This is the PVE we want!



  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why is the scaling so broken? Why do some players apparently get an advantage from playing one day and others do not? I can't imagine the plan was to go from gradual scaling to insane scaling in 24 hours? My alliance is in round 3 still and most players can now not even come close to handling the difficulty at level 180+ nodes. Guess I should have known that a new event couldn't have gone off without a hitch.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    mazerat wrote:
    This isn't the PvE I want. I'm 2-3 transitioner, my alliance is on Round 7 Cap, I'm at 300k points for the event. At this point I'm basically worthless to my team and unlikely to get max progression because I can clear the nodes but they're worth about 5% of a boss clear and I can't do significant damage to Cap (maybe 12k?) before his match damage just overwhelms me.

    It's frustrating, especially since every other event can be completed at any level with enough time and effort. Here I just feel like I'm smashing health packs every few hours in order to be a team player.
    If your alliance is cool with it, you should go start grinding the low levels of the opposite team event instead. You'll earn a bit of progression for them out of it, and if they complete Team Cap they can come join you in getting some more rewards.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    mazerat wrote:
    This isn't the PvE I want. I'm 2-3 transitioner, my alliance is on Round 7 Cap, I'm at 300k points for the event. At this point I'm basically worthless to my team and unlikely to get max progression because I can clear the nodes but they're worth about 5% of a boss clear and I can't do significant damage to Cap (maybe 12k?) before his match damage just overwhelms me.

    It's frustrating, especially since every other event can be completed at any level with enough time and effort. Here I just feel like I'm smashing health packs every few hours in order to be a team player.

    I'm pretty much in a similar spot with a very different experience. The scaling for me at least isn't insane. It's challenging sure and I had to bust out a couple of tacos for a healthpack bonus but honestly its a bit more fun than yesterday when I was using 1*s just to make it interesting against the 2k health toons they were rocking yesterday.

    My alliance is also in round 7 and I am getting spanked by Cap as well but managed to hit him with whales half of the time and am still progressing. I should end up with both 3* covers at the least and my alliance mates will have to do the heavy lifting which is okay since they have much better rosters. As a 2*-3* transition player I wasn't expecting that I could beat the final two rounds anyway, just chip in what I can and help out that way. I never felt entitled to finish progression and in fact am really enjoying the event.

    5* and 4* rosters are crushing the boss battles; 3* and 2* probably shouldn't be if there is to be any advantage to having the developed 4* and 5* roster.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hate to go all d3 on you guys but if you're a 2-3 * transitioner then rounds 6-8 aren't really designed for your level.

    A few seasons ago I was in your position during galactus mk 2 and I didn't think it was fair then (just like I imagine you won't now) but this IS a special event which only scales the further along you get.

    The later stages are aimed at deeper more developed rosters. Asking why you can't beat it with a fledgling roster is like asking why can't you beat ninja gaiden with no power ups, or why can't you have a degree without attending college.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    grunzadin wrote:
    cyineedsn wrote:
    grunzadin wrote:
    I like competing against other players in PVE. Sue me.

    If only there was a game mode where you could fight against AI opponents but still compete against other players in placement

    I "compete" to have a better roster than other players. If there is a progression-oriented game mode, then everyone has an opportunity to get the same number of covers as me. That isn't fun for me.

    I'm not saying my opinion is more valid than the players clamoring for more progression rewards, I'm just offering the alternative.

    Can see your point but even in a progression based system weak roster cant earn top prizes. Think gauntlet . of it gets progressively harder to the point that only elite rosters can complete it then lower rosters can't win the same prize as you anyway.

    These boss events are different as they are always alliance events so weaker players will get better rewards if they have a good alliance, that's the point of alliance fights though - so the team can be greater than the sum of its parts.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    It hasn't been any different than the other boss events. They were all the same. I totally expected this and made sure I had 10 full health packs and plenty of time left before a new refresh. Didn't even dip into my taco tokens, however my alliance is weak so we still on round 4-5.

    Why would you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Definition of insanity.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would also say that 2* - 3* teams aren't necessarily supposed to win the very best prize. Keep playing for another few years, and then check in icon_e_smile.gif

    Just like you might not be able to break 1300 in pvp yet, you're not supposed to be able to finish every challenge until you have a better roster.

    It took me many, many gauntlets before I could finally make it to the bitter end. The voyage is the journey is the experience!
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    I would also say that 2* - 3* teams aren't necessarily supposed to win the very best prize. Keep playing for another few years, and then check in icon_e_smile.gif

    Just like you might not be able to break 1300 in pvp yet, you're not supposed to be able to finish every challenge until you have a better roster.

    It took me many, many gauntlets before I could finally make it to the bitter end. The voyage is the journey is the experience!

