How many 3*'s did you use today?

SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
edited August 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
We have 40 3*'s (and almost that many 4*'s now, this question could be asked there)....and I've been wondering, who uses them?

I generally use the PVE essential + the PVP essential + the DDQ essential + Thor/DP/Hood 3* on the Big Enchilada (I assume I'm in the minority still using 3*'s on this - which is why it should be limited to 3*'s and 4* DDQ should ad a 4* needed node), as well as Blade/Cage/Fist in all PVE trival nodes (to speed them up, although I suspect many -really- speed them up by using 5*'s in those nodes...or some of their many otherwise unused 4*'s). So I use nine (or less if they somehow overlap) of those forty 3*'s daily....but six of them are fixed in the loop, I'm actually using three (or less) of the "weaker" 34 3*'s.

Pylgrim's thread (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45719) about keeping them relevant makes me wonder what else we could do with them, I've made many suggestions over time:
Having more essentials, forcing their use
Limiting using the same character to once every five matches
Giving ISO boosts based on how many characters you've used
3* PVP banning 5* and no 4*'s boosted (would boosted 3*'s be used over unboosted 4*'s?)

What else could be done to make all these characters relevant?
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  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mostly just IF and SW by choice. Sometimes others when required. icon_neutral.gif
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2016
    I've used 4 so far today.

    Since Doc Ock was the DDQ requirement, I used my favorite team of Carnage/Doc Ock/Bullseye on the 2 3* DDQ nodes. Then I used Daredevil on the essential Hulk PvE node. I also used Fist on the trivial PvE nodes.

    I guess I'll use a 5th when I play some LCap pvp later.

    Other than essentials, the only other 3*s I'll use in PvE is IM40 or SWitch.

    Not too bad for someone fully in the 5* transition.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used 4. The DDQ essential, the Daredevil essential, during the WXF essential node (Hidden Stash: West Sahara) against the level362 Juggs, Ares, and Venom, and during the DDQ Top Wave (I like Jean Grey and Scarlet Witch for that one).

    That WXF node is scaled for my maxed OML, who has been magically replaced by my way under leveled WXF. Had to go IM40/Iceman to take those guys out.

    Any other day, the answer would be three (unless it's the rare Switch essential or Switch DDQ, then the answer goes down to 2). The JG/switch one is the only one not an essential.

    It's a good point though. Can't use 3s outside of PVE. They are cannon fodder in PVP.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used 4 too, the PvP one, the PvE one, the DDQ one and switch, who I still use a lot with OML and PH (I dont care if she is buffed or not, she is usually behind PH so just AoE damages her).
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2016
    I use 3-4 in DDQ every day. Essential + 3DP + Switch (get those whale points), and then Doom, IM40, Groot, along with some 4/5s on a rotating basis with Nova-X23 for the big wave.

    PvP and PvE essential obviously.

    For this event, I've been running XForce-3Mags-Loki for that essential. It's fun to be nostalgic, and with XF-Mags both boosted, it can handle the heavy scaling. (my nodes top out around 340-350).

    So it's a minimum of 5 (except for days Switch/3DP are an essential), and up to 10 or so, depending on who is boosted.

    Edit: Just to add, from memory, these are the one's I've used outside of an essential in the last 2 weeks or so:

    She Hulk, Grocket, Loki, Deadpool, Daken, Mags, Doom, Fist, Thor, Switch, Hood, Im40, Beast, Bullseye, Quicksilver.

    So 15 of 40, just not more than 5-10 in a single day.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    The essential node in DPD will have me using 3. The essential, Deadpool (if he's not in the other team), and someone else depending of the colors.
    The Big Enchilada I will use Magneto, Black Widow, Storm.
    PVE and PVP will have me alternating among all my boosteds plus Iron Man 40.
    If I play SHIELD Sim today it will be IM40, Kamala Khan, Ragnarok/Psylocke.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    On a typical day I'll use
    DDQ: required + IF/Cage
    DDQ Enchilada: Doc Oc, Daken (with champ invis PX)
    VS: required
    Story: essential
    Story: SW or IM40

    Roster: 405 Phoenix, 390 OML, 12 champ 4☆
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    anywhere from 5-15 for me. fist, cmags, ddq req'd, and pvp featured, and if I'm pve'ing, pve essential. that's 5 min (usually). then add in witch, im40, hood possibilities in pve (or im40 in shield sim). if I cycle shield sim, add in gamora. and pve I might play a few others along the way depending on boosteds and scaling.
  • tdglory49
    tdglory49 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    With 9 champed 4*s, I tend to use 7-9 3*s a day. Maybe a few more for early PVP pushes/PVE grinds.

