$99 Stark Salary



  • There are two ways to do F2p: Hoping a few people spend tons of money, and hoping a lot of people pay a little. MPQ is set up the first way: When you look at the prices of most things, everything seems exhorbitant. The one 'cheap' purchase is early hero points to increase your roster size half way through the prologue, as it is designed to hand more covers than you can actually hold.

    I'd much prefer a system where I can think I am making a small contribution to the dev team for something I actually want. As it is, after you get 20 roster slots or so, every in game purchase seems extremely expensive for what you get. Compare that to, say, DOTA, where a $2 expense can get you something that you'll have a lot of trouble getting in-game, but isn't important at all for progress.
  • kensterr wrote:
    This is coming from someone who has bought it twice - If you are going to buy the cheaper ones a few times, consider buying Stark Salary instead. It gives more value for your money.

    I use the HP to buy covers which I find hard to get. Pump some covers into useful characters and you'll find yourself becoming more competitive in PVE and PVP - unless you just want to enjoy play the game casually.

    I bought one of these around Christmas and it served me well. It's much more economical than spending $20 once in awhile (If you choose to do that). The old cliche "you need money to make money" is applicable here too. If you spend that HP wisely, it can produce for you. Ultimately, you'll get diminishing results on your HP pool, but the benefits you gain help you earn faster and place more.

    Since it was a gift , I didn't feel to bad about spending it on what I considered at a the time to be foolish purchases. I ended up getting slots for all the in game toons (I had sold most of my 2* and all of my 1*s). That in itself helped more than I could foresee with Tanking. I also bought a hulk and Spidey cover I was missing, so I could finally level them. The rest was used towards shielding, which helped to place in more tourneys (elite in particular ), which then produced more HP/ISO , which helped win even more , etc.

    Once you get over a certain hurdle, HP isn't as valuable as it once was since you can farm it easily from tourneys (not as much as before though). ISO becomes the great divider and that is just ridiculously expensive to purchase, even at half rates.


    I obviously don't play this casually either, so the investment makes sense to me. However for someone who just plays occasionally , this really wouldn't be a good idea.
  • I've spent about that on HP and ISO but that was during the holiday sale. I get that this is a Fremiun game but the time and enjoyment I got from the game is worth a donation. Making a few purchases also helps the game development to proceed, is they don't make a profit there is no reason to continue the up keep. I use to drop that on bar tabs in a given night, console games with half the playability, and other "recreational” habits. If the game continues to evolve and I enjoy the direction that it is going I don't mind spending some $$ every quarter to keep it running.
  • Spent $65 to date on the game (50 of which was a gift card) , won't drop another penny until I actually need to. Have enough HP to get whatever genuinely catches my eye, and truthfully the two biggest reasons to drop cash early is roster slots and 'catching up'. I 'caught up' with the Punisher 10pack during the first Hulk event, which in turn helped me place well enough to get Hulk covers, which were needed for the next event to get X character, who in turn would be needed for Y character... etcetera.

    I'll never spend a penny on ISO bundles though, it's a complete joke. The closest I've come to spending money on ISO was during the 1* tournament, which provided the most ISO per $ to date. You were given basically 1200 ISO per 100 hero coins on a daily deal, and half that at regular price. The best value we've gotten to date in terms of actual sales was during Valentine's / the event before that, in which it was > 1000 ISO / $. However, if you look at hero coins conversion for $0.50 / 100 hero coins from a Stark Salary (which is the rate at all times, not on sale), it's 200 hero coins per dollar. In turn, during the most recent 1* tournament, you were getting 1200 ISO per dollar, or 2400 ISO per dollar on a daily deal.

    tl;dr - best ISO / $ to date was from the 1* tournament pack, and required a Stark Salary for that rate.
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    Wow, I had no idea. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
    On a side note, my mom is very sick and ifI could only afford the medicine she needs...
    Just kidding.