'Civil War' Event Info

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Civil War Event Info

Civil War is the newest Marvel Puzzle Quest Boss Event in which players and their Alliance choose a side and take on a common foe. Will your Alliance side with Team Cap or Team Iron Man?

Alliance Gameplay:

Like the two previous Boss Events (Avengers vs Ultron and Galactus Hungers), you will need to join or start an Alliance to fully enjoy this event.

This event is for 20 players. The first 20 people to join the event with a specific Alliance are locked in with those 20 people for the duration of the event. If you join the event and there are 20 people already grouped up for the event, you will join the event separate from the other 20 people. Make sure you coordinate with your Alliance to ensure that you group up with the people you want to group up with.

Event Structure:

Unlike other boss events, you have the option to fight against one of two different bosses. There is a Story chapter for Team Cap and Team Iron Man. People who join Team Cap will play against a special boss version of Iron Man and people who join Team Iron Man will play against a special boss version of Steve Rogers.


Each boss has their own health that you and your Alliance are all battling against at the same time. When your Alliance completes a round against a boss, only that side will progress to the next round.

Your Alliance must choose a side to fight on. Alliances can complete all 8 rounds of a boss, but not both. Trying to complete both will limit the amount of rewards you can earn.


There are two different types of missions: Boss Mission and Supporting Character Missions.

Boss Mission
    - You’ll compete against the boss versions of Steve Rogers or Iron Man. - This is the first mission available when the event starts. - The boss’ health at the top will go down based on the amount of damage you and your Alliance does to him, even if you lose the match. - The mission pin will enter cooldown for 8 hours or until you beat one of the supporting Character Missions.

Supporting Character Missions:
    - 5 different missions that each have a different featured character. - Completing these missions reduces the health of the boss at the top of the screen. - Reset every 8 hours. The opponents change every time the mission resets. - (New to Civil War) Completing a mission on one side locks out the mission on the other side.

Once your Alliance defeats the boss by depleting his health bar, his health will reset and you’ll unlock the next round in the event. There are 8 rounds in all that your Alliance can complete.

Special Civil War Versions of Steve Rogers and Iron Man

As part of the Civil War event, special versions of the new Captain America and Iron Man heroes were created. These versions have been created specifically for the event and their abilities have been designed to challenge your alliance and make an exciting Boss encounter.



What is better than aligning yourself with your favorite superhero in Civil War? Getting lots of great rewards in the process!

As you deal damage to the opposing side, you will earn progression rewards for the entire event. As your team deals damage, everyone will earn progression rewards for each round they complete.

There will be four different tokens for the Civil War event: Team Cap and Team Iron Man vault tokens and Team Cap and Team Iron Man Legendary tokens. Throughout the event, you’ll be earning vault tokens for the side you have chosen. These tokens are redeemed in the corresponding Team Iron Man or Team Cap vaults. If you and your Alliance do really well, you will get Team Cap and Team Iron Man Legendary Tokens.

The Civil War store has two different packs: Team Cap and Team Iron Man Legendary packs. Each pack gives you a one in ten chance get a cover of the 5-Star Steve Rogers or Iron Man hero. These packs function as Legendary packs so the other heroes you can pull will be 4-Star Heroes. These packs can be purchased with 30 Command Points each.

If your Alliance is able to complete all 8 rounds, you will earn a 5-Star cover of Steve Rogers (First Avenger) or Iron Man (Mark XLVI) depending on which side you chose.


Q: What are the differences between the two sides?
    A: The differences between the two sides are the characters you play against, the characters that are buffed and the rewards you receive.

Q: Which characters are on each side?
    A: Full details about Civil War teams are found here (
https://d3publisher.helpshift.com/a/mar ... filiations). This page includes the buffed characters for the first run of the event.

Q: Everyone in my Alliance chose a different side than me! Can I switch sides?
    A: Yes, and the sooner you do the better!

Q: Can’t I just play on both sides then?
    A: You can, but you will not be able to contribute as many points to each side. If you've already completed a mission for one side, you won't be able to complete the corresponding mission on the other side until the pin resets.

Q: How are the rewards different for each side?
    A: Each team has their own store, progression rewards and special Legendary token. When playing on a side, you will earn tokens and rewards from that side. These tokens can not be spent at the other side’s store.

Q: Can I get packs from the store on the opposite side that I am on?
    A: Sure! Packs from each store can be purchased with Hero Points or Command Points.

Q: How do I get a 5* Captain America or 5* Iron Man?
    A: During this event, you'll have access to a special Civil War Legendary store, where you can turn in Command Points for a chance to earn one of these characters. Additionally, if your Alliance completes the final round of the event, you'll earn an extra 5* Captain America (for Team Cap) cover or a 5* Iron Man (for Team Iron Man) cover.


  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    This is great information, this level of detail is very much appreciated:

    One question:

    When you say "Only that side progresses to the next round," does that mean that you'll start with Round 1 IM and Round 1 Cap, and then if your alliance beats Round 1 IM, you'll have Round 2 IM and Round 1 Cap available?

    So if you finish Round 8 IM, your alliance can hop over and finish the event by playing against Cap, maybe making it through some early Cap rounds as well?

