Worst Event

Cunneryn Posts: 112
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Seing how much "Venom" Bomb seems to be unpopular amongts the players I wanted to know wich of the events (either PVE or PVP) you consider the worst and why.

As for me, the worst event is either Heart of Darkness or Venom Bomb

Heart of Darkness : Even if the event per say is not that hard, the last node is close to impossible. It even almost lead to a deppression on my part considering I couldn't even finish the first wave: i felt so incompetent at that time (I may be exagerating a bit)

Venom Bomb: Extremely annoying, I have no idea what is happening most of the time. I die without even knowing what damaged me.

Honorable mention to all those dark avengers event....... How many time do I have to defeat them its getting boring and annoying.


  • Mercator
    Mercator Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Herioc events are up there, only being able to use about 10% of your roster ....
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    im actually not as negative on heroics anymore. 3 days for an easy progression and dont worry about placement. best return on time pve there is right now.

    im almost of the opinion now that all 7 day events are equally bad. just too long and steals away a full set of progressions.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I find seven-days pretty easy as long as it's not a new character grind (or a scaling experiment). Great token rewards from EoTS, Hulk coughs up a 3* and is built around a pretty manageable opponent ... what other ones am I missing? Simulator kinda sucks, and this Venom Bomb's guaranteed damage in virtually every round don't do it any favors either, but I like it better since finding some ways to crack the Venom-Carnage code. In fact, this might be the only event where the essentials are pretty consistently harder because most of my solutions involve three characters (and boosted Moonstone with a feeder can eat it).
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Balance of Power is a slog imho
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Cunneryn wrote:
    I have no idea what is happening most of the time
    I see this complaint a lot but I cannot fathom what prompts it. The Symbiont Goons have two or three abilities each and they are way less complex than, say, OML's or Antman's powerset. I mean, if you don't even try to to understand what they do, that's one thing but then you shouldn't be surprised that you don't get it.

    I mean, yeah, when I read them first when encountering them and then seeing them in action they seemed a bit confusing. But after fighting them for a whole event I read the descriptions again and suddenly I understand what they do! Amazing!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    My least favorite are Venom Bomb and EOTS. Venom Bomb because carnage being feed red when he has over 20k health is a health pack drain. It's the fact that 2-3 nodes take 1-3 health packs after each fight because his red is so cheep and every CD placed puts out attack tiles.
    For EOTS the grind of survival nodes for placement is a pain. It takes so long to grind the survival nodes down and because you get all the rewards on the first go it does not feel rewarding. Also if you don't consistently clear the survival nodes you will not reach max progression (I found this out in the test this past event).
    I will am not fond of Heroic's, but they have gotten better since 1* powers don't scale up so high. Juggs headbutt does not do as much damage and since I there are no new characters on Heroic's I don't have to grind them down to hit max progression.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    My most hated PVE's are Venom Bomb and EotS, which coincidentally ran back to back with my two most hated PVP's, Sentry and Patch. Not a good end to my season...
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    I think the underlying issue is reward vs effort. If the events themselves scaled like they SHOULD have ages ago people would feel differently.

    For example take the original goons, with just one power set. Rockets/flamethrowers/etc. Lets pretend current iso awards stay.

    However the next set of difficulty are all the hand goons. They are trickier, especially Kishu with his insane caltrops. Iso should be doubled given that damage is almost inevitable. That way people can experience the anguish of fighting those types of goons and their waves, but be properly compensated.

    Then the latest goons, symbiotes, which should should doubled still. Fighting a hard node of the toughest symbiote lunatics should yield 2k iso.

    The placement and prog awards should also all scale accordingly. That way we as players can experiences waves of difficulty and may even be looking forward to the hard events seeing that they reward accordingly.

    To have the same reward for all types of difficulty in my humble opinion, causes the consternation. Much more so than the boredom factor of facing jugs/daken/moonstone over and over.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's absolutely E0tS. Incredibly tedious and time-consuming wave nodes for which you get ZERO rewards 90% of them time.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    The problem when they rerun events like Venom Bomb or EOTS is that they never take into account the original design of the nodes vs who the original boosted heroes were. Venom Bomb for instance was originally designed around Spidey, Cage, and I think Fist all being boosted amongst others (Spidey & Cage feature in the dialog, as does Captain Marvel for that matter, so she may have been boosted as well). So you got a free, strong protect tile from Cage, free protect tiles from Spidey's purple, a cheap stun from Spidey, and Fist's free attack tile plus black acceleration. If Marvel was boosted (mine was an incomplete build at the time so I don't recall) you could tank with her and get some free AP.

