Magnum Opus
An analysis of the performance of individual alliance members.
I have been recording scores of the alliance since September, 44 total non-boss PVE events. I have normalized these scores against a baseline of full progression for each event (which is usually 4 clears of each node). If a member hits full progression exactly, his performance score would be 1.00 (or, "one times full progression"). Typically the theoretical maximum is around 1.5x (what I call "optimal clears") and 4* progression is around 0.55x.
Next, I have added together the performance scores for each member for each event. The leader is, unsurprisingly, InfectiousYawn, with a score of 61.25 across 44 events, for an average of 1.39. However, using this absolute total is quite unfair to players who have been in the alliance for less time, so I have averaged each player's score across the actual number of events for which that player has been a member. So, for example, 4380's average score is not 0.78 (as it would be if all 44 recorded events were factored in), but instead 1.22 (as I have only factored in the 28 events for which he has been an alliance member).
But since historical performance is only one aspect, I have also performed this calculation for the most recent 10 events and the most recent 5 events. Here are the standings in the alliance based on the most recent 5 events, bearing in mind that this is the average "times progression" that the players have achieved (going back to the Simulator in mid-March):1. 4380 1.32 2. InfectiousYawn 1.31 3. Calnexin 1.28 4. TriggerTime 1.149 5. themakingofme 1.148 6. ADChaos 1.13 7. Dunbar Johnson 1.01 8. RODEO 0.929 9. demolition1 0.926 10. Scenarionext 0.91 11. Aweberman 0.85 12. vladimirjovic 0.58 13. yzarctonmi 0.53 14. Anbond 0404 0.40 15. Gee23 0.344 16. Pokemaniac1000 0.337 17. Chino 0.20 18. sgfowler 0.17 19. baf522 0.08 20. Ragnar1977 0.03
I hope it is clear from this why Ragnar was removed.
Some further points:
- I have been saying for awhile that our alliance is primarily a PVE alliance, but as long as players are contributing, we don't mind if that's in PVP. Chino and baf522 are perfect examples of this, as they are both primarily PVP players. baf522 finished the Space Gem season with a score of 9735, 2nd-best in the alliance; Chino's season score was 5846, 8th-best in the alliance. So even though they are ranked 17th and 19th in the above list, there is no danger of them being removed.
- sgfowler has made a different sort of contribution to the alliance -- Command Points from purchases. (This is also notably true from themakingofme and Scenarionext, and true to a lesser degree for some others, as well.) As long as he remains a daily player, he is welcome to stay in the alliance if he wishes.
- Pokemaniac1000 is next on the list (though you can see a sizable gap between #16 and #17). However, this is a case where I'm looking at more than just the last 5 events. If you look at the last 10, his average is 0.7, which is much better. And, yes: I am also looking at commanders. If you don't believe I'd ask a commander to leave, I'd like you to consult the three former commanders that are ... former commanders.
