Duplicate covers.

Mark70 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
The last 5 4 star covers I have pulled are for character colors I already have five for. The only that I have five for. How frustrating. Any other color would have been fine. Aargh.


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's happened to me a lot. I couldn't understand how there were so many characters and colors, and I only have 5 covers of maybe 3 character colors, and those were the only new covers I drew. Anyway it happened so much that I no longer care or worry about it. I sell 4* covers all the time, either because they're dupes or 14th covers of fully-covered, non-champed characters. I just don't worry about it any more! And I feel much better.

    Everything will happen, all in good time.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went 6/0/0 in SS, lovely.

    Also went 1/5/1 in Phoenix, so it was no surprise when I pulled another purple before complete. I rostered a dupe copy of both as a trombone (sad) trophy.

    Many, MANY people have long asked to be able to either swap colors or champ characters before they are max leveled. Quite some time ago I put a suggestion that you get a "try again" token: exchange any 5* cover in for an LT (4* or better), any 3* cover in for Heroic (2* or better), and any 4* cover in for [new token type] (3* or better)...at least you'd have another shot at a cover for that same character in a different cover, since they seem so determined to leave it RNG.....
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah man the story of my life, when I pulled my first 5th green cover for Phoenix (the only one at 5 at the time) I knew next cover was going to be green Phoenix. And I was right, the very next 5 cover I pulled was a green Phoenix icon_e_sad.gif. Since then (two-three weeks ago I think) I have pulled another one, so now I have a second Phoenix at 2/0/0.

    Just recently I also pulled my 5th OML red cover, so I am 100% sure which is going to be the next 5 cover I am going to pull... (It is going to be sad, getting excited when I see first the 5 logo, then getting even more excited when I see the OML logo, and then finally getting completely 'crushed' when I see it is red).

    PS: Devs should allow covers to change color when getting the 6th+ one for 5s, it is difficult enough to pull 5s, to lose for this icon_e_sad.gif
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have two max-colored 5* covers: icon_wolverine.pngblackflag.png and icon_jeangrey.pngredflag.png . I am absolutely dreading the day that I draw a 6th cover of those and then have to choke back tears while I sell it for a measly 2000 ISO, knowing that this is the one new 5* cover I'll be drawing for the next few months.

    It would be nice if there was a better way to put it to use, other than "Sorry!"
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    I'm still a bit stunned that covers come with color designations at all. Even 2+ years later it still makes absolutely no sense why we can't just apply the cover to whatever power we want. Just make it so that when you roster a character, you have to pick a power. It's not hard. It's not unrealistic. It just goes against the ridiculous rng-based progression we have now.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    The random color assignment is fine with 1*, 2* or even 3* covers, where the covers are relatively plentiful. But it doesn't make sense for 4* and 5* covers, which can take months or years to fully-cover. It's a real kick in the face to get lots of dupes!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    I have two max-colored 5* covers: icon_wolverine.pngblackflag.png and icon_jeangrey.pngredflag.png . I am absolutely dreading the day that I draw a 6th cover of those and then have to choke back tears while I sell it for a measly 2000 ISO, knowing that this is the one new 5* cover I'll be drawing for the next few months.

    It would be nice if there was a better way to put it to use, other than "Sorry!"
    I can tell you that selling 5* covers completely blows chunks. I had a great pull rate on my recent hoard pull but had to sell many of them - SS reds/blacks and oml reds. and I have 1 ss blue (his most important ability), 1 oml yellow (his most important ability, at least I finally got that 1), and no phoenix purple or red. can't complain about my %ages, but selling covers when you really need other stuff...painful.
  • kevingravy
    kevingravy Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I might have you beat. I pulled a icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png, bringing me to 5/1/1. Opened another pack immediately: icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png. Next day was HB's DDQ: You guessed it. icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png Haven't opened a legendary since.... my luck can't be THAT bad, can it?
  • AsylumTKJ
    AsylumTKJ Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    RNG loves send me red and blue GoT covers.
    My 4hor is 5/1/5 since a while, I've already lost 6 covers for her, and currently have 3 of them in queue.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    kevingravy wrote:
    I might have you beat. I pulled a icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png, bringing me to 5/1/1. Opened another pack immediately: icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png. Next day was HB's DDQ: You guessed it. icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png Haven't opened a legendary since.... my luck can't be THAT bad, can it?