    Dat Required Character - Essential, plus usually two 3*s I don't play with too much (Sentry! Spider-man! Captain Marvel!). I actually wish these nodes were a bit tougher, so I could get a better feel for how these teams play.
    The Big Enchilada - 3*DP, Rocket and Groot, and Luke Cage. They were my first maxed 3*s, and I haven't found a new team I like quite as much.

    PVP: The required, plus maybe one more, depending on who's boosted. Kingpin is this week, so Switch is nice for purple/always having a countdown.

    PVE: The essential, plus potentially one more - usually IF, IM40 or SW
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've used 8 today. Some people are not in 4* land. I have a total of zero 4* champions.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me I use 3*DP SW on the first DPDQ then my big enchilada team is Hood, KK, She Hulk.
    I then use the essential in PVE for thier one essential node and PVP for the essential.

    I used to use 3* for the trivial nodes but now with the new system and time that I have it is so much easier to use 5* to match damage them away and make clears a whole lot faster. It is not about placement it is about fitting in the trivial nodes for ISO and saving time.
    For normal and hard I use 4* and OML
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Since I am firmly in 3* land with 19 champs and no 4* champs and undercovered 5*s I use a lot, 10+ every day. Especially for PVE. During that first grind to 4 clears I liberally sub characters in and out.
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    I'm a 5* player and I use Scarlet Witch all day everyday. Best character is the game. No one else can just magically pull AP out of their butt.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't really keep track but I mostly just use IM40, Scarlet Witch and Iron Fist for battery duty. There are a few I'll use when boosted, like Kamala, Cyclops, or Cage.

    I also always use Beast and Deadpool in the essential DDQ node. No particular reason, they're just on the same page on my roster and can clear the node pretty fast.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Looks like I have used more than anyone else in the poll so far. (I'm at 15-20) I am transitioning to 4*s. I have every single 4* that has come out but very few are covered. (I should say few usable are covered but Choo and IW don't count) Since none are covered I don't ever use them. Instead I have to use 3*s to get my 7 PVE clears. To get the most points available I have to grind 3 clears out, right at the end of the sub, then I have turn around and hit the new sub 4 times in a row to start the countdown. So basically I'm doing 7 clears in one go. (3 clears on old sub, 4 in new) (I only do that on weekdays. I put kids to bed and play while I watch tv and I'm kind of a night owl anyway. On the weekend I have a life and hit it when I can) The only way I can hit it 7 times in a row is by using lots of characters to save health packs. (I never did draw an OML Yellow yet but I have 3 Blacks, go figure)

    Surely there has to be more people in the 4* conversion that have to use a ton of 3* guys?
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am also at 15-20. It's probably because I am more familiar with 3s than 4s and don't have 5s levelled. I also like using a team like my TBE team to avoid needing healthpacks for someone I might use elsewhere. That's where 3* are nice, soaking up damage from slightly difficult required nodes. The breakdown is

    Hulk, Daredevil, Daken - In the PVE node to get the hulk cover
    BP, DP, Doc Oc - My duo for the required DDQ node along with the required.
    Bullseye, Beast, Psylocke - Big Enchilada team
    Fist, Cage - LR seed team
    Loki, Mags, Doom, Mystique, Rags - LR required (haven't used them yet but I will)
    Switch - Use with rulk for non seed LR fights
    IM40 - part of my sim team

    I'm up to 18 already. This doesn't seem abnormal to me.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I use Scarlett Witch and deadpool to get my daily deadpool points and the taco. I am almost always guaranteed to get enough purple to use the normal whales to kill almost every character in the required node. Then use my wolvie, daken, and loki to finish off the big e.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    3 (I play DDQ, PVE essential, -and- PVP!)
    Wouldn't this usually be 5?

    I anwered 6... those above, plus IM40 in PvE.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thor, Doom, Daken, Cage, Fist, Blade, SWitch, Doc Oc & IM40 have all been in use for me today.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    7-10 today, 20-25 in any given week, as someone who is in the middle of the 3 star transition (closer to the end than the beginning, but still don't have a 4 star with more than 8 covers). This is yet another thread/poll that shows how skewed this forum is toward the high end players, though.