Enemy of the State - Progression too high [fix coming]

irwando Posts: 263 Mover and Shaker
It is our understanding that final Progressions, in an event with wave nodes, should be able to be reached with 4x clears of normal nodes and 2x clears of wave nodes.

It seems in the current incarnation that the points were calculated on 4x clears of wave nodes as well. As such many of us will miss max progression, including myself. Please see threads:


Many of us who slogged through this long event are very disappointed to find out we'll miss the 15cp while doing what we thought we needed to to hit it.

Please consider something to make up for this loss, or clarify your intent on wave nodes vs progression.

Moderator edit- D3 has acknowledge this was an error, and will be sending compensation to players according to their score. Official announcement here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=54372

Also, fixed spelling in the subject line. *twitch*


  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    Here is an image of my scoring spreadsheet up to the current sub. As you can see I have done more than just the required "full point clears" (4 for normal nodes, 2 for waves) and still need 47638 points for progression. I don't think the last sub will provide that.

    Here is an image where I filled in the remaining sub with full point clears. The node points colored purple might be off, they are from previous runs. The yellow boxes at the bottom are actual point values for each sub that I have gotten so far - except of course the last sub.

    According to all this, I will still be more than 23K away from progression even though I have done what the devs said was required. Please let us know what is going on.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    Heh, I was happy to finally have a decently-covered 4* so I wouldn't have to two-man his essential nodes, as well as the other two essentials... I religiously did my 4 clears or more than that in every sub... still 40k away from max progression as I start the last sub.

    And it's a 7 day event.

    Son, I am disappoint icon_neutral.gif
  • Bondidude
    Bondidude Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I have been 6x and even 7x on a few nodes this entire event and I BARELY scraped into progression at the end of my grind of day 7 this morning. I was wondering what was going on because I was thinking that I'm usually well past progression and just grinding out my alliance goal by this point.

    Madness. Pure madness!
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Fix it please in line with public statements made by the developers to the playing community
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    In each sub so far I have done 4 clears of wach non-wave node, 2 clears of each wave node, with 2 extra clears of each node for the 48 hr sub. The current sub (sub 5, expires at 10 pm central), I have also done this with the exception of two nodes: 'human torch' and 'rescue & revenge' (which has 1 clear). This leaves 7 node clears, and all of sub 6 starting at 10pm tonight in order to hit maximum progression.

    My current point total for the event is 80,556. This leaves me 57,444 points short of maximum progression.

    Please adjust/fix, or (more likely) compensate for this error or lack of communication on a change to the general event pacing.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Same here, I've cleared each non wave node 4 times at least & each wave node at least 3 times for the substantial point value, yet I'm still over 20,000 points shy of the final progression rewards. Seems like a miscalculation in the value/quantity of the wave nodes.
  • Razamataz
    Razamataz Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Same here have hit 6x all but 2 nodes which I hit 4times and only just hit progression in middle of last sub clear
  • arejaygee
    arejaygee Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I play as optimally as I can, grinding nodes to 1 point. So usually, I hit progression, no matter what. Not hitting progression until I'm halfway through my initial clears of the last day of a tedious 7-day event is rough. But I hit it. However, there are plenty of people in my family of alliances who aren't going to hit progression (who historically do) because when asked what they needed to do to this event we repeated the "4 clears to progression" line. Are we going to get any sort of statement about this? Any offer of compensation?
  • Saeva
    Saeva Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I'm finding the same thing as the other players.

    FTR, I have the 3 Essentials, so gained points from the 4* (Cyclops) node.

    I green checked 42 of the first 46 nodes, missing 1 clear each in yesterday's sub (Hand Fortress).

    With full clears on 51 nodes, including today's, and green checks on 42 of those, I'm at 134,600 points. That's 3,400 short of the max progression. Sure, I'll make it with room to spare but that's because I green checked almost everything.

    The party line is full clears = max progression, green checks = placement. Some clarification if it was intentional that you needed more than 4 clears to get max would be nice, as would knowing whether this is going to be normal going forward. Venom Bomb had the same sort of close progression issue but it's Venom Bomb, which has always been more difficult.

    Either way, not a fan. I played for placement this time but I'd have been really disappointed if I'd played for progression only to discover now that it wouldn't be possible.
  • adamdivine
    adamdivine Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    Same thing happened to me, but it seems like the points for rolled back at some point. I earned the last recruit token during the 6th day sub, but when the 7th day started, I was back below earning the last recruit token.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I've fully cleared 4 nodes per sub and done the others at least 4 times and I'm still 10k short of progression after final sub. Something is terribly wrong!
  • kennn712
    kennn712 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Also just finished my 4x clear of the final day and I'm sitting 12k short of the 138k progression.... talk about a wasted efforts trying to reach that final CP icon_evil.gif
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    this sucks. we put in the effort the devs stated would get us the reward - over a SEVEN DAY PERIOD no less - and we don't get anywhere close to max progression.

    i thought i had done something wrong, but it appears it was the devs.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, I have done all normal node clears at least 4 times and several "easy" nodes the full 6. I have done all wave node clears at least twice, with several of them three times and I am at the end of the fortress sub and still 50,000 points short of progression!!! I don't remember there being that much points in the last sub, I know there are a lot but not that many! It appears impossible to hit progression...will there be compensation for this apparent mistake or will you adjust the points/progression before event ends to fix this?
  • insound0
    insound0 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Yet another event im gonna skip. Unless they come out and say they messed up i might get the 4* and forget about it or take the week off entirely.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    I am not really a big fan of seven day events but I play every day for the ISO and tokens. Did the required 4 clears and then some on a couple of days and still 18,000 points short of max progression. Definitely a miscalculation somewhere along the line.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a previous poster pointed out it was good to have decently covered featured heroes (my Cyclops was 3/2/2 and is now 4/3/2

    but the point total seemed way too high here

    so bravo devs for putting this minor dampener on what I otherwise thought was a fun event
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,713 Chairperson of the Boards
    I saw the target was too high (unless clearing waves 4 times). So I tried to extra grind the last two subs to compensate. Many greens. Still missed it by....437 points. My fault for having a life and responsibilities, I guess. That was .32%, if FYI. Also my first missed max prog since CP were put into rewards.
  • Xzasxz
    Xzasxz Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    "Luckily" I decided quite early to show this event my middle finger and go for Cyclops cover only, so I do not curse that much today.
  • escart85
    escart85 Posts: 54 Match Maker
    I managed to finish at 127k or sth, counted all the remaining points I could get and I'd score 3-4k more which seemed like a waste of time. I monitored the ladder waiting to see if someone managed to reach the last one...they didn't and I finished in 5th in total, really disappointed since I was saving CP's for the Strange Legendary vault.
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