The boss fight is the challenge. The pins are the pest.

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
PLEASE remember what you learned from Galactus!
It's not fun fighting these over scaled bad guys while trying to have a crack at the difficult boss. It's not fun in the least! I can't stand fighting 6 level 300 guys before having another go at the level 300 boss.

Yes, it's better than the first run, but not by much. It scaled up slower, one day. Now we're almost back to where we were before, having these stupidly long fights against overblown enemies that drain your health packs before you've even tried the boss.

For the love of Mike, drop the difficulty curve on the pins in these damn boss events. The events are so much fun until you kill the enjoyment with these god awful nodes.


  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I really wish they'd stop screwing us every possible turn. Make the nodes easy, make the boss hard. Where is the disconnect, what is your malfunction? Why does everything have to be pulling teeth?
  • DalekGAF
    DalekGAF Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Not everything has to be a challenge. Why don't they get this.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Because they want to ensure only a certain percentage win certain levels of prizes. If you can't compete or slog through it, then you aren't part of that percentage. Its all math, "engaging challenge" has nothing to do with it.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Give me the boss that you can churn away at while you are "supposed to lose" (Galactus), but can easily get to with simple subs.

    The pins being more difficult than the boss....with three refreshes still remaining!....that is just bizarre and ridiculous. Others here are right've done this, you've been over this, you should know how these go by now!
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    wirius wrote:
    Because they want to ensure only a certain percentage win certain levels of prizes. If you can't compete or slog through it, then you aren't part of that percentage. Its all math, "engaging challenge" has nothing to do with it.

    That's true, but they've managed not just to gatekeep the awards but the final day of the event itself. I'll bet 95% (I have no idea, but a lot) of players can't even play anymore. They have no chance to try to chip away bit by bit at the boss. They can't even get a shot at him. If the goal isn't just to keep rewards in the hands of a few but the actual playing of the last day of the event then they've succeeded.
  • LewsTherin0
    LewsTherin0 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    All of this is why I enjoy exploiting the bajeesus out of Vision blue right now.

    With 0 remorse.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    Because they want to ensure only a certain percentage win certain levels of prizes. If you can't compete or slog through it, then you aren't part of that percentage. Its all math, "engaging challenge" has nothing to do with it.
    I think they want to keep people from winning both prizes. They are looking to slow down the players looking to complete both sides. The issue is the payers who completed both sides last run have the rosters to do so and will coplete both sides again. My alliance had 2 people start 24hrs in and we are on round 5 on team cap after wining them IM. I don't know if we will beat round 8, but we re trying. With the season ending our lower players are the ones struggling the most with health packs because of this scaling.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is idiotic that they have scaled both sides at the same time, if the boss is only in round 3 on one side then the gatekeeper nodes for that boss should also be at the round 3 level too, rather than 300+ so that people who find one side has outscaled their roster still have something they can do.

    To make matters worse, the nodes are scaling against your highest characters when they all have a required character that might be horribly undercovered or a much lower level.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gating prizes should be accomplished by the boss fights, not the sub-nodes.

    Having nodes with six active villains at level 300 plus just feels like an attempt to bleed off healthpacks and slow is down. IMO, this shows a design failure. These special events should not be designed to make players play for consumables like healthpacks or boosts. They should be fun to play and offer strong enough rewards to get players excited about new new characters (i.e. token packs). And they should be significantly more generous than regular events. This is supposed to be the really pure dose of the good stuff to get us hooked.

    Demiurge has i it gone halfway. The prog rewards are pretty good (4* and 5* covers, LTs, etc), though the HP and Iso numbers should be at least 3x times higher, anf the node rewards are pathetic (critical boosts for beating a level 450 boss!). And the subnodes jumped up too high too fast. 300-310 nodes might be acceptable for a roster with a 400+ oml or GG, but for everyone else they just take too long to be anything but a chore.

    (typed in a phone, please excuse typos)
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, my 1 card Winter Soldier did nothing in the wave node except soak up damage. Ridiculous that I have to basically fight 2 against 6.
  • AaronTheLuigi
    AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    I wouldn't mind the scaling if it was tied to Round progression and not time elapsed. It's probably a given many alliances hit a brick wall somewhere between rounds 6-8, and decide it's better to make similar progress on the other team (at least my alliance was.) Ergo, it's more difficult to progress through the early rounds of the other boss solely because the pin nodes are anywhere from 7-10x as hard as the pins from when the event started.

