Announcement about BFZ card packs + compensation
Hibernum_JC wrote:One of the upsides to having lower card counts in packs is that it lets you guys loot some of the core cards from the set a bit more easily - a smaller pool of cards ensures you’ll be getting more specific cards.
Well, if you'd have put the best mythics in the first release maybe we wouldn't have minded this. But you didn't, so we did. And doesn't it seem likely given your current pricing policies that this will happen over and over again?
What we actually get out of this is, in general terms, a much bigger chance of getting duplicates, which nobody wants; and specifically, in this set, a much better chance of getting the new dual land supports, which are pretty underwhelming, and pretty terrible against the new iteration of Chandra, who can blow 2-strength supports off the battlefield very, very quickly.0 -
shteev wrote:Hibernum_JC wrote:One of the upsides to having lower card counts in packs is that it lets you guys loot some of the core cards from the set a bit more easily - a smaller pool of cards ensures you’ll be getting more specific cards.
Well, if you'd have put the best mythics in the first release maybe we wouldn't have minded this. But you didn't, so we did. And doesn't it seem likely given your current pricing policies that this will happen over and over again?
What we actually get out of this is, in general terms, a much bigger chance of getting duplicates, which nobody wants; and specifically, in this set, a much better chance of getting the new dual land supports, which are pretty underwhelming, and pretty terrible against the new iteration of Chandra, who can blow 2-strength supports off the battlefield very, very quickly.
lately my post have been very apocaliptic about how D3 is managing all this. I like the game but i competely dislike the direction it is going in every aspect that is not matching gems (core gameplay)
To me, there is no oversight, everything is planned but they did it too obvious and the playerbase realised and now they are trying to say "hey we are sorry for this, we are compensating you" but in the back they are saying "next time we shouldnt announce that new cards inside the set are being released"
Every step the devs are making goes forward into making the game more expensive and more punishing for f2p players, but they are not saying anything about that, they just compensate when they screw up too bad.- We let them remove the rune 3 pack that, even though most of the time they sucked i was able to get rares in the few days that the option was available.
- We let them give us 3 packs per day although to keep up having 3 packs and not 2 i need to wake up like half and hour earlier and go to sleep half and hour later. And we could get 3 rune packs for playing a couple matches
- We let them have a super expensive crystal cost, some people even said that this game is even more expensive that real magic
- We let them lower the drop rate of rares and mythics, i dont even remember when was the last time i got 2 rares in 1 single 5 pack
- We let them increase the pool size of quick battle ladder events 600%, increasing the amount of grinding we need to do to receive at least 10 crystals
- We let them remove the 8 crystal rewards for Story matches
- We are letting them charge us 250 crystals for a PW (or 50 dollars for a dual color one)
- We are letting them release a unfinished set of cards with a bunch of rares and mythic and all the common and uncommon. We spent all our money on packs and then they say rares and mythics are being added. And they are saying sorry for not communicating this to us, but they are not saying sorry for doing it, and they even plan to keep doing it (but they will communicate this better next time)
0 -
EDUSAN wrote:shteev wrote:Hibernum_JC wrote:One of the upsides to having lower card counts in packs is that it lets you guys loot some of the core cards from the set a bit more easily - a smaller pool of cards ensures you’ll be getting more specific cards.
Well, if you'd have put the best mythics in the first release maybe we wouldn't have minded this. But you didn't, so we did. And doesn't it seem likely given your current pricing policies that this will happen over and over again?
What we actually get out of this is, in general terms, a much bigger chance of getting duplicates, which nobody wants; and specifically, in this set, a much better chance of getting the new dual land supports, which are pretty underwhelming, and pretty terrible against the new iteration of Chandra, who can blow 2-strength supports off the battlefield very, very quickly.
lately my post have been very apocaliptic about how D3 is managing all this. I like the game but i competely dislike the direction it is going in every aspect that is not matching gems (core gameplay)
To me, there is no oversight, everything is planned but they did it too obvious and the playerbase realised and now they are trying to say "hey we are sorry for this, we are compensating you" but in the back they are saying "next time we shouldnt announce that new cards inside the set are being released"
Every step the devs are making goes forward into making the game more expensive and more punishing for f2p players, but they are not saying anything about that, they just compensate when they screw up too bad.- We let them remove the rune 3 pack that, even though most of the time they sucked i was able to get rares in the few days that the option was available.
