Turn to Smokers Patch

The Bob The
The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
edited July 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi there, your friend The Bob The here. You may remember me as that guy you beat at 10 after the hour in Lightning Rounds. I know patches take time to process, but I have a request for something that's really futzing up parts of the current PVE. Won't you have a listen?

In this Hearts o' Darkness event, our cycloptic companion Patch is boosted and essential. His essential node in sub 1 happens to be a wave node with teisetsu in the first round. Thing is, t-set is currently bugged, so his Turn2Smoke goes off even if he's stunned (see the bugs forum for all the exciting discussion!). This is a considerably big deal because using the aforementioned boostsential Patch's green can create big problems with them there attack tiles, and the bug makes stopping them impossible.

So why come sniveling to the forums? Consider:
1. Patch is boosted/essential, making his green a strong option.
2. Teisetsu must be managed under normal circumstances but cannot be in this case.
3. T-dawg's inclusion in the first round of waves means either don't use the essential character's main weapon or suffer considerable per-turn damage for all subsequent waves (yes, Jean Grey, BUT STILL).
4. This being a new character event - and the first in the new PVE system - makes clearing nodes even more important.

So, my question: Any chance a fix can get fast-tracked here?Huh? Maybe? We've got two more subs to go, and while I don't remember if our sharp-dressed mutant will face similar circumstances in those, the current situation for him is kind of a perfect storm of suck. Whaddaya think, sirs?


  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    This should be fixed ASAP. In the meantime who has good strategies on how to deal with it while it's broken? I'm personally using Antman blue to turn lemons into lemonade when possible.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    This and Ninjas creating attack tiles when they die is a load of tinykitty, especially for this event. It needs to be fixed Now or they should send everyone 100 Health Packs! icon_mad.gif
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Booooooooring ;P

    Look that way! A new shiny 4* icon_e_surprised.gif

    Buy ISO. And HP.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Luke Cage is a reasonable option for reducing the cost of playing against attack tiles. 3* Cap might not be able to stun them usefully, but he can still destroy the tiles as well as ever. Doc Ock is a good option for dealing with lots of special tiles on the board.

    Mainly 3* solutions, since I don't really have much experience with the 4+* tiers.

    If your Patch is championed, I recommend taking his green down to 3 covers. It'll increase its utility substantially here. You can also bring along a character like Loki or Doctor Doom to make it easy to prevent Patch's purples from hurting you in the first place. Loki particularly is great because then you can chain Berserker Rages and the first one nullifies the drawback of the second one.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Use switch and jg as a pair with patch. Purple will flow and tiles will vanish as if by magic.
  • WalrusBrigade
    WalrusBrigade Posts: 94 Match Maker
    I have not participated in this node yet, but I have a feeling my solution will be Patch/Doc Oct/Iron Man. All 3* team and rely on Doc's Blue/Black to deal with pesky special tiles. So basically, never fire a green without a blue in your pocket (thanks for both colors tin man, you're the best).

    I'm sure as soon as I get to this node I will be silenced as all of the complaints leveled seem perfectly reasonable complaints.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moonstone blackflag.png is amazing.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,036 Chairperson of the Boards
    This one definitely needs to be fixed, it has been annoying in DDQ but in a new character release it is going to be a major PITA.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bullseye is still great in wave nodes, even unboosted.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh look, our metrics show that a bunch of people played those nodes anyway - even multiple times to get all rewards. I guess we don't have to change these goons after all.

    Look out for the new normal.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Oh yeah, just to clarify, I am Jeanwitching it, not seeking solutions (although much obliged!). Loki, Antman, Doc Ock and surely many others are solutions, but they are solutions to gameplay that is bugged rather than intentionally puzzling. The point is not "how do I survive this bug" but rather "can this bug that makes an essential character a detriment be corrected with any haste?" I understand that, processes in any business being what they are, the answer is likely "probably not, what's wrong with you?" Just thought I'd make my case.
  • Ulizeus
    Ulizeus Posts: 35
    I'm using lcap, lol, set 1 blue timer around, clear strike tiles from time to time, they do 1 dmg to me, with im40 around I et plenty of ap to oneshot almost everything at that wave, dunno about tomorrow, isn't gorgon in one of those waves nodes?

