Known Issue: Board Not Reshuffling



  • Chiming in on the PvP loss due to no board shuffle. Looks like I'll have to back out of competitions until it's fixed.
  • I was playing a game in Versus, I used Doom Storm's power up to destroy some team up tiles. Afterward, there were no moves left, but board did not automatically reshuffle the board. The suggested moves, that flash when the player hesitates, were flashing on 3 different kinds of tile. I had to retreat from the match to end it. I have screenshots.
  • One more data point. Used moonstones swap power as a teamup which made board unusable. Lost 40 points in pvp in what should have been an easy win because I had to back out.
  • sigepbullet
    sigepbullet Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Just another data set - lost 40 PVP points on an easy match - just eliminated 2 of 3 and got stuck. Not a lot of fun - working on alliance minimums and event timeline...
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Additional data points are not necessary. This will be fixed in the next patch, which is expected sometime this week.
  • eMaRDi
    eMaRDi Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    This seems to get into the game since the latest patch and is quite obvious. If you cause a cascade (or just several blocks to disappear, e.g. by a character removing blocks like 3* Hulk), next move suggestion (the glowing of a next possible combination) seems to be regularly faulty. It highlights three blocks but e.g. with different colors which certainly won't match.

    It's just a minor graphical issue, but relatively apparent nonetheless.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    I received an email from support about this. I'm being offered a whole 9 healthpacks for my trouble.

    Considering I try not to use healthpacks and currently have stockpiled more than 350, I'm declining their offer.

    I'd rather have 9 Iso than than 9 Healthpacks. The match alone was worth between 100 - 280 Iso not including missed progression or placement rewards.
  • DFW_Ed
    DFW_Ed Posts: 6
    Noticed the bug some time ago, didn't think it would actually leave me stuck without a move but here it just happened today. Very frustrating to have to quit and take damage for this. Should have never paid for that VIP package when you treat these issues so cavalierly.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFW_Ed wrote:
    Noticed the bug some time ago, didn't think it would actually leave me stuck without a move but here it just happened today. Very frustrating to have to quit and take damage for this. Should have never paid for that VIP package when you treat these issues so cavalierly.
    I wouldn't say they're treating it cavalierly. The bug was identified shortly after the patch came out, and once they had enough time to look into it, they let us know it would be fixed in the next client update.

    It's a very bad bug, yes, but it's not always easy to reproduce. I actually haven't been hit by it once yet, myself.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The R104 patch is out, so if you update the app this should be fixed. Hopefully.
  • Disxjock
    Disxjock Posts: 1

    Is there any type of compensation for this error?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Disxjock wrote:

    Is there any type of compensation for this error?
    Probably not, but you'd need to open a customer support ticket to request it.
  • Wobby
    Wobby Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker
    There's a report now that the board will reshuffle when still in the process of cascading...
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    I too, was offered a whopping 9 health packs for the "negative experience" I encountered. Awesome, I guess? But still doesn't turn my #3 to #2 in Peggy PvE for an extra cover thanks to some missed points because of lost health

    Needless to say, I turned down their offer. It's nothing close to that extra cover I lost, nor would I, I believe, get the cover as compensation were I to push for it. I've had my fair share of negative experiences with the game AND customer service.

    Just fix the game as soon as possible. I can't believe the game is actually more broken now after we've paid. It's just ridiculous. We thought showing some support would push the game in the right direction, not screw it further.
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    This only seems partially fixed. It does seem that the board is now re-shuffling properly when no possible matches remain (and too early, as others have indicated), but it is still displaying impossible suggested matches when tile colors are changed. I'll try to take a screenshot next time it comes up.
  • Razamataz
    Razamataz Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Have been having problem quite a lot today twice it's happened I've made a match to cascade another match but after first match made board has rerolled as if no possible moves