R103 bug: damage number display timing



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I noticed Phoenix trying to create a countdown when she's downed last well before r103. I think she triggers, like a Teisatsu, just before final damage is dealt, so the rules about passives not triggering after a match is over don't cover her.
    In that case, I'm probably just noticing it now because so many other things are out of order.
  • jcseely
    jcseely Posts: 5
    This bug turns the entire core of the gameplay into a horrible, unsatisfying user experience.

    How does something like this make it through QA? Does this game have any QA testers?

    Actually forget QA. You don't even need a tester to find this bug. Do the developers who make this game even play it?
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    jcseely wrote:
    Do the developers who make this game even play it?

    One of them used to.
    I believe he quit both the game and company.
  • Damage numbers are displaying at odd times, or sometimes not at all. Damage is often shown before the power animation instead of after, which means it can be hard to tell what actually happened since you don't know to look for it until it's too late. I have seen other strange timing issues. It used to be smooth and all made sense. Now it's awkward at best and really annoying at worst.
  • Yes, can y'all please fix this timing issue. It is very odd and does spoil the gaming experience. Sometime damage numbers pop up and are gone before you can see them. Sometimes the player is downed before anything is done to them. Things happening out of order is disconcerting.
  • Couple updates later and I'm still experiencing this problem. Damage numbers for team hits don't display at the same time. Some will show the damage to one character before the animation and then the number will show up for the other teammates after the animation. In rare cases, the damage will not appear at all.