What did you give the latest survey?



  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Zero. As others have said, the question is would you recommend it. If the game remains this stingy with rewards as as random with progression as it is, there is no possible way for someone who starts three years behind to catch up. They would be perpetually behind. I have been given no reason to think that will ever change.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    The same 0 I gave the last 5 times this survey came up.

    Still requires the time commitment of at least a part-time job to play at a high level.
    Plus money investment equalling what you would earn from that part-time job.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I roll a single die and just put that. My opinion on any given day is between 1-6 anyway, so I figure if RNG is good for us, it's good for them too.
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    I roll a single die and just put that. My opinion on any given day is between 1-6 anyway, so I figure if RNG is good for us, it's good for them too.

    This is really hilarious. Kudos.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    To the people that put "0", please indulge me: Do you still play? Why do you still play if you're so unhappy?

    One can both like playing the game but not recommend it to others, which is the way I feel. I like playing it because I have a pretty good roster that I've built over the years. New players probably would not like the slow progression and long committment to get to the same level. Plus, most people don't want to spend a hundred dollars or more on a free game just to be competitive.
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Big Fat ZERO

    They try to improve the game but its just worse, too slow to earn covers that I really need. Which leads to wasting covers that sit in queue have to sell. They remove the icons from the vault (why), the rebalance was a joke. All the rebalance was just 3 heroes? Constant rehash of 3 stars into 4 (count as new hero into the game). Daily resupply, just enjoy opening day 1050, and its a standard token is laughable. Ridiculous cost of roster spots, I get they trying to earn money with the HP and ISO, has to balance between earning and paying in a game. Remove the 2 star requirement for pve. Thats just a waste of roster spot.

    Not to mention constant crashes, and be penalized with losing the match and health because you the developers are at fault so your bright idea is to punish me the player that is where you earn the big fat zero.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards

    Too many bugs for a mature game. Too many player-unfriendly events.
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Big Fat ZERO

    They try to improve the game but its just worse, too slow to earn covers that I really need. Which leads to wasting covers that sit in queue have to sell. They remove the icons from the vault (why), the rebalance was a joke. All the rebalance was just 3 heroes? Constant rehash of 3 stars into 4 (count as new hero into the game). Daily resupply, just enjoy opening day 1050, and its a standard token is laughable. Ridiculous cost of roster spots, I get they trying to earn money with the HP and ISO, has to balance between earning and paying in a game. Remove the 2 star requirement for pve. Thats just a waste of roster spot.

    Not to mention constant crashes, and be penalized with losing the match and health because you the developers are at fault so your bright idea is to punish me the player that is where you earn the big fat zero.

    1. What does it matter that the icons from the vault are gone? It didn't mean anything anyway.
    2. The re-balance is a work in progress. They plan to adjust characters at the start of each season, not all at once.
    3. So...after say, Day 1000 you should just be able to pick a cover of your choice each day for the rest of forever? Granted, standard tokens are pretty useless and just annoying at your point in the game, but the resupply is a free item...and free is free..
    4. The 2 star requirement is definitely more of a pain than it is fun, but you know....roster spots...HP....$$...
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Big Fat ZERO

    They try to improve the game but its just worse, too slow to earn covers that I really need. Which leads to wasting covers that sit in queue have to sell. They remove the icons from the vault (why), the rebalance was a joke. All the rebalance was just 3 heroes? Constant rehash of 3 stars into 4 (count as new hero into the game). Daily resupply, just enjoy opening day 1050, and its a standard token is laughable. Ridiculous cost of roster spots, I get they trying to earn money with the HP and ISO, has to balance between earning and paying in a game. Remove the 2 star requirement for pve. Thats just a waste of roster spot.

    Not to mention constant crashes, and be penalized with losing the match and health because you the developers are at fault so your bright idea is to punish me the player that is where you earn the big fat zero.

    1. What does it matter that the icons from the vault are gone? It didn't mean anything anyway.
    2. The re-balance is a work in progress. They plan to adjust characters at the start of each season, not all at once.
    3. So...after say, Day 1000 you should just be able to pick a cover of your choice each day for the rest of forever? Granted, standard tokens are pretty useless and just annoying at your point in the game, but the resupply is a free item...and free is free..
    4. The 2 star requirement is definitely more of a pain than it is fun, but you know....roster spots...HP....$$...

