Gauntlet scaling is dialed back

justplainchips Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
My game (on Android) just received the daily patch and scaling is dialed way back

I had posted in the Gauntlet data thread, here's how mine got updated.

First page of roster (with boosted*):
Old New
1. 100 100
2. 43 28
3. 55 36
4. 70 46
5. 89 58
6. 112 74
7. 141 94
Loki. 185 123
8. 177 118
9. 222 148
10. 227 152
15. 254 170
29. 310 234


  • az98
    az98 Posts: 30
    Doesn't matter at all. I still can't beat the 3cyclops, 3thor, red hulk node, especially when 3thor is the main reason I got this far. My scaling is bumped up for my useless bullseye
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    FWIW, I'd stopped playing (lost interest) at Sim 26 against IM/Storm/BW. Previously, they were all ~305, now they've dropped to 222. (My top three characters are 260 x3.)
  • drcassino
    drcassino Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    4 star roster, in the middle of Alpine when I quit. New version - all the enemies still 300+ . Better than the 400 that they were at before, but still stupid, stupid hard. So, thanks, but no thanks.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two hard nodes, zero deadly.

    I think I beat 12 deadly nodes on day one to finish it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Simulation 24 level 305 listed as normal. Working as intended I guess.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,399 Chairperson of the Boards
    Instead of fighting level 300+ teams with my 170-180 3* roster (not counting unusable 5* and boosted 2*), I'm now facing level 293 enemies (@ sim 40).

    Even though it's been scaled back a bit, I can't help but wonder if it's *really* intended you have to face enemy teams that are 100+ higher in levels than your own.
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    I was on simulation 36 when I hit the wall
    Level 360 switch, Ice man and storm I think.
    Now it's level 304, still pretty rough but doable.
    I'm dead set on finally completing a gauntlet I really hope this is the one I beat

    -nodes were listed as deadly before now they are normal
  • Ailbe
    Ailbe Posts: 7
    So I tried it. I was able to get one more into the gauntlet, and now I'm at a complete standstill again. Previously I've been able to finish the second, and finish or nearly finish the third. Now. Now I have struggled, losing team after team after team and I'm only 5 missions into the second. On the last mission I tried, even though it was definitely lower level I threw four teams of my highest level guys at them and each got destroyed. Mostly without even killing one of the other team, definitely never killed more than one. In other words, I'm getting absolutely destroyed.

    And, to top this off. The rewards for this event are terrible. In other words, The Gauntlet is a joke, not worth my time anymore.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    DeNappa wrote:
    Instead of fighting level 300+ teams with my 170-180 3* roster (not counting unusable 5* and boosted 2*), I'm now facing level 293 enemies (@ sim 40).

    Even though it's been scaled back a bit, I can't help but wonder if it's *really* intended you have to face enemy teams that are 100+ higher in levels than your own.

    This has always, always, always been like that for veteran rosters. 100 levels above are actually not that hard to beat (depending on characters). The problem is when it goes above that.
  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90
    My sim 21 was 205 206 206 now 143 144 144
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    Still too hard, managed on more battle on the first stage, but the next one went back up to 312 from 211, forget this, going to play uncharted 4....what we want DEV, is something fun, enough with the challenging ****, I don`t want to challenge myself, I want to have Fun, nice try, fail again. icon_cry.gif
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    S29: 326 -> 311

  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 403 Mover and Shaker
    number 17 is symbiotes at level 285. Yeah, no Gauntlet for me
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    I ask because I'm not entirely sure, but is this really that much harder than past Gauntlets? Because I remember always reading that many/most people required a Winfinite or Super Whales to finish the thing.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I stopped at Sim 10 in Wilderness Survival when I encountered level 278 Venom Goons. After adjustment the Venom Goons were dropped to level 182. There is only three rewards in the progression chain that I care to get, 3* Beast and Human Torch for my champion toons and the 4* Iceman purple. I could struggle through the rest of Wilderness Survival for:

    Power Boost - nice to have, I'm not maxed at 30 right now
    200 iso
    standard token = 100 iso
    tiny cap blue = 250 iso
    Gauntlet Vault token = 250 iso
    whatever paltry junk I get from the matches

    So basically, 800 iso and a power boost. Less than half what I typically get from doing ten minutes in a Lightning Round.

    LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWL That's a roaring lol.

    My Ice Man is 1/1/3 so getting the purple is niceish, but not a motivator because purple is the most common color. I've read comments from several players about how they've tossed up to 5 extra purples and dying for a green or blue. I will have purple long maxed before I get enough blue or green to make him useful, of that I am very confident. And that will come a half century before I have the iso to do anything with him.

    Devs, ask yourselves why in the hell you keep making everything so damn hard for so very little reward and ask yourselves if that is a game that you would want to play or invest money in.

    I've got:

    31 3* toons championed
    272 4pool 5/3/5
    270 Silver Surfer 1/1/1
    265 Old Man Logan 0/4/0
    255 Spider-Man 1/1/0
    255 Phoenix 1/0/0
    185 4clops 4/1/5

    Then we drop to 183 5/3/5 Black Panther, my best 3* champion. Just put me out of my misery and tell the honest truth devs, that I should just give up and sell my 5*'s, that you never intended anybody but King Dreadnaught have them and I will sell them and get realistic scaling back and get back to actually enjoying the game.

  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the levels are lower... but it still isn't any fun. Having no viable 4*s, my best characters for this are Loki, Daredevil, and Bullseye. Loki and DD can clean up some some of the symbiot spam, but they're super niche characters, and very weak against many teams.

    Thus, we've got a infuriating Catch 22. To get a single 4* card, you need a viable 4* roster. Devs, can't you see the problem here? Your reward structure is broken. It has been for a long time.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2016
    Thank you for listening and scaling back difficulty devs. While I may not make it all the way to the end still, at least I will be able to complete Alpine with my roster.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I have to say I appreciate the dialing back. I didn't even beat Wilderness, not because I couldn't, but because I looked at the start of Global, saw I'd be fighting lvl 330 enemies with my lvl 250 characters on the first node, and knowing I would never be able to earn the single 4* cover they offered for the event.

    Now I'll maybe give it a try.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    The last node of the second tier has gone from 310 to 230 for me. A stupidly hard fight to gain one champion level. It feels has the game's difficulty and reward balance is slowly but surely drifting away from reality has times go by. Last year they at least attempted to correct it with things like the deadpool daily, now it seems as though they try their best to push people away once they reach a certain point to make way in the ranks for new players.

    I will have all my 3* championned in a few weeks, there's no way my 4* will be competitive in any way by that point. Unless anything comparable to DDQ is done by then, it will be endgame for me.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I finished Global Domination pre adjustment, sim 42 topped out at 451. Now I get to go back and mop up any worth while rewards still on the table