


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cabol wrote:
    How do they not include X-Men, or even just a general Mutant affiliation? That's ridiculous.
    Both of these have existed in the game for the purpose of boosts and special events. Maybe the affiliations still exist in the background, but just aren't marked as visible since no current game mechanics interact with them? If so, there might be other hidden affiliations under the covers as well.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    The mutant affiliation still exists, I believe, for the leftover boosts? I don't have any of those left, but I still have some Maggia and Dark Avengers boosts.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Original Black Widow appears as a hero. Wasn't she a villain?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the event will be 1/2 team cap 1/2 team IM where the buffed list will switch. We might even be locked out of characters for the event like a heroic. Or in the switch the enemies we will face will be team cap or team IM. I don't think it will be a system where we only get to play 1/2 the game where one alliance has to only play as team cap or IM
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is a question. Who will type up all the affiliations in the tips and guides and keep it up over time?

    If you look at my signature you know it won't be me!! I will appreciate and give a like to whomever does though.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    Some of these make zero sense.

    Team Cap has more than Team Iron Man. I counted 32 vs 25. I don't have a few 1* and 5*, but I imagine BSS is Team IM and 1* Hawkeye is Team Cap. And I would guess Storm is neutral and Green Goblin, Venom, and Yelena are just villains. Which would make it 33 vs 26.

    For some reason IM40 has NO affiliations. Not to heroes, Avengers, or Team IM. I assume just a small oversight.

    Colossus is Team Iron Man...for some reason. Despite that no other X-characters are either team.

    Dude Thor isn't affiliated with either team, but Lady Thor is.

    KK is team Cap, but she wasn't around in original CW, not in the movie, and in CW2 she's on Iron Man's side.

    Silver Surfer and Ghost Rider being on any team.

    I did get a chuckle out of Rags being team Iron Man though.
    Well, I'm happy IM40 doesn't have a side then. If we get locked out of the other side, do we really want to risk losing out Energizer Bunny? (yeah, probably an oversight). The Thor thing is a little confusing. I guess T4or to even the sides more? And Ragnarok, I was expecting team IM since they made him in the first place. Ares though? Still evening the sides?
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Should have a Defenders affiliation also. Daredevil, Luke Cage, & Iron Fist are all in-game. Could add Punisher too.
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    Glad they kept Rag on team IM.
    Lore isn't dead yet.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    CNash wrote:
    Some of the Team Cap / Iron Man affiliations are puzzling, too. Silver Surfer is on Team Iron Man? GG Cap...

    Maybe they needed Surfer to balance out Squirrel Girl being on Team Cap?

    The strange one for me was that Devil Dinosaur is apparently on Team Cap. I hope this means DD makes an appearance in the film icon_e_smile.gif
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    ZootSax wrote:
    CNash wrote:
    Some of the Team Cap / Iron Man affiliations are puzzling, too. Silver Surfer is on Team Iron Man? GG Cap...

    Maybe they needed Surfer to balance out Squirrel Girl being on Team Cap?

    The strange one for me was that Devil Dinosaur is apparently on Team Cap. I hope this means DD makes an appearance in the film icon_e_smile.gif

    I can just visualize Ant Man riding Devil Dino like his new "Antony". icon_e_smile.gif
  • kevingravy
    kevingravy Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I'd imagine Surfer is a 5 star for Team IM cause they want someone to balance out the eventual 5 star Winter Soldier who will certainly be Team Cap.
  • Suddenreal
    Suddenreal Posts: 92 Match Maker
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    KK is team Cap, but she wasn't around in original CW, not in the movie, and in CW2 she's on Iron Man's side.

    And Captain Marvel is on Team Iron Man.
  • KingOzymandius
    KingOzymandius Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    zodiac339 wrote:
    Well, I'm happy IM40 doesn't have a side then. If we get locked out of the other side, do we really want to risk losing out Energizer Bunny? (yeah, probably an oversight). The Thor thing is a little confusing. I guess T4or to even the sides more? And Ragnarok, I was expecting team IM since they made him in the first place. Ares though? Still evening the sides?

    During the events of Civil War (or, more accurately, the events immediately after it), there were two teams running around calling themselves The Avengers. Cap's illegal renegades were led by Luke Cage, and had Wolverine, the turncoat Spider-Man, and a few others from Cap's side. They were featured in New Avengers. The title Mighty Avengers was created to cover Iron-Man's government approved, pro-registration team. This team consisted of Iron Man, Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel), Black Widow, The Wasp, Sentry, Wonder Man, and Ares. It's absolutely appropriate that he be on Team Iron Man.