- Gee23 and Anbond 0404 are next on the list, though Gee23's average for the last 5 is down from his last 10 (which is 0.46). This is the region where I'm uneasy. On the one hand, obviously it would be nice to see more play; on the other hand, the consistency is there, with occasional higher peaks. I would not say these two are in imminent danger of being removed, but I am keeping an eye on them.1 -
14 April update:
I like countdowns and top 10 lists, so I'm going to generate another one based on alliance performance. This is just like my above post, looking at the average performance in PVE over the last 5 events (ending with The Hunt). The two numbers before a player's name are their position last week and their current position; the number after a player's name is the average of full progression for each of the last 5 events (as explained in the post above).3 1 Calnexin 1.37 1 2 4380 1.32 6 3 ADChaos 1.260 2 4 InfectiousYawn 1.256 5 5 themakingofme 1.19 7 6 Dunbar Johnson 1.14 4 7 TriggerTime 1.115 8 8 RODEO 1.106 9 9 demolition1 0.99 10 10 Scenarionext 0.86 11 11 Aweberman 0.70 12 12 vladimirjovic 0.65 13 13 yzarctonmi 0.47 -- 14 Friis 0.45* 18 15 sgfowler 0.44 17 16 Chino. 0.41 15 17 Gee23 0.34 16 18 Pokemaniac1000 0.31 14 19 Anbond 0404 0.28 19 20 baf522 0.015 20 21 Ragnar1977 0.007**
And, just for kicks, here's a list averaging the last 10 events, going back to Venom: Heroic:1 4380 1.35 2 InfectiousYawn 1.31 3 ADChaos 1.24 4 TriggerTime 1.22 5 Calnexin 1.21 6 themakingofme 1.20 7 Dunbar Johnson 1.18 8 RODEO 1.119 9 demolition1 1.04 10 Scenarionext 0.96 11 Aweberman 0.84 12 vladimirjovic 0.680 13 yzarctonmi 0.675 14 Pokemaniac1000 0.47 15 Gee23 0.43 16 Anbond 0404 0.34 17 Chino. 0.33 18 sgfowler 0.29 19 Friis 0.23* 20 Ragnar1977 0.18** 21 baf522 0.14
* has only been in alliance for last 2 events ** has not been in alliance for last 2 events0 -
1 May update (and yes, I know it's well past the first of May):
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Come and Get Me, Prodigal Sun, Strange Sights, Unstable ISO-8, and The Hunt. These numbers are probably a bit inflated due to the high player support for the Thanos boss event.3 1 1 Calnexin 1.38 (+ 1) 6 3 2 ADChaos 1.35 (+ 9) 2 4 3 InfectiousYawn 1.34 (+ 8) 4 7 4 TriggerTime 1.25 (+13) 10 10 5 Scenarionext 1.22 (+36) 1 2 6 4380 1.20 (-12) 5 5 7 themakingofme 1.183 (- 1) 9 9 8 demolition1 1.176 (+19) 7 6 9 Dunbar Johnson 1.172 (+ 3) 8 8 10 RODEO 1.15 (+ 4) -- 14 11 Friis 1.04 (+59) 11 11 12 Aweberman 0.99 (+29) 13 13 13 yzarctonmi 0.88 (+41) 12 12 14 vladimirjovic 0.75 (+10) 17 16 15 Chino. 0.58 (+17) 15 17 16 Gee23 0.46 (+12) 18 15 17 sgfowler 0.32 (-12) 19 20 18 baf522 0.233 (+21) 14 19 19 Anbond 0404 0.228 (- 5) 16 18 20 Pokemaniac1000 0.19 (-12)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, NOT including Come and Get Me (the Thanos boss event):5 1 Calnexin 1.34 (+13) 2 2 InfectiousYawn 1.29 (- 2) 3 3 ADChaos 1.27 (+ 3) 1 4 4380 1.26 (- 9) 6 5 themakingofme 1.20 (± 0) 4 6 TriggerTime 1.13 (- 9) 7 7 Dunbar Johnson 1.12 (- 6) 9 8 demolition1 1.05 (+ 1) 10 9 Scenarionext 0.99 (+ 3) 8 10 RODEO 0.96 (-16) 11 11 Aweberman 0.86 (+ 2) 12 12 vladimirjovic 0.70 (+ 2) 13 13 yzarctonmi 0.65 (- 3) 19 14 Friis 0.56* (+33) 15 15 Gee23 0.36 (- 7) 17 16 Chino. 0.33 (± 0) 18 17 sgfowler 0.30 (+ 1) 16 18 Anbond 0404 0.28 (- 6) 14 19 Pokemaniac1000 0.24 (-23) 21 20 baf522 0.06 (- 8) 20 21 Ragnar1977 0.01**(-17)