    If you have been opening the cover consecutively without opening any others, I wonder if that is a bug? I did remember that they did some extra coding to prevent cheating when opening legendary tokens. This way people can't force quit and keep opening a token until they see the five star token. For instance, could the ai be stuck on that particular cover and just think that you are opening the same token over and over again and giving you the same cover.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    The random color assignment is fine with 1*, 2* or even 3* covers, where the covers are relatively plentiful. But it doesn't make sense for 4* and 5* covers, which can take months or years to fully-cover. It's a real kick in the face to get lots of dupes!

    I don't even mind selling 4s at this point in time, I think we get a good amount of 4s right now, so even though it is not fun it is not that bad. But 5s? When I might pull one or two (if lucky) every season? THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT FUN!

    First step -> Pulling a 5 -> 10%
    Second step -> Pulling a good 5 -> 66% (in classics)
    Third step -> Pulling a color you still need -> Depends on each one, in my particular case 0% for SS (cover maxed, not champed), 33% for Phoenix (5/1/5), 66% for OML

    Man it is getting harder and harder to pull useful 5s ... :S
  • MrCroaker64
    MrCroaker64 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Dear RNGessus,

    Please listen to all of these good people's issues and, if you can find it in your heart, apply it to me. While I appreciate all of the 4* covers you have given me in the last 4-5 months (opening about 80 LT's across two accounts) I would have really appreciated getting even one 5* cover (outside of CW). And if you are really feeling in a good mood, perhaps you could see your way clear to give me this problem in particular:
    I might have you beat. I pulled a icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png, bringing me to 5/1/1. Opened another pack immediately: icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png. Next day was HB's DDQ: You guessed it. icon_venom.pnggreenflag.png Haven't opened a legendary since.... my luck can't be THAT bad, can it?

    My IGN is Croaker64, just in case you didn't know that already.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    I would love the problem of having 5 covers of any given 5*...
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I saw a suggestion a bit ago that offered the idea of using dupe covers as 10x Iso if you apply it specifically to that character (i.e. a 6th red OML applied to your OML adds 10k Iso to his level). That seemed like the most realistic design option, given the devs unwillingness to do a lot of the other stuff people want.

    The reality is, though, that people spend money to try to avoid having to trash covers. They want you to feel bad about wasting covers and maximize the chances for it to happen. Because this isn't a game to them. This is a money-sucking machine. It doesn't matter if it's fun or feels well-designed. It only matters that you are monetized.
  • donnel
    donnel Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    It seems like a fairly ruthless design choice to provide absolutely no flexibility for advancement other than landing the exact cover you need of a particular hero by random luck. In early state progression, we have all the flexibility in the world. I don't really care if my 4th oml cover is r/y/b. A cover is a cover right? When you start covering your heroes, the odds start to diminish dramatically of receiving the specific cover you need. Ending up at 5/5/2 or any similar combination of 5 in one color basically halts progression until you hit a 1.1% jackpot (soon to be .83% when a 4th hero is added to classics). This kind of situation strongly disincentivizes further progression until you could possibly overcome feeble odds with large numbers.

    Let's all hope to be lucky in pulling the advertised rate of 5*s (or higher), but also be lucky in pulling the right 5*s in the correct sequence. The luckiest of the lucky can thank their good graces. The rest of us can question why the system wasn't built with a shred of additional consideration for positive game experiences (i.e. a luck based reward should always be a good thing, right?).
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey, remember when you could buy the cover you needed for HP (for 4 stars at least)? And it made buying HP actually feel like a decent idea? Boy, those were the days.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm on day 720, so in 10 more days I'll get a nice 5* in my daily rewards. Day 730 is SS black. Unfortunately, my SS is currently 2/3/5. There's no way that I'll find 3 more red/blue covers and take him from level 300 to level 450 in 24 days. So happy anniversary (and 2000 ISO) to me, I guess.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    You people who complain about pulling a sixth cover in a given color make me laugh. Three days ago I pulled my ELEVENTH Old Man Logan black. My main is 5/3/2. I have a second that's 5/0/0 and I guess I'm about to start a third. icon_cry.gif
  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    They really need to implement a system whereby you can apply additional covers to a 13 cover, underleveled character, and it applies 10x the sale value in ISO, e.g. applying a 4* cover to a 4* would level it up as if you applied 10k ISO, 3*'s as if you applied 5k ISO.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    With all the 4* characters out there I have had to throw away at least 7 cards for either Star Lord, XWolvie or IW. I don't even have them fully carded so even if I had enough Iso (Aahahahahahahahahaaaa! Enough Iso...) I couldn't use the cards to add Champion levels to them. icon_e_sad.gif