This last node is undisputedly is the hardest in the game

20three Posts: 371
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I can't take it, every two turns I get a nice symbiotic scythe in the mouth, then take a symbiotic fury to the groin. Ouch!


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I disagree.
    That final survival node in the Ghostrider PvE that has no goons in it and 4 waves of high level 3*s one after the other is the hardest. I've still not beaten it yet.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,399 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I remember correctly, the trick is to bring a cheap stunner along and stun Carnage whenever they gather 7 redtile.png, so the goon will use it to fire a power instead. But yeah, even then success isn't guaranteed if you can't bring them down fast enough before you run out of stuns.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I disagree.
    That final survival node in the Ghostrider PvE that has no goons in it and 4 waves of high level 3*s one after the other is the hardest. I've still not beaten it yet.

    I beat it pretty easily with Steve, Carol (5 in red and black) and OBW (five in purple). Two tanks with two turn stuns, complete shield tile destruction when it becomes an issue and the best AP denial power in the game. Plus once Steve gets going he mows them down like a tiny kitty.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    DeNappa wrote:
    If I remember correctly, the trick is to bring a cheap stunner along and stun Carnage whenever they gather 7 redtile.png, so the goon will use it to fire a power instead. But yeah, even then success isn't guaranteed if you can't bring them down fast enough before you run out of stuns.

    I've got an Old Man Logan with no red or black but 4 yellow covers. I use him, my level 220 4Pool and 3* Cyclops. I can usually get Clops ready to fire both red and black before the OML meat shield expires which finishes Carnage and puts a big dent in Venom. If I can I save the red for 4pool but killing Carnage is more important. I spam Countdown For What as much as I can, prevents tile placement and just plain chews people up with 5 covers. I beat the node 3/4 of the time that way. OML never survives.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    IM40/CMags/KK can handle it. If you've got a decent Jean, sub her for Kamala. Boost yellow and you can often down Carnage before he starts too much trouble.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    IM40 Bobby ice (if u have him) and either SW or Hood. I've been using SW to get pink for ice to make a blue board the AI can't use and stun carnage until IM40 yellow can fill ice green and blue for whiteout and "do you want to punch a snowman?!"
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    Im40 bobby and rulk melt them. Depends on board you either go for blue or yellow. Rulk bruning green helps a lot and his aoe just finish fight fast. But I remember that during first run of this event when I had to rely mostly on 3* I was using if spidey and cage - they were doing fine as well.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    what about the antman or hot dog hulk release minis that had 4 waves of playables...
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    20three wrote:
    I can't take it, every two turns I get a nice symbiotic scythe in the mouth, then take a symbiotic fury to the groin. Ouch!

    LOL, these posts get recycled fairly often. My money is still on Thick as Theives's cMags Hood at 395. or any of the branching nodes from Last stage of gauntlet.

    There should be a poll to compile the hardest nodes in the game!

    As a Fyi, the sybitoe goon feeds red. Unless you can stun carnage in the first 3 moves, there is no way to avoid the scythe. My advice is to ask for a MBW widow sting TU and build out a strong damage team.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Xforce Wolvie/Iron Fist took him out early too
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    Hardest in game....? Nah. Just another slot machine pull, in a game notorious for them.
    Remember the worst....Galactus 1.0 rd 8?

    You pull a board and takes yer chances. Pull a board that doesnt let you start a self sustaining cycle by turn 4? You probably lose. Thanks for playing, try again.
    how to describe puzzle quest.
  • philosorapt0r
    philosorapt0r Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Another vote for 3* Cpt Marvel, paired with someone with a decent red (I just used Thor/KK). Soak those 1k of attack-tile damage/scythe splash dmg, and then send it right back!
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 395 Tetris Ultron - SheHulk - Loki says hi.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    The Carnage with two Muscles is IMO more difficult. I have yet to fail this one (championed and boosted Vision, Black Panther and Kamala Khan have worked every time so far).

    And then of course Gauntlets and Simulators have had stuff way worse.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I think honors for "hardest I've ever seen" has to go to that one Gauntlet node that had: Loki/She-Hulk/Ultron (bomb dropper).

    Nothing like having attempt after attempt end like this:
    1 - She-Hulk fires Furious Charge voiding my TU pool before I can super-whale
    2 - Loki fires Illusions and when the board stops moving there are 4 Ultron bombs sitting on the bottom of the board

    Even after I decided to give up and whale that node it took 4 tries. These carnage/venom/feeder nodes are bad, but they are far from 'the worst'.
  • bpcontra
    bpcontra Posts: 176
    Just put prof x with some weak characters that die early and stay hidden the rest of the game...pretty sure AOE attacks don't work when there's only one character left hidden
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    bpcontra wrote:
    Just put prof x with some weak characters that die early and stay hidden the rest of the game...pretty sure AOE attacks don't work when there's only one character left hidden

    Ohhh bad plan. They made a change to scythe, Its AOE now and can hit an invisible PX. Good concept though.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't laugh, but I have been bringing Mr. Fantastic as part of my team for stunning. Once the attack tiles start rolling, he true-heals pretty frequently allowing him to soak the brunt of a couple Scythes while allowing my actual damagers to do their thing.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    I think honors for "hardest I've ever seen" has to go to that one Gauntlet node that had: Loki/She-Hulk/Ultron (bomb dropper).

    Nothing like having attempt after attempt end like this:
    1 - She-Hulk fires Furious Charge voiding my TU pool before I can super-whale
    2 - Loki fires Illusions and when the board stops moving there are 4 Ultron bombs sitting on the bottom of the board

    Even after I decided to give up and whale that node it took 4 tries. These carnage/venom/feeder nodes are bad, but they are far from 'the worst'.

    That fight was crazy.
    To mention another Gaunlet node:
    One of the final essential nodes in the last tier had a node of Tetris Ultron, Hood, & I think Scarlet Witch.
    They were high 280's in level for me.
    The only strategy was Deadpool's WWW.

    If we set the requirements to "hardest non-Gauntlet PVE fight" this one is probably top 3 hardest for sure, but there are definite honorable mentions though, like Hood + 2 Maggia Muscles (really any fight with one character + 2 Muscles really, think there's a Bullseye + 2 Muscles in one of the Heroic eligible PVE's), the crazy high level Hood & Magento, etc.

    For this node and others like it (Carnage + red goon feeders) I've gone Charlie's Angles all the way (GSBW, Scarlet Witch, Prof X). I'm lucky mine is still usable after the stealth update that increased 4 Star tile match damage (My Prof X is Level 165 and STAYING THERE).
    But it's still a gamble based on the initial board and/or how much matchable Purple there is.
    If your Scarlet Witch countdown tile doesn't pop or it gets matches ways somehow, you're in for some hurt and might even lose the match outright. At the very least it will cost you a health pack for GSBW.
    Unless you got some Purple match cascades within your first 3 or 4 turns, 95% of the time you'll get hit with a Scythes attack. On rare occasions I've had the AI cast the goon's Red CD skill instead of Scythes, but like I said it's rare. Maybe it has to do with which character is the active target?

    Not fun at all.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2016
    Phumade wrote:
    bpcontra wrote:
    Just put prof x with some weak characters that die early and stay hidden the rest of the game...pretty sure AOE attacks don't work when there's only one character left hidden

    Ohhh bad plan. They made a change to scythe, Its AOE now and can hit an invisible PX. Good concept though.

    EDIT: Yeah, I donno what I was thinking here. AOE's damage invisible characters. big duh.
    Haven't bothered to use them in so long, and so few characters have them, that I forget how it works and the specific changes.

    End of the day, they nerfed Invisibility.