Enemy Of The State Test: Some Early Results



  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    "David wrote:

    We had well over 100,000 players participating in the event. Out of those players, 329 people earned the maximum amount of points available.

    These figures stand out for me , 329 hitting maximum points out of 100,000 plus players is an incredibly low number.

    For those people I salute your indefatigable spirit, however.

    The figures tell me that well over 99671 people/players prefer not to grind away for hours and bailed out as soon as they reached 25CP.

    In my honest opinion this was one of the worst test events. The only positive is the play anytime factor.

    Please Lets go forward with the EASY pve format displayed in the Rocket and Groot test event.

    In the words of Freddie mercury
    "Who wants to grind forever"

    healthpack.png Peace out healthpack.png
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    The figures tell me that well over 99671 people/players prefer not to grind away for hours and bailed out as soon as they reached 25CP.
    No, the figures tell you that 329 people hit maximum progression and nothing about the behavior of the other players.

    I played to 212,796 points and took 24 overall. 28th place in my bracket was at 209,183. I can't see beyond that in my bracket, and I imagine the effort had to have been similar across the remaining brackets. Only the top 9 in my bracket hit maximum points.

    Since 285 people tied for max points but did not win, that means there were 44 brackets where at least the overall winner hit maximum points, which would account for 44,000 players out of the 100,000+ people. We have no idea about the division of veteran/newbie brackets from that information, but around 40% of all the brackets had someone reach max points possible. That's telling.

    25 CP was at 116,000. When you have that many people almost double the top progression target, something needs to change. I'm not saying it means placement should be rolled into progression, but placement should probably be rolled into progression. And by that, I mean placement should be rolled into progression. There's a theme here somewhere...
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    I hit max points and finished 12th. Everyone I could I see below me was within striking distance with 16 hours left but some didn't finish. I'm guessing once they knew that top ten was out, they stopped. So now they find out they could have picked up 3 x23 covers if they had just hit those last couple nodes. Talk about a kick in the groin...
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Play at your own pace = 5-6hrs a day.

    So should I quit my job or give up sleeping if I want to compete?
  • ESN91
    ESN91 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    3 more X-23 covers ?
    Great news !
    Thanks guys !
    I just have to find a mountain of ISO to champ her before the covers expire icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't had much time this week, but some thoughts on the EotS test.

    It feels like a lot more playing than before, not just because you need to grind for placement, but once I got over that and played at my own pace, it was ok. It would have been a lot worse if I'd been still f2p and relying on pve to fund my roster slots/pvp antics.

    I was one of the 329 without really trying, mainly because my X23 was already champed and I only cared about the iso. Scaling was tough but not as bad as it could have been since I am too broke to max out my 5*s - seriously they need to work on smoothing out high end scaling because almost everyone with champed 5*s was crying foul.

    For my moderate roster, the ramping up from easy to hard was actually quite fun and interesting. But way too many clears for the love of tinykitty. Once I hit the max scaling and beat it why make me do it again 2 more times? Even more so for the neverending wave nodes by gum.

    I actually left the last clear for one of the wave nodes untouched until near the end, because the final reward was.... crit boosts. I feel like a complete sell-out for playing that node when I knew all I was going to get from it was crit boosts...
  • Roguewookie26
    Roguewookie26 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    The problem with this is that by not announcing beforehand that they were going to do this it skews the results. A lot. How many people had max points after that first 48hr sub and saw their placement and then decided its not worth all the hassle because im in 40th place? How many saw that they were halfway done and saw how much harder and frustrating it was and decided not to go for max points because they assumed there would be no reward for low ranking ties. And honestly they were right to assume that because normally you guys dont care. Yes it seems like a nice gesture on the surface but if you woild have just been smart enough to announce it prior to the event it could have changed a lot of things dramatically in this test.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2016
    Smudge wrote:
    The figures tell me that well over 99671 people/players prefer not to grind away for hours and bailed out as soon as they reached 25CP.
    No, the figures tell you that 329 people hit maximum progression and nothing about the behavior of the other players.

    I think it's a bit of this and a bit of that. Yes, it speaks principally about those who reached those scores... but think carefully, do you think that if the announcement had been made beforehand that anybody reaching maximum score would get the top 1 rewards, still only 329 people would have reached it? I'm sure you'll agree that the number would likely have at least doubled. But because there was not such announcement, people believed that grinding fully the event was not even guarantee of a top 10! Why would you bother if you knew that your roster was not going to be able to compete with the fastest ones? It was an immense amount of work and stress to possibly only get some covers of a low-middle tier 3*.
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    I did find this test to be "play at your own pace". In fact I had no choice facing level 500+ enemies on the non-trivial nodes It would have taken me 6+ hours to do a straight clear. The six and five wave nodes on the final sub took me 2hours and 1.5 hours to clear all nine just by themselves.

    This made me do a couple of the hard nodes at a time spaced throughout the day. I usually finished with 4-6h left in the sub. I didn't make top 10 in any sub although I was tied with many. I noticed that there were more sub perfect score clears than there were overall perfect clears. Which was why I finished in 9th despite no single top 10 finish for a sub.

