Boss rush scaling.

Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
edited October 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So... I don't know if this is an intended thing, but it is worrying me. Starting up Boss Rush. Kicking myself at having No Bucky, so I'm going to miss a clear continually, unless RNGesus smiles on me and I pull his singleton from the vault. (Unlikely.) But I just pulled into Round three. Saw Banner, was unhappy, but he's level 145, so no biggie, Rocket Fist him back into no where land, while Patch tanks. Then I get a Goblin... with 26k health. He's level 348. Ultron after him is level 373. This is Round 3. Not 6, or 7. This is round three. The first clear of round 3. And they deal match damage equivalency on all colours, of 520?

That's about.... ooh round 7 of civil war. Or Round 8 of Ultron. With half health bars. So... cool that they're half health. But uh, This is round 3.

I guess I am asking, why the 200 level difficulty skip between round 2 and round 3. Cause uh. three round of 350 level people, taxes my roster pretty hard. And uh, at this rate, I won't make it out of round 5. Considering I went Perfect, on the last Civil War, on both sides, to round 8. This concerns me.

Anyone else having this problem?


  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    I'm in round 4 of Boss Rush and seeing lvl 373 bosses, the first of which is Goblin, so I can't even use a stunlock team to try to get past him.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Yes it does seem to ramp up fast. It is almost like single boss scaling from previous events except you have to fight 3.

    Even THAT wouldn't be so bad except if you don't have something like rocket punch by the time you take out hulk Goblin has like 20 blacks which equals infinite minions or Iron Man has that many Yellow, so you have to manage a big takedown. Which again would be OK except then you are facing Ultron or some other tricked out nightmare.

    Also without stuns the average player's only weapon against the overpowered has been taken away.

    Non-elite player need not apply I guess, if you don't have a 4*/5* line up you aren't meant to play past round 2.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    yeah, the scaling went up way too fast. can barely get by one boss now,let alone 3. especially since most are stun proof.

    and like masked man said, as soon as you get to the next round you get pummelled by the built up ap.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want the devs to come in and say "Oh jeez, we messed this up, we accidentally set scaling to magnitude 100 instead of 10! So sorry guys, we'll fix this!"

    I'm ever optimistic with the devs. I always go into these things expecting they just made a mistake. I definitely don't want to hear them say "What, you don't like the new PvE mode? Huh...we thought you would. Well, we'll tweak it a bit next time, maybe."

    Yeah, currently I'm on round 4 and I don't know if I can beat these things. Winter Soldier and Wasp are too new for people to reliably have champed out at this point, so including them into something this difficult feels off. XFoce Wolvie is okay but he's pretty damn squishy even when boosted. I don't have my TA Hulk maxed and again I don't know how useful he'd be anyway. Kingpin's alright but...I'm still going to get out damaged by the bosses. We needed something like 4* Cyclops or Red Hulk or Ice Man to be boosted. Someone that can stun or go massive AoE or really good single hits.
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2016
    jredd wrote:
    yeah, the scaling went up way too fast. can barely get by one boss now,let alone 3. especially since most are stun proof.

    and like masked man said, as soon as you get to the next round you get pummelled by the built up ap.

    I think all of them are stun and airborne proof?
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    I have about 5 champed 4stars. Which is not good, but not bad, and another Ten in that 200 range. None of it helps. Is it too much that we get ONE anniversary without a giant tinykittyslap in the face?

    And yes. Every single person is stun and airborne proof.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    I was having fun until I hit round 4. This event even sort of put the "puzzle" in "Puzzle Quest" by making me think a bit more about which teams to bring to the fights.

    I have a wide roster. All of the 3* characters, many (if not most) champed, most 4 * (a couple champed and others in the lvl 229 area), and most of the 5*, many with multiple covers (but none leveled past their initial 255).

    I was hoping that, like other boss events, I could make it into the higher rounds to get one or two of the coveted Peggy Carter covers in order to flesh her out a bit more, but that doesn't appear to be feasible.

    I'm about ready to stick a fork in this event and call it done.
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    "You're supposed to lose"
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Blahahah wrote:
    "You're supposed to lose"

    Well, sure. Just not so damned early would be nice.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't mind losing. If that's the plan for the game design, fine. Chip away at the big boss, your characters can't win.

    Just make every character enter every battle at full health. Let me -continue- to lose, if lose I must.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2016
    My one and only maxed + championed 4* is Wolverine and i am fighting 30k bosses in round 4. I dont know whats the meaning of this, but being defeated by 1st boss - overpowered Goblin, thats not funny. Compared to unlock nodes (those with regular foes), difficulty is insane.
    E: Got past Goblin with WXF, Hulkbuster and Hood... Iron Man appeared and IKed my WXF with his red... 25k dmg. Like seriously, why does this node have loot?
    I wonder how far i will get with 5k points per boss node. 1.2M would take me... 100k per 24 hours... thats 12 days, not 3 we have icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    just tried the boss battle again (level 407) did 10000 damage to goblin before i got smoked.

    this is just garbage. straight up

    at least i got 3 tokens before calling it an event (i'm done). oh wait, 3 2* covers. thanks D3!
  • Zxela404
    Zxela404 Posts: 10
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, and it gets even crazier with later Round 4. I only have two fully covered 4 stars (X-Wolf and Invisible Woman) and that second round with Iron Man...I can't even hit Iron Man himself, he just constantly has two 8k henchman that by the time I get down, he's spawned new ones. Literally cannot damage him. Best team I can do is X-Deadpool, X-Wolve, and R&G...mainly because each has a potential healing move, and Countdown for What + Surgical Strike + I got a Plan kicks ****...but still not enough. And only round 4!

    Even a single match by the AI can do thousands of's just crazy. And the pathetically easy other nodes scaled down is such a slap in the face.

    It feels like to even have a chance, you have to have decently covered 5 stars...otherwise you just don't have the damage output or HP to survive.
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker

    Only on round 3 - went in with full boosted/champed 4* all Lv 370+. Killed Hulk fairly easily - 1st turn vs Goblin he stuns my whole team & reapplies throughout the battle. I never got another turn & watched Goblin chew through 50,000 health.

    Bye-Bye MPQ
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's my theory, On any given node scaling is x/enemies

    This is why we get a really high level Hulk in the Hulk event, and above average Mag and Hood in Thick as Thieves

    In the case of Boss Rush enemies=1 making things 3x higher than they should be

    256-422 is unreasonable for round 3, but 85-140 is more appropriate
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Whew I thought it was just me. I can't get passed Iron Man. Agree, seems unfair for it to be so early in the game.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    I'm looking at a rd.5 OML at level 515...rocking 3 champ 5's

    If you get held up at all on Goblin or IM46, OML will have tons of green ap to shred you.
  • Virus_Type_V
    Virus_Type_V Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    An old man with long fingernails just beat me up and told me not to come back... icon_e_sad.gif
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I think it's intentional. Even on a non-full clear, I'm getting incredibly close to the round finishes.

    I don't think you're meant to survive all three rounds.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Tee wrote:
    I think it's intentional. Even on a non-full clear, I'm getting incredibly close to the round finishes.

    I don't think you're meant to survive all three rounds.

    If that's the case, the devs haven't learned the lesson from Galactus 1.

    Losing isn't fun. Wiping horribly isn't fun. Particularly when it's only round 3 or 4 of the event.

    Having to use all your health packs so you can't play anymore isn't fun.

    As has been mentioned over and over again, if we're supposed to wipe, don't make us use all our health packs in the process.
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