*has only been in alliance for last 5 events
**has not been in alliance for last 5 events0 -
12 May update:
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Thick as Thieves, Meet Rocket & Groot, Deadpool vs. MPQ, Come and Get Me, and Prodigal Sun. These numbers are a bit inflated due to the high player support for the Thanos boss event.4 3 1 InfectiousYawn 1.530 (+19) 1 1 2 Calnexin 1.528 (+15) 8 10 3 RODEO 1.47 (+32) 3 2 4 ADChaos 1.367 (+ 2) 7 4 5 TriggerTime 1.365 (+12) 9 8 6 demolition1 1.29 (+11) 5 7 7 themakingofme 1.14 (- 4) 10 5 8 Scenarionext 1.13 (- 9) 13 13 9 yzarctonmi 1.09 (+21) 11 12 10 Aweberman 1.07 (+ 8) 12 14 11 vladimirjovic 0.86 (+11) 14 11 12 Friis 0.84 (-20) 6 9 13 Dunbar Johnson 0.75 (-42) 2 6 14 4380 0.67* (-53) 16 15 15 Chino. 0.47 (-11) 17 16 16 Gee23 0.43 (- 3) 15 17 17 sgfowler 0.30 (- 2) 20 18 18 baf522 0.21 (- 2) 19 19 19 Anbond 0404 0.171 (- 6) -- -- 20 Mikepro 0.165** -- -- 21 StrangerSeven 0.149*** 18 20 22 Pokemaniac1000 0.147^(- 4)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, NOT including Come and Get Me (the Thanos boss event):5 1 1 Calnexin 1.44 (+10) 3 3 2 ADChaos 1.37 (+10) 2 2 3 InfectiousYawn 1.33 (+ 4) 6 5 4 themakingofme 1.20 (± 0) 4 6 5 TriggerTime 1.19 (+ 6) 9 8 6 demolition1 1.14 (+ 9) 8 10 7 RODEO 1.08 (+12) 10 9 8 Scenarionext 1.05 (+ 6) 1 4 9 4380 0.97* (-29) 7 7 10 Dunbar Johnson 0.96 (-16) 11 11 11 Aweberman 0.85 (- 1) 13 13 12 yzarctonmi 0.81 (+16) 12 12 13 vladimirjovic 0.79 (+ 9) 19 14 14 Friis 0.78^^(+22) 17 16 15 Chino. 0.40 (-18) 15 15 16 Gee23 0.35 (-11) 18 17 17 sgfowler 0.28 (- 4) 16 18 18 Anbond 0404 0.16 (-12) 14 19 19 Pokemaniac1000 0.12^ (-12) -- -- 20 Mikepro 0.083** -- -- 21 StrangerSeven 0.075*** 21 20 22 baf522 0.03 (- 3) 20 21 23 Ragnar1977 0.004#(- 1)
* on vacation
** only in alliance for 2 events
*** only in alliance for last 1 event
^ not in alliance for last 3 events
^^ only in alliance for last 8 events
# not in alliance for last 8 events0 -
23 Jun update (apparently I haven't been here for awhile):
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Strange Sights, Thick as Thieves, ISO-8 Brotherhood, Meet Rocket & Groot, and Webbed Wonder. The declines across the board in score are purely due to the change in full progression (and due to the fact that the previous scores included the Thanos boss event).1 2 1 Calnexin 1.34 (-19) 2 4 2 ADChaos 1.25 (-12) 4 5 3 TriggerTime 1.20 (-17) 10 3 4 RODEO 1.13 (-34) 3 1 5 InfectiousYawn 1.11 (-42) 12 10 6 Aweberman 1.05 (- 2) 6 14 7 4380 1.02 (+35) 9 13 8 Dunbar Johnson 0.94 (+19) 14 11 9 vladimirjovic 0.85 (- 1) 13 9 10 yzarctonmi 0.79 (-30) 8 6 11 demolition1 0.62 (-67) -- -- 12 lowkimus 0.55
15 15 13 Chino. 0.47 (
