Pre-Release (v1.4) Notes (4/14/16)

Posts: 1,377 Community Moderator
Hello –
We are getting even closer to the next update (v1.4) for Magic: The Gathering – Puzzle Quest, which is set to go live next week. The exact date is still being confirmed and we will be sure to communicate the timing when we have a better idea in the next couple of days. In addition to the Pre-Release Notes being shared today, Hibernum has been sharing a bit of added information and strategy ( on the forums all week to help players prep for the release.
Thanks for playing the game!
Pre-Release Notes (v1.4)
- First Wave of Battle for Zendikar Cards are Released!
- New Planeswalkers Now Available with Level Cap Increased to 60.
- All-New Gameplay Mechanics Introduced for Battle for Zendikar.
- New Ability Ranks: Each Ability Now Goes Up to Rank 4.
- New Story Mode Encounters Added for Battle for Zendikar.
- Duplicate Cards Can Now Be Sold for Mana Runes.
- Other Improvements, Changes and Bug Fixes.
New cards
- The first wave of Battle for Zendikar cards are now available!
- The new cards are available in the Vault, under the Battle for Zendikar banner.
- You can purchase individual packs, fat packs and booster boxes.
- Battle for Zendikar packs are awarded whenever players receive packs through daily rewards or as rewards in Quick Battle.
- More cards will be added to the Vault in the coming weeks.
- Free boosters now contain all the Origin and Battle for Zendikar cards.
New Planeswalkers
- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar and Ob Nixilis Reignited are now purchasable through special offers!
- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is a spell-oriented White Planeswalker, who relies on his Ally token generation to summon creatures and spells to make them stronger.
- Ob Nixilis Reignited is a Black Planeswalker who is balanced and has strong abilities that sacrifice his life to gain power.
- Look forward to more new Planeswalkers in the coming weeks!
New Battle For Zendikar Content
- New Battle for Zendikar mechanics: Void Gems, Rally, Converge, Awaken, Ingest, Process, Devoid and Landfall
- Void Gems: This new gem type is a resource used by some cards in Battle for Zendikar. They are created through Ingest and consumed as a resource through Process.
Void gems only give mana to cards with the Devoid keyword when matched. If you have no cards with the keyword, no mana will be gained at all when they are matched.
- Ingest: Cards that perform an Ingest convert gems on the board to the new gem type in Battle for Zendikar: Void gems.
The Ingested gems are always of your opponent’s color(s). For example, when playing against Jace, if you Ingest 3, you will convert 3 Blue gems to Void gems.
- Process: Cards that Process require Void gems for their ability to be triggered. If there are enough Void gems, it will convert the required amount into gems of your opponent’s color then trigger it’s ability.
For example, if a card has “Process 2: Deal 2 damage to your opponent”, when cast, if there are 2 Void gems on the board, 2 Void gems are converted into your opponent’s color(s) and you deal 2 damage to your opponent. If there aren’t enough Void gems on the board, the ability does not trigger.
- Rally: Whenever a creature with Ally comes into play, trigger the Rally ability.
Note that each creature with Rally also is an Ally, so them coming into play will immediately trigger their Rally.
Rally is a generic keyword with ability text after it; “Rally: Deal 1 damage to your opponent”. If you had that in play and triggered the Rally, it would execute the card text.
- Converge: Cards with the Converge icon track which colors were used to fill the card, then give scaling benefits for each different color used to fill their mana cost.
You can see the amount of different colors that were used on the Converge icon on the card in hand.
- Awaken: Cards with Awaken have dual casting costs: their main cost and an additional cost that is filled once the card’s initial casting cost is filled.
Note that the cards will auto-cast when their initial casting cost is filled, so you should disable the card in your hand to make sure you will fill the 2nd cost, if you so wish.
When you manage to cast the card with the 2nd cost, an additional action will trigger, such as summoning tokens or granting Power/Toughness modifiers.
- Landfall: The ability is triggered whenever you match 4 or more gems.
Some abilities are displayed as “Landfall <color>” - when this happens, if you match 4 or more gems of the specified color, that specific Landfall triggers.
- New Story mode: Battle for Zendikar
Split into 3 chapters, play against 30 all-new encounters!
Chapter 2’s encounters are Heroic and have a difficulty level similar to previous Heroic encounters
Chapter 3’s encounters are Legendary encounters! The enemies you encounter in this chapter are much stronger than usual, have bigger mana bonuses and have much more HP than other encounters.