- We let them give us 3 packs per day although to keep up having 3 packs and not 2 i need to wake up like half and hour earlier and go to sleep half and hour later. And we could get 3 rune packs for playing a couple matches
- We let them have a super expensive crystal cost, some people even said that this game is even more expensive that real magic
- We let them lower the drop rate of rares and mythics, i dont even remember when was the last time i got 2 rares in 1 single 5 pack
- We let them increase the pool size of quick battle ladder events 600%, increasing the amount of grinding we need to do to receive at least 10 crystals
- We let them remove the 8 crystal rewards for Story matches
- We are letting them charge us 250 crystals for a PW (or 50 dollars for a dual color one)
- We are letting them release a unfinished set of cards with a bunch of rares and mythic and all the common and uncommon. We spent all our money on packs and then they say rares and mythics are being added. And they are saying sorry for not communicating this to us, but they are not saying sorry for doing it, and they even plan to keep doing it (but they will communicate this better next time)
It's tough. We want to communicate to them what they need to change and improve upon, but we also want to stay positive. For everything they improve upon/fix though lately, they add a new problem
Stay positive... stay positive...0 -
There is something wrong with the game and its management, not just the lack of communication. I've spent around 1600+- gold on useless partially/released packs. Should we know that tthe pack were incomplete, we would have saved them. On top of that we get spawned with ridiculous high prices for planewalkers and drop rate nerfs. I dont see myself spending 250 for a planewalker after what I've already spent on gold. Its not like gold is easy to acquire, it is extremity hard to get and the only viable option (while holding your nose) is to buy with cash. You don't even get a good value for what you spend. Affordability does not imply necessity to spend and if people think they are not getting a good deal, they wont spend. In fact, for a whole week playing for hours, I was not able to accumulate more than 50 gold. I'm pretty sure many people have completed most of the story missions to get alternative path to get more gold. I'm still relatively new to this game and I'll take the opportunity to address what I think are very distressing.
many of the story missions such as kill that many creatures or lose that many creatures are very tenuous to complete. The AI spends turns and turns casting spells and support and finally drop a creature after so many rounds. This isn't worth it even if d3go is making it hard to get gold.
Chandra first ability is too cheap at 3 and kills many most creatures. It can be very frustrating to spawn a creature after spending 10 mana or more and have it killed by a cost of 3. Most people in defense of Chandra talk about getting such and such cards if you fight Chandra. Not all players are expected to have such specifics, especially the unlucky and new players. That coupled with high chances of making cascades and filling up all cards in hand so fast makes an OP character.
The amount of grinding in quick battle is ridiculous. It more like you have to play as early as possible and as long as possible for hours without a break.
D3go should not rabid on the pricing; the. They should be more transparent and communicate more with the community. I don't want this good game to end up like Puzzle and Glory from SEGA that closed it servers recently. I think D3go is following the exact same steps Sega dis with their puzzle game.0 -
Chandra first skill does not kill creatures.
Her 2nd does but costs 9. That is overall balanced to be honest.
The first is the one problematic.
I know this could have surprised you
What can I say....
Sorry could not resist! XD0 -
A another alternative to making many pools for quick battle is to make ticket or scores you accumulate be used to purchase something. That way you can still get rewards according to time invested in case you can't make it to the top cause your time is very valuable or excessive grinding0
Dear Hibernus:
When I first began to play this game in my tremendous excitement I spent a decent amount of real money, which gave me access to 3000 runes. I spent them and I felt that I've gotten mostly my money's worth, and I was happy and I played the game.
as many of you the players in the playerbase has pointed out the game since then has gone into a much more expensive model I no longer felt like I was getting value for my money when I put in my second hundred dollars therefore I stopped buying anything and decided I would sit on that money and wait until the new set of cards came out which had been talked about a long time ago already. I thought at least this way I'll have the new cards to play with. now having 2400 ruins means quite a few fat fat packs or big boxes so I was very excited about the opportunity to spend that money. as it happens my financial situation has not improved but has gotten worse since then. as a grown adult I do not spend my parents money but rather I work hard and spend my own money. the reality is that I was certain I would not be able to spend that kind of money ever again in this game but that's okay that's life and that's definitely not your problem.
