso/hp rewards to get extra covers. You just have to be reasonably sure you can place higher to justify the risk.

    In PvE, there's well more risk, because minor timing errors can be everything, and you're giving up the iso/hp rewards over multiple days/subs. That adds up to a lot of lost resources to chase a specific cover or 3.

    In PvP it's considerably safer, with bracket luck and spend habits the only real blocker to high placement.

    With CL6/7, you're giving up a 4* cover in progression so you have to be really sure you can place high. With CL7/CL8, that difference isn't there, so it's an 'easier' sacrifice.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    I can assure you the competition in CL8, at least in certain slices, is insane. It will be worse in 9, and then 10, etc. The function of CLs is to concentrate a greater %age of competitive players. The higher the CL, the higher that %age.

    I've found that the CL8 placement is tough, was doing decent clears in the last couple of PVEs. Joining a slice when it's recently flipped, 4 node clears within a few hours of available and a reasonable grind at the end, yet was finding top-50 touch and go. I'm not aiming for top 10, but would like to get top 50 if I've put in a reasonable amount of effort. Feels like if you have a day with less play for whatever reason that top 100 would be in jeopardy! Not overly surprising, those with rosters to be in CL8 will be those competing at the higher level.

    So tempted to drop down to CL7 and see if you've a bit more lee-way on play-time to still hit top 50. The rewards difference is about 50HP and a few thousand ISO so not a game changer, but if it means I get a bit less pressure to grind for top 50/100 I'll take it.

    In answer to the OP i would say that the forum announcement post was pretty clear on the CL set-up. Though lots of people have missed out on the info and seem to be confused. Your direct game-play experience is unaffected by CL, ie no scaling or MMR changes, it's only the rewards your competing for and the people you compete against for placement that are modified.

    Intrigued to see how CL8 looks in PVP. As a 4* transitionee scoring 750 and placing top 100 in CL7, I'm hoping when the big rosters move to 8, my 750 will start to get me consistently in top 50 if not top 25.
  • I think the Clearance Level selection may be more relevant in PVP than PVE... in PVP it seems to make a difference in who's in the pool with you, so I've been seeing opponents more equal to my own level since I've started taking a lower CL.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I would only go down a clearance level in pve if it was a new release or if I really wanted the top 50 sub event hero points. Otherwise I would stick with the highest. In PVP, I never lower my clearance level ever. There is just no point to it.

    Having said that, I don't think clearance level 8 is super competitive compared with all of the CL7 brackets. I think the first bracket of a time slice on CL7 would probably be just as competitive as CL8. But the subsequent second or third bracket of CL7 is much less competitive because they are more casual players in it. I would think CL8 would be much less competitive if it was a second or third bracket of that time slice as well. But it seems because there are less players in CL8, it fills up slowly and I am not sure if it ever makes it to the second or third bracket before the end of the first day of the event.

    Here is my theory. All the competitive players of a time slice is normally in the first 1000-2000 people that join. When I join 12 hours after event start, If I Join CL7, I am either in the 2nd or 3rd bracket of that time slice. If I join CL8 12 hours late, I might still be in the 1st and possibly the 2nd bracket and thus I am grouped with all the competitive players.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the Clearance Level selection may be more relevant in PVP than PVE... in PVP it seems to make a difference in who's in the pool with you, so I've been seeing opponents more equal to my own level since I've started taking a lower CL.

    Just like scaling isn't effected MMR isn't either. SCL only effects ranking and rewards. Period. Do not pass GO. Do not collected 200 ISO.

    I hope they consider the possibility making scaling and/or MMR work into SCL would be great, but that is not this day.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    So if the difficulty is exactly the same, why would you ever play in a Clearance level below your maximum level, especially since the rewards are less for the exact same effort?

    So confused right now icon_eek.gif

    If you value progressions over placement, go with highest CL available.

    If you want to place highly (as in top 10 or better), sometimes going a CL or two lower can help.

    I can assure you the competition in CL8, at least in certain slices, is insane. It will be worse in 9, and then 10, etc. The function of CLs is to concentrate a greater %age of competitive players. The higher the CL, the higher that %age.
    Yep. And really, progression difference (to me) is nominal between 7 and 8 at this point. It's 400 ISO more in 8 than it is in 7, and that's it.

    The single time I played SCL8, my playstyle was either T100 or T200 (honestly don't remember) - we'll say T100. T100 SCL 8 = 3500 ISO, 100 HP, 3 3* covers, 3 Elite tokens.

    My playstyle in the heroic event got me 8th in SCL7. 4000 ISO, 100 HP, 3 3* covers, 1 4* cover. I'm tracking T10 for MR&G, T20 at the worst. There's zero difference between T20 SCL7 and T100 SCL8. I'm fine with less overall placement stress in SCL7 for right now with the easier opportunity at a 4* myself. If all I'm missing is 400 ISO but gaining a 4* for the same efforts (and really... I'm net +100 ISO due to placement anyway), it's worth it.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Kinda wish I had played at a lower level for R&G just to see if placement really is easier at lower levels. I pretty much average 100-200 per event and max out like 25% pass progression pretty much every event.

    Though just reached level 65 SCL today, ya, I'm officially at the original highest staring level. Onward to 100 now.

    All things being equal SCL7 is easier to place than SCL8. I average top 20 finishes in SCL8 whereas with similar scoring I end up top 10 in SCL7. If there is an event where the 4* is a critical cover for me I always choose 7 over 8 because the field is much less hardcore there.
  • guib
    guib Posts: 83 Match Maker
    is there somewhere a post that detailed the rewards for the SUBnodes and compare them between CL7 and CL8 ?
    I cant find the information icon_e_sad.gif
    or are there no differences for subnodes ?