No need to "Fix" the next go around of Civil War

madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
There is nothing to fix.

Civil War was fun and challenging for all. Even those who actually DID finish both sides of the war I'm sure had to struggle, and those are top tier alliances with max rosters.

Please don't feel you need to "tweak" the scaling so 98% of your player base cannot finish even one side of the war.

I really enjoyed this event. It would have been nice if there were no Critical Boost rewards, and a few more tokens off all types along the progression/round reward path, but overall it was very enjoyable and got the alliance all hyped, talking and moving as one.

Keep it just as it is unless you plan on increasing some prize payouts. You can make those changes and I won't be upset icon_e_biggrin.gif

We need MORE PVEs like this, Galactus and Ultron.


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Or make it so I don't have to beat six level 300+ enemies to have a go at fighting a level 200 boss.
    That would be nice, too.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Well, I imagine that was not intended. I don't know why you didn't actually have to choose a side to start with, locking the other side out. I imagine that is what will happen next round, though.

    And yah...the nodes jumping from lvl28 to 325? C'mon now. I appreciate that the 5* teams were not fully covered, thanks for that, but wow. I tried not using oml one match, and IM40 died so fast...couldn't even feed lcap. Decent iso awards.

    Honestly, with everyone having difficulty covering 5*, having an alliance event ran every 2 weeks or so with a different 5* cover would be very welcomed and a nice way of distributing them.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I agree that Civil War is a great event, especially in comparison to other PvE events, there are still tweaks that can be made to improve the overall play experience, most notably with scaling. The 24 hour scaling jump system is a head-scratcher. At first, I thought the nodes were being kept intentionally low through later rounds so that newer players (people who jumped on the MPQ wagon because of CW) would have a way to continue to participate throughout the event which I thought was a brilliant idea. Newer players would still feel they were contributing even if they couldn't handle the boss character.

    But then 24 hours later, scaling shoots through the roof, reportedly across all rounds, slamming the breaks on the "fun" for a lot of lower level rosters.

    If they wanted to ensure a "challenge", it would make far more sense in terms of gameplay for nodes to get progressively more difficult with each round. The scaling system should look something akin to this:

    Round 1: 1* team can beat all nodes and struggle beating boss.
    Round 2: 2* team can beat all nodes and have slight difficulty beating boss
    Round 3: 2* team can beat all nodes with some difficulty and struggle beating boss
    Round 4: 3* team can beat all nodes and defeat boss
    Round 5: 3* team can beat all nodes with some difficulty and defeat boss with some difficulty
    Round 6: 3* team can beat all node with difficulty and struggle beating boss
    Round 7: 4* team can beat all nodes with some difficulty and beat boss with some difficulty
    Round 8: 4* team can beat all nodes with difficulty and and struggle beating boss

    While I am aware there are 5* teams and there is merit in arguing the final round should require the use of 5* characters, I believe earning one 5* cover should be achievable with a strong 4* roster (it's not like they are going to be earning more covers of the character anytime soon).

    Furthermore, they should introduce a reward scheme that takes into account the difficulty with node rewards, not just progression. So while a Round 1* node may reward your 70 ISO and critical boosts, a Round 6 node is rewarding 500 ISO and AP Boosts and Round 8 nodes are rewarding 1000 ISO and CP.

    With that said, thanks for finally making a 5* introductory event! I hope the devs decide to go back and make more PvE events for the current 5* characters as they all have interesting stories to be told and would open up new avenues in terms of gameplay and earning 5* characters.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    I agree with a lot of what you said in the OP, but nothing to fix is a bit of an oversight based on how the first run went. On the whole, I enjoyed the event despite a lack of time to devote to it once the actual weekend hit.

