3* teams for use in civil war round 8



  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    With 3punisher team up.

    Get green out with patch letvhulk get mad and then use your punisher team up (red) to down him.

    Really a punisher or GR black team up wins you the match as long as you can last long enough.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm firmly in 3* land and had a lot of trouble with level 7 Iron Man until an alliance mate reminded me about invisibility.

    Not strictly a 3* team but I am 9 for 10 beating level 8 Iron Man with Howard the Duck. I have him at 1/1/3 leveled to 115 and paired him with 3* Hulk and 2* Hawkeye to act as meat shields while I collect enough purple to get Howard's invisibility going. Since Howard doesn't do very much damage even when matching his colors the drones don't jump in front and it is just a matter of whittling him down. Takes a while but much more satisfying than last run when Cap was curb stomping me after round 6.
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    I know the post said no 5* but some will have a 1 cover Cap/IM from last run through.

    Basically 1 cover 5* Cap/IM + vision +1.

    Match damage even from a lv 270 1/0/0 is 990 per 3- match going up to 2100ish with vision blue in play - any cascades is happy days - also the 1 x 5* is excellent tank with 21k health.

    I've run 20 odd complete lv8 runs with 1 loss (Cap was down to 712 health) admittedly I have been running big 4*'s as the +1 & my vision is Lv 182.