    Tried dd but the lack of direct dmg is so bad, you need to match red and sometimes isnt enough and the traps can be overwriten with all those red ninjas spamming, didn't try bullseye by the way, seems a good solution, but at the end you face 4 kiatsus, you need a lot of purple then XD, or big aoe, this the sscond node, in the harder part, here I switched facon hahaha, easy mode, they barely lay something.

    You can have dd on that node too, lcap and im40 for rapid ap generation, after that just shield everything, if you start to get dmg use dd purple, 5 tiles gone, good dmg.
    I'm on 3* champion levels, so dunno about higher scaling.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Also, if you are firmly in the 5 star world, none of your 3/4's will work because enemies have way too much health...so explain how we can counter this?
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    grunth13 wrote:
    Also, if you are firmly in the 5 star world, none of your 3/4's will work because enemies have way too much health...so explain how we can counter this?

    How high are they getting for you? Are we talking 350 or 450 or what?

    Regardless, it's still just a bunch of goons. Running someone like Ant-Man to steal the opponent's special tiles will eventually make the traps irrelevant and then you can just grind it out. You can also use Falcap/IM40 to do a completely ludicrous amount of single target damage if you want to rush down the node. It might not work on the first try, but it will definitely work eventually. Facebutting it with 5*s isn't the only option.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    ...Oh THIS is why I need Moonstone! Ok darn sold them all... Bullseye 3* will do fine too though
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    These type of cheap and dirty nodes are by design and probably aren't going to go away. The node even has a Trickery teamup, I guess in case the AI cascades.

    After using Jean Switch twice as a 5* player and and having to blow health packs I decided to just F it and embrace the fists. Silver Surfer and Xforce DP. Xforce is completely hidden (even pink) so I spec 3/5/5 and would use Berserker freely. Xenforcer went off every turn and getting at least 1 cast of Surfer's blue was not difficult. No more health pack problem.

    The hardest node for me was IW essential. Only node I left 5/7. Caltrops was doing near 3k when my IW and Switch have less than 10k hp. IW alone I had heal 7 times because I wiped twice. F you.
  • roderic1
    roderic1 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I occasionally enjoy going with Kamala and Patch. Use her purple to target purple and significantly reduce the number of purple. Plus, if it doesn't result in a cascade, use Patch green multiple times and stack the odds highly in your favor.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    AntMan is beneficial because not only does he steal the attack tiles, if you have his purple out, he's using them all up so there aren't any for Patch's enemy strike tiles to land on.

    Bullseye w/ SW is pretty good too to destroy them, only 2 at a time, but still.

    PS: The Bob The... I always ready your name in my head as "Bob The Bob" I can barely say it the right way because my brain keeps saying that it's wrong... lol.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been running Patch/Quake/JG. Quake prevents all that caltrop damage and her blue helps clear purple enemy strike tiles. Jean also helps clear enemy tiles while doing massive AoE damage. Then Patch green/red to finsh up.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,301 Chairperson of the Boards
    icon_wolverine.png/ icon_shehulk.png / icon_bullseye.png owns it - in 3* land that is.

    Use icon_shehulk.png to steal tiles from ninjas and use icon_bullseye.png purple to destroy those you can't steal while allowing him to get final kill to flood board with your own tiles. You can also use patches green if you have enough AP stored up in blue/purple. Even icon_shehulk.png red can be useful if there are a bunch of ninja tiles towards the bottom of the board.

    Alternatively you could sub in icon_loki.png for icon_bullseye.png if needed but I don't think it would be as effective. If you can get 12 black AP you can use Patches green and then convert all of the opponent's tiles into defense tiles which would also buffer against ninja strike tiles.

    Based on your roster though I would probably try Ant-Man since you are firmly in 4* land. You could try pairing up Loki with them but he may be too squishy for you due to your scaling.

    I agree though, Ninjas should be patched...