Best and Least favorite 3*

stark0719 Posts: 50 Match Maker
edited December 2016 in MPQ Character Discussion
Least favorite(s) vision, quicksilver, and falcon.
Favorites thor, MK40, logan, and Daredevil.


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Who do I used regularly in PVE: IF, SW, IM40,
    Who do I use the very least: Patch, Vision, Sentry

    But to be quite frank, I don't use most 3*s, unless they are required, or it's a heroic and my 4*s have died.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Iron Fist, Iron Man 40, Kamala Khan and I love how Deadpool is just so... Deadpool.

    I dislike several, but Raganok's team hurt (and super over priced), Vision (the way the AI plays him is verging on insane) and Colossus (pointless yellow, over priced red) spring readily to mind
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Best: Bullseye, Super Steve, Iron Fist, Switch, IM40, Cyclops, Luke Cage
    Worst: Punisher, Psylocke, Vision, Sentry, Colossus
    Essential to have but rarely used: Deadpool
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    My favorite is Rocket and Groot. Infinite health is great.
    Least it's Psylocke. What a useless pile.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards

    Anyone that generates AP, preferably with cascades attached: SW, IM40, IF


    Doc Ock was the very last 3star I champed..
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    snlf25 wrote:
    Essential to have but rarely used: Deadpool

    Just toss him into DDQ everyday for the DP points. I use him only for DDQ nowadays (unless they're running gauntlet) and I already maxed out my DP points. Never know when you might need those for whales

    Best: Bullseye, IM40, IF
    Worst: Rags, Psylocke, Sentry. The last three 3*s that I champed.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    (Current) Best: IM40 / Switch
    (Current) Worse: Colossus / Spiderman / Rags / Sentry
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Favorite: IF, Cage, Daken, SW, Loki, IM40 (never thought I would say this!)
    Fun: Bullseye, Patch (when his strike tiles don't kill me!)
    Worst: Colossus, SG, Rags (I can just never find the right team for them).. Spidey too but he works awesome with Bulleye because he gives him free protect tiles to throw with purple

    Ones I use to consistently use that I do not now: Thor.. strange even when he's boosted (like now in Heroics) I just don't want to use him. I think I just bored of him after nearly 2+ yrs.

    Never used: Hood.. by the time I finally acquired 5 Blue (after nearly 2yrs!), I already had my favorite teams and I don't care for his low health.
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    I most enjoy playing with Bullseye and his game within the game. Cyclops, Scarlet Witch, Beast, IF, and Falcon are all very fun to play as well.

    Ones I dread using are Spiderman, Psylocke, Gamora, Colossus, Mystique, may never champ those 5.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like The Team of Kamala Khan, Iron Man 40 and Thor Modern

    Not much use for Hulkbuster,Carnage or Falcon, but that last story event gave me some good ideas for the latter

    (my actual favorite characters from the comics are X-23 Spider Woman and Thor (at least in the old days))
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Hmm... well I do have a particular set of teams that I like to use, and I give them code names like how we have Charlie's Angels (Scarlet Witch, Professor X, Grey Suit Black Widow)

    My favourite team to use:
      Iron Man MK 40/Steve Rogers, Scarlet Witch, The Hood
    (Team Countdown FTW)
      Colossus, Daken, Grey Suit Black Widow
    (Will need another Russian character to replace Daken for Team Soviet Union)
      Spiderman, Deadpool, Human Torch
    (Team Wise ****)
      Falcon, Blade, Black Panther/Luke Cage
    (Team Black History Month)
      She-Hulk, Mystique, Kamala Khan
    (Team Girls Night Out)
      Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage
    (Team Defenders)

    This list below is my least favourite teams to use:
      Quicksilver, Vision, Scarlet Witch
    (Team Age of Ultron)
      Psylocke, Sentry, Ragnarok
    (Team Nobody Likes You)
      Doctor Octopus, Doctor Doom, Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner
    (Team Worst Healthcare Ever)
      Squirrel Girl, Beast, Spiderman
    (Team PETA)
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Best and least favorite" breaks down to "best favorite" and "least favorite." Ugh. English issues aside, and bearing in mind the question is about preference, not effectiveness:

    My favorite 3* are Daredevil, Quicksilver, and Cap. Daredevil is just straight up fun for the manner in which his powers work, as are Quicksilver and Cap for the board manipulation.

