Ob Nixilis, Reignited: Official Thread

Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards

Cost to Max Level: 79,920 runes

1: Dark Pact - cost: 3
1 - lose 5 life and draw 1 card
2 - lose 3 life and draw 1 card
3 - lose 1 life and draw 1 card
4 - lose 1 life and draw 2 cards
2: Torment - cost: 9
1 - lose 5 life to destroy target creature with power 4 or less
2 - lose 5 life to destroy target creature with power 6 or less
3 - lose 5 life to destroy target creature
4 - lose 3 life to destroy target creature
3: Forbidden Knowledge - cost: 18
1 - create Support: deal 2 damage to your opponent every time a player draws a card
2 - create Support: deal 4 damage to your opponent every time a player draws a card
3 - create Support: deal 6 damage to your opponent every time a player draws a card
4 - create Support: deal 8 damage to your opponent every time a player draws a card
Level 60 mana bonuses:

Level 60 HP: 119
Level 60 max Creatures: 8 Spells: 8 Supports: 8
Post your decks and tips for Ob Nixilis below!
Old Ob Nixilis deck discussion: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=44937
I am missing final deck numbers for Ob, if you have him maxed, please post it, and i will update accordingly! Thank you!0 -
Malcrof wrote:Old Ob Nixilis deck discussion: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=44937
I am missing final deck numbers for Ob, if you have him maxed, please post it, and i will update accordingly! Thank you!
Max creatures/spells/supports at level 60 are 8/8/8 for Ob.0 -
Dodecapod wrote:Malcrof wrote:Old Ob Nixilis deck discussion: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=44937
I am missing final deck numbers for Ob, if you have him maxed, please post it, and i will update accordingly! Thank you!
Max creatures/spells/supports at level 60 are 8/8/8 for Ob.
Updated!0 -
I choose him as my first non-base walker, note that he's laughably bad until you upgrade the second ability to level 3 and doesn't really become a powerhouse until you get the grade 3 third ability(I think that might have been around level 51 *shudders* ) and maybe even the 4th level of the first ability( LEVEL 56!).
And he gets the same mana bonus as the origin walkers, so even worse than the dual colored ones.
So he's a huge rune sink. Would not suggest as the first black walker to try the color once something else enters the market.
Once leveled It does his job without requiring too many rare cards however, so it's still pretty cool.
For the OP:
I think the last ability has always 6 shields.0 -
Here's my most successful combo:
*Despoiler of Souls
*Fathom Feeder
*Mind Raker
-Transgress the Mind
-Complete disregard
-Bone Splinters
-Scour from Existence
•Infernal Scaring
•Shadows of the Past
•Alhammarret's Archive
Try it and have fun0 -
I bought him mostly because I could not stand going through story mode with Lilianna. I don't play Quick Battle with this as I have Kiora instead
Creatures :
Despoiler of Souls
Blood-Cursed Knight
Spells :
Read the Bones
Ruinous Path
Remorseless Punishment
Painful Truths
Unholy Hunger
Supports :
Brawler's Plate
Demonic Pact
The idea is to sit back and kill everything creature the opponent summons with Ruinous Path / Unholy Hunger while charging Painful Truths "Converge". If I get lucky and get the combo Remorseless Punishment / Mirrorpool I usually try to set it up with Read the Bones.
The Brawler's Plate is there to make the Despoiler of Soul a real pain in the **** and give the Blood-Cursed Knight Lifelink which allows me to go on without using healing potions.
Do not use any ability until you get 18 mana, then use Forbidden Knowledge. At that moment it is pretty much over, just chain Read the Bones / Dark Pact while discarding everything else. You should be able to deal at least 50 dmg per turn0 -
I don't use him in QB because he's too slow, but I've been wrecking the event with this:
Creatures: 0
Spells: 8
Infinite Obliteration
Transgress the Mind
Grip of Desolation
Unholy Hunger
Reave Soul
Painful Truths
Read the Bones
Support: 2
Caves of Koilos
Smoldering Marsh
I wish Reave Soul was something like Ruinous Path, but it's still very effective against creatures like Dragonmaster Outcast, Kalitas, and Drana. The best part about Ob is that there's less of a worry about "dead cards" due to his card-drawing prowess.
Caves and Marsh are only really useful at the start of a game. After I get the third ability down, they're insta-discard, unless I'm facing a deck that has heavy support destruction. In that case, I use them as decoy targets. Languish is almost never used either, because the deck keeps the board so clear, but it has saved my bacon once or twice after huge cascades.