Unfortunately I was unaware of the reality regarding the withholding of some cards from the set. this was done in a very Shifty and unethical manner by the team that is in charge of this project. I dislike the claim that it was a miscommunication it disturbs me greatly that that term was even used. I want you to imagine for a second that you went into a store and saw a sign that said basket of oranges for sale. So you purchase the basket of oranges go home and find that some of them are rotten. now maybe it only one or two around that wouldn't bother you but it seems a significant amount of oranges are rotten. So you go back to the store and say to the manager looks you sold me a basket of oranges that has quite a few rotten oranges in it. so the manager shows you the sign and he says wait did you see on the bottom in tiny letters where it says these baskets may contain significant amount of rotten oranges? obviously you would not be very happy with this explanation. then the manager says well sir, I'm sorry about the miscommunication. Does that make you feel better. Now the manager says let me give you some compensation here is a cucumber. now do you feel better?
This is exactly how I feel. now I might be wrong it could be that the compensation really will be amazing. But at this point I have purchased 3 big boxes before I found out about this issue. That's over $50 of real money's worth of merchandise in the game. will the compensation be scaled 2 what players have spent. Because if the compensation is to give me a single fat pack with a ridiculously low drop rate and almost no chance of getting the cards that I wanted which I bought big boxes for comma then you haven't really done anything for me at all. I have to say is that up until now although I was upset at the directions that this game was moving in Kama I never felt that I was dealt with in a way that was unethical bordering on flagrant theft. this however feels very much like I was stolen from. Obviously there's no real recourse for me I'm at the mercy of your team of Developers. The only thing I can do which I will certainly do, although I will give you the courtesy of waiting to see exactly what the compensation consists of, is leave a review on any venue that I can stating that not only is this game a terrible value for your money and a tremendous time sink but as well the developers have no problem acting in an unethical and underhanded manner to take money away from the playerbase hoping that when they don't get the cards they want they will put in more money.
Right now is a friend of mine asked me hey should I be playing this game I would say absolutely not the only reason I'm playing is because I do have most of the good origins cards and I do like is the game. But to me to tell a new player to get involved in this game is completely a disservice to them this game is right now only for two types of people those who have already been playing and those who had a limitless pit of money if that's what you guys want then that's the direction that you can move and no one can stop you. But I want you to know that just like a thief the way he act may hurt others but in a very real sense psychologically and emotionally he is also hurting himself. you guys as well you can justify what you're doing as hey we're just here to make money but this kind of raw hedonistic capitalism is very bad for you as well and for anybody who is part of this project and contributing to it I hope that they understand that this kind of unethical and immoral Behavior psychologically affect them and will spill over into other aspects of their life.
I apologize if the tone of this post is very negative but please understand is that I feel that I was stolen from and I think that a great deal of the player base feels that way as well.
Thank you for your consideration.0 -
fruithead wrote:Dear Hibernus:
When I first began to play this game in my tremendous excitement I spent a decent amount of real money, which gave me access to 3000 runes. I spent them and I felt that I've gotten mostly my money's worth, and I was happy and I played the game.
as many of you the players in the playerbase has pointed out the game since then has gone into a much more expensive model I no longer felt like I was getting value for my money when I put in my second hundred dollars therefore I stopped buying anything and decided I would sit on that money and wait until the new set of cards came out which had been talked about a long time ago already. I thought at least this way I'll have the new cards to play with. now having 2400 ruins means quite a few fat fat packs or big boxes so I was very excited about the opportunity to spend that money. as it happens my financial situation has not improved but has gotten worse since then. as a grown adult I do not spend my parents money but rather I work hard and spend my own money. the reality is that I was certain I would not be able to spend that kind of money ever again in this game but that's okay that's life and that's definitely not your problem.