New Features
- Cards now show their subtype! Look for any creature’s Subtype next to its type in the card description. It should now be much easier to identify which cards are zombies, elves, etc.
- New level cap: Each Planeswalker can now reach level 60.
- New ability ranks: Each Planeswalker ability can now reach rank 4.
- You can now sell card duplicates for runes.
Commons sell for 20 runes
Uncommons sell for 40 runes
Rares sell for 200 runes
Mythics sell for 1000 runes
To sell your duplicates, you can go into your inventory and tap the “Convert duplicates” button.
While we may or may not add a new function for duplicate cards in the future, we do not currently have any plans to do so.
Improvements and Changes
Planeswalker changes
We have made several changes to the Planeswalkers from Origins. Overall, we normalized their ability costs, as well as rebalanced some of their abilities. Ability costs no longer increase from one rank to another, but instead can decrease to buff a new rank. The full changes are below:
Nissa, Sage Animist
- Nissa’s ability costs have been increased across the board. They are very strong and further testing showed they were under-costed. They are otherwise unchanged.
- Nature’s Bounty: Each rank costs 9, up from 6
- Nature’s Gift: Each rank costs 15, up from 9
- Nature’s Regrowth: Each rank costs 24, up from 21
Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
- Liliana’s abilities have been normalized, and in some cases have been modified to be more in line with their effects.
- Corrupt: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 9, up from 3/6.
Corrupt rank 2 now discards 2 cards from your hand, up from 1
These changes are done to normalize Liliana’s discard power.
- Grave Mist: Each rank now costs 15, up from 12
- Grave Mist: Ranks 1 to 3 now have Activate 5, up from Activate 3
Grave Mist was too inconsistent in it’s activation, so we decided to buff it a bit.
- Raise Dead: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 18 (Up from 15 for Rank 1, down from 21 for rank 3)
Gideon, Battle-Forged
- Gideon, Battle-Forged has been modified so that leveling breakpoints are no longer an issue - it is always worthwhile to level him.
- Sharp Eyes rank 1: Now grants +1/+1 to one of your creatures (used to give Vigilance) and now costs 9, up from 3
- Sharp Eyes rank 2: Now grants +1/+1 and Flying to one of your creatures (used to give +1/+1 and Vigilance) and now costs 9, up from 6
- Sharp Eyes needed a redesign. Giving Vigilance at 3 cost proved to be far too powerful and discouraged players from leveling up. Vigilance is an incredibly potent defensive ability and thus deserves to be the crown jewel of Gideon’s Sharp Eyes ability.
- Call to Arms: Each rank now costs 12 (up from 9 for Rank 1 and down from 15 for Rank 3)
- Champion: Each rank now costs 21 (up from 18 for Rank 1 and down from 24 for Rank 3)
Jace, Telepath Unbound
- Jace’s abilities have been revised. Confusion and Ingenuity were too powerful, and Mind Sculpt has been modified to match its original vision better.
- Confusion: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 6 (up from 3 for rank 1, down from 9 for rank 3)
- Confusion rank 3 now grants -4/0 to target creature, down from -6/0
-6 to power proved to be very strong and would effectively disable most creatures. At -4 to power, it should still have an effect, but it should not be as pronounced on larger creatures.
- Ingenuity: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 12 (up from 9 for rank 1, down from 15 for rank 3)
- Ingenuity: Cost reductions have been modified:
Rank 1: Reduce cost by 1 (down from 3)
Rank 2: Reduce cost by 2 (down from 6)
Rank 3: Reduce cost by 3 (down from free)
Ingenuity proved to be incredibly strong with several spells and made some very strong combos. To compensate, Rank 3 was slightly buffed in its cost.
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 15 (down from 18/21/24)
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 to 3 now place Trap tiles instead of Activated tiles
- Mind Sculpt’s initial vision was to trap control your opponent during its turn, and putting this ability as Trap tiles instead of Activated tiles should make the ability much more attractive.
Chandra, Roaring Flame
- The major focus to Chandra was to give her more reach with her abilities - Chandra could very easily run out of gas, and she needs a way to close out fights quicker. Her Fireball ability also received a major buff which should definitely help her close out fights.
- Flameshot: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 3 (down from 5/4/6)
Scorching Strike: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 9 (up from 6 for ranks 2 and 3)
- Fireball rank 2: Now deals 15 damage, up from 10
- Fireball rank 3: Now deals 20 damage, up from 10
Card changes / fixes
- New keywords: Fetch and Discard
Fetch is used for cards that are taken from the deck instead of drawn. Cards that use this new keyword do not trigger abilities that trigger when a card is drawn.