    But none of those heroes are boosted now. Thor & KK & BP are great characters, but they're not so great counters against these symbiotes who ferociously spam out special tiles once they get going. Thor's just plain slow. KK helps with her free healing, but ideally with a fast, cheap ability on her team, and again, Thor's slow. BP's not any faster, and his protect tiles simply blow. Falcon is boosted too, and he's handy against soldiers & the like, who have 1-2 CDs on the board, but he's all but useless against the symbiotes.

    It's a subpar combination of boosted heroes to take up against symbiotes, and then there's freaking Carnage getting fed his colors by the symbiotes, which is an evil, evil node design that should be permanently banned from this game.

    tl;dr: I don't recall loathing Venom Bomb this much the first time around. But this time? Yeah.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    rkd80 wrote:
    I think the underlying issue is reward vs effort. If the events themselves scaled like they SHOULD have ages ago people would feel differently.

    For example take the original goons, with just one power set. Rockets/flamethrowers/etc. Lets pretend current iso awards stay.

    However the next set of difficulty are all the hand goons. They are trickier, especially Kishu with his insane caltrops. Iso should be doubled given that damage is almost inevitable. That way people can experience the anguish of fighting those types of goons and their waves, but be properly compensated.

    Then the latest goons, symbiotes, which should should doubled still. Fighting a hard node of the toughest symbiote lunatics should yield 2k iso.

    The placement and prog awards should also all scale accordingly. That way we as players can experiences waves of difficulty and may even be looking forward to the hard events seeing that they reward accordingly.

    To have the same reward for all types of difficulty in my humble opinion, causes the consternation. Much more so than the boredom factor of facing jugs/daken/moonstone over and over.

    I like this suggestion a lot. I suggested way back when symbiotes came out that we're dealing with a demonstrably more difficult class of goons here, and having a rewards scale that reflects that would be meaningful. As bad as boosted Muscle is, Maggia and ISO-8 Mutants are still at the bottom of the difficulty tier. Ninjas were a step up in difficulty (some have three abilities), but Ultron drones weren't, believe it or not. ALL symbiotes have three abilities (AP, countdowns to a payoff (damage), and passive effects generating either damage, special tiles, or augmentation of tiles (typically every turn or upon triggers such as Watchdog)). A system that recognizes difficulty tiers would help with that.
  • Cylaali
    Cylaali Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    For PVE - Venom Bomb. Any PVE node that has a red feeder and Juggs. That one PVE (I think it's The Hunt) where the second sub has like 30 nodes and most are non-repeatable. I just hate that first clear, it takes me a solid hour+.

    For PVP - 3* Falcon. Constant birds swooping in. 3* Loki.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Looks like EotS is getting a lot of hate and you can count me along with them. One Wave may be interesting, but when you have 2-4 in a sub... BORING. I was looking forward to trying out the new format but lost interest in playing because of EotS.

    7 days of Wave after wave combined with ninjas (caltrops) easily makes Enemy of the State the worse series in the game.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    PvE - Venom Bomb (these Carnage+symbiote are a joke), EotS (too many survival nodes) and Heroic (I hate just having available 10 heroes, buffs are a much better way of encouraging change in your roster). Those 3 events are horrible.

    PvP - Any strike tile generator event, like Blade, Sentry, etc. Very easy to take damage.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    My vote right now is EotS simply because of the lack of repeat rewards on the survival nodes. Change that, and I honestly kind of like it in a masochistic way. The test event left a terrible taste in my mouth on that event though. WAY. TOO. MUCH. GRINDING. For 64th place at top progression, I felt robbed of those extra 10 CP. EotS aside, I pretty well dislike anything with the Dark Avengers as steady opponents because 2* Bullseye plus 2* Daken is just annoying. Add in the ridiculous levels of HP on ballooned Moonstone (see what I did there?), and just... ugh. Dark Avengers? Again?

