Civil War - A story of failure



  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    We have gotten the same cut and paste answers as these in our alliance as well. I don't think I have had a single question read much less answered
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    @ polarpopbear and westny

    My teammates are now receiving these emails.

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We would like to apologize for reaching out to you like this after setting the tickets as solved. We took your feedback under consideration and apologize that it took a couple of days as our technicians needed to review what happened.

    There was indeed some oversight on our technical end that only led to you and your alliance not being properly compensated for the issue you had experienced. So that we can provide the correct compensation to everyone for the Target rewards that would have been met, can you provide us a list of all or several usernames of players who were in your alliance for the event? If this information was already provided earlier in the ticket, then we apologize for the erroneous request.

    After the information has been provided, by you or one of your fellow alliance members, we will proceed to calculate everyone's points and then distribute the corresponding rewards to everyone.

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (TJM)
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We are currently seeing into what we can also send you guys from the Team Cap side.

    Your ticket has been escalated for review. We are currently addressing your issue and will contact you as soon as we can with the appropriate resolution.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (TJM)
  • Thank you D3 for finally reviewing the situation and making amends. I take back most of the stuff I muttered under my breath about you.

  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Almost all of it lol. Shame that such steps have to be taken to get quality customer service