    Or if an alliance hits a wall in say, Round 6, they can start on the opposite one so that they can at least keep playing the entire event?
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I either missed it or it isn't 100% clear. will this be a limited roster to only the team members? so if we play team cap, we can only play with team cap members? or does it just determine who is boosted? thanks.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Question on the supporting character missions: will those be regular fights with one essential character, like in Ultron/Galactus, or one on one fights, like in the promo vid?
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    I either missed it or it isn't 100% clear. will this be a limited roster to only the team members? so if we play team cap, we can only play with team cap members? or does it just determine who is boosted? thanks.

    It isn't 100% clear but I think you can only play with the characters "affiliated" to the team whose node you'll chose to play.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2016
    Are the 5*s promotional like Devil Dino and Howard, or will they be added to the packs later?

    Usually 5* characters are multi-dimensional in how they play or have unique abilities, these two seem to be straight forward. The event also feels a bit like Dino/Howard's launch.
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Thanks for the info.
    One quick question - the new cap & IM are only available in the special legendary tokens. When will they be available in the "latest" legendary tokens?

    Will it be after the first runthrough or the second? Or are these special characters like Howard that will only be available during special events?
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also, as for the the event legendary tokens, will all the 4* be in those, or will each of those only have a draw chance for the 4* on that particular team?
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    If my team plays with team Cap against IM, do we win the 5 star.png Cap cover? Or is it random? See, I really really really reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy want 5 star.png Steve. So I need to know which team I need to play on to get it.

    AND, will the 2nd run in a few weeks offer a 5 star.png reward as well? So if I get Steve this time, can I get IM on the next run?

  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    States that these legendary packs be purchased by cp or HP!?? Is that correct...that would be the first time legendary tokens can be purchased via HP and sounds a bit dangerous...
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    rkd80 wrote:
    States that these legendary packs be purchased by cp or HP!?? Is that correct...that would be the first time legendary tokens can be purchased via HP and sounds a bit dangerous...

    I think it means event vault packs cost Hp while event leg tokens cost Cp. Only leg tokens have the 5 star.png.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    As crazy as it sounds I wish we could play both sides. Depending on the difficulty and with 2 different buff lists there really isn't a reason both sides of the event could not be completed independently. I would even say give out progression rewards for both. They are already running this event 2 times with a 7 day PVE for winter soldier and war machine at the end of the month. If I want to burn out on MPQ why not let me? 12 nodes instead of 10 from a normal PVE is not that much more and if I am using different characters for different events it will be even lighter on the health packs than you think.
  • BigBZ32
    BigBZ32 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    It's been mentioned that Winter Soldier would have some sort of requirement. If you choose Team IM, is that requirement not needed? Will there still be a Winter Soldier node regardless?
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Am I only one who was hoping for something a bit different than the last two "boss" events?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm assuming the answer is no, but will the boss fight unlock when your alliance finishes a round?
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    The Civil War store has two different packs: Team Cap and Team Iron Man Legendary packs. Each pack gives you a one in ten chance get a cover of the 5-Star Steve Rogers or Iron Man hero. These packs function as Legendary packs so the other heroes you can pull will be 4-Star Heroes. These packs can be purchased with 30 Command Points each.

    I hope this doesn't inspire false hope in anyone, that they have better odds at pulling a 5* Steve Rogers or Iron Man. The current rates in the Latest Legends LTs and Classic Legends LTs to pull a 5*, is also 1 in 10, 10%. It is just split up between 3 5*, instead of just 1. The only difference is that if you get the purple flash, you know who it is, instead of waiting to find out which of the 3 5* you've pulled. If you can't wait to cover them, keep buying these tokens at 30 CP, for a 10% chance to pull them, or wait til after the 2nd run, when they're added to the LL LTs for 25 CP, but the 10% gets split between Cap, IM and GG.
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    will the 2nd run in a few weeks offer a 5 star.png reward as well? So if I get Steve this time, can I get IM on the next run?


    I'd really like to know this as well. I want to go for Cap but most of alliance would be better off going iron man.
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker
    I hate to sound ungrateful for the new event.... but 2 questions:

    1) Are the battles against the "BOSS" fairer than the 1st time Galactus event? Or should we expect to lose?

    2) Server capacity. Is it going to be better than prior big rollouts? Wasn't the Ultron event pretty hard at times (or was it Galactus, I can't recall....)

    On the other hand, thanks for all the hard work for your programmers on the new event.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    fnedude wrote:
    Are the battles against the "BOSS" fairer than the 1st time Galactus event? Or should we expect to lose?

    The boss versions of IM and Cap are designed to be "challenging for your alliance".
    Ofcourse we're supposed to lose again.

    The only substantial new mechanic to this event is the mutual lock-out of side-missions. Everything else is window dressing.
  • dudethtsawesome
    dudethtsawesome Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    When can we get the scoring info? It would be nice to see how the progression is to balance allainces. Or will this be a "you're supposed to lose" scenario?
  • PeeOne
    PeeOne Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question so please move if not... My alliance is struggling to understand how the alliance/team selection is going to work.

    Do we, as an alliance ALL have to choose the same team?

    Will doing so assist in getting better results?

    Or when you joined do you get randomly blocked into a group of 20?

    Reading this in the event info it could be either.

    Thanks in advance