    The scaling increase 24 hours in was a touch steep compared to what we had been experiencing prior, and this is coming from someone with a roster that could generally handle the brick wall that dropped, albeit with some difficulty.
    While I am aware there are 5* teams and there is merit in arguing the final round should require the use of 5* characters, I believe earning one 5* cover should be achievable with a strong 4* roster (it's not like they are going to be earning more covers of the character anytime soon).

    The only problem I have with requiring the use of 5* characters is the RNG nature of them in order to acquire them outside of CW so far. I have a solid 3* roster and am currently developing my 4* characters, so I can appreciate not being able to beat the higher round bosses. I did succeed against round 8 Cap once with 4Thor and IM40 in the driver's seat, but it was brutal, as it should have been. My IMHB is nearly usable thanks to the event, but I believe having some non-RNG method to cover 5*s would be the only way to merit scaling other rosters out of being able to effectively fight the bosses.

    IMO, the easiest ways to silence the complaints about CW run one:
    - Increase ISO rewards, particularly in progression. 140 ISO, 3* cover, 140 ISO was a slap in the face.
    - Replace the stupid critical boosts with event tokens.
    - Dial back the scaling by at least 50% on the first 24 hour scaling increase. If it needs to be that steep, set it to scale on the 48 hour refresh or later. No one, including developed, well-rounded rosters, wants to fight hero/villain teams that are more difficult to beat than even a late round boss.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    heres the thing, the reward was a 5*. If you are one of the people complaining about 5* scaling, or posting about selling 5*s because they mess you up, then why would you have even cared? The scaling made it so the people who were getting the 5*'s, were people with the rosters that can use 5*s.

    This was not a 4* release event, this was a dual 5* release event.. want free 5*s? You will need a roster capable of beating teams that show you can use new 5*s on your roster.

    I think the event was great! It was actually nice to die on an essential wave node.. frustrating yes, but seriously, too easy and there would be complaints.. this was not too hard, it was just hard enough.

    loved the event!
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    OJSP wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    too easy and there would be complaints..
    Really? that'd be the first time in the forum!

    yeah, i dont recall that complaint thread about the event being too easy during the first 24 hours. mustve missed it. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    too easy and there would be complaints..
    Really? that'd be the first time in the forum!

    Not even close, as one of the people who routinely lost placement in PVE to purposely under-leveled/soft capped (not that much of a big deal anymore, i play pve for the CP now) rosters so they could keep events as easy as possible.. i love that
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I won't say that there is "nothing to fix."

    I will say that I would rather it stay as-is than risk what D3 might do with one of their patented "fixes"
  • ojcAust
    ojcAust Posts: 140
    Malcrof wrote:
    Not even close, as one of the people who routinely lost placement in PVE to purposely under-leveled/soft capped (not that much of a big deal anymore, i play pve for the CP now) rosters so they could keep events as easy as possible.. i love that

    I agree with this 100%. We are talking about a 5 star character, yes this event should have made you work for it. It also had 3* and 4* rewards at a fairly achievable level. But to get the 5* you needed to either know how to play really well with player combos and teamups, or have the roster that could help you win.

    I hope they do not change a thing for the next round, except they can alter the cover colours if they must change something.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    I could handle the scaling increase for the most part, but it was a ****.

    The truth is that it turned something that was "Fun" into something that was a grind.

    I get the elitists will say that 5* are only for people who need 5* and to hell with the rest of you, but that misses the point that a game is supposed to be "fun". Getting a single cover in a 5* is pretty much meaningless without getting additional covers, so what is the issue with giving them out to everybody who actually tries? It makes people feel like they are actually participating in the evolution of the game.

    In the end the only really crazy part was the wave node essentials. You are taking on 6 high level, super scaled opponents and forced to use a character that may or may not been any good. If they were going to scale the opponents this hard they should have removed the wave nodes.

    This event was super fun at the start... not so fun at the end. Still, a lot of the good out weighed the bad.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    jobob wrote:
    I won't say that there is "nothing to fix."