Why no creatures? One, they're unnecessary. Two, and this is psychological, it's harder to discard a creature than it is a Languish, but this deck works better cycling through cards quickly. At almost any turn, it's better to be destroying the opponent's hand, or the few creatures that get through.0 -
Here's a rareless list(9 commons,1 uncommon) that can be pretty good with a level 60 ob nixilis
Gnarlroot trapper
Bonded construct
sludge crawler
Altar reap
read the bones
bone splinters
Grave birthing
alchemist vial
Scour from existence
Gril of desolation (U)
As a bonus it is basically a free win for whoever faces an ai using this deck0 -
Here is my version:
To the Slaughter (R)
Grip of Desolation (U)
Ruinous Path (U)
Infinite Obliteration (M)
Read the Bones (C)
Transgress the Mind (U)
Alhammarret's Archive (M)
Sunken Hollow (R) or Smoldering Marsh (R)
Tamiyo’s Journal (R)
Shadows of the Past (R)
I originally had Unholy Hunger in the deck as well. But with Grip of Desolation, Ruinous Path, and To the Slaughter, I found it to be too redundant and overcosted.
I also had Brain in a Jar in the deck before, but I found Tamiyo’s Journal performs better.
This deck is great, however it's not for quick battle. It is highly effective for the PVP events as well as nearly all the PvE matches. First thing to note is because there are no creatures (except for a fully filled ruinous path), you do not have to worry about creature destruction spells.
The goal of this deck is to stall the enemy while you build up 18. You stall effectively with Infinite Obliteration and Transgress the Mind until you have enough
to activate your 3rd ability. If they manage to get creatures out, you can use any of the creature destruction spells, they only cost 5 each. Also you want to get Alhammarret's Archive out as soon as possible.
Once you have the 3rd ability activated: Alhammarret's Archive becomes an incredibly powerful card that doubles the power of this deck. With Alhammarret's Archive you'll deal 16 damage at the start of your turn. Your first ability will now become a 32 damage ability for only 3, Read the Bones becomes a 32 damage ability plus 4 chances at drawing another, Tamiyo’s Journal becomes an "activate 1 to deal 16 damage to the enemy" and finally Shadows of the Past becomes a deal 4 damage heal 8 HP every time the enemy matches a trap, which can occur multiple times in one turn.
With this deck I have yet to lose a single pve match, even against the ones with crazy abilities and 300+ HP. Further more I often win the match with 95%-100% of my HP left because of the Alhammarret's Archive / Shadows of the Past combo.0 -
I've been playing mostly Eldrazi Nixilis kind of decks as I have Dust Stalker (and by the way, I still find it silly that Devoid cards in Puzzle Quest are NOT colorless; unprogrammable stuff? Oh, and for some strange reason Reaver Drone doesn't have Devoid...). Here's one example:
- Bonded Construct - Cheap.
- Runed Servitor - Again, cheap.
- Gold-Forged Sentinel - Decent combat body for the cost, and flies to boot.
- Dust Stalker - The MVP; 7/5 Haste for 11 mana is pretty good deal, although since Devoid is not colorless in this game it doesn't work well with most Eldrazis, which is a shame.
- Reaver Drone - The other MVP; cheaper than Dust Stalker, although weaker, but with a more manageable drawback (taking two damage per turn in this game is far more manageable than losing 11 mana)
- Scour From Existence - Instant kill is a must in this game, seriously.
- Read The Bones - Card draw. Sure, Nixilis' first ability is also a card draw, but his second and third abilities are far more important.
- Demon's Grasp - A bit redundant due to Scour, but I'm not sure if I should have fewer removals.
- Weight Of The Underworld - Serves a slightly different purpose than Grasp and Scour, as sometimes debuff can be more useful than kill.
- Meteorite: More removals. Really, I think I'm obsessed.0 -
Found a new use: grip of desolation, altar reap, read the bones, 7 cards to level up for mastery and you can level up 7 cards at once in platinum tier.0
I was lacking most of the good removal available in black, only Scour from Existence practically, which is not much. So I tried to see if I could find some unconventional removal. And I found Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim. I wondered; how can I take advantage of her ability, without having to sacrifice her. I would either have to go the Eldrazi Scion way, so Scion dying would pump mana in the next cards. Or I could choose to use Prized Amalgam.
DISCLAIMER! Please do not use this deck if it causes freezing by you. I understood that the fix rolled out with Saheeli Rai's event didn't work for everybody. Also it was not tested on QB, but it's doing great during the Event.
EDIT: Added a few info about Runaway Carriage.
- Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
- Prized Amalgam
- Relentless Dead
- Blood-Cursed Knight
Prized Amalgam is the perfect candidate to be sacrificed by Ayli. As a Defender he will always be placed first, sparing your other creatures. Relentless Dead is a nice addition to the deck, as when he dies, he is re-summoned, which brings back the Amalgam if it would happen to be dead. Being a mythic, not everybody would have it, but something like Crow of Dark Tidings or Diregraf Colossus are also good options to reanimate your Prized Amalgam. Them being Defenders is also an advantage.
