


  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    For those people that had red nodes, did these happen when one of your top 3 characters were locked out?
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    IM-40 with boosted 4-clops is just so damn silly that if I can field those two characters, nothing matters. Get six yellow and win. I regularly did over 50k damage on the turn Recharge countdowns went off. Sometimes I managed over 70k. Even used the pair on 3*Mags essential nodes thus having only three colors covered but breezing through everything. This is probably heresy but I think that IM40 is way too good a battery these days.
  • rg72
    rg72 Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    I'm stuck at Sim 19 on Alpine

    I'm up against ...
    Groot lvl 263
    SW lvl 263
    3* Thor lvl 263

    With my roster I should be getting past these, but they just beat me senseless every time icon_e_sad.gif
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Update: I still haven't fully cleared, but I'm down to 4 or 5 essentials only and I can see all nodes. I only had a single hard node and it was the final node with characters at 299. It was challenging for my roster level, but I cleared it on the 3rd try.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Crowl wrote:
    For those people that had red nodes, did these happen when one of your top 3 characters were locked out?

    No, Sim 32-40 were "Hard" for me, and 41 and 42 were "Deadly". I didn't have any high level characters locked out on the last 2.
  • shusheshe
    shusheshe Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    My nodes turned from normal to hard starting with the last three (40-42), topping out at level 304.

    My highest char was CMags at level 283 (boosted). My highest 4* was Cyclops at level 249 (covered at 5/2/5, and my best covered 4*).

    This is the first time I've been able to finish gauntlet and I'm especially proud of myself for not having to whale any single node, though I've had to lean heavily on TUs on some.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    DarthDeVo wrote:
    First red Hard node for me was Simulation 33, five fights into Global Domination: Level 253 star.pngstar.pngstar.png Punisher and Level 254 star.pngstar.pngstar.png Magneto and Blade. Current available node is Simulation 38, Gorgon, Ant-Man and star.pngstar.pngstar.png Storm at Level 282. I figure if I manage to make it to the final node, it'll top out close to 300, maybe a touch above.

    My current highest three characters are all boosted for the event: star.pngstar.pngstar.png Hulk at 250 (although I champed him after the event started, so I think he was at about 236 when the event started), star.pngstar.png Thor at 206 and star.pngstar.png Human Torch at 203. Non-boosted, my highest three are star.pngstar.pngstar.png Daken at 173, star.pngstar.pngstar.png Storm at 170 and Rocket & Groot at 169.

    It does feel like the scaling is a little high to me personally, especially considering two of my three highest boosted characters are star.pngstar.png , and the event will likely end with a node 50 levels higher than my single best boosted character (64 if you account for his level when the event actually started), 100 levels above my next two best boosted, and 130 above my first non-boosted.

    But then again, a gauntlet is supposed to be challenging. I do wish the progression rewards were a little better considering the challenge. I haven't used any boosts yet, although I likely will before the event ends, and I've also lost a number of fights and churned through a fair number of health packs.

    The 500 ISO on a first win is pretty awesome though. I would love to clear every node for the extra ISO and XP too, but realistically will probably only be able to do that for Wilderness Survival and maybe part of Alpine Tactics, as the season for the SHIELD Simulator is coming to a close soon and I still haven't hit the 1700 mark for the star.pngstar.pngstar.png HT cover that I want.

    Probably not realistic for you to finish gauntlet. The third board pretty much assumes your fully maxed in 2* and over 3/4 of the way through 3* land

    I've got 29 of 40 3*'s rostered, eight of them champed and only three of them not fully covered and eight of 14 2*'s champed, the lowest two at Level 134. It's not an all-star roster, but it's not too shabby either.

    My final node ended up being Level 295 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Deadpool, Black Bolt and Peggy Carter, the sole Deadly node. I'm not going to bother trying to play it though, because frankly it's not worth one Command Point and the final Essential node is Ant-Man, whom I don't have, so I won't be able to hit full progression either. Not that that really mattered because I don't have star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Venom on my roster and don't have room to add him either.

    The node that gave me the most trouble that I finally had to use 5 +20% All Damage Match boosts was Simulation 40, Level 289 Professor X, star.pngstar.pngstar.png Daken and X-23. I lost either two or three times in a row, decided to use the boosts and retreated pretty early after a Match 5 cascade for the enemy team took out one of my heroes. The second time ended up being a charm though.
  • Any tips for sim 34?
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any tips for sim 34?

    I'm trying to remember how I handled that one. I think I used my Level 168 Iron Fist, boosted to Level 250 star.pngstar.pngstar.png Hulk and Level 173 Daken. Hulk tanked and Anger caused match 5's and cascades. Green matches were good for two strike tiles from Daken, which boosted IF's attack tile and powered up Hulk's Thunderous Clap, which caused more cascades. Once I got 12 Black, IF was primed for major damage with his purple. Daken's cheap blue was usually good for 2K+ damage each time.

    I think I elected to take out IM40 first, because he's the battery for everyone else, then KK to stop the healing and MK last. Try your best to not let them get any yellow, green or purple matches.
  • I have 34 3* Champions but zero maxed 4*. I do have AntMan up to 193, so I got lucky that he was featured. I didnt hit a hard node until like 36 or 37. This was the first Guantlet I fully completed and I did it almost exclusively with 3* characters. KK, Hulk, Thor was my go to team to spam green and KK's aoe attack
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    For me, none of my nodes show up as a red hard node; all yellow normal up to node 42, but enemies at level 362. Maybe it's because I cleared the main path first (nodes 1-42) and went back afterwards to clear the essentials nodes. Anecdotally, I've read on these forums and seen for myself that this method is the way to do it without triggering the crazy scaling
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor

    This is outdated. It was true on Gauntlet runs up to the first part of this year.

    Starting with the run in May 2016, player's individual Gauntlet scaling has been fixed. The initial 11 nodes have a set level. Each players has a "break point". The stronger the roster, the higher that point is. If your point is below the default for any of the first 11 nodes, your scaling track starts there. If you poinr is higher, the node 12 is your first scaled node.

    For very strong players, it can be quite a jump from 11 to 12!

    From that point on, it's a steady increased all the way to node 42. I played though #38, to get all the 3* rewards. Cleared the side essentials on the way. All of the main track nodes are "normal". #39 is level 391. Top of my roster is 420, 360, 360.

    This is pretty much my experience. Thanks for clearing up prior notions on scaling. The top end for my roster for comparison in this event was: lvl 371 boosted 4cyke and lvl 340 oml/phx. Next one down was boosted lvl 304 Starlord. Made it all the way thru with 4cyke/oml and Starlord or antman. Cleaning up nodes for xp and ISO now