    Come to think of it, there was only one or two refreshes here where the pins felt comparable to the avg. strength of my roster (For me I'd say 140-170-ish). I wish more events (mainly Story events) tried to hit the gradual curve of roster progression, rather than a mix of stupendously easy and overscaled slog.
  • geoffubazi2
    geoffubazi2 Posts: 49
    Yup, my wave fights total 2100 levels 6x352)... that int in the realm of reasonable, even for a better game than this. D3, you guys are drilling this game into oblivion. I play a fraction of what I used to, and can't stay interested for more than a few minutes a week now, due to my eyes hurting from rolling so hard at your inept game design. 3 year olds with crayons could fix your scaling problems.
  • Yup, my wave fights total 2100 levels 6x352)... that int in the realm of reasonable, even for a better game than this. D3, you guys are drilling this game into oblivion. I play a fraction of what I used to, and can't stay interested for more than a few minutes a week now, due to my eyes hurting from rolling so hard at your inept game design. 3 year olds with crayons could fix your scaling problems.

    I'm with you. I play games for fun, this is not fun.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right here with you, this game use to be fun, I would make progression on every pve without having to think about it. Now I don't really care and most of the time just make the bare minimum that my alliance requires. And it's not really just this event, it is every single new thing they've introduced since 5 stars.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    4.5 Mil left on round 8 and my alliance has completely stalled. I'm betting it has a lot more to do with the pins than the boss.

    IT TAKES FOREVER to win those wave fights, if you make it through at all. I was excited about getting a 3rd cover for 5*IM, but I don't think we will make it. Not sure what happened, we made it through all 8 plus 5 on cap's side last time.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I honestly don't understand the point of or the thinking behind their insistence on such a high difficulty spike. Why can't it just be about playing the game? Being engaged with the game? Having *gasp* FUN with the game? Instead, everything has to be a death match where you're one bad RNG cascade away from what I guess you're supposed to be doing: losing. I don't even think it's about money. I played the Hawkeye essential today...6 total opponents. I never saw the 2nd wave, because (shockingly) my team that was **** by a 2* character was apparently supposed to get by a wave of 3 lvl 350 5*s. That's not even a situation you can buy your way out of unless you count buying countless health packs until you get lucky, but anyone actually doing this?

    I think what bugs me the most is that it's not difficult. It's cheap. Difficult would be a cleverly designed node that is just ripe with synergy between the opponents, tuned to be even with the top of your roster, or, better yet, tuned to be even with the levels of the team you select to take the node on. That's not what this is. This is simply increasing numbers until they become lethal to anything you bring to the fight. That's not difficult. That's lazy, cheap and well...boring.

    I always thought it was about money, but after trying that Hawkeye wave node today, I don't think that's what's going on here. That node, to me, showed me just how out of touch with their own product these folks are. The BEST possible essential character you could take into that match was a fully champed 2* character. He was dead to match damage by the 5th turn. So you want me to fight 6 lvl 350+ guys with 2 of mine? I don't see the challenge there. All I see is me doing something else with my time...
  • Frustrated1
    Frustrated1 Posts: 68 Match Maker
    I said it in another thread and I'll say it here:

    The devs are garbage, the communication is garbage, this whole thing is garbage.

    I complain because I used to love this game. But the garbage devs make it too hard to enjoy, the garbage communication team either lies by omission, spins the story to look good, or simply doesn't respond, and the entire game just becomes garbage.

    It is so easy to make this game fun! I WANT to give them money. But I won't reward garbage behavior.

    Remember: You're supposed to lose.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    Because they want to ensure only a certain percentage win certain levels of prizes. If you can't compete or slog through it, then you aren't part of that percentage. Its all math, "engaging challenge" has nothing to do with it.
    I think they want to keep people from winning both prizes. They are looking to slow down the players looking to complete both sides.

    There are better ways of accomplishing that. Such as raising the goon cap for rounds completed across both the Cap and IM half of the event.
    So either you complete 4 rounds in one, or 2 in both; you'll get the same goon cap.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Redrobot30 wrote:
    Yeah, my 1 card Winter Soldier did nothing in the wave node except soak up damage. Ridiculous that I have to basically fight 2 against 6.

    Imagine my one cover war-m! Completely useless. Just as if I was using IMHB instead...

    This is the same **** all over again, ramping up difficulty my ****. I dont understand those guys. They are ruining their own game! Everybody complained difficulty in the nodes were super hard, and they fixed nothing.

    And the teams you are fighting against? In team IM are Punisher, Nova, GR or Cyclops, Jean, iceman. Are they nuts?!?!? Those are the best chars you have to fight against! Some nodes were worse than in the Gauntlet! And some were two rounds!

    It is also 'super fun', when you have finished one team, move to the other one where the boss is in round 2 or 3 and the nodes 330+ level. It makes perfect sense of course...

    At least in the first run IMHB was buffed so the nodes werent that bad, but this time around team IM without any decent 4 buffed they have been horrible to play. Always someone dying, and damaging your team A LOT. For me these nodes have ruined the event completely (there were good things, like the prices, but my feelings after the event are totally negative. It is like Galaktus but the other way around)
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    6x@350 is exponentially harder than 1x@400