One month in. Questions. Observations. Advice.



  • MrCrowley
    MrCrowley Posts: 81 Match Maker
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
    Champ levels really snowball eventually. It takes a lot of time and ISO to get your roster up and running, but once you do you get a lot of good stuff from the champion level rewards. I absolutely understand why you feel it seems like too much at the bottom of the mountain, but once you get to the top it is quite nice. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
    Champ levels really snowball eventually. It takes a lot of time and ISO to get your roster up and running, but once you do you get a lot of good stuff from the champion level rewards. I absolutely understand why you feel it seems like too much at the bottom of the mountain, but once you get to the top it is quite nice. icon_e_smile.gif
    Then you get to the top of the 3* mountain and realize you've been climbing a molehill, while looking at the Everest that is the 4* champ mountain.

    27 champed 4*s now, and 5/6 of my last classic pulls were Venom. Who is fully covered at level 120.
  • MrCrowley
    MrCrowley Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Quebbster wrote:
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
    Champ levels really snowball eventually. It takes a lot of time and ISO to get your roster up and running, but once you do you get a lot of good stuff from the champion level rewards. I absolutely understand why you feel it seems like too much at the bottom of the mountain, but once you get to the top it is quite nice. icon_e_smile.gif

    I find that focusing on 3s will keep you from achieving the top cp rewards which delays your endgame. Depends what you enjoy, if that bothers you or not.

    I hope to get more cp so I can get more pulls that also give me a chance of 5s. The rewards from 3s are nice, but the ISO is a steep cost for something that sees play once a month or even less.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I find that focusing on 3s will keep you from achieving the top cp rewards which delays your endgame. Depends what you enjoy, if that bothers you or not.

    I hope to get more cp so I can get more pulls that also give me a chance of 5s. The rewards from 3s are nice, but the ISO is a steep cost for something that sees play once a month or even less.
    3* rewards are insanely backloaded.

    227 to 260 gets you 4 LTs and 38 CP.

    Multiply by 40 and you know why most vets are champing all their 3*s.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrCrowley wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
    Champ levels really snowball eventually. It takes a lot of time and ISO to get your roster up and running, but once you do you get a lot of good stuff from the champion level rewards. I absolutely understand why you feel it seems like too much at the bottom of the mountain, but once you get to the top it is quite nice. icon_e_smile.gif

    I find that focusing on 3s will keep you from achieving the top cp rewards which delays your endgame. Depends what you enjoy, if that bothers you or not.

    I hope to get more cp so I can get more pulls that also give me a chance of 5s. The rewards from 3s are nice, but the ISO is a steep cost for something that sees play once a month or even less.
    I get plenty of CP from champion levels, and as has been pointed out the champion level rewards are pretty back loaded. I am finally getting some threestars up to level 220-ish, so things will only get better for me there...
    I prefer to look at championing as a way to increase the value of the covers I get. By championing, I make just as much ISO-wise as I would just Selling the covers, but I also get HP, CP and tokens. That means the net gain of each Three-star cover I apply as a champion level is 10HP and 0,5 CP, without going into the extra value of the extra tokens. The deal gets even sweeter at higher levels...
    You do have a Point that being able to reach top progression helps you advance as well, but once you have a roster that can do that it's not a bad idea to take a step back and build up your lower level characters.
  • MrCrowley
    MrCrowley Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Quebbster wrote:
    MrCrowley wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I dont see the point of a fully champed 3s roster really.
    I would get the ones that matter and keep the others in the 120 - 125 lvl range.
    You will spend way too much ISO on stuff you end up playing really rarely if you champ all the 3s.
    Champing the top tier ones and then some that will give you good 4s covers later from champ rewards is the plan I followed.
    Champ levels really snowball eventually. It takes a lot of time and ISO to get your roster up and running, but once you do you get a lot of good stuff from the champion level rewards. I absolutely understand why you feel it seems like too much at the bottom of the mountain, but once you get to the top it is quite nice. icon_e_smile.gif

    I find that focusing on 3s will keep you from achieving the top cp rewards which delays your endgame. Depends what you enjoy, if that bothers you or not.

    I hope to get more cp so I can get more pulls that also give me a chance of 5s. The rewards from 3s are nice, but the ISO is a steep cost for something that sees play once a month or even less.
    I get plenty of CP from champion levels, and as has been pointed out the champion level rewards are pretty back loaded. I am finally getting some threestars up to level 220-ish, so things will only get better for me there...
    I prefer to look at championing as a way to increase the value of the covers I get. By championing, I make just as much ISO-wise as I would just Selling the covers, but I also get HP, CP and tokens. That means the net gain of each Three-star cover I apply as a champion level is 10HP and 0,5 CP, without going into the extra value of the extra tokens. The deal gets even sweeter at higher levels...
    You do have a Point that being able to reach top progression helps you advance as well, but once you have a roster that can do that it's not a bad idea to take a step back and build up your lower level characters.

    My plan is to build enough 4s champs to have a boosted champ for most PVPs. Then I will look again if my investment should be in 3s or 4s level. Champing 4s is way more expensive, but getting a useful roster for fully playing 4s is a priority for me.
    I currently have XFW, HB, JG, Carnage and 4Pool champed, and I still suffered a lot in the mini-season because none of them were boosted. Basically 1.2k progress was shut off.

    EDIT: I have champed something like 20 3s at the moment. I lack interest in falcon for instance because I rarely play PVE.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrCrowley wrote:
    My plan is to build enough 4s champs to have a boosted champ for most PVPs. Then I will look again if my investment should be in 3s or 4s level. Champing 4s is way more expensive, but getting a useful roster for fully playing 4s is a priority for me.
    I currently have XFW, HB, JG, Carnage and 4Pool champed, and I still suffered a lot in the mini-season because none of them were boosted. Basically 1.2k progress was shut off.
    That's a pretty good start there, but I can definitely agree that it's a good idea to get a few more fourstar champions up and running Before you start to sink Resources into rarely used threestars. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orchedelia wrote:
    If an alliance member sends a text and says they need help (like someone did)......what is happening? What is my responsibility/position? Does he access my roster and take somebody from me?

    It used to be that you couldn't use heroes you sent. They changed it, so now you still personally have full access to them. You just can't send them again until a waiting period has passed, which is dependent on character.

    You get XP for sending. Considering you don't lose anything other than the ability to send that same character for awhile, everyone in your alliance should be asking and gifting all the time. Everybody wins.

    A word on the team-up gifting - try to make it useful. There are guides on it in this forum, but the basics are that when you send a character, the game randomly assigns one of their active powers with the number of covers on that power. The level is some formula of the recipients power. Boosts are applied when they're active in-game, not when you send them.

    The upshot - try to send characters who are max-covered in their best abilities. A 5/1/5 2* Thor has a chance to deliver 1-cover yellow. A 0/5/0 2* Black Widow will always deliver a 5-cover blue. The level will be scaled to the recipient. Your XP doesn't change, but you might be gifting garbage. Don't send underpowered characters unless the requestor has stated they don't care. Putting a request out can be a public service for your alliance, but some people actually need them.