Blood-Cursed Knight is kind of a pet card for my Ob Nixilis decks, as it is lifegain for a Planeswalker where I always use quite a few Supports. And again Defender.
If you go the Scion route, I would advice Carrier Thrall and Catacomb Sifter, Brood Butcher being a bit redundant with Ayli. But maybe you need the redundancy, as you'll see with my Spells.
And really, Defender is quite useful in meta where Runaway Carriage runs rampant (pun intended). Carriage comes crashing in your Amalgam or Scion, and you get your Amalgam or mana back. One of the most problematic scenario though is when Carriage is used by Gideon in conjunction to Grasp of the Hieromancer. Suddently, you've got an unblockable Carriage, and you're the one who crashes into his Carriage. That's where Relentless Dead is useful in another way: Menace. With Menace, you get Damage through hopefully faster as your opponent can do. Other options are Drana, Liberator of Malakir (Mythic), Mindmelter (Uncommon) or Geyserfield Stalker (Common).
- Transgress the Mind
- Bone Splinters
As I said, the creation of the deck was prompted by my lack on good removal. But due to the focus of the deck being sacrificing my creatures, an interesting option appeared in Bone Splinters. This is as efficient as a Ruinous Path without Awaken or a To the Slaughter, and it takes advantage of my creature coming back from the dead. Bonus point if you sacrifice your Relentless Dead to bring both him and Amalgam back. Not much to say about Transgress, aside for it being the go to discard spell.
- Corrupted Grafstone
- Drownyard Temple
- Shambling Vent
- Retreat to Hagra
There are two package here: the ramp package of Grafstone and Temple which helps you bring your critters on the board asap and power up your abilities. This is the kind of package which would only really work on a mono-colored Planeswalker. And there is the lifelink package of Vent and Retreat. This helps you reduce the cost of using your abilities and increase your survivability.
I hope that this deck inspires a few of you to try your own spin on the deck.0 -
I had never really used Ob Nixilis and I have troubles with his abilities since they take you life to run. That being said I tried to build an Eldrazi deck around him with some success but not much. I am open to other options and ideas. Here is what I have and the explanations:
Fathom Feeder: Ingests upon attack with a chance to draw and ingest more
Sire of Stagnation: Good against lanfall decks because it will continually ingest and draw more cards for you.
Brood Butcher: Spawns an eldrazi and when one is killed weakens your opponents creatures
Catacomb Sifter: When your creatures die it allows you to draw yet more
Skitterskin: As long as you have a scion on the field it will come back if it has died
Culling Drone: cheap and ingests upon damaging a PW
Spatial Contortion: Use it on the scions up to 3/3 in strength to kill them and produce max mana to summon bigger eldrazi fast
Altar's Reap: Combo with spatial contaortion if the scions are bigger than 3/3 for more mana and extra draw power.
Spawning bed: Gets you a 3/3 scion in one go to combo with the spells
Corrupted Grafstone: Mana gain
This deck is actually really slow and unwieldy. I would love any and all advice on how to sharpen this deck into a beast. I know it has the potential I am just not sure how to get there because I am not used to using the eldrazi.
All advice is appreciated.0 -
Tbh ob feels like a lethal joke character in how his progression pans outs:
you get very few mana bonuses.
you are flooded with +1 to spell/support/critter until you reach 8 od each.
as you gain more life, the abilities start costing less life.
your middle ability saves a pittance of life until level 3, 40+ levels down the road.
the first ability is pretty pathetic until it draws 2 cards at level 52 (or was it 54).
The last ability gains it's third level at level 52 and the fourth one at max level and the two/4 damage version is pretty underwelming in the third chapthers of story mode.
Then you reach level 54 and can just kill things in four turns with the third +the first ability alone.
2 turns on level 60 with some saved read the bones and altar reaps.
I'd suggest keeping it in the sideline until you can pour more runes into it.0 -
tm00 wrote:Tbh ob feels like a lethal joke character in how his progression pans outs:
you get very few mana bonuses.
you are flooded with +1 to spell/support/critter until you reach 8 od each.
as you gain more life, the abilities start costing less life.
your middle ability saves a pittance of life until level 3, 40+ levels down the road.
the first ability is pretty pathetic until it draws 2 cards at level 52 (or was it 54).
The last ability gains it's third level at level 52 and the fourth one at max level and the two/4 damage version is pretty underwelming in the third chapthers of story mode.
Then you reach level 54 and can just kill things in four turns with the third +the first ability alone.
2 turns on level 60 with some saved read the bones and altar reaps.
I'd suggest keeping it in the sideline until you can pour more runes into it.
