Is MPQ still fun for you? (Poll)



  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still play it but it's getting pretty repetitive.. I'm not sure why I keep playing it, mostly just momentum. It would be nicer if I could champion my 4*s faster. Strangely enough, I don't mind that it takes a lot of iso to level up 5*s.. because those characters are actually good when leveled up, you know what I mean?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mine is yes, but drifting towards ambivalent because it's beginning to get boring again.

    They've done a meh job at introducing ways to keep the game fresh. New characters aren't it. I'm repeating myself, but Ultron, DDQ, Growth Industry, Championing,...these are new things, those are good for keeping the game fresh.

    Venom bomb or whatever the dumb Ghost Rider event was called is the same **** in a different dress. So too will be the implementation of the changes they tested for EotS. Regular PvE gets old very, very quickly.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I'm beginning to see the end in sight. Stuff is just getting too repetitive, whether it's PVP or PVE. I'm dropping to a lower tier in my alliance for PVP already after this season. Just getting tired in general, and if the changes that were tested in PVE and PVP go live, I'll probably stop all together soon after. I may come back from time to time around new movie releases since I did invest some money into the game.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a yes as long as whatever happens in pve looks nothing like that damn test. if pve ends up like what we tested, i'll be pvp only (mostly) and my iso production, and thus my roster progress, will slow to a crawl. if that happens, there's not a lot of reason to keep to drive to play like i am now. i have the drive i have because i can see some nominal progress and i perceive it is worth it. once i lose that, it'll go back to just a match-3 game for spare time.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know if I could call it "fun"... it's just a thing I can't stop doing.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's still fun for me, but I'm wary.

    A few years ago my mobile game of choice was Tribez. I spent a lot of time on it - at least an hour in the morning afternoon, and night. Additional time on weekends, ~ 2 hr between 30 min sessions for most of the day. I had accessed and nearly filled every map, unlocked all the little special missions on each one. Even restarted once after a glitch wiped out my original save. Eventually I stopped. They were still adding content, but just managing all the maps, assigning chores, collecting from buildings, and optimizing placement for maximum efficiency - it became more chore than game.

    I feel like MPQ might be getting to that point for me. I still enjoy collecting and leveling the characters, but I feel like I'm spending more time on it that I should. If I could make the same sort of progress/time with less daily commitment I'd do it, but given the nature of the grind you have to dedicate a lot of time to it within the burst window of an event to receive anything substantial. Downshifting means you miss out on new content and/or fail to advance your roster as you're forced to sell off those covers you got for a character you have no chance of champing within the expiry period or have no roster space for. So it's starting to feel a bit like a chore. I like that I can effectively opt out of the grind for days at a time and still make something off Deadpool and light PvP. But between the PvE test and the two 4*'s, March was probably my high point in terms of playtime and I'm feeling a little burnt out on it. I'm going to earn my 4* Punisher then slack off for a few weeks.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ambivalent for me.

    DDQ is still fun. Mostly. Some days when the freaking Ultron sentries and/or symbiotes are out in full force in TBE I curse the design decision to include them there. But I do still play DDQ in its entirety every day.

    PVP is still sorta fun. I've only reached 800 points once in my career. I may not ever bother again. Too time-consuming, and generally too health-pack consuming. But we'll see. With nearly half the 3* roster championed you'd think it would be easier, and I guess it could be, but time is still the limiting factor.

    Story mode, I've scaled way, way back. I don't even hit 3* progression covers any more, long ago gave up chasing rank, and I'm fine with that. I'm sick of seeing the same old events over & over again. Sick of seeing Daken and Ares and Moonstone and Bullseye and Venom, blah blah blah. I farm some ISO and kill some time in Story, that's about it. Think I was T600 in EOTS last time.

    I guess I keep playing to see if I'll ever max-cover a 4*. I'm darn close with Thor (5/1/3 currently, with two daily resupplies coming that will push her to 5/2/4). But then I'll need, what, months of grinding ISO to get her anywhere near level 270? And she's just one of about 30 4* characters?

    Nah. I'll never get close to a usable 4* roster at this rate. So there's no 'end game' for me here. I'll just keep playing in my very casual (and needless to say, no-money) way, until the day hits that the game tips over into total monotony, and then uninstall and that'll be that.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I said fun, but I do agree that just hammering out new characters isn't great for the game. New modes are needed, badly.

    I'd do murders for a mode that involves a true survival match - just random waves that get harder and harder until you wipe, with rewards according to how far you make it.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind wrote:
    I said fun, but I do agree that just hammering out new characters isn't great for the game. New modes are needed, badly.

    I voted fun a couple days ago because I wouldn't be playing if it wasn't fun, but this part of your post sums up what would make things much more fun. Swamping us with new characters that a 3-4* transitioner will take forever to build up while at the same time diluting my chances at ever fully covering those 4*s I already have is decidedly the opposite of fun.

    New real content would breathe some life into the fun component. A tiered difficulty story mode would be nice. Something that isn't just the same style of event recycled with a fresh skin on it and called "fun and challenging" would be amazing. The same formula retooled gets old after awhile. Shoot, I would be happy with another run of Galactus or Ultron at this point over the same tired redundant events we continually get.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Interesting. The ratios have been pretty consistent throughout these 2 days. About 50% say Yes, 20% say No while the other 30% are ambivalent about it.

    so only half the forumites are truly enjoying the game?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    i voted YES but what do you mean fun.....