Unfortunately I was unaware of the reality regarding the withholding of some cards from the set. this was done in a very Shifty and unethical manner by the team that is in charge of this project. I dislike the claim that it was a miscommunication it disturbs me greatly that that term was even used. I want you to imagine for a second that you went into a store and saw a sign that said basket of oranges for sale. So you purchase the basket of oranges go home and find that some of them are rotten. now maybe it only one or two around that wouldn't bother you but it seems a significant amount of oranges are rotten. So you go back to the store and say to the manager looks you sold me a basket of oranges that has quite a few rotten oranges in it. so the manager shows you the sign and he says wait did you see on the bottom in tiny letters where it says these baskets may contain significant amount of rotten oranges? obviously you would not be very happy with this explanation. then the manager says well sir, I'm sorry about the miscommunication. Does that make you feel better. Now the manager says let me give you some compensation here is a cucumber. now do you feel better?
This is exactly how I feel. now I might be wrong it could be that the compensation really will be amazing. But at this point I have purchased 3 big boxes before I found out about this issue. That's over $50 of real money's worth of merchandise in the game. will the compensation be scaled 2 what players have spent. Because if the compensation is to give me a single fat pack with a ridiculously low drop rate and almost no chance of getting the cards that I wanted which I bought big boxes for comma then you haven't really done anything for me at all. I have to say is that up until now although I was upset at the directions that this game was moving in Kama I never felt that I was dealt with in a way that was unethical bordering on flagrant theft. this however feels very much like I was stolen from. Obviously there's no real recourse for me I'm at the mercy of your team of Developers. The only thing I can do which I will certainly do, although I will give you the courtesy of waiting to see exactly what the compensation consists of, is leave a review on any venue that I can stating that not only is this game a terrible value for your money and a tremendous time sink but as well the developers have no problem acting in an unethical and underhanded manner to take money away from the playerbase hoping that when they don't get the cards they want they will put in more money.
Right now is a friend of mine asked me hey should I be playing this game I would say absolutely not the only reason I'm playing is because I do have most of the good origins cards and I do like is the game. But to me to tell a new player to get involved in this game is completely a disservice to them this game is right now only for two types of people those who have already been playing and those who had a limitless pit of money if that's what you guys want then that's the direction that you can move and no one can stop you. But I want you to know that just like a thief the way he act may hurt others but in a very real sense psychologically and emotionally he is also hurting himself. you guys as well you can justify what you're doing as hey we're just here to make money but this kind of raw hedonistic capitalism is very bad for you as well and for anybody who is part of this project and contributing to it I hope that they understand that this kind of unethical and immoral Behavior psychologically affect them and will spill over into other aspects of their life.
I apologize if the tone of this post is very negative but please understand is that I feel that I was stolen from and I think that a great deal of the player base feels that way as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Well said.0 -
ChrisTot wrote:fruithead wrote:I apologize if the tone of this post is very negative but please understand is that I feel that I was stolen from and I think that a great deal of the player base feels that way as well.
Well said.
omg rereading what i wrote was embarrassing lol. i was so tired and using my phones voice-to-type. you can see how great it is from the word "comma" appearing in there lolol.
anyways yeah. formatting aside it's exactly how i feel. I (im)patiently await a response from hibernus.0 -
fruithead wrote:BassMuffinFIve wrote:
No need to apologize. If I were you, I would definitely go to the google store/apple store and ask for your money back. You were lied to and robbed, and it should be no issue to get a refund. Honestly, should be a quick, easy process, and in the end, you won't feel as robbed. You will still feel sour towards the company, but at least you will have gotten your money back.
Wait hang on. Do you really think the google store would give me money back?
If yes i will definitely try.
Just remember that the devs of this game can block your account if they so choose once you get a refund. This is per Google's policy.0 -
Ppl that spent real currency have reason to complain imo and should start by contacting support first.
F2P like some of us may have no argument to make no matter how much time we invested collecting in game currency and how much it goes to waste.
Anyway both F2P and whales are equally as important0 -
MADAFAKA wrote:Ppl that spent real currency have reason to complain imo and should start by contacting support first.
F2P like some of us may have no argument to make no matter how much time we invested collecting in game currency and how much it goes to waste.