Affected cards:
Abbot of Keral Keep
Pyromancer’s Goggles
Talent of the Telepath
Tower Geist
- Mizzium Meddler: Now drains 1 mana every time you match colored gems
- Mizzium Meddler was proving to be much too cumbersome, as the AI did not know how to play against it.
Embermaw Hellion
Now gives +3/0 to any Red creatures when they attack
- Embermaw Hellion had issues with how it used its ability, so we changed his effect to have the intended impact but in a different way
- Tainted Remedy: Fixed card text and it now correctly places 5 Trap gems.
Additional Bug Fixes are also being addressed but are not listed here in the notes.
We are getting even closer to the next update (v1.4) for Magic: The Gathering – Puzzle Quest, which is set to go live next week. The exact date is still being confirmed and we will be sure to communicate the timing when we have a better idea in the next couple of days. In addition to the Pre-Release Notes being shared today, Hibernum has been sharing a bit of added information and strategy ( on the forums all week to help players prep for the release.
Thanks for playing the game!
Pre-Release Notes (v1.4)
- First Wave of Battle for Zendikar Cards are Released!
- New Planeswalkers Now Available with Level Cap Increased to 60.
- All-New Gameplay Mechanics Introduced for Battle for Zendikar.
- New Ability Ranks: Each Ability Now Goes Up to Rank 4.
- New Story Mode Encounters Added for Battle for Zendikar.
- Duplicate Cards Can Now Be Sold for Mana Runes.
- Other Improvements, Changes and Bug Fixes.
New cards
- The first wave of Battle for Zendikar cards are now available!
- The new cards are available in the Vault, under the Battle for Zendikar banner.
- You can purchase individual packs, fat packs and booster boxes.
- Battle for Zendikar packs are awarded whenever players receive packs through daily rewards or as rewards in Quick Battle.
- More cards will be added to the Vault in the coming weeks.
- Free boosters now contain all the Origin and Battle for Zendikar cards.
New Planeswalkers
- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar and Ob Nixilis Reignited are now purchasable through special offers!
- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is a spell-oriented White Planeswalker, who relies on his Ally token generation to summon creatures and spells to make them stronger.
- Ob Nixilis Reignited is a Black Planeswalker who is balanced and has strong abilities that sacrifice his life to gain power.
- Look forward to more new Planeswalkers in the coming weeks!
New Battle For Zendikar Content
- New Battle for Zendikar mechanics: Void Gems, Rally, Converge, Awaken, Ingest, Process, Devoid and Landfall
- Void Gems: This new gem type is a resource used by some cards in Battle for Zendikar. They are created through Ingest and consumed as a resource through Process.
Void gems only give mana to cards with the Devoid keyword when matched. If you have no cards with the keyword, no mana will be gained at all when they are matched.
- Ingest: Cards that perform an Ingest convert gems on the board to the new gem type in Battle for Zendikar: Void gems.
The Ingested gems are always of your opponent’s color(s). For example, when playing against Jace, if you Ingest 3, you will convert 3 Blue gems to Void gems.
- Process: Cards that Process require Void gems for their ability to be triggered. If there are enough Void gems, it will convert the required amount into gems of your opponent’s color then trigger it’s ability.
For example, if a card has “Process 2: Deal 2 damage to your opponent”, when cast, if there are 2 Void gems on the board, 2 Void gems are converted into your opponent’s color(s) and you deal 2 damage to your opponent. If there aren’t enough Void gems on the board, the ability does not trigger.
- Rally: Whenever a creature with Ally comes into play, trigger the Rally ability.
Note that each creature with Rally also is an Ally, so them coming into play will immediately trigger their Rally.
Rally is a generic keyword with ability text after it; “Rally: Deal 1 damage to your opponent”. If you had that in play and triggered the Rally, it would execute the card text.
- Converge: Cards with the Converge icon track which colors were used to fill the card, then give scaling benefits for each different color used to fill their mana cost.
You can see the amount of different colors that were used on the Converge icon on the card in hand.
- Awaken: Cards with Awaken have dual casting costs: their main cost and an additional cost that is filled once the card’s initial casting cost is filled.
Note that the cards will auto-cast when their initial casting cost is filled, so you should disable the card in your hand to make sure you will fill the 2nd cost, if you so wish.