± 0) 17 17 14 sgfowler 0.46 (+16) 11 12 15 Friis 0.33 (-51) 16 16 16 Gee23 0.31 (-12) 20 22 17 Pokemaniac1000 0.29* (+12) -- 21 18 StrangerSeven 0.26 (+11) 19 19 19 Anbond 0404 0.06 (-11) 18 18 20 baf522 0.00 (-21)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, back to Venom Bomb (which ended 19 May):1 1 1 Calnexin 1.37 (- 7) 3 2 2 ADChaos 1.26 (-11) 6 5 3 TriggerTime 1.21 (+ 2) 2 3 4 InfectiousYawn 1.18 (-15) 10 7 5 RODEO 1.16 (+ 8) 11 11 6 Aweberman 1.04 (+19) 4 9 7 4380 1.03 (+ 6) 7 10 8 Dunbar Johnson 0.93 (- 3) 12 13 9 vladimirjovic 0.92 (+13) 13 12 10 yzarctonmi 0.83 (+ 2) 8 6 11 demolition1 0.80 (-34) 14 14 12 Friis 0.51 (-27) 16 15 13 Chino. 0.43 (+ 3) -- 21 14 StrangerSeven 0.40 (+32) 15 16 15 Gee23 0.32 (- 3) -- -- 16 lowkimus 0.30** 19 19 17 Pokemaniac1000 0.274*(+15) 17 17 18 sgfowler 0.267 (- 1) 9 8 19 Scenarionext 0.11# (-94) 5 4 20 themakingofme 0.10#(-110) 18 18 21 Anbond 0404 0.08 (- 8) -- -- 22 Jsdad 0.04^ 20 22 23 baf522 0.00 (- 3)
* has only been in alliance for last 5 events
** has only been in alliance for last 9 events
# not in alliance for last 9 events
^ only in alliance for 3 events0 -
Just noticed these charts, thanks for the info!0
14 July update:
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Deadpool vs. MPQ, Enemy of the State, Hearts of Darkness, The Hunt, and Strange Sights. (I did not include the Sinister Six event.)2 1 1 Calnexin 1.31 (- 3) 4 2 2 ADChaos 1.28 (+ 3) 1 5 3 InfectiousYawn 1.25 (+14) 13 8 4 Dunbar Johnson 1.15 (+21) 5 3 5 TriggerTime 1.04 (-16) 14 7 6 4380 1.03 (+ 1) 10 6 7 Aweberman 1.01 (- 4) -- -- 8 zhongxian1 0.92* 9 10 9 yzarctonmi 0.82 (+ 3) 22 17 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.802 (+51) 12 15 11 Friis 0.796 (+47) 3 4 12 RODEO 0.69 (-44) 11 9 13 vladimirjovic 0.60 (-25) -- -- 14 maxgiver 0.59** 6 11 15 demolition1 0.41 (-21) 15 13 16 Chino. 0.29 (-18) 17 14 17 sgfowler 0.25 (-21) 16 16 18 Gee23 0.22 (- 9) -- 12 19 lowkimus 0.14 (-41) 18 20 20 baf522 0.04 (+ 4)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, back to Unstable ISO-8 (ended 2 June) ... again, not including the Sinister Six event:1 1 1 Calnexin 1.31 (- 6) 2 2 2 ADChaos 1.25 (- 1) 3 4 3 InfectiousYawn 1.19 (+ 1) 5 3 4 TriggerTime 1.11 (-10) 10 8 5 Dunbar Johnson 1.04 (+11) 11 6 6 Aweberman 1.030 (- 1) 9 7 7 4380 1.026 (± 0) 7 5 8 RODEO 0.89 (-27) 12 10 9 yzarctonmi 0.82 (- 1) 13 9 10 vladimirjovic 0.74 (-18) 14 12 11 Friis 0.61 (+10) 6 11 12 demolition1 0.584 (-22) 19 17 13 Pokemaniac1000 0.575^(+31) -- -- 14 zhongxian1 0.46* 15 13 15 Chino. 0.37 (- 6) 17 18 16 sgfowler 0.35 (+ 8) -- -- 17 maxgiver 0.29** 16 15 18 Gee23 0.25# (- 7) 21 14 19 StrangerSeven 0.18##(-22) -- 16 20 lowkimus 0.15 (-15) 18 21 21 Anbond 0404 0.03##(- 5) -- 22 22 Jsdad 0.026 (- 1) 22 23 23 baf522 0.018 (+ 2) -- -- 24 Grazingcattle 0.017^^
*has only been in alliance for last 4 events
**has only been in alliance for last 3 events
^ has only been in alliance for last 9 events
# not in alliance for last 1 event
## not in alliance for last 3 events
^^ only in alliance for 1 event0 -
1 August update:
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Simulator, The Hulk, Venom Bomb, Deadpool vs. MPQ, and Enemy of the State; the last two events in that list were also included in the previous update. (The boss events are not included.)