    Do i still play 4 star events hard YES and fun i guess
    DO i play 3 star 7 day events NOPE and sort of boring with nothing to play
    Do i play 3 star 3/4 day events... as long as i can use the top 50 3 3 star covers

    Game could be better how you ask

    make all PVE either progression based or team base
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    slidecage wrote:
    i voted YES but what do you mean fun.....

    Do i still play 4 star events hard YES and fun i guess
    DO i play 3 star 7 day events NOPE and sort of boring with nothing to play
    Do i play 3 star 3/4 day events... as long as i can use the top 50 3 3 star covers

    Game could be better how you ask

    make all PVE either progression based or team base

    Fun is subjective. The devs idea of fun is not my exact idea of fun
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's a question I had to think about more than I expected. MPQ is the game I play on the treadmill every day, and is entertaining for 30 minutes. I thank it for helping me get through the daily exercise routine, but I don't have much desire to pursue it beyond that (though I do occasionally go on lightning round binges.)
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    St1nkf1st wrote:
    Everybody voting NO and continues playing should really think about what the hell they are doing. (As long the no was honest and not a form of protest about the scaling tests)
    Yes, you might have put lots of money and time into this game, but spending precious life time with doing things that are actually fun should be more important...

    15 minutes on DDQ while taking a **** doesn't require me to think about what the hell I'm doing in the slightest.

    I keep playing - minimally - to get my daily rewards, accumulate a little bit of ISO, and dream about what could be.

    The fundamental mechanics ARE fun, they're just bogged by unnecessary complication and a tight-fisted reward structure that has been in dire need of updating for well over a year.
  • DalekGAF
    DalekGAF Posts: 52 Match Maker
    For me the core gameplay-matching colors to earn AP and unleash powers, depending on the characters you picked-along with the Marvel theme is what I love.

    But it's all the other deeper changes and methods that suck the fun out. I hate Heroic events because I can't use the majority of my roster, and then because of this I can't earn much CP while this event is in play.

    A common complaint you hear is that the game punishes you for getting better and progressing. I get that to an extent-I feel like I've been punished for earning some 5* covers, even when I don't have a single fully level 4*, because the scaling is crazy.

    Additionally earning 1000 in PVP is a nightmare because as soon as you hit 900, you can't win one fight without getting attached 3 times in 5 minutes. There's too much that's frustrating in this game.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    i try to get as much fun out of the game by doing the exact opposite the devs seemingly want me to do:

    i ignore/sell every single 5*s (4 covers from phoenix, oml and ss) and will do so until i have my first 4* champed.
    until then its a 3* game for me, which is still fun because pve does not exceed lvl250 and pvp shows me only a handful single covered 5*s or high level 4*s

    still, the moment it gets frustrating i shut down the app, i have zero motivation for grindfests.
  • superho
    superho Posts: 17
    I quit a week or two ago - and don't feel any desire to come back and play. The introductions of 5* pretty much ruined the game for me - I was starting to improve my roster of 4* (had Thor, JG, IMHB, KP, Iceman all championed) and had a OML at 2/1/3 lvl 345. The 5* pretty much allowed me to wean myself off completely (so actually - thanks d3!)
    • The introduction 5* really devalued 4* completely - and I no longer had an urge to score at least 1000 in every PVP to pick up covers. I did try farming CP for a while in PVP tho (which was made so much easier with my OML - would probably not have been possible otherwise without shield hopping).
    • Although my 5* pull rate is probably not that bad at all compared to a lot of vets, there's nothing more discouraging than blowing through 300CP and not drawing a single 5*.
    • The amount of effort required to get that spike of fun/progression out of this game is incredibly high for where I am in the game. DPD felt like a job- grinding through these nodes I have done hundreds of time just to get ISO which I NEED and will fall behind if I don't collect. I feel like as a vet - I should just be given that ISO anyway without any grinding. Progressing more on the 5* track would require an unbelievable commitment - and as I mentioned already, the RNG can be incredibly discouraging and not motivating at all. If they had a 'guaranteed 5* every 10 LT' I'd probably still be playing right now. I really think they have lost a huge number of vets to this (I was on day 700+ - was about to pickup an iceman cover in the daily rewards).

    In summary - I think for a mobile game, MPQ is just too hardcore, and not fun anymore, and that is what has ultimately pushed me away. There is far too much time commitment (especially if you're in an alliance - which is kinda required for all the additional rewards), and if you stop playing for even a few weeks, you'll find yourself behind the curve. It's not really a game you can just pickup and play from time to time.

    (I've been playing Clash Royale lately as my mobile game of choice)
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    St1nkf1st wrote:
    Everybody voting NO and continues playing should really think about what the hell they are doing.

    Uhm......its called ADDICTION........
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    TLCstormz wrote:
    St1nkf1st wrote:
    Everybody voting NO and continues playing should really think about what the hell they are doing.

    Uhm......its called ADDICTION........

    Nah, its not true physical brain changing addiction. Its loyalties, social pressure, stubbornness, and lack of viable alternatives. =P
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was an ambivalent voter. I recently pulled back from playing a lot due to the frustration of not seeing appreciable progress under the current system. I still play DDQ daily since it takes so little time and I still like puzzle games and Marvel however I made the decision I am not going to devote hours per day to this game like I was. I still play with the hope that they will make changes that make it fun for me. What do you know they introduce some test changes, I liked both the PvE and PvP changes overall (although there does need to be tweaks to the PvE changes) as I felt these changes made the game more fair to me based on my roster. I may jump back into playing more if they do add similar changes permanently but for now I just do my 15 minutes of DDQ and hope.