Thanks for the advice. I don't really intend to use him much if any but would at least like to build a decent deck for him. Perhaps one that just ignores his abilities all together for the time being or will take into consideration what they will be at level 60.0 -
My Ob's deck:
Corrupted Grafstone
Brain i a Jar
Behold the Beyond
To the Slaughter
From Under the Floorboards
Grip of Desolation
Prized Amalgam
Diregraf Colossus
Olivia, Mobilized for War
Fleshbag Marauder - for killing Hexproof creatures
This deck I'm using i Avacyn Event. I'm loosing mayby 1 in 10 games vs Avacyn and 2 in 10 against Persistent Nightmare (Engulf the shore is "killing" me), but loses are mostly because of bad luck in drawing cards or unlucky in match-3 board setup (Ob is a rather poor mana gainer - 6 mana for black match where Jace 2.0 gets 9 for blue and 8 for black).
Still, he's able to keep board clear til You get 3rd skill support in play. Than Behold the Beyond - 48 dmg for 15 manaand this card Avacyn is using itself, sometimes just to commit suicide
Ob is too slow for QB tho. I'm using Nahiri insted. Nahiri's deck.0 -
I've been running this in various incarnations for a while, it only has a few weaknesses (cascading Koth, mostly).
Diregraf Collosus
Prized Amalgam
Fleshbag Marauder
From Under the Floorboards
Altar's Reap
Bone Splinters
Grotesque Mutation
Drownyard Temple
Corrupted Grafstone
Graf Harvest
It's pretty straightforward:
You want Amalgam and Harvest out as soon as possible. Once they hit, you have ridiculous creature destruction and draw, as saccing the Amalgam pops a zombie from Harvest, which summons Amalgam back.
Reserve your Torment ability and Splinters for flyers and trample creatures, because Amalgam + Harvest is a boomerang for defense.
Hold Collosus until you can cast it with a Floorboards for instant 10/10+. If you can't keep out Harvest and you have Amalgam, Marauder, and Collosus out, target Amalgam with Floorboards to give your Collosus a +12 boost in a single cast as it bounces Amalgam in and out with zombie summons.
If you're in a war of attrition with a creature removal deck, stack loyalty then Forbidden Knowledge, then spam Altar's Reap and Dark Pact for a really fast and mostly unstoppable win. I use to run Painful Truths, but it's too conditional and expensive, despite its ability to hit upwards of 55 damage with Forbidden active. It's too winmore and slow.
If you've eaten a lot of damage, hold onto a Mutation until Collosus or zombie stack is high and get back 20-30+ life in a swing.
There are a few substitutions I'd make if I had them. Marauder isn't necessary with Torment and Splinters, but he hits hard and cycles Amalgam when Harvest is up.
Have fun!0 -
Been using the following with the addition of some of the kaladesh cards and been quite successful with it.
Noxious Gearhulk (or moar removal)
Marionette Master
Olivia, Mobilized for War (or Metalwork Colossus, weaponcraft enthusiast, or nothing)
Painful Truths (or behold the Beyond)
To the Slaughter (or other removal)
Unlicensed Disintegration (or any other removal)
Shadows of the Past
Brain in a Jar (or Corrupted Grafstone, or Alhammeret's Archive)
Tamiyo's Journal
Underhanded Designs (optional, lots of replacement choices here, see above. Also can be replaced with more removal)
Basically investigating and fabricating both create supports, which will break fairly regularly. Marionette master deals its power in damage whenever that happens, and Noxious GH, Disintegration, Slaughter, and Underhanded Designs (eliminate the competition gets an honorable mention) mean your opponents creatures aren't actually relevant. You also have more than enough life gain with this setup, both from shadows, gearhulk, and olivia if you have/use her, that eliminate becomes a one mana board wipe and you basically get your life back almost instantly whenever you lose it.0 -
Bomat courier is a must have in most of my builds. Hasty defender? Good. Kill him once I have Forbidden knowledge out? That's 48 plus a full hand for my turn, double for terror in the shadows. Yes please!0
Here's my Ob Noxious build
basically it's a wait and nuke (once you can use the third level ability)
Altar's Reap
Behold the Beyond
Call the Bloodline
Demonic Pact
Grave Birthing
Orbs of Warding
Painful Truths
Shadows of the Past
Tidy Conclusion
Visions of Brutality (cast on the opponents creatures)
I've held spells in hand until I was able to use the last ability and gotten an 80 damage round with no creatures out by casting in this order
Grave Birthing(draw a card summon a creature)
Altar's Reap(sacrifice the creature draw two cards)
Painful Truths (draw 1 card and 3 damage per mana type)
Behold the Beyond(discard entire hand draw 6 cards)
If you already have the third ability on board, you could use the first for an additional 16 damage0
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