    I didn't play Venom Bomb very much the first time around because my roster couldn't handle Carnage + feeders. I think I did one clear of each, got annihilated on the last Venom + Carnage nodes, then stopped. This time around, I don't hate it as much, but if the test scaling were implemented as is from the EotS, I wouldn't even have bothered trying to bracket snipe.

    PvP? There aren't any I really hate. Blade is rough because of the health pack drain. Any 3* essential that I don't have well-covered tends to suck, but there aren't any that I loathe.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Cylaali wrote:
    That one PVE (I think it's The Hunt) where the second sub has like 30 nodes and most are non-repeatable. I just hate that first clear, it takes me a solid hour+.

    The Florida sub. I hate that tinykitty sub. Like Cyl said, takes forever to clear (after you've just finished a 2 hour grind on the previous sub), plus the nodes are in random places all over the map. My OCD can't take it...I need a more direct line
  • frostCoH
    frostCoH Posts: 71 Match Maker
    simonsez wrote:
    It's absolutely E0tS. Incredibly tedious and time-consuming wave nodes for which you get ZERO rewards 90% of them time.

    So I LOVE EoTS, if I have the time to put into it.

    Venom Bomb once Carnage shows up, is never fun: EVER.

    It's horrible, unless you have just the right board with just the right people you get chewed up and spit out.

    I used to hate "The Hunt" but the last one was not as horrible as I had remembered.

    This Venom Bomb **** however? That needs to be retooled.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Hands down Venom Bomb. I will NEVER play this event again, I don't care if they offer up a fully covered and leveled 5* as a prize. Nothing is worth the frustration of playing this event. There is absolutely nothing "fun" about it, it's been 4 straight days of hating every second I spent playing it.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Easily Venom Bomb, which is sad because it's the most recent story content they've made, and does have some decent elements in it.
    The story in it is above average for sure. Lots of characters with dialogue for the first time (Luke Cage, Captain Marvel, etc.), back & forth between Spider-Man & Doc Oc ("Two is intolerable!!" icon_lol.gif ), That' stuff is all great.
    But the Symbiote goons are overpowered when they reach high levels, and Carnage + red feeder goons is just flat out terrible design. Same is true for Green feeder goons with Eddie Venom too, although not nearly as bad because his Green is pricey.
    I just hate Carnage so much. It's like he was explicitly designed to drain Health Packs, yet provide the Player marginal benefit when they use him (same reason why I hate Sentry and will never use him).

    Enemy of the State is second for many of the same reasons.
    Who likes getting hit by a 7K Adamantium Slash every 4 turns? Or the "greeting" of an Adamantium Slash when the next wave of a Survival node has Wolverine in it, and he fires it off before you can even do anything? Each sub had at least 2 or 3 nodes where this happened. It then only gets worse when Gorgon shows up, as he gets feeders that feed him his other two colors.

    That last node in Heart of Darkness is pretty insane, but it doesn't pull down the entire event for me, as it's just one node (and I can Charlie's Angles it. icon_cool.gif ).
    The issues for Venom Bonb and EotS though are throughout their entire PVE's.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Varg138 wrote:
    Cylaali wrote:
    That one PVE (I think it's The Hunt) where the second sub has like 30 nodes and most are non-repeatable. I just hate that first clear, it takes me a solid hour+.

    The Florida sub. I hate that tinykitty sub. Like Cyl said, takes forever to clear (after you've just finished a 2 hour grind on the previous sub), plus the nodes are in random places all over the map. My OCD can't take it...I need a more direct line

    It used to be worse. They used to be 90% repeatable until they changed how PvE works so you have 3 required, 1 loaner, 3 trivial and 3 hard nodes...give or take.
    And it was worse *still* when they opened for 18 hours and the next one would open with 6 hours of the previous to go, so you had to grind one down while clearing the next. Every 2.5 hours.

    So even with all the improvements The Hunt STILL sucks when you get to Florida. There are some nodes there without any story attached, they really should ditch them. Or mayke the one off nodes for story just trivial. Nothing more painful than fighting level 250+ dark avengers on a one off. I mean, sure, you only need to do it once, but on the down side I have to do it *at all*.