Would you pay half of your weekly ISO for a 4* cover?



  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    The (conservative) number I keep in my head as to how many ISO I might earn in a day is about 5k. Even if I do nothing but DDQ, that's pretty close. So for comparison purposes, let's say the hypothetical 4* purchase would cost 18,000 ISO.

    You can currently buy a specific 4* cover (if you have one to start with) for 120 command points. A non-specific 4* or better is only 20 command points.

    Raising one of my remaining 3*s to champion from 150 will also net me a non-specific 4* or better, and is going to cost me about 45,000 iso.

    My current 4*s with a significant chance of beating crash of the titans are Invisible Woman, X-Force Wolvie, and Elektra, with Ant-Man and Thor being more remote possibilities. I would very much like to get my roster to the point I can win Crash of the Titans on a semi-regular basis. I think this is likely to happen when my championed 3*s start hitting 183, but would I speed this up by buying covers at 18k ISO? Sure I would.

    Where you are in the transition process is going to influence your answer to this poll a lot. I just don't have many 4*s I can dump ISO into, and I'm currently using every drop of ISO to champion my remaining 3*s, in hopes of getting legendary tokens and 4* covers that way.