When you manage to cast the card with the 2nd cost, an additional action will trigger, such as summoning tokens or granting Power/Toughness modifiers.
- Landfall: The ability is triggered whenever you match 4 or more gems.
Some abilities are displayed as “Landfall <color>” - when this happens, if you match 4 or more gems of the specified color, that specific Landfall triggers.
- New Story mode: Battle for Zendikar
Split into 3 chapters, play against 30 all-new encounters!
Chapter 2’s encounters are Heroic and have a difficulty level similar to previous Heroic encounters
Chapter 3’s encounters are Legendary encounters! The enemies you encounter in this chapter are much stronger than usual, have bigger mana bonuses and have much more HP than other encounters.
New Features
- Cards now show their subtype! Look for any creature’s Subtype next to its type in the card description. It should now be much easier to identify which cards are zombies, elves, etc.
- New level cap: Each Planeswalker can now reach level 60.
- New ability ranks: Each Planeswalker ability can now reach rank 4.
- You can now sell card duplicates for runes.
Commons sell for 20 runes
Uncommons sell for 40 runes
Rares sell for 200 runes
Mythics sell for 1000 runes
To sell your duplicates, you can go into your inventory and tap the “Convert duplicates” button.
While we may or may not add a new function for duplicate cards in the future, we do not currently have any plans to do so.
Improvements and Changes
Planeswalker changes
We have made several changes to the Planeswalkers from Origins. Overall, we normalized their ability costs, as well as rebalanced some of their abilities. Ability costs no longer increase from one rank to another, but instead can decrease to buff a new rank. The full changes are below:
Nissa, Sage Animist
- Nissa’s ability costs have been increased across the board. They are very strong and further testing showed they were under-costed. They are otherwise unchanged.
- Nature’s Bounty: Each rank costs 9, up from 6
- Nature’s Gift: Each rank costs 15, up from 9
- Nature’s Regrowth: Each rank costs 24, up from 21
Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
- Liliana’s abilities have been normalized, and in some cases have been modified to be more in line with their effects.
- Corrupt: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 9, up from 3/6.
Corrupt rank 2 now discards 2 cards from your hand, up from 1
These changes are done to normalize Liliana’s discard power.
- Grave Mist: Each rank now costs 15, up from 12
- Grave Mist: Ranks 1 to 3 now have Activate 5, up from Activate 3
Grave Mist was too inconsistent in it’s activation, so we decided to buff it a bit.
- Raise Dead: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 18 (Up from 15 for Rank 1, down from 21 for rank 3)
Gideon, Battle-Forged
- Gideon, Battle-Forged has been modified so that leveling breakpoints are no longer an issue - it is always worthwhile to level him.
- Sharp Eyes rank 1: Now grants +1/+1 to one of your creatures (used to give Vigilance) and now costs 9, up from 3
- Sharp Eyes rank 2: Now grants +1/+1 and Flying to one of your creatures (used to give +1/+1 and Vigilance) and now costs 9, up from 6
- Sharp Eyes needed a redesign. Giving Vigilance at 3 cost proved to be far too powerful and discouraged players from leveling up. Vigilance is an incredibly potent defensive ability and thus deserves to be the crown jewel of Gideon’s Sharp Eyes ability.
- Call to Arms: Each rank now costs 12 (up from 9 for Rank 1 and down from 15 for Rank 3)
- Champion: Each rank now costs 21 (up from 18 for Rank 1 and down from 24 for Rank 3)
Jace, Telepath Unbound
- Jace’s abilities have been revised. Confusion and Ingenuity were too powerful, and Mind Sculpt has been modified to match its original vision better.
- Confusion: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 6 (up from 3 for rank 1, down from 9 for rank 3)
- Confusion rank 3 now grants -4/0 to target creature, down from -6/0
-6 to power proved to be very strong and would effectively disable most creatures. At -4 to power, it should still have an effect, but it should not be as pronounced on larger creatures.
- Ingenuity: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 12 (up from 9 for rank 1, down from 15 for rank 3)
- Ingenuity: Cost reductions have been modified:
Rank 1: Reduce cost by 1 (down from 3)
Rank 2: Reduce cost by 2 (down from 6)
Rank 3: Reduce cost by 3 (down from free)
Ingenuity proved to be incredibly strong with several spells and made some very strong combos. To compensate, Rank 3 was slightly buffed in its cost.