    Gauntlet has bested me Every time so far. Next time....
  • mazerat
    mazerat Posts: 118
    I hate to go all d3 on you guys but if you're a 2-3 * transitioner then rounds 6-8 aren't really designed for your level.

    A few seasons ago I was in your position during galactus mk 2 and I didn't think it was fair then (just like I imagine you won't now) but this IS a special event which only scales the further along you get.

    The later stages are aimed at deeper more developed rosters. Asking why you can't beat it with a fledgling roster is like asking why can't you beat ninja gaiden with no power ups, or why can't you have a degree without attending college.

    I can beat every non-Alliance PvE event in the game with time and effort. Full, high-level rosters just make things easier.

    This is really more like every test in my high-school history class being open-note except for the final and when I ask why the teacher babbles something unrelated and incomprehensible about college.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards

    The later stages are aimed at deeper more developed rosters. Asking why you can't beat it with a fledgling roster is like asking why can't you beat ninja gaiden with no power ups, or why can't you have a degree without attending college.

    Beating Ninja Gaiden no power ups part 1

    Ever heard of an honorary degree?


    It would be nice if those with less developed rosters could feel as though they were making a worthwhile contribution all through the event in someway other than just chipping away at a huge health pool.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    As a side note, my node levels jumped from somewhere in the mid 20's or 30's into the 290's between Round 4 ad Round 5.
    I would not call that a gradual increase.
    Iron Man himself is easier than these sub nodes are now!
    Hulk, RedHulk, & She Hulk at almost level 300 while also being forced to use a 1 cover Winter Soldier is not fun.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:

    The later stages are aimed at deeper more developed rosters. Asking why you can't beat it with a fledgling roster is like asking why can't you beat ninja gaiden with no power ups, or why can't you have a degree without attending college.

    Beating Ninja Gaiden no power ups part 1

    Ever heard of an honorary degree?


    It would be nice if those with less developed rosters could feel as though they were making a worthwhile contribution all through the event in someway other than just chipping away at a huge health pool.

    You will. You guys are asking to run before you can walk.

    First run of galactus I couldn't contribute much. Next time a bit more. That's how progression works. Patience I'm sure your alliances are aware and grateful for all your efforts. They hired you as transitioners so they know you won't have the same firepower as them.

    This is a chance to be more than the sum of your parts. Think of yourselves as Hawkeye in a team featuring cap, hulk and iron man lol
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hate to go all d3 on you guys but if you're a 2-3 * transitioner then rounds 6-8 aren't really designed for your level.

    The difficulty bump has nothing to do with round. I've seen a bump to lvl 250+ in the middle of round 3.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    all things considered, yes, this is the PVE I want provided 1 thing - they add iso into things like normal pve would provide (and maybe a little hp). and in doing so, take into consideration the boosting required to play all rounds. if the iso was there, there would literally be nothing to complain about to me. we finished 8 rds + 7 rds on the other side. that's 6 4* covers and a 5* cover plus some other stuff. cannot complain about any of it. what my roster really need though, is iso. every sub has roughly 10K iso available and 50hp available for a nominal effort. CW didn't provide that much. even if they pulled back on the covers some, reign in the top end scaling (lower rewards/lower difficulty) and added large chunks for iso and a little hp, I'd love to play this type of event often.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    If the scaling had been based on the highest round your alliance has reached, rather than number of refreshes, the PvE would have been just about perfect. The side nodes on both sides would have to scale up in lockstep under the current design, but that's a small price to pay to keep everyone engaged.

    Hopefully that can be changed for future runs and future boss fights. The time-based scaling seems like a stopgap measure, and I hope that's the case.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about a 3 day event

    day 1 Easy nod range
    Day 2 Ess nod range
    day 3 hard nod range
  • GMadMan040
    GMadMan040 Posts: 207
    I logged in today specifically to upvote this thread. Every forum member should do the same.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    2/3 star transitioning when i was in it:"WOW! look at those guys rosters/scores! cant wait till im at that level!"
    2/3 star transitioners nowadays:"Its so unfair that those people with better rosters can reach those hard to get prizes and i can't,please fix it d3p"
    The mind boggles.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    2/3 star transitioning when i was in it:"WOW! look at those guys rosters/scores! cant wait till im at that level!"
    2/3 star transitioners nowadays:"Its so unfair that those people with better rosters can reach those hard to get prizes and i can't,please fix it d3p"
    The mind boggles.

    4/5 star transitioners nowadays: "wow, I wish I could have totally skipped the 3/4 star transition by level capping and getting the PVE rewards"

    I a 2/3 transitioner I looked at the game like jimstarooney's first example. I used PVE a lot then, to get to the 3/4 transitoner, and used PVP to progress from there. I thought that's how PVE was, get the better rewards then move on from there with PVP.

    Frustrating to see basically beginning 3* rosters skipping all of my progress by getting RNG-lucky in brackets that aren't as brutal/competitive as the vet ones.