    Most disliked are Gamora and Sentry, for being bad at just about everything they do and boring besides, and (painful as it is to say) Spidey for being pretty much useless.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fave team: Cap, IM40, Bullseye

    Personal faves: Doom (purple atom bomb), Vision (HEAVY), Quicksilver (he just can't help making the enemy look stupid), Luke Cage (match damage? Ha!), She-Hulk (good Hood buddy), Deadpool (I just took out Galactus with whales!)

    Best offensive: Magneto (shake that board), Human Torch (feed that boy GREEN), Thor (slow, but effective), Storm (buffed black? look out), Patch (Loki or Falcon required)

    Least favorite: Daredevil (good try, developers), Punisher (his red is ok,, Ragnorok (just a liability) Beast (yawn), Cap Marvel (hits like a kitten), Psylocke (hits like... another kitten), Spider-Man (this makes me cry)
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Assuming we're talking not best in terms of effectiveness (in which case I probably go for the standard SW/IF/Cyclops with KK as honorable mention), but who's entertaining to play, I like:

    Vision -- I know this is an unpopular character, but managing both his density stances and tanking make him the most puzzle-y of all the MPQ characters.

    Bullseye -- again, figuring out how to get that KO match or power to flood the board with strike tiles is enormously gratifying.

    Loki -- I'm sure it's confirmation bias, but the AI pulls off match 4 or 5 cascades against me with ridiculous frequency (it's not uncommon for me to get six or more Mischief tiles on the board at once).

    The obvious characters to shun are the team-damaging ones (Sentry, Ragnarok) and Spider-Man is ridiculously ineffective. The ones I don't really like to play:

    Colossus -- I really like his powers, but everything is just too expensive.

    Squirrel Girl -- I really like Furry Friends (both the effects and the animation), but her pink and yellow powers almost never get used.

    Gamora -- she's just not that fun to play, although she's entertainingly game-ending if you're sitting on black AP and manage to lose one or both of your other team members.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    There are some awesome 3* characters... but once you get into 5* land, there are 3 that you still take along:


    ...Those 3 outlive the 4* and even the 5* transition.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Daredevil (my first fully covered 3* which has helped me a lot during 2*-3* transition), Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch (my to-go team for the easy nodes in PVE), IM40 (best accelerator in the entire game)

    Ragnarok (deals way too low damage even when he is boosted), Sentry (his team damage is too high), Spider-Man (What does this guy actually do?), Vision (his "bugged" version was great, his "fixed" version isn`t), Psylocke (even my 2*-Thor deals more damage than her)

    To be honest, as a 4*-transitioner I don`t use my 3* very often (even though I`ve championed all of them) apart the essential nodes in PVE & PVP. When you`ll have a championed Peggy, Iceman or JG, you`ll know why. icon_e_wink.gif
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,202 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    "Best and least favorite" breaks down to "best favorite" and "least favorite." Ugh. English issues aside
    No my friend. Never compromise when it comes to grammar and syntax.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    I think most people will agree that the best 3s are IM40, KK, Switch and IF, in no particular order (IM40 is probably a step ahead of the others, though).

    When it comes to my favorite designs, even though they're not among the best power levels, I'd mention 3BE, Beast, Loki, Hood, Storm, Vision, Blade. Mostly "build around me" chars.

    The least favorite 3 in my case has to be Sentry with his "everything I do hurts" design, and it doesn't help that I dislike him in the comic books too. Get a grip, Sentry.
  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    My favorite three stars: iron man, Cyclops, Scarlett witch, iron fist, Luke cage

    Runners up: cap, magneto, Thor, Kamala

    Disliked: Ragnarok, she-hulk, sentry

    Fun but a little under powered: bullseye
  • Handoftheking26
    Handoftheking26 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    Worst: Sentry, Spidey, Rags, Gamora, Psylocke and Ock
    Best: Cage, IF, C-mags, KK, IM40 and Cyke