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 15 (down from 18/21/24)
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 to 3 now place Trap tiles instead of Activated tiles
- Mind Sculpt’s initial vision was to trap control your opponent during its turn, and putting this ability as Trap tiles instead of Activated tiles should make the ability much more attractive.
Chandra, Roaring Flame
- The major focus to Chandra was to give her more reach with her abilities - Chandra could very easily run out of gas, and she needs a way to close out fights quicker. Her Fireball ability also received a major buff which should definitely help her close out fights.
- Flameshot: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 3 (down from 5/4/6)
Scorching Strike: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 9 (up from 6 for ranks 2 and 3)
- Fireball rank 2: Now deals 15 damage, up from 10
- Fireball rank 3: Now deals 20 damage, up from 10
Card changes / fixes
- New keywords: Fetch and Discard
Fetch is used for cards that are taken from the deck instead of drawn. Cards that use this new keyword do not trigger abilities that trigger when a card is drawn.
Affected cards:
Abbot of Keral Keep
Pyromancer’s Goggles
Talent of the Telepath
Tower Geist
- Mizzium Meddler: Now drains 1 mana every time you match colored gems
- Mizzium Meddler was proving to be much too cumbersome, as the AI did not know how to play against it.
Embermaw Hellion
Now gives +3/0 to any Red creatures when they attack
- Embermaw Hellion had issues with how it used its ability, so we changed his effect to have the intended impact but in a different way
- Tainted Remedy: Fixed card text and it now correctly places 5 Trap gems.
Additional Bug Fixes are also being addressed but are not listed here in the notes.
Confusion may have been intended to cost 3/6/9 before this patch, but it actually costs 3, even at level 3 right now.0
I saw mentioned the Day's Undoing display bug in one of Hiberium_JC's posts this week to which he replied stating that it is functioning as intended. And it is true, it does function as intended. The bug however is in the way it displays; most of the time (not always; 9 out of 10) the 5 new cards are invisible to the players until their next turn. Please search the Bugs and Technical Issues Forum for the few threads that brooch this topic. Again, the card functions properly but doesn't display correctly; this becomes a problem if it gets cast after a match-5 because the player cannot see his/her cards to re-order if necessary.0
Rank 3 confusion should not discard 2 cards from liliana.
Its pretty harsh to play as a human and the IA doesnt play it right. If you have 1 card in hand the IA plays it even if it will discard her own hand0 -
I thought the downside of not leveling up your heroes was supposed to be how many points you received in QB with them?
At this point, Gideon looks nothing like the planeswalker I bought (and used to complete the majority of difficult objectives requiring killing off your opponents minions before I got all of my Chandra cards). He's definitely paid for himself many times over in missions' crystal rewards, though.
Will there be a feature where we can choose to hide planeswalkers from the list? With more and more of them being added over time, I think that will be useful. Same goes for cards..perhaps through the inventory screen we could individually toggle cards to off (as well as seeing grayed out versions of cards so that we could see every card we were missing in the list...that page comes out of Hearthstone)? That way, less cards would show up in the deck editing process.
Thanks for the updates! Looks to be a cool patch and I'm excited to see what these changes bring!0 -
Real question is are there any new cards with first strike =D0
I hope we'll figure out a deck combination that will replenish Ob Nixilis Reignited's health by the end of battle, or he'll be pretty one-off for QuickBattle. I hope he'll be powerful and fun for events at least, though. Liliana just makes me nervous.
As an aside, Ob Nixilis Reignited is horrible to remember and type, so I think I'm just going to call him "Jim" from now on.0 -
Keegan wrote:I hope we'll figure out a deck combination that will replenish Ob Nixilis Reignited's health by the end of battle, or he'll be pretty one-off for QuickBattle. I hope he'll be powerful and fun for events at least, though. Liliana just makes me nervous.
As an aside, Ob Nixilis Reignited is horrible to remember and type, so I think I'm just going to call him "Jim" from now on.
I am also curious to see how much Jim brings to the table for black!0 -
For anybody who might not play the paper game or follow the story, Jim's a pretty impressive badass - fun to read about, too.
