New Versus Matchmaking in Nefarious Foes (and Beyond)



  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    It was actually harder for me to climb even with a small amount of points during the test thanks to higher level enemies, and I made that clear in the feedback thread, so now I'm screwed even more. Thanks.
  • MeatLoafX
    MeatLoafX Posts: 74
    The test for pvp world well for me, but this one... I'm seeing level 240 teams (each character was 240). My normal roster has two 109 level guys (boosted there are two 168s).... Bummer. icon_neutral.gif
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    One thing I wish that they wouldn't do is boost 5* characters, surely they are already overpowered enough without making things even easier, not specific to this new pvp system but GG is boosted in this first event.
    Unfortunately I think we can expect a boosted fivestar in off-season events going forth. In Divine Champions I assume Silver Surfer might be boosted (It's him or Phoenix, but Phoenix can be boosted in Women of Marvel and Children of the Atom).
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    One thing to consider: If it's harder to get big point wins, that also means there's less chance of big point losses. I'm OK with that tradeoff.

    This is not going to be as nice a trade-off as you think. It's not the actual value of the point losses that hurt so much, but rather the volume. Always has been that way. Hopping at the wrong time and dropping 300 points in 3 minutes can and will continue to happen whether you're getting hit for 35 or 75 a pop. I'd rather have a cap on how many points you can lose while actively in a single match.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Here's hoping things will be better for me than they where in Magnetic Mayhem. I reached 1300 fine but all fights where vs 5star and/or lvl 350 teams and never having an easy fight just because you have a decent roster kills part of the fun for me.

    That's a big gripe with the game anyway. Doing the same thing should become easier when you improve, not harder. Or IF it gets harder the rewards should be bigger. What happens though is people improve and have to fight harder battle for the same points/covers.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Magnetic Mayhem is my highest score ever- 2350 vs previous high of 2183- so hopefully that trend will continue.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    Here's hoping things will be better for me than they where in Magnetic Mayhem. I reached 1300 fine but all fights where vs 5star and/or lvl 350 teams and never having an easy fight just because you have a decent roster kills part of the fun for me.

    That's a big gripe with the game anyway. Doing the same thing should become easier when you improve, not harder. Or IF it gets harder the rewards should be bigger. What happens though is people improve and have to fight harder battle for the same points/covers.
    Good luck reaching that 1300 without competent four-stars.
  • Windreaver
    Windreaver Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    i'm facing only 5 star team (GG in primis, OML, SS and phoenix) at absurd rate of 80-85% and i have only lvl 94 as max lvl (just few 3* at 94 fully covered)
    is really frustrating when a 5* damage you for 1100 just for a match-4

    i'm the only having this issue?
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    Here's hoping things will be better for me than they where in Magnetic Mayhem. I reached 1300 fine but all fights where vs 5star and/or lvl 350 teams and never having an easy fight just because you have a decent roster kills part of the fun for me.

    That's a big gripe with the game anyway. Doing the same thing should become easier when you improve, not harder. Or IF it gets harder the rewards should be bigger. What happens though is people improve and have to fight harder battle for the same points/covers.

    I was different and rather enjoyed having to face opponents that were more in line with my roster. Yeah it may be fun fielding a team of maxed boosted 3* against a team of 2* plus the loaner but it isn't fun for the person getting hit by superior rosters and not being able to beat the high point retaliation node. I know I don't much like seeing 4* and 5* rosters using me as a cupcake stepping stone on their climb and wiping my points down by hundreds.

    I agree though in that things should be easier when you get better characters, but in versus you should be facing those who are at your level, in story events things should get a lot easier as the characters get better and more powerful.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Linkster79 wrote:
    I agree though in that things should be easier when you get better characters, but in versus you should be facing those who are at your level, in story events things should get a lot easier as the characters get better and more powerful.

    I can relate to what you're saying but if PVP means you facing only equals that's a huge benefit for low rank rosters again because fights take a lot less time when you're playing 2stars vs 2stars. Theoretically that would mean the low level teams would be able to reach higher scores faster/easier than high level teams (though in practice they hit a roadblock at some point.)

    There's several ideas how you make it worthwhile because, I mean there HAS to be some benefit for improving, right? They could have higher points for beating stronger teams, maybe a growing multiplier like 1 x points for beating 1stars, 1.2 x points for 2stars, 1.5 x for 3stars etc. or different brackets per star tier with improving prizes the higher you go....
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Windreaver wrote:
    i'm facing only 5 star team (GG in primis, OML, SS and phoenix) at absurd rate of 80-85% and i have only lvl 94 as max lvl (just few 3* at 94 fully covered)
    is really frustrating when a 5* damage you for 1100 just for a match-4

    i'm the only having this issue?

    I have a boosted Rulk at 329 and 4* in the low 270s. I've been hit more times while floating than in the past (floating at 400) by teams with lvl 400+ 5* + a 394 Rulk and the third doesn't matter. So far it looks like floating is not an option anymore and shields are more valuable. I'll wait to see over the next few pvps.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can you open up search parameters? It's incredibly frustrating and expensive cycling 4 players all worth less than 20 points
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    weird one so far in earths mightiest. running 4thor/im40/ice. my soft climb early was filled with hits over the first day and a half or so - most all with 5*s. with 4thor boosted, I can see where I'd be put up there, but nearly every single hit was with a team of 350s. one was a team of 400s with 3 5* guys. was really worried about mmr. about 24 hrs out of event end I climbed into the 600s and went to bed, fully expecting to get beat down. no hits came in over the next 12 hours. was able to climb into the 1000s and am about 85 pts from 1300. I hope all my climbs aren't as filled with hits from 5*s as this one. I can actually take them on with boosted 4thor and im40, but when featureds return and a stud isn't boosted, hope my experience isn't similar.