Anyway both F2P and whales are equally as important
if you spent money to buy crystals and crystals to buy packs... to me, its the same as "spent time" to buy crystals and crystals to buy packs
if (example) 10 crystal is 1 dollar. If you spent 10 crystals that you earn by playing some hours, then its the same as 1 dollar (might not be legaly, but to me its the same)
Different would it be if there was a currency for f2p people and another currency only possible to get with money
(im thinking like League of Legends IP and RP currencys)0 -
Hi everyone,
As JC stated the other day - we apologize for the lack of clarity regarding which cards were and were not available in the BFZ update. We're taking steps to make everything much clearer in future updates. In the meantime, to check which cards are available in packs, please click on the "I" icon in the Vault.
If you are not satisfied with the 100 Crystals you received as an apology for the miscommunication, we ask that you please open a ticket with Customer Support (if you haven't already) so we can look into assisting you further. You can contact Support here:
Thanks very much.0 -
Really, the 100 crystals was for the bad communication. I really thought it was for what it said it was for, recent bugs like the giant pauses between screens in QB that had you wondering if it was permanently frozen or not. I doubt your customer service group can re-roll the two BB that I got so I have a chance at Lantern Scout. Also it seems like an odd move training people to complain to customer service instead of proactively dealing with things.0
"David wrote:Moore"]Hi everyone,
As JC stated the other day - we apologize for the lack of clarity regarding which cards were and were not available in the BFZ update. We're taking steps to make everything much clearer in future updates. In the meantime, to check which cards are available in packs, please click on the "I" icon in the Vault.
If you are not satisfied with the 100 Crystals you received as an apology for the miscommunication, we ask that you please open a ticket with Customer Support (if you haven't already) so we can look into assisting you further. You can contact Support here:
Thanks very much.Greetings D3 Go! Customer,
Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this confusion may have caused. We are unfortunately unable to return gems that where used to purchase the big box. If you wish to see what cards can be earned within the pack before purchasing them please be sure to check the information about the packs before making the purchase. Players who had experienced the issue have already been given 100 Gems as compensation for the misunderstanding, and we are unfortunately unable to provide any further compensation.
If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.
Best Regards,
D3 Go! Customer Support Team (RBK)0 -
Well... After reading davids comment i opened a ticket,it was closed with this answer
"Greetings D3 Go! Customer,
Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.
Unfortunately, since mass compensation has already been gifted to players, we cannot provided further compensation. Due to this issue being wide spread, we are unable to offer compensation to players on an individual level. It would be unfair to credit one player without crediting all players affected by the issue."0 -
D3 Dictionary:
Definitions for: "Contact Customer Support"
1. sit and spin.
2. yeah right
If I paid cash for crystals I would keep pushing and not settle for the 100 crystals as compensation. Being a free player ( and highly unlikely to ever put money in because of how these things have been handled) I just have to shrug and say whatever.0 -
They are trying to squelch the whole thing. He deleted my post about asking for a refund and gave me a warning0
So they don't want to do the refunds because it would take a lot of time.
They definitely CAN deposit crystals right into an account, so don't believe that support team's excuse for a second. They've done it for me. They sent me some directly and all I had to do was check my userID or whatever on the game. Who cares if it was a lot of users. This is real people's money..ever heard any other store in the history of ever say..sorry we're not going to give you store credit (crystals) worth your refund's cost because it would take too much time?0 -
ChrisTot wrote:They definitely CAN deposit crystals right into an account, so don't believe that support team's excuse for a second. They've done it for me. They sent me some directly and all I had to do was check my userID or whatever on the game. Who cares if it was a lot of users. This is real people's money..ever heard any other store in the history of ever say..sorry we're not going to give you store credit (crystals) worth your refund's cost because it would take too much time?
Besides, compensation is something they need to be careful about. When considering whether or not to grant a compensation request, in order to prevent people from abusing the system for free stuff, they need to:
-ensure that the person actually paid for the in-game currency they used
-not refund a purchase more than once
-not grant a refund claim for a reason that literally every player in the game would also be able to make a claim for (which is the most relevant to this discussion)
So, would anyone here like to volunteer to go through thousands of players' accounts and tally up precisely how much in-game currency each person who makes a claim on this basis would be entitled to while still making sure that nobody is abusing the system by hoping to get double their money's worth, even though they got all the cards they wanted from the packs they bought?0
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