A couple of sample stories:
The First World Is the Hardest
At Any Cost0 -
So based on the wording for Embermaw, does that mean it no longer triggers when your red creatures are defending and when a Berserker attacks them?0
For those who like audio books, the Ob Nixilis stories are also available in handy Podcast form: ... e-hardest/ ... -any-cost/
For that matter, the Origin stories of the Planeswalkers in Magic Origins are here:
Chandra ... ire-logic/
Liliana ... urth-pact/
Jace ... ent-minds/
Gideon: ... -of-akros/
Nissa: ... igin-home/0 -
That fix to Jace's ingenuity looks less like a nerf and more like a baseball bat to the kneecaps. I know it was overpowered, but 3 mana is barely anything.0
The change to embermaw is indeed a little nerf too.
One good thing about it was that with trample the damage to pwalker was increased too resulting in that case in double benefit.
It is still a good card though.0 -
span_argoman wrote:So based on the wording for Embermaw, does that mean it no longer triggers when your red creatures are defending and when a Berserker attacks them?
Essentially, yes. Now, it's set to whenever a Red creature you control attacks it gains +3/0 until the end of the turn. We had very strange issues with Embermaw Hellion and so we unfortunately had to fix it this way.0 -
Hibernum_JC wrote:span_argoman wrote:So based on the wording for Embermaw, does that mean it no longer triggers when your red creatures are defending and when a Berserker attacks them?
Essentially, yes. Now, it's set to whenever a Red creature you control attacks it gains +3/0 until the end of the turn. We had very strange issues with Embermaw Hellion and so we unfortunately had to fix it this way.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. It's a pity but I shall continue playing with it in my deck to see how big a difference it is.
Why don't you make Embermaw's ability like Chief of the Foundry (except +3/+0) so that it is also active when defending and when attacked by a Berserker? That makes it closer to the original ability.0 -
*Sad blue mage cries* Why you nerf me so hard? I only got good cards in blue, but they are so hated...
Seriously though:LakeStone wrote:Mizzium Meddler: Now drains 1 mana every time you match colored gems
Seems fair, just it's less fun to play with now... and less fun to play against. At least before I wasn't losing manna and could play around it fairly reasonably.0 -
I am ok with the nerfs, since I have no idea what the new meta will be with a substantial increase in new cards. I am also figuring a big patch after the release with some new balance changes to planeswalkers. I do think that jace got the second ability hit hard, but with a 4th tier coming to all the planeswalkers, it may not be as bad as it looks, and new spells for jace may show why the nerf was needed. I main Nissa and Jace, so I want to see what this new meta will be like.0
I am on board with all of the Planeswalker's revised abilities. As it stands right now, Nissa and Jace are way too OP, leading to really cheap wins. You only need decent, not great cards to dominate most match ups with either of them. Nissa was nerfed, but will still remain a solid PW choice. Jace will be hit really hard. Really like the revised Mind Sculpt, I think it will work wonderfully.
Liliana's Grave Mist was too unreliable. Glad to see it will be upgraded.
Will other cards be revised as well? I have issues with two black cards right now.
The first one is Cruel Revival. In the paper game, you do not need to have a Zombie in your graveyard for it to work. Maybe you want to force people that want to take advantage of it to play a dedicated zombie deck, which I'm fine with. (Really sad that there is only one zombie creature in Battle for Zendikar). I think the card should kill whatever creature you need to dispatch and then let you choose which of all the zombies that have been destroyed you want to return to your hand.
The second card is Languish. I was playing a Quick Battle and I hit two creatures with it. One was a 4/4 that had become 5/5 because of a Chief of the Foundry in the battlefield. Languish killed the Chief as it was supposed to, but the other creature, which should have died as well, since it was not receiving +1/+1 anymore, remained in play as a 1/1.0 -
span_argoman wrote:Hibernum_JC wrote:span_argoman wrote:So based on the wording for Embermaw, does that mean it no longer triggers when your red creatures are defending and when a Berserker attacks them?
Essentially, yes. Now, it's set to whenever a Red creature you control attacks it gains +3/0 until the end of the turn. We had very strange issues with Embermaw Hellion and so we unfortunately had to fix it this way.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. It's a pity but I shall continue playing with it in my deck to see how big a difference it is.
Why don't you make Embermaw's ability like Chief of the Foundry (except +3/+0) so that it is also active when defending and when attacked by a Berserker? That makes it closer to the original ability.
There's sadly a technical limitation, and we ran out of time at that point so we unfortunately had to do a quick fix for it.scydrex wrote:I am on board with all of the Planeswalker's revised abilities. As it stands right now, Nissa and Jace are way too OP, leading to really cheap wins. You only need decent, not great cards to dominate most match ups with either of them. Nissa was nerfed, but will still remain a solid PW choice. Jace will be hit really hard. Really like the revised Mind Sculpt, I think it will work wonderfully.
