Gauntlet scaling is dialed back



  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I must be in the vast minority...
    I hit the wall at Sim 38 Switch/Bobby/Storm before there scaling where the node was at Deadly. After the rescaling it was back to normal at lvl 296. I have a Champed 3* roster and got through the rest of the Gauntlet with using maybe 2-3 health packs. I used 3* Spidey and IM40 to beat the essentials and Winfinite took out rest of the main nodes. The highest node I faced was 308.

    Good luck to everyone who is going to jump back into the fray...
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Much better! I got to 36 before the change, but level 367 Fist/Cage is just nasty. I was going to use super whales, but heard about the coming change so I held off. It dropped to level 311, which was beatable for my roster. I still have the essentials to do, but I got through the main nodes tonight with just 1 super whales on 37. 37 is a pain with DP, Loki, and Hood, because they're all guys you want to take out first, and it's tough to build AP against Loki and Hood together.

    A single 4 star for the final reward is weak, but it's satisfying to beat a full gauntlet. icon_e_smile.gif
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Still too high. I'm pretty much forced to use a handful of characters over and over and over with health packs every few nodes. Not much fun.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Agreed that it's still a bit high, but very pleasantly surprised they lowered it substantially.

    My Sim 38 (Scarlet Witch, Iceman, MoStorm) went from 405 down to 341. Still had to Deadpool WWW the damn thing though. I've had to use Jackpot WWW way more than I would have liked, but most of those were the stupid high scaling, like Sim 21 (Scarlet Witch, Bulls3y3, IM40), and Sim 30 (She Hulk, Scarlet Witch, 3Clops = She Hulk Green annoying as hell), & Sim 36 (Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Blade = NASTY).
    My Sim 42 is 352, and the last set of essentials are 336, 338, 344. Donno what those were before as I didn't reach them yet.

    Aside from the scaling, my only complaint is how many of these nodes had Scarlet Witch in them.
    \It seemed like she was in every 3rd node. With over 30+ 3 Star characters and now 20+ 4 stars, you'd think there would be a bit more variety...

    Interesting note:
    The last time we had a Gauntlet. for me these levels are actually lower than those were. My last 7+ nodes were at the old 395 level cap for that one, including the last set of essentials.
    I remember a 395 Miles, Mr. Fan, & X-23 being harder than they should have been.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Agreed that it's still a bit high, but very pleasantly surprised they lowered it substantially.

    My Sim 38 (Scarlet Witch, Iceman, MoStorm) went from 405 down to 341. Still had to Deadpool WWW the damn thing though. I've had to use Jackpot WWW way more than I would have liked, but most of those were the stupid high scaling, like Sim 21 (Scarlet Witch, Bulls3y3, IM40), and Sim 30 (She Hulk, Scarlet Witch, 3Clops = She Hulk Green annoying as hell), & Sim 36 (Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Blade = NASTY).
    My Sim 42 is 352, and the last set of essentials are 336, 338, 344. Donno what those were before as I didn't reach them yet.

    Aside from the scaling, my only complaint is how many of these nodes had Scarlet Witch in them.
    \It seemed like she was in every 3rd node. With over 30+ 3 Star characters and now 20+ 4 stars, you'd think there would be a bit more variety...

    Interesting note:
    The last time we had a Gauntlet. for me these levels are actually lower than those were. My last 7+ nodes were at the old 395 level cap for that one, including the last set of essentials.
    I remember a 395 Miles, Mr. Fan, & X-23 being harder than they should have been.

    There would be if they weren't specifically trying to stop people from using a specific combo.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    There would be if they weren't specifically trying to stop people from using a specific combo.

    That is the part that always bugs me with every gauntlet, as soon as the level scaling gets abusive in the last sub they got out of their way to break the teams they know will be successful in those matches just to ensure enough health packs get used up in the process, so most teams will have either the good boosted characters or members of winfinite etc.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    evade420 wrote:
    I was on simulation 36 when I hit the wall
    Level 360 switch, Ice man and storm I think.
    Now it's level 304, still pretty rough but doable.
    I'm dead set on finally completing a gauntlet I really hope this is the one I beat

    -nodes were listed as deadly before now they are normal

    Ha, this was the one that gave me the most individual trouble. I have MANY screenshot of me having total wipes w/o even coming close to killing one of them. Granted, this team was in the 400+ lvl range for me.

    I was finally able to beat it prior to the difficulty fix, but then got hung up on the next node, JG/HB/LThor all at lvl 414. That was my wall.

    Once the scaling was fixed I breezed through the last 7 nodes w/ only using one health pack. Challenging but fun. Even hit the end node twice for 2K iso.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    For nodes where Winfinite has not been viable (either cos the opponents include 1 or more of the characters, or Jean Grey is present... cos 5 matches a lot less attractive at that point) I have been forced to try alternatives....

    and been enjoying some of the stuff I was forced to come up with...

    Loki, Bullseye and Winter Soldier is a lot of fun icon_e_smile.gif Mainly use Bullseye for the green, but if he happens to get the kill then that is even funnier... loki stops a lot of powers, and Winter Soldier is draining a few other AP here and there. And using Bullseye Green to trigger Moving Target is Hilarious icon_e_smile.gif

    But necessity is the mother of invention...

    Bullseye and Doc Octopus also slowed down the carnage/antman team icon_e_smile.gif
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gmax101 wrote:
    and been enjoying some of the stuff I was forced to come up with...

    Loki, Bullseye and Winter Soldier is a lot of fun icon_e_smile.gif Mainly use Bullseye for the green, but if he happens to get the kill then that is even funnier... loki stops a lot of powers, and Winter Soldier is draining a few other AP here and there. And using Bullseye Green to trigger Moving Target is Hilarious icon_e_smile.gif

    But necessity is the mother of invention...

    Bullseye and Doc Octopus also slowed down the carnage/antman team icon_e_smile.gif

    This is one of the biggest issues with the scaling for me, there are creative options out there for people to use, but unless you happen to be very lucky the level of the nodes are often scaled past the point where they would be a viable option. icon_e_sad.gif
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's much better now. I had given up in the 400+ node with rhulk taking away 7000+ hp every few turns. Now, I'm at the final non-required node, and then hopefully I'll do the 6 required nodes and win my 13th Iceman. We'll see.

    Then, I'll go back and do the required nodes of the first two subs.

    I feel like keeping the enemies under lv 400 is good. It's still very tough, but it's not quite so ridiculous. There has to be a cap somewhere.

    I've been using Hood a lot, and he's great for his ap steal, but he's very weak to any AOE attacks, so I gotta work quickly!
  • bbtrpt1
    bbtrpt1 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Was able to finish. I am definitely a 3 to 4 star transitioner with about 20 championed 3 stars and 5 or 6 usable 4 stars in the 150-170 level range. With the adjusted scaling I only had to superwhale 3 nodes (last Gauntlet I had to superwhale 8 I think). Loki, HB, and Hood was a very strong and fun team that got me thru alot of them!
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    All I really wanted was the Beast cover (don't hate), but I've stopped at 23 because Squirrel Girl is a required character. I've now come to my senses and will stop exhausting my boosts for no good reason.

    I also won't be forking over another $20 to buy HP for three roster slots or whatever to make room for Squirrelly Shirley for the sake of Beast.
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    still 40 odd fights, most of them hard/challenging, for 1 4* cover.

    Still not worth it imo.
  • HossDrone
    HossDrone Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    Before the dial back I hit the wall at node 22.

    After the dial back I steadily made my way through to the end for my first gauntlet completion ever.

    Happy 1 year anniversary of playing to me.