I hope VIP isn't a sign of MPQ's death.



  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    chamber44 wrote:
    For me, the low odds in tokens and RNG progression and the ISO shortage have been the things killing the game. As someone who has never hit 1k in PVP, tokens are my only avenue for progression and with the odds of drawing something useful so low I have become apathetic to them and resigned to a super slow progression. I play less, never spend anymore because I don't see the point. The ISO shortage feeds into this apathy because when I do cover someone I need to find the ISO to level them to a useable level.
    yep, there's a ton of people in this same "no-man's land." I've been playing for well over two years, and I have more covers of War Machine then I have of Iceman and Jean Grey combined. It's harder and harder to compete in PvP or PVE without fully maxed 4's -- let alone without the handful of the "right" ones.

    All of this is just personal preference -- i could choose to play more, play at the right times, etc, but the way the game has evolved makes it much more than just a simple, fun distraction into something that requires much more dedication. As a fun distraction, i'd be inclined to spend more--sacrifice money for time, if you will. But since i have literally zero hope of catching up and being able to play the way that the game wants me to play, no dollars for them.

    I think that's key in selling the game. When I was having fun with it progressing from2 stars to getting 3 stars and 4 stars, I would put money into the game whenever the need arose, but when they introduced 5 stars and blew up scaling (pve got harder and pvp became unplayable), the game started becoming less fun. I've now taken note of how much I did spend and that made me cap myself. I won't spend now cause I'm aware of how the quality of fun has dropped for me.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,546 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:

    The game is doing very well and planning is already in the early stages for Halloween and our third anniversary, as well as additional quality of life improvements and new features. There's no need for "sky is falling" worries because a VIP mode has arrived.

    Enjoy the game and have fun (that's what we're all here for after all). MPQ isn't going away. icon_e_biggrin.gif Thanks!

    okay can we say the ground is about to open up and swallow us all icon_e_smile.gif

    will i join i can say 99.999999% nope but why is that, cause this game is on its last days to me. find pve boring and the new pve is just going to kill the game for me.. PVP dont even have seed teams any more and i can even jump in with 30 mins left and with 45 people in it and the leader has 2000 pts what the hell

    did we ever have anything for halloween before and can you give us any hints on the new features (please dont say the new pve is a new feature)

    D3 you want a hint on how to make VIP MAJOR...... allow VIP members only into a ant man event on every 4 star release where you only have to beat 5 stages to get the covers
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I gave up long time ago on PvE, scaling killed the PvE for me, its boring to grind 2-3-4... times the same node against insane lvls just to try to get top100 and get 1 cover... The amount of work that needs to be put on those events its too much for me. If at least was fun I would try, but for me its boring. (I accpt that for a lot of you its fun, gratz).

    I only play PvP and never achieve 1k points. I can try to get to 800 and get the 3*, but I need 4* to progress. Without line it seems hard to get past 1k. At some point I don't get people worth enough points to get there and I'm forced to either, shield and be happy with whatever position I get or sink in the ranks being hit by 4-5*.

    But even with all those things, I hope the game doesn't ends, I hope they keep trying to fix the problems. The VIP thing seems a nice attemp, although the rewards seems a bit low... time will tell.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Gregore wrote:
    Money is not an issue for them.
    Several times a week I am offered invites to buy clubs.
    And not just mixed buys or stark buys.
    But 2x 3x 5x stark buys. And once, though it sounded legit but I didn't try to verify a 25x stark buy.
    I have never seen a game where so many people spend so much money.

    That... Is legitimately terrifying O.o
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I don't think the game is in trouble yet. The champ feature and 5stars probably drove up their income to new highs. I love the game but if it where in trouble i can see how it would be deserved too. The devs don't listen to the community and the PVE tests show their lack of knowledge on how the game is played above the absolute casual level. I still don't get how they keep coming up with tests and the players take 30 seconds or less to point out the flaws. It's mid boggling.