Liliana's Grave Mist was too unreliable. Glad to see it will be upgraded.
Will other cards be revised as well? I have issues with two black cards right now.
The first one is Cruel Revival. In the paper game, you do not need to have a Zombie in your graveyard for it to work. Maybe you want to force people that want to take advantage of it to play a dedicated zombie deck, which I'm fine with. (Really sad that there is only one zombie creature in Battle for Zendikar). I think the card should kill whatever creature you need to dispatch and then let you choose which of all the zombies that have been destroyed you want to return to your hand.
The second card is Languish. I was playing a Quick Battle and I hit two creatures with it. One was a 4/4 that had become 5/5 because of a Chief of the Foundry in the battlefield. Languish killed the Chief as it was supposed to, but the other creature, which should have died as well, since it was not receiving +1/+1 anymore, remained in play as a 1/1.
The new Mind Sculpt works much better! It's very strong. The rest of Jace needed some nerfing due to being too strong, really, especially with Ingenuity. Getting free spells sounded great on paper in Origins, but with the new stuff coming in Battle for Zendikar (and the future!) it actually became limiting. Completely bypassing a spell's cost is great when most of them are lower in cost, but then we can't effectively design high-cost spells for Blue because of that ability.
Cruel Revival is a peculiar case - it's a question of Black's "Pay for power" design motto. In this case, the cost is requiring a Zombie in your graveyard. It fits very well with the idea behind Black as a whole.
As for Languish, this is actually working as designed. Both creatures are getting damaged simultaneously, and everything resolves at the same time. What you're seeing happen is the following:
Both creatures are hit with -4/-4. Both creatures receive 4 points of damage, killing the Chief and leaving the other 5/5 as 1/1. Chief dies, so the buff is removed. The thing is that when receiving damage, you always reduce the buffed portion of Toughness first. So the 5/5 is basically a 4/4 with 1 extra Power and 1 extra Toughness. When it receives 4 points of damage, the 1 extra Toughness gets removed first. That's why you end up with a 1/1 at the end - stat buffs are always removed before the card's actual stats.
I don't know if that made sense, and I'd be more than happy to explain it a different way if it's too complex0 -
LakeStone wrote:Jace, Telepath Unbound
- Confusion: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 6 (up from 3 for rank 1, down from 9 for rank 3)
- Ingenuity: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 12 (up from 9 for rank 1, down from 15 for rank 3)
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 15 (down from 18/21/24)
- Confusion: All three ranks cost 3 before. So the effective difference is: all ranks cost 3 more.
- Ingenuity: Ranks 1 and 2 cost 9 and rank 3 costs 12. Effective difference: ranks 1 and 2 cost 3 more.
- Mind Sculpt: Ranks 1 and 2 already cost 15 and rank 3 costs 18. Effective difference: rank 3 costs 3 less.
Are you guys aware of this or was this copied from an old version of Jace or something? Because you seem to think you nerfed blue a lot harder than you actually did.LakeStone wrote:Chandra, Roaring Flame
Scorching Strike: Ranks 1 to 3 now cost 9 (up from 6 for ranks 2 and 3)LakeStone wrote:- The major focus to Chandra was to give her more reach with her abilities - Chandra could very easily run out of gas, and she needs a way to close out fights quicker.
I'll give it to you guys: you absolutely made it so that leveling PWs is attractive now. Now the only thing to worry about is how when you fight higher level people you go up against stronger cards, and that's not something that can be solved.0 -
There was a mistake on our part when writing the patch notes - the data used to compare the stats is different than what it was in-game (there was an inconsistency that is now actually resolved). Regardless of the previous data, the new information is what will be in-game at the time of the patch.
As for Chandra, the goal was also to reduce her board control a little bit - Red is adept at dealing fast damage to Planeswalkers, but not so much to the board (she needs to spells to deal with the board, which are a more finite and limited resource). Her 2nd ability now costs more so she lost board control, but gained a lot of direct damage, which accomplishes two things: it puts her more in-line with her intended design and it speeds up games. Chandra's 3rd ability now is an actual, real finisher, and is meant to shorten games.
As stated before in multiple threads, we want to speed up the game (including when playing as slower Planeswalkers) so this is a step in that direction. We will see if game length actually massively changes or not - we hope it does, but we'll see if it actually does or not.0
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