    1. Then whats the point of a vault just make like other tokens, and the icons made it so timing gave a better chance of getting the item you wanted that's why.

    2. Work in progress or not they can tell us what they are working no harm in that. Or use input into the characters we want to see change go with a balance of input from the player and the developer.

    3.Did I say I should choose the cover? No so dont put words in mouth. Replace standard tokens with elite.

    4. Whats fun on holding onto cover I am going to sell anyways I dont need more than 3 which I use for DDQ.

    5. What not gong to criticize my last point? Which is why they get a zero, buy I guess you failed to see the point my post.

    Unless you are a developer or work the company its pretty silly of you to criticize my opinion.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Then whats the point of a vault just make like other tokens, and the icons made it so timing gave a better chance of getting the item you wanted that's why.

    Except it didn't work like that. The graphics just made it feel like you had some way of effecting it, but it's really just random.
    Unless you are a developer or work the company its pretty silly of you to criticize my opinion.

    Then let's just shutdown the forums.... You post something it's free game. Just as you're free to and did criticize his opinion.
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    broll wrote:
    1. Then whats the point of a vault just make like other tokens, and the icons made it so timing gave a better chance of getting the item you wanted that's why.

    Except it didn't work like that. The graphics just made it feel like you had some way of effecting it, but it's really just random.
    Unless you are a developer or work the company its pretty silly of you to criticize my opinion.

    Then let's just shutdown the forums.... You post something it's free game. Just as you're free to and did criticize his opinion.

    Go back and read what I wrote, if it has no the point then just use normal tokens instead.

    What does this have to do with shutting down the fourms? This is feedback for the developer to read not to be criticized by his nor your opinion. If they want to respond to what I wrote that is just fine. If you spend money on a game its not a free game anymore now is it. And this is direct feed back (again) for the developer not him nor you to criticize. This is not a generic question asked by a user but a feedback question asked by the developer (redirected here in the forum by a user) I am not responding to a question or opinion asked by a forum user. Then leaving critical response at that point I would be more than fair to criticism by anyone. But giving feedback of the game to the developer is a different situation, Which you really don't seem to understand.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I gave it a 3... I recommended the game to 2 people right before the anniversary, but I hesitate to do it again.

    As everyone else has said, the lack of communication (HUGELY disrespectful feeling), the bugs, RNG, scaling, the 1-step-forward, 2-steps-back approach...

    that being said it is a fun game that I still actually enjoy. The issues mentioned above do not make it a BAD game to play, it just feels like we could be playing a game so much better if they'd just listen to us sometimes.

    Also, people have mentioned SCL helping people just starting. This may be true, but as someone who plays every day and STILL has no usable 4* characters on day 390, I don't think it is helping fast enough. The 2 people I recommended the game like it, but have similar gripes as us but on a smaller scale. Then again, this game IS all about scaling issues...
  • StarScream
    StarScream Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    20,000 for a lousy Human Torch? Ridiculous.
    Roster slots are way too expensive.
    Insulting Iso rewards.
    Even worse standard tokens.
    Covers are way too hard to come by. Useful ones anyway.
    "Random" matches that set off massive chain reactions almost every single game when I get them one out of five.

    If I could give a negative number I would.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    What does this have to do with shutting down the fourms? This is feedback for the developer to read not to be criticized by his nor your opinion. If they want to respond to what I wrote that is just fine. If you spend money on a game its not a free game anymore now is it. And this is direct feed back (again) for the developer not him nor you to criticize. This is not a generic question asked by a user but a feedback question asked by the developer (redirected here in the forum by a user) I am not responding to a question or opinion asked by a forum user. Then leaving critical response at that point I would be more than fair to criticism by anyone. But giving feedback of the game to the developer is a different situation, Which you really don't seem to understand.

    My point was that by having discussions about people's suggestions people can improve an idea even further. If want to give the devs feedback without being criticized, send an e-mail to CS. The forum is just that, a forum. It would be super boring to come here and just see solo ideas that no one else could comment on. If you can't take someone criticizing your ideas, the internet is the wrong place for you...
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll wrote:
    1. Then whats the point of a vault just make like other tokens, and the icons made it so timing gave a better chance of getting the item you wanted that's why.

    Except it didn't work like that. The graphics just made it feel like you had some way of effecting it, but it's really just random.
    Unless you are a developer or work the company its pretty silly of you to criticize my opinion.

    Then let's just shutdown the forums.... You post something it's free game. Just as you're free to and did criticize his opinion.