    I will say that I would rather it stay as-is than risk what D3 might do with one of their patented "fixes"

    This was why I had "fix" in quotes in the OP. Could improvements be made to smooth some stuff out and maybe make the experience more fun/rewarding for the player? You betcha!

    All D3 will see is "x amount of alliances beat one side of CW" and determine it was too easy. They will "fix" it to make it so less alliances finish it.

    I'm sorry if that was lost on people, as it appears it was.
  • adamdivine
    adamdivine Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    I am still maxing out my 3's (most around 140-150) and I found the event to be just right. It got too hard right around the 6th round. The only thing I would change is the scaling of the nodes a little. Not because they were unbeatable, just because of the time factor. But I felt that the rewards were just right for where I am at. This the only event that I have played that I feel that way about. My alliance was able to finish round 7 on the one side and round 4 on the other. Next time, we will do round 6 on both. Overall I hope the"fixes" are very minor or nonexistent.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    I wish the minion nodes didn't scale based on time but rather based on round number. I also wish that the ISO rewards for progression were a bit more meaningful. I wish that the boss node had more than four rewards per boss. Finally, I wish no more crit boosts.

    During the final round, a full clear took a very long time, though.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    I'm afraid I must wholeheartedly disagree with the "fix nothing" mentality.

    Scaling in late refreshes was so ridiculous that I was forced to use my 5* characters as nothing else was good enough. Combine that with the fact that 2* characters were required (looking at you Hawkeye) against level 400+ opponents and you can guess how it played out. I'm all for a challenge, but do so in other ways (limit rosters for example).

    Maybe it's my fault for thinking I'd be able to dust off some of my favorite 3s and 4s to play for fun when instead it became like every other pve/pvp event and only your best characters would do.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    There were alliances that completed both sides, of course CW2 will be "fixed"
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    LXSandman wrote:
    In the end the only really crazy part was the wave node essentials. You are taking on 6 high level, super scaled opponents and forced to use a character that may or may not been any good. If they were going to scale the opponents this hard they should have removed the wave nodes.

    This was the worst part I thought as well, having to face 6 characters over lvl 300 and not knowing who the second wave is. You have to actively deny all AP colors, enough health to live through that and also get lucky somewhat. Wave nodes are fine with goons, not with 6 heroes/villains scaled that highly.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I mostly enjoyed the event. The critical boosts and standard tokens for beating massively over-scaled enemies was a bit of a slap in the face. I also found it odd that my only wipes with my primary game (nearly championed OML and Phoenix) were on the goon nodes. Not a single time even close to losing to either boss (finished one side, and round five of the other side); but I lost to several of the goon nodes.

    I played a little bit with my second game (max-2* land, with a few championed). I beat the round 6 cap twice (in two tries! Though both tries were extremely close), and obviously beat one of the goon nodes, but that was it.
  • Cthulhu
    Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin
    Thank you guys for your notes! We have compiled your notes along with some of our notes and plan to address what we can for the next round of Civil War. This was a first attempt, and we are glad that people did have fun with the event.

    icon_greengoblin.png Cthulhu icon_greengoblin.png
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Everything was great until you jacked up the scaling. Nobody in my alliance was strong enough to continue and we didn't get to finish round 6. I can't be mad because we all got 2 Hulkbusters but it definitely made us feel like we were no longer welcome and absurd scaling in the gauntlet doesn't help either.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    snlf25 wrote:
    Everything was great until you jacked up the scaling. Nobody in my alliance was strong enough to continue and we didn't get to finish round 6. I can't be mad because we all got 2 Hulkbusters but it definitely made us feel like we were no longer welcome and absurd scaling in the gauntlet doesn't help either.

    If nobody in the alliance was strong enough to continue past round 6, maybe you reached the point, as an alliance that you deserved? If your alliance is composed of 2* and 3* players, I assure you that they don't need one cover of a new 5*. For your alliance 2 Hulkbusters is already an awesome reward that you'd get from no other event.