Enemy of the State - Progression too high [fix coming]



  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've done 4+ clears for each regular node and 2+ clears for every wave node, and still I am miles away from hitting the max prog. This is absolutely ridiculous to slog through a 7-day event and not win the 15 cp at the end of it.

    Why bother doing anything with this game? They won't even give you 3/4 of a chance to win the one color cover you need at a 0.7% pull rate??? How stingy can they be???

    I was excited about the roll-out of SCL 8, but the additional ISO and HP it provides doesn't mean anything if it comes in tandom with losing out on 15 cp per event. So now the only guaranteed way I can get cp is in drips and drops from championing, logon rewards and the 1 cp per node in pve, 2 nodes per day, plus early progression rewards.

    Why is it always that they give us one nice thing and then take away something that was more valuable?
  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    I've done every full point clear in the entire event plus several extra clears and now stand at 15422 below progression.

    This sucks. Please let us know what is going on.
  • dpoch
    dpoch Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, I'm falling in this falling-short camp as well. Got 128,500 pts. for the event with less than 4 hours left, & I don't think it's mathematically possible for me to hit full progression this time, even when currently ranked 31st in my slice.
  • Stussi
    Stussi Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    Same...16k below from progression and I cleared all the missions of the last 2 days icon_e_sad.gif
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I'm in the same boat. It is incredibly deflating to complete an event easily in the top 100 and miss progression especially on a 7 day event.

    My sub finishes in 4 hours, and I have 123299 points, with the final sub all cleared leaving me needing 14701 points.

    Currently a full clear is around 7k points. Now, I know I haven't hit the nodes optimally, as work/life responsibilities prevent this - however I always hit max progression playing like this - this is my way to balance play time. This method of scoring was introduced to enable more friendly play times.

    4x clears of standard nodes isn't hard but as it has been discussed wave nodes don't seem to be calculated this way. I green checked several if not all nodes. What this is suggesting is that not clearing the wave nodes optimally 4 times completely ruins your chances.

    I'm disappointed that this information was not given before hand, 15 CP is a lot to miss out on, and clarity of play, scoring and feedbacks is something severely lacking in MPQ.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've played well over the "minimum" of getting the timers going on all nodes. I'm still running short.

    Got all the timers going on the last sub immediately after opening last night, and I'm 18K short of max progression. Not sure I'm going to make it.

    What's worse is that this is my favorite event, but it's always the one they keep moving the max progression bar on... it's like they don't know how to figure out the points on a system THEY CREATED.

    7 days invested in playing to come up short, very disappointing. Especially when I wasn't doing the bare minimum.
  • InfernosEnforcer
    InfernosEnforcer Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    For every sub- event I would get 4/2 clears done as soon as possible. Then just before I went to bed I'd do one more clear on each, then do that again in the morning. This is much more effort then it ever takes for max progression. At the end of my first go through of the last sub I was 11K off. Before I went to bed I got around ~7500 points and then I got the last ~4K in the morning. At that point I should have been focused on ranking, not on finishing progression.
  • Kjeldbjerg
    Kjeldbjerg Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Did 4 clears on all subs, 6 clears on most.
    Finished 13th with 122k.
  • InfernosEnforcer
    InfernosEnforcer Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    So from what I've seen not only were the points per node off when it comes to progression, but a lot of people who are describing similar strategies also seem to have ended up with wildly different point totals as well.
  • I also had trouble getting the 15 CP. As today is the last day, I pulled out an Excel spreadsheet and calculated how many points I would have needed to make it to the end. I would not have reached the goal even if I ground everything to zero, so I gave up. I had all the essential characters and I played like I usually do to get the final progression reward. I picked CL 7 -- I don't know if that's what made it so hard, but man, it was not possible to get it this time!
  • escart85
    escart85 Posts: 54 Match Maker
    I also had trouble getting the 15 CP. As today is the last day, I pulled out an Excel spreadsheet and calculated how many points I would have needed to make it to the end. I would not have reached the goal even if I ground everything to zero, so I gave up. I had all the essential characters and I played like I usually do to get the final progression reward. I picked CL 7 -- I don't know if that's what made it so hard, but man, it was not possible to get it this time!

    I ended up with CL 3 by accident (don't ask how I did it icon_rolleyes.gif ) even though I had all required chars and a good 3* roster = ended up at 128K or so
  • Xzasxz
    Xzasxz Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Any comment from D3? No? And the next event screwed same way ...
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Just want to add that only 9 people out of 1000 made progression in my CL7 bracket. The few that did were almost all members of high-level PVE alliances. I myself am in an T100 PVE alliance where usually everyone makes progression, and only 6/20 made it.

    I hope D3 is looking at the stats because this has to be the lowest % of progression achievement for a non-boss PVE in recent memory. You had to play pretty hardcore the entire seven days to make it. I don't see how this was possibly the intended score level. I hope they retroactively lower the bar and give people more rewards.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    As seen in the official announcement, this was an error and compensation will be sent according to individual final scores.


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