Omg fix 4* Cyclops

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I have a very undercovered IMHB (1/2/4) so this PvE essential node against JG, Cyke and Professor X is annoying as Tinykitty (first time I've used this word)!

Why is Cyke allowed to spam yellow?! It doesn't stack.. they got a cascade full of yellow and Cyke used it the next 4 turns which resulted in a board full of special tiles from Professor X.. it's ridiculous. They patched Vision because he was spamming yellow and blue (paired with KK was crazy), so why is Cyke still allowed to?

Anyone else find this annoying? Please share. Anyone find me annoying? You can also share lol icon_lol.gif

Thanks. Game on


  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll give you this, you're probably the first person to complain that Cyclops is OP because of his yellow.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind wrote:
    I'll give you this, you're probably the first person to complain that Cyclops is OP because of his yellow.

    Haha I know. He's one of my few fully covered 4*s so it kills me I can't use him. Can't use my JG, can't do winfinte, can't use IM40.. this is probably the toughest match I've ever faced. I just want my 4th clear for the CP, I don't even care about the exp lol.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    That node drove me bonkers until I hit upon IF and Daken as partners. I let Daken build up strike tiles to help chip away at Jean with IF attack tile. Get enough black to fire overdrive and punch Cyclops in his stupid face. With HB strike tiles out IF does 2k damage a turn and soon Jean and Pro are down
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fundamentally different from Vision's Yellow/Blue alternating spam.

    4Cyke yellow is in a similar class with several other powers, like Reed black.

    Having multiple CDs is a means of ensuring the power will remain in effect.

    Vision's spamming was the same character literally turning one power off by turning the other one on.

    Sorry, 4cyke yellow doesn't need "fixing".

    How is Vision using blue/yellow over again any different? I understand what you're saying about ensuring your CD stays alive but Vision use to work the same before he got patched. If I used his blue and it's about to get matched, I'd use it again so it moves to a different location to "to ensure the power remains in effect."

    If the enemy matches Cykes' yellow then you use it at the start of your turn as it's only useful on your own turn. With that said I do not agree with you on this one.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Fundamentally different from Vision's Yellow/Blue alternating spam.

    4Cyke yellow is in a similar class with several other powers, like Reed black.

    Having multiple CDs is a means of ensuring the power will remain in effect.

    Vision's spamming was the same character literally turning one power off by turning the other one on.

    Sorry, 4cyke yellow doesn't need "fixing".

    How is Vision using blue/yellow over again any different? I understand what you're saying about ensuring your CD stays alive but Vision use to work the same before he got patched. If I used his blue and it's about to get matched, I'd use it again so it moves to a different location to "to ensure the power remains in effect."

    If the enemy matches Cykes' yellow then you use it at the start of your turn as it's only useful on your own turn. With that said I do not agree with you on this one.

    Vision is unique because his toggle destroys his own tiles. It would make the ai really stupid if could he used his blue multiple times, and then the next turn use his yellow and blow up all his own blue tiles. Compare that to cyke, reed, starlord, colossus, spiderwoman, whoever else does something similar. None of them have that situation of shooting themselves in the foot from spamming their countdowns.

    Now if you want to argue that all characters with that type of ability should be capped at one countdown, sure. But it's probably unlikely that they will make the effort to go back and modify all those characters.
  • ProfessorGumby
    ProfessorGumby Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Now if you want to argue that all characters with that type of ability should be capped at one countdown, sure. But it's probably unlikely that they will make the effort to go back and modify all those characters.

    Of which, thematically, Cap should be the one who can't spam his shield...
    - Here, let me knock the piss out of you and wait a few rounds while my shield comes back so I can try that again...
    - What?! I have blue too? Let me stun your buddy and wait a few rounds while my shield comes back so I can try that again...
    - What?! I had enough red AP stored... let me knock the piss out of your other buddy and wait a few rounds while my shield comes back so I can try that again...

    ... geez... how many shields can one Cap carry?