    Go back and read what I wrote, if it has no the point then just use normal tokens instead.

    The point of the vault is that you can empty a vault, and the odds of each subsequent token change with what remains in the vault. Take the Halloween vault for example. If you made 39 pulls and didn't get either 4*, you are 100% guaranteed Blade and Ghost Rider on the next two pulls. This is why people stockpile their taco tokens.

    Were they normal tokens, each pull would have the exact same odds, regardless of what you have already drawn.
  • Devorer
    Devorer Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    I gave it a 5 this time.
    In earlier surveys I went with 8 to 10.
    The reason I went down in my ranking is that the game has always been fun for me because of its variety. While its basic concept is pretty simple in matching 3 to x tiles (the more the better) and would get boring really soon, it is the multitude of characters and their different skillsets, which bring versatillity, that keep stuff interesting.
    My major concern recently has been that this variety has been taken from me by reaching a few 5 star champs, which forces me to play them basically all the time if i want to play competitively. Otherwise it would take me forever to beat levels with my momentary scaling or be close to impossible for some levels and consume more health packs than would be healthy.
    And running the same characters and combos all the time sure is tiring long term.

    In addition as stated numerous times by many people here in the forums the boss rush event really was atrocious. How would i recommend such a thing to anybody?
    In rounds 7 and 8 i had multiple turn one beatings by banner or phoenix because they spawned the board with tiles and match fived plus cascaded me to death or left me wth one character alive. So how wouldI advertise this game then?
    "hey, do you like gambling AND gaming? If so this boss rush thing might be just the thing for you! You basically have to win this slot machine of not dying for the first few turns of the game. And that is not all! If you survive you get the chance to try something reallly really hard and will likely not make it anyways. And if you manage to do it the reward is not the best few things there are in the game (5 *s), it is just one of the 40 sth. second best things (4*s)"

    I still really like the game and hope there will be some improvements to make the majority of my roster relevant again in the near future. That is why I still gave it a 5 and not lower
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gave it a 5. Still love the base of the game, puzzle matching with Marvel characters. But I told them I would not recommend it to friends because it takes far too much time and effort that I would rather spare my friends from. The game itself is fun but I would never recommend the time sink that it is to anyone...
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Big Fat ZERO

    They try to improve the game but its just worse, too slow to earn covers that I really need. Which leads to wasting covers that sit in queue have to sell. They remove the icons from the vault (why), the rebalance was a joke. All the rebalance was just 3 heroes? Constant rehash of 3 stars into 4 (count as new hero into the game). Daily resupply, just enjoy opening day 1050, and its a standard token is laughable. Ridiculous cost of roster spots, I get they trying to earn money with the HP and ISO, has to balance between earning and paying in a game. Remove the 2 star requirement for pve. Thats just a waste of roster spot.

    Not to mention constant crashes, and be penalized with losing the match and health because you the developers are at fault so your bright idea is to punish me the player that is where you earn the big fat zero.

    1. What does it matter that the icons from the vault are gone? It didn't mean anything anyway.
    2. The re-balance is a work in progress. They plan to adjust characters at the start of each season, not all at once.
    3. So...after say, Day 1000 you should just be able to pick a cover of your choice each day for the rest of forever? Granted, standard tokens are pretty useless and just annoying at your point in the game, but the resupply is a free item...and free is free..
    4. The 2 star requirement is definitely more of a pain than it is fun, but you know....roster spots...HP....$$...

    5. What not gong to criticize my last point? Which is why they get a zero, buy I guess you failed to see the point my post.

    Unless you are a developer or work the company its pretty silly of you to criticize my opinion.

    I wasn't trying to criticize, I was trying to discuss. I didn't mention anything regarding your statement of constant crashes, because, thankfully, I have not experienced a crash while playing...ever. For me to weigh in on a situation I have no experience with would be pointless. I suppose I may have put words in your mouth, and actually, replacing the Standard Tokens in the resupply with Elite tokens would be a great idea.

    I think if the devs made rash decisions about which characters to re-balance and announced all of them at once, they'd paint themselves into a corner. They made the statement about their re-balance plan and have thus far acted accordingly. If they made a huge umbrella, massively detailed statement, and then changed their mind or even modified their plan at all, they'd get killed on this forum. I just think that this past year this game has progressed by leaps and bounds compared to year two, and the devs aren't getting enough credit for that.