All of the events included in this first list were under the new progression system, which is the primary reason why there are still declines in totals among the top members.1 1 1 Calnexin 1.240 (- 7) 2 2 2 ADChaos 1.238 (- 4) 5 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.21 (- 4) 6 7 4 Aweberman 1.06 (+ 5) 7 6 5 4380 1.02 (- 1) 8 4 6 Dunbar Johnson 1.01 (-14) 10 9 7 yzarctonmi 0.90 (+ 8) 3 5 8 TriggerTime 0.85 (-19) 15 11 9 Friis 0.79 (- 1) 17 10 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.75 (- 5) -- 8 11 zhongxian1 0.62 (-30) 4 12 12 RODEO 0.58 (-11) -- 14 13 maxgiver 0.472 (-12) 9 13 14 vladimirjovic 0.465 (-13) 11 15 15 demolition1 0.37 (- 4) 13 16 16 Chino. 0.27 (- 2) -- -- 17 hamttam 0.22* 14 17 18 sgfowler 0.20 (- 5) 12 19 19 lowkimus 0.08 (- 6) 16 18 20 Gee23 0.05^ (-17) 20 20 21 baf522 0.03 (- 1)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, NOT including the boss events. Of these 10 events, only 7 were under the new progression system.1 1 1 Calnexin 1.27 (- 4) 2 2 2 ADChaos 1.23 (- 2) 4 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.15 (- 4) 6 6 4 Aweberman 1.04 (+ 1) 7 7 5 4380 1.02 (- 1) 3 4 6 TriggerTime 1.009 (-10) 8 5 7 Dunbar Johnson 1.006 (- 3) 10 9 8 yzarctonmi 0.82 (± 0) 5 8 9 RODEO 0.72 (-17) 17 13 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.64 (+ 6) 9 10 11 vladimirjovic 0.60 (-14) 12 11 12 Friis 0.58 (- 3) -- 14 13 zhongxian1 0.55**(+ 9) 11 12 14 demolition1 0.38 (-20) -- 17 15 maxgiver 0.31 (+ 2) 18 16 16 sgfowler 0.30 (- 5) 13 15 17 Chino. 0.22 (-15) 15 18 18 Gee23 0.139^(-11) 16 20 19 lowkimus 0.137 (- 1) -- -- 20 hamttam 0.11* 14 19 21 StrangerSeven 0.06# (-12) 23 23 22 baf522 0.033 (+ 1) 21 21 23 Anbond 0404 0.029#(± 0) -- 24 24 Grazingcattle 0.004$(- 1)
* only in alliance for last 3 events
** only in alliance for last 7 events
^ not in alliance for last 4 events
# not in alliance for last 6 events
$ only in alliance for 1 event0 -
11 August update:
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Unstable ISO-8, Webbed Wonder, Meet Rocket & Groot, Simulator, and The Hulk; the last two events in that list were also included in the previous update. (The boss event is not included.)2 2 1 ADChaos 1.28 (+ 4) 1 1 2 Calnexin 1.25 (+ 1) 3 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.19 (- 2) 7 4 4 Aweberman 1.11 (+ 5) 4 6 5 Dunbar Johnson 1.07 (+ 6) 9 7 6 yzarctonmi 1.06 (+16) 6 5 7 4380 1.05 (+ 3) 5 8 8 TriggerTime 0.96 (+11) 11 9 9 Friis 0.84 (+ 5) 10 10 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.73 (- 2) -- 17 11 hamttam 0.45 (+23) 8 11 12 zhongxian1 0.44 (-18) 12 12 13 RODEO 0.43 (-15) 15 15 14 demolition1 0.33 (- 4) 17 18 15 sgfowler 0.21 (+ 1) 19 19 16 lowkimus 0.16 (- 4) 13 14 17 vladimirjovic 0.15 (-32) 20 21 18 baf522 0.04 (+ 1) 16 16 19 Chino. 0.03 (-24) 14 13 20 maxgiver 0.02 (-45)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events, NOT including the boss events. For the first time, all 10 events were under the new progression system2 2 1 ADChaos 1.27 (+ 4) 1 1 2 Calnexin 1.26 (- 1) 3 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.22 (- 7) 5 7 4 Dunbar Johnson 1.10 (+ 9) 6 4 5 Aweberman 1.07 (+ 3) 7 5 6 4380 1.04 (+ 2) 9 8 7 yzarctonmi 0.963 (+14) 4 6 8 TriggerTime 0.957 (- 5) 11 12 9 Friis 0.83 (+25) 13 10 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.689 (+ 5) 14 13 11 zhongxian1 0.688 (+14) 8 9 12 RODEO 0.46 (-26) 12 14 13 demolition1 0.43 (+ 5) 10 11 14 vladimirjovic 0.36 (-24) 17 15 15 maxgiver 0.31 (± 0) -- 20 16 hamttam 0.26 (+15) 16 16 17 sgfowler 0.22 (- 8) 15 17 18 Chino. 0.15 (- 7) 20 19 19 lowkimus 0.11 (- 3) 18 18 20 Gee23 0.07 (- 7) 23 22 21 baf522 0.04 (+ 1) 24 24 22 Grazingcattle 0.002 (± 0) 21 23 23 Anbond 0404 0.000 (- 3)