    When Norman Osborne took over and Tony went on the run, Ares stayed on as a member of Norm's Dark Avengers, although he routinely played nice with the heroes during Dark Reign, holding back during battles and at one point allowing Nick Fury free reign of the Dark Avengers' headquarters. Frankly, they ought to have given him the Avengers affiliation at the very least and maybe even Heroes as well (although he was never really motivated by altruism, so I can see why they wouldn't).
    Suddenreal wrote:
    And Captain Marvel is on Team Iron Man.

    Again, Carol was pro-registration during Civil War and was part of Iron Man's team of Avengers after the dust settled. Team Iron Man is an appropriate affiliation for her to have.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    zodiac339 wrote:
    Well, I'm happy IM40 doesn't have a side then. If we get locked out of the other side, do we really want to risk losing out Energizer Bunny? (yeah, probably an oversight). The Thor thing is a little confusing. I guess T4or to even the sides more? And Ragnarok, I was expecting team IM since they made him in the first place. Ares though? Still evening the sides?

    Not sure what Lady Thor would be balancing out. She's on Cap's team, which is already pretty stacked. Ares was on Tony's team post-CW, but wasn't around during CW. I assume they're just trying to give IM's side something.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    wymtime wrote:
    Here is a question. Who will type up all the affiliations in the tips and guides and keep it up over time?

    If you look at my signature you know it won't be me!! I will appreciate and give a like to whomever does though.

    I've decided to go ahead and do that (although I posted it in the "characters" section)


    It's still incomplete because there are a few characters I'm missing and you can only see the affiliations when you look at a character on your own roster for some reason, but if a couple people are willing to help me out I can have it complete pretty soon.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* Captain America also has no affiliations. So I guess he and IM40 don't get teams because they're the team leaders? Doesn't really explain why they're not avengers, though...

    Edit: Unless that's just because they haven't added affiliations to alliance roster cards. Which apparently they haven't. Weird.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looking over it all, I got to ask; "Were these affiliations just picked out of a hat, bowl or the rectal region of the humanoid hindquarters ? Seriously!" Sentry is listed as a villian, but he's not, he's an Avenger. He just got confused by Osborn about the whole Void thing. (can't blame him though, I'm still a little fuzzy on certian points of the Sentry character myself. he did exist while he didnt while he was his own worst enemy and kept himself locked in his tower while he went free. a tower that was invisible on top of another tower for years in a major city full of flying super heroes that some how never accidentally smacked head first into it while flying along) Then we have QS and Witch that listed as Heroes that started as Villians. Just like several others, ie. Hawkeye, Widow, Magneto.

    Bagman is listed as Fantastic Four while She Hulk is not! ****? icon_e_surprised.gif Beast is an Avenger but not Wolverine or Thing. And since so many others have mentioned the lack of X men here I wont get into it. Of course mentioning I won't mention it is kinda like mentioning it anyway, so might as well mention it. Why no X men? They can always use it for Avengers vs X men later. Just use same code and stuff for Civil War but just swap team Cap/team IM with team A/team X.

    I just don't get it. I know the game considers them certian ways for whatever reasons. But I just cant seem to follow the logic here. I was under the impression that Marvel games tried to follow the lore, but this is just..... just........I don't know what it is. All I can figure is it all has to do with Civil War, and the FF, Hero or Villian tags were after thoughts added for abilities like Mr. Fantastics or GR's, and there are future characters with similar abilities planned. But some of these affiliations just ain't right.

  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    STOPTHIS wrote:

    Team Cap has more than Team Iron Man.

    Tony: "We have a Hulk."
    (Or rather, ALL the Hulks)
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    hat, bowel or the rectal region of the humanoid hindquarters

    I think you said the same thing twice here icon_e_wink.gif

    Unless you meant bowl.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    hat, bowel or the rectal region of the humanoid hindquarters

    I think you said the same thing twice here icon_e_wink.gif

    Unless you meant bowl.

    Yeah, meant bowl. Just a typo. Fixed it. Thanks for catching that, I missed it.

    But in defense of the Demi-Gods, so many characters switch groups and go between good or evil so often it can get complicated. Like with Thing and She Hulk. Thing left the FF and Shulk joined. Both, like most others, have moved around a lot. They've both been FF, Avengers, solo, teamed with Spidey and other groups. If they put every affiliation for every group on each character bio, they would need to add an whole other page for some, if not most of them. I mean let's face it, some of these characters get around. But some of the more obvious are left out or just wrong. So if they plan to use affiliations for more events, I really hope they make a few changes.