    I'm going to go lock myself in my panic room and watch my "torch and pitchfork" stock rise...
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    i always wondered why cycs yellow didnt stack, other than that....
  • Figure15
    Figure15 Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    If the yellow stacked it would definitely be hit with the nerf stick. Image with 2 yellow out you get 6 red for 1 teamup match.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cyclops can flaunt that butt all he wants, but after the first showing the effect wears off.
    Seems accurate to me.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    Figure15 wrote:
    If the yellow stacked it would definitely be hit with the nerf stick. Image with 2 yellow out you get 6 red for 1 teamup match.
    i really expected that.
    why not, look what im40 does with 12 yellow.
    on a side note, is antman able to steal a max of 6 special tiles per turn with a second blue out?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    They patched Vision because he was spamming yellow and blue (paired with KK was crazy), so why is Cyke still allowed to?
    I disagree that Vision should have been changed, but the devs' thinking is that Vision can only put out one tile at a time, so casting on consecutive turns didn't make sense to them (because they forgot they put in a tinykitty load of abilities that fire passively when you cast an ability). Since cyke can spam tiles, it's a different situation to them.
  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    ammenell wrote:
    Figure15 wrote:
    If the yellow stacked it would definitely be hit with the nerf stick. Image with 2 yellow out you get 6 red for 1 teamup match.
    i really expected that.
    why not, look what im40 does with 12 yellow.
    on a side note, is antman able to steal a max of 6 special tiles per turn with a second blue out?

    You can't get 2 ant blue out because the power is replaced with grow when a tile is out.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    dokiy wrote:
    That node drove me bonkers until I hit upon IF and Daken as partners. I let Daken build up strike tiles to help chip away at Jean with IF attack tile. Get enough black to fire overdrive and punch Cyclops in his stupid face. With HB strike tiles out IF does 2k damage a turn and soon Jean and Pro are down

    You see I wanted to go down that route too but I'm too fearful of Prof X playing hide and seek with me that I feel like I have to take him out first.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I flanked Hulkbuster with Luke Cage and Doom.

    Bit slow, to be sure, with no AP acceleration, but all three of those characters pack a wallop. I took some damage in all four fights, but only for the last one did I need to use health packs.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    When I saw who I was fighting in that node. I noped out of that one. I am content not getting the CP to save on the frustration o fighting such a nutty team.
    My usual go to team for hulk buster is cyclops 3*, hulkbuster, and either captain marvel 3* or kamala khan. Get enough blue and yellow. Create a huge red cascade and activate cykes black and hulkbuster's red to down an enemy or two. Without cyclops, I had no chance anyway.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    I went with The Hood for AP denial on that node. For the third I used Captain Falcon, but just for tanking yellow so Hood stays in the background, sipping on AP (although I did actually fire off Falcon's yellow during one clear). Then just focus on red, black and blue to get IMHB going.

    I took out Prof X, Jean, then Cyc; I've had bad experiences in the past with impossible to reach invisibility tiles dragging out a match. They fired off one power in the 5 clears I've done so far (will be doing a sixth for the XP during my lunch hour).

    In 3* land, Black Panther or KK work for tanking yellow as well, as long as they're a high enough level above Hood (and placed on the left, with Hood on the right).
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I find the node annoying on the whole, but not necessarily because of Cyke. Jean punishes you for optimal play and PX can turtle up with invisibility and provide insane boosts with unlimited invulnerability.

    I only finished one this morning. Not looking forward to the next three. I've wiped multiple times on the third pass in previous iterations of the event.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I eventually settled with my fallback pair of Hulk and Red Hulk with IMHB. I let Hulk absorb all the damage and it's worth the risk of taking the 5-match damage/stun just so Red Hulk can smash their faces!
  • MushroomGenius808
    MushroomGenius808 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    I think it was the third clear of this node that drove me nuts (my 5th clear is level 275, not sure what it was at round 3).

    I had the match well in hand, running an under-covered 3/1/5 (70 unboosted) IMHB, a boosted to 275 Cage and champed Fist, had 12 black for Cage's stun, had more than 5 purple for Fist's Fist and Cage's yellow could be fired off after another yellow match. Was all set to one-shot Baldy and stun Cyc. Had a nice cascade drop for me, and then wouldn't you know it... the new tiles fall into a perfect T-formation match 5 at the very top left of the screen. Get stunned by Red, the AI drops a massive cascade on Fist's doo-rag. Jean AOEs my team, Fist is down. Another match that results in a cascade while I'm stunned and Cyc wipes out Cage and another AOE by Jean takes out Buster while Baldy sets them all up with strike tiles.


    This team did get its revenge though the next match. Used boosted 297 Thing and 183 LThor for the fourth round, died once, then cleared.

    I hated this combination of opponents the last time they were featured in Simulator (I think).... BUT(!) it makes for a great challenge, made winning that much more enjoyable.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I used Thing and IF with HB. My thing doesn't tank any colors so it doesn't take any time for him to have some yellow protect tiles out which guard me from being hurt to much the rest of the match.