*has only been in alliance for last 5 events
**has not been in alliance for last 5 events0 -
25 Aug update:
This first top 10 list is for the following 5 events (in reverse chronological order): Prodigal Sun, Thick as Thieves, Honor Among Thieves, Unstable ISO-8, and Webbed Wonder; the last two events in that list were also included in the previous update.2 1 1 ADChaos 1.29 (+ 1) 1 2 2 Calnexin 1.26 (+ 1) 3 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.19 (± 0) 6 5 4 Dunbar Johnson 1.18 (+11) 4 4 5 Aweberman 1.15 (+ 4) 5 7 6 4380 1.04 (- 1) 7 6 7 yzarctonmi 1.03 (- 3) 8 8 8 TriggerTime 1.02 (+ 6) 10 10 9 Pokemaniac1000 0.587 (-14) -- -- monzaman 0.587* 12 13 11 RODEO 0.57 (+14) 9 9 12 Friis 0.52 (-32) 15 14 13 demolition1 0.38 (+ 5) 17 11 14 hamttam 0.30 (-15) 18 15 15 sgfowler 0.25 (+ 4) 11 12 16 zhongxian1 0.18^ (-26) 14 17 17 vladimirjovic 0.15 (± 0) -- -- 18 jhammer755 0.07** 19 16 19 lowkimus 0.05 (-11) 16 19 20 Chino. 0.031 (± 0) 21 18 21 baf522 0.029 (- 1)
This second top 10 list is for the last 10 events (back to the first Sinister Six event), but NOT including the boss events.2 1 1 ADChaos 1.28 (+ 1) 1 2 2 Calnexin 1.25 (- 1) 3 3 3 InfectiousYawn 1.20 (- 2) 7 4 4 Dunbar Johnson 1.121 (+ 2) 4 5 5 Aweberman 1.119 (+ 5) 5 6 6 4380 1.05 (+ 1) 8 7 7 yzarctonmi 0.99 (+ 3) 6 8 8 TriggerTime 0.93 (- 3) 12 9 9 Friis 0.68 (-15) 10 10 10 Pokemaniac1000 0.67 (- 2) 9 12 11 RODEO 0.60 (+14) 14 13 12 demolition1 0.43 (± 0) 13 11 13 zhongxian1 0.38^ (-31) 20 16 14 hamttam 0.32 (+ 6) 16 17 15 sgfowler 0.262 (+ 4) 11 14 16 vladimirjovic 0.258 (-10) -- -- 17 monzaman 0.20* 15 15 18 maxgiver 0.15# (-16) 19 19 19 lowkimus 0.11 (± 0) 17 18 20 Chino. 0.08 (- 7) -- -- 21 jhammer755 0.04** 22 21 22 baf522 0.03 (- 1) 24 22 23 Grazingcattle 0.002$(± 0)
* only in alliance for last 3 events
** only in alliance for last 1 event
^ not in alliance for last 1 event
# not in alliance for last 3 events
$ not in alliance for last 9 events
And now for something completely different. The following list is for PVP performance. The numbers indicate something different. Rather than being a percentage of full progression as in the PVE list, here the numbers are a percentage of alliance performance. As an example: If a player scored 500 in an event and the alliance scored 5000, then that player's score would be 10 (ten percent of the alliance's total).
Caveats: I understand that this is not necessarily a representative snapshot of performance, particularly for players who do not shield. Additionally, if major players (like InfectiousYawn) opt not to play in an event, the scores for the other players are skewed quite a bit. However, this is not meant as a shaming exercise; rather, I'm trying to get a better sense of players who contribute a lot in PVP but not as much in PVE.
To put it another way: My first interest is PVE. If a player is near the bottom of the PVE charts, I will look at the PVP performance to see if that player is a contributor in that way. (This is why baf522 has been in the alliance for such a long time despite low PVE scores.) That is, I'm looking for the good.
This list is for the Mind Gem (II) Season. Each event is tabulated separately, then compiled and averaged.1 InfectiousYawn 13.23 2 baf522 10.44 3 Calnexin 9.45 4 Aweberman 8.47 5 ADChaos 8.01 6 4380 7.53 7 lowkimus 7.34 8 monzaman 6.88* 9 Dunbar Johnson 5.68 10 Chino. 5.00 11 Friis 4.91 12 TriggerTime 4.37 13 sgfowler 3.68 14 yzarctonmi 3.58 15 demolition1 2.55 16 zhongxian1 1.69^ 17 jhammer755 1.56** 18 hamttam 0.92 19 Pokemaniac1000 0.31 20 maxgiver 0.21# 21 vladimirjovic 0.00 RODEO 0.00
0 -
And for something really completely different, I wanted to list every current player's first PVE event in the alliance.