    The scaling on the single nodes was fine. It was difficult but I was able to complete them with right team composition and that made this event with this roster of buffed characters more fun because I used and rotated through most of the buffed characters as well as my 5*.

    The wave nodes especially the last ones definitely need a tweak to scaling. In the last six wave node I faced six sets of 500+ scaled enemies for six out of my nine clears. That was 18 enemies per each time. More than I faced in the non-wave hard and essential nodes put together. It was a case of my putting my 150,000-ish health up against over 1,000,000 plus health on the other side. By the end of every clear it was health packs all around. I cannot imagine trying to do these kind of nodes as a speed run for placement.

    Based on my results in my top 10 it seems like there was a sweet spot at the late 3* early 4* transition as those rosters were the high placements. My bracket has 12 perfect clears and eight of those fit the description above.

    I agree with those saying this test was close to being just right. Remove placement awards or announce that ties get the same reward. Tweak the scaling down slightly; ten levels at lvl 500 is not equivalent to ten levels at lvl 300. I hope the next test tries this system without placement. I'd like to see the numbers on that one.
  • ngoni
    ngoni Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    I echo the comments that the scaling was out of control for a veteran roster. The final attempts of the last survival node had over 1.2million hit points in total. That's maybe OK once or twice but you had to grind through that node nine times downing more enemies than a 'normal' clear just to finish one node. Scaling aside, please reduce the number of required attempts for survival nodes relative to how many enemies in it and scale the rewards up accordingly.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I am pure pve player and I really enjoyed the event. Own pace and most important finite grinding make it awesome, but I have one suggestion and is regarding the awards or covers. Obviously with finite points will be tons of players tie at first place, my suggestion is : make 1st place as it is, 2nd to 5th as it is, but 6th to 10th with a small change. Tons of people will be tie in here, so all the people with the same amounts of points as the 10th position will receive also a 4* cover, so everyone who plays at their own pace and get all the available points will have at least a 4 cover on their pockets.
    But overall, despite some negative reviews from people I was very satisfied with the event, thks d3, demiurge!!

    Just to clarified I was inside T10 on S2 on this event
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    I thought this test was the worst yet. Since I'm not a competitive PvE player, I like the play at your own pace aspect. But the scaling and the ridiculous numbers of clears it often took to get the CP or token was horrible.

    Either they need to reduce the number of total rewards or, better yet, just guarantee that the CP point and/or token are always rewarded after the first clear. That would solve a lot of my issues with this test.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't play specifically because I didn't want to tie and lose. If they'd announced it was possible to tie and still win, they might have had a lot different participation, since people would like to see top placements go out to more people without the speed requirement.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    well.... ****.... i missed first main node (made 1 clear instead of 4), forgot that it will dissapear after first run. And that's why i didn't get max points and because of this i missed 3 x-23 covers (finished 13 with all other subs cleared)... **** this system....
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    And that's a major flaw, miss any day of complete clears and you're screwed. You can't make it back up in later subs. I ended up 30th overall by completely finishing the last sub cause I think people that missed points just plain gave up.

    Again though, so many ties in the sub for first and because I didn't do all of this at 1Am when it started, I ended up 14th in that last sub.

    Play on schedule was simply replaced with a race that few knew was actually a race.
  • mazerat
    mazerat Posts: 118
    So over 10,000 brackets and all the people willing to play for max points were crammed into 44 (.44%) of them? I stopped playing less than halfway through day 1 of my slice and got top 300. Seems like the system is working just fine.
  • Phaentom
    Phaentom Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    mazerat wrote:
    So over 10,000 brackets and all the people willing to play for max points were crammed into 44 (.44%) of them? I stopped playing less than halfway through day 1 of my slice and got top 300. Seems like the system is working just fine.

    100,000 + ppl would be 100+ brackets, since each bracket has 1,000 players. Which means those 329 players that achieved the max points were in 44 of those 100+ brackets.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    It seems like the ideal way to play this game no matter what they do is

    a- dedicate hours a day to this game, ignoring work, people, lack of signal, travel, fun (ideally no job/ boring job, social activities you don't really need to participate in, maybe an infinite phone battery)

    b- Also spend money to help smooth your development along (ideally spend huge chunks, like alarmingly so)
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    And no mentionof how silly it is to have to clear nodes 15 times for this? Even if the goal is straight progression, 15 is way too much and mind numbingly boring
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Azoic wrote:
    And no mentionof how silly it is to have to clear nodes 15 times for this? Even if the goal is straight progression, 15 is way too much and mind numbingly boring

    I would love to see a 3 clear bronze/silver/gold system.

    Get all bronze (first) clears fir a bronze progression system. Same for each other reward run.

    But big **** scaling across the three tiers.

    Bronze events are 3*, silver are 4*, gold are 5*.

    Have it scale DOWN for weaker rosters, not multiply up in weird ways.