First, the remaining founding members:
And the rest:
ADChaos - Civil War (30 May 2016)
TriggerTime - Civil War (30 May 2016)
baf522 - ?? (sometime in the summer of 2016)
vladimirjovic - Venom Bomb (14 Oct 2016)
4380 - Hearts of Darkness (5 Dec 2016)
Calnexin - Hearts of Darkness (5 Dec 2016)
sgfowler - Hearts of Darkness (5 Dec 2016)
Dunbar Johnson - Venom Bomb (9 Dec 2016)
RODEO - Webbed Wonder (3 Feb 2017)
demolition1 - Unstable ISO-8 (14 Feb 2017)
Friis - Hearts of Darkness (10 Apr 2017)
hamttam - Venom Bomb (18 Jul 2017)
monzaman - Honor Among Thieves (14 Aug 2017)
jhammer755 - Prodigal Sun (25 Aug 2017)0 -
30 Aug update:
Just a quick update to cover the first two events of the PVP season ... and so we could see IY in last place1 Aweberman 15.10 2 Calnexin 14.74 3 baf522 11.40 4 4380 9.49 5 monzaman 9.07 6 ADChaos 7.66 7 TriggerTime 6.08 8 Dunbar Johnson 5.05 9 yzarctonmi 4.52 10 sgfowler 4.40 11 supermonkey88 3.65 12 RODEO 3.54 13 Friis 2.83 14 demolition1 1.53 15 lowkimus 1.46 16 hamttam 1.30 17 InfectiousYawn 0.00 jhammer755 0.00 mr fish10 0.00 Pokemaniac1000 0.00 vladimirjovic 0.00
0 -
4 Sep update -- Space Gem Season update 2 (of 5):
This update covers the first four events of the PVP season.2 1 Calnexin 14.74 (±0.00) 1 2 Aweberman 13.44 (-1.66) 3 3 baf522 10.08 (-1.32) 5 4 monzaman 7.86 (-1.21) 4 5 4380 7.65 (-1.84) 17 6 InfectiousYawn 6.94 (+6.94) 6 7 ADChaos 6.83 (-0.83) 7 8 TriggerTime 5.96 (-0.12) 8 9 Dunbar Johnson 4.85 (-0.20) 9 10 yzarctonmi 3.84 (-0.68) 10 11 sgfowler 3.60 (-0.80) 13 12 Friis 3.38 (+0.55) 11 13 supermonkey88 3.10 (-0.55) 12 14 RODEO 2.87 (-0.67) 14 15 demolition1 2.14 (+0.61) 15 16 hamttam 1.38 (+0.08) -- 17 A N00b 1.29 15 18 lowkimus 0.73 (-0.73) 17 19 jhammer755 0.41 (+0.41) 17 20 Pokemaniac1000 0.00 (±0.00) 17 vladimirjovic 0.00 (±0.00) 17 mr fish10 0.00 (±0.00)<br>
0 -
9 Sep update -- Space Gem Season update 3 (of 5):
This update covers the first six events of the PVP season.2 1 1 Calnexin 13.54 (-1.20) 1 2 2 Aweberman 11.76 (-1.68) 3 3 3 baf522 9.01 (-1.07) 4 5 4 4380 8.90 (+1.35) 17 6 InfectiousYawn 8.90 (+1.96) 5 4 6 monzaman 7.27 (-0.59) 7 8 7 TriggerTime 6.90 (+0.94) 6 7 8 ADChaos 6.24 (-0.59) 8 9 9 Dunbar Johnson 5.72 (+0.87) 13 12 10 Friis 4.19 (+0.81) 10 11 11 sgfowler 3.34 (-0.26) 9 10 12 yzarctonmi 3.09 (-0.75) 14 15 13 demolition1 2.99 (+0.85) 12 14 14 RODEO 1.91 (-0.96) 11 13 15 supermonkey88 1.55* (-1.55) -- -- 16 BasketOfMuffins 1.22 15 16 17 hamttam 1.05 (-0.33) -- -- 18 Sabin9015 0.70 -- 17 19 A N00b 0.65* (-0.64) 15 18 20 lowkimus 0.49* (-0.24) 17 19 21 vladimirjovic 0.30 (+0.30) 17 18 22 jhammer755 0.27 (-0.14) 17 19 23 Pokemaniac1000 0.00 (±0.00) 17 19 mr fish10 0.00* (±0.00)
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