Deadpool changes

I just wanted to vent some frustration over the recent changes to the deadpool daily quest. Ever since the changes it has been increasingly difficult to obtain the three star covers, particularly when there are ultron or carnage goons. This hasn't affected me once I am in the early stages of four star transition (another frustration) but it has prevented my girlfriend who has several max two stars (obw, Thor, hawkeye, storm, daken, wolverine) from obtaining 3 star covers. She is planning on quitting the game now, and I would not be surprised if other people who are trying to make the three star transition do the same.


  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Going forward the DDQ will be random.

    Ultron goons - everyday. icon_eek.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like how they said "Random" while the other day the final node ended with Thors and today had the second to last was Spider Man, Venom and Doc Spider Man themed.
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Whailer wrote:
    I just wanted to vent some frustration over the recent changes to the deadpool daily quest. Ever since the changes it has been increasingly difficult to obtain the three star covers, particularly when there are ultron or carnage goons. This hasn't affected me once I am in the early stages of four star transition (another frustration) but it has prevented my girlfriend who has several max two stars (obw, Thor, hawkeye, storm, daken, wolverine) from obtaining 3 star covers. She is planning on quitting the game now, and I would not be surprised if other people who are trying to make the three star transition do the same.

    I don't know what it's like to use championed 2 stars in that final node, but before that, I would never have had a chance beating it with 3 level 94s, so if someone's gonna quit based on that, then it just sounds like complaining and crying to me. Pay your dues and move forward, I wasn't able to defeat that last level until I had a 5 yellow covered patch and even then I had to use boosts, so it's not really like much has changed...
  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    I'm firmly in 3 to 4* land but I still use OBW, Thor, and CStorm for the DDQ. The only difference is that I use a 3* Thor now instead of 2*, but their powers are identical except for the damage (you really just need the AP generation).
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I must admit, I just lost The Big Enchilada THREE TIMES IN A ROW, while FULLY BOOSTED, in the VERY FIRST ROUND, EACH FREAKING TIME.........

    Cascade after carafe after cascade.

    Match 5 after match 5 after match 5.

    Simply ridiculous.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Well we now know they can take fun useful thing and change them to be a pain in the butt for no increased rewards then the previous mode, but can they take things we find to be a pain in the butt and make them tolerable or dare i say fun.
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Lol to DDQ today - a Kishu - haven't seen enough of these guys recently - just about to kill 'im & IW makes him Invisible. aaaarrrgggg!!!!
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    A quirk of the "random" Big Enchilada means that occasionally you'll get two identical waves in a row. Yesterday it was the same set of Symbiote goons twice.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I was so excited to see those ninjas today. I mean who doesn't like more caltrops!!!! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    I am in the 2* to 3* transition, having taken a year off playing, so have only had a couple of days of the DDQ. So far have had decent success with OBW, Storm, Magneto, boosting blue and purple. Storm's AOE is a lifesaver.

    It is bloody hard though
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    The old pattern of goon/hero/goon/hero actually made for strategic gameplay, in that you knew you needed to deal with countdown tiles while preserving AP as much as possible for use against board movers. But if all of your waves have enemies that can manipulate the board, it's virtually impossible to escape unscathed without AP boosts or a healthy dose of luck (Ultrons followed by symbiotes is a particularly terrible combination).

    I'm early in the 3* - 4* transition and usually run LCap/SW/GSBW for BE and came pretty close to losing Cap but for strategically spreading out the damage with some suboptimal matches; in the old DDQ, I probably wouldn't have taken any damage on any of my characters.

    The old BE was "challenging". If you didn't carefully consider your moves and powers, the countdowns would whittle away at your health and the waves could beat you. The new BE is just "difficult"; no matter what you do, you're going to soak damage, so suck it up if you want your tokens.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wiped earlier this week on the Big Enchilada for the first time in a very long time.

    Random seems to enjoy putting Ultron goons that spam special tiles AND move the board in wave 1 (sometimes wave two also), then followed up in wave 2 with Symbiote Goons spamming and strengthening more special tiles (sometimes followed up with another set of symbiote goons), then wave 3 with some more special tile spamming goons, so by now you're all chewed up by these attack and strike tiles all over, then 3 heroes/villains in wave 4 to use up all that accrued AP of theirs.

    It's a challenge, and I enjoy a challenge. And I laughed at wiping with my champed 3* team, but then I always think about the poor fellow that only has 2* champs, and are building their 3* roster (you know the ones... they are the ones that are supposed to benefit the most from DDQ) getting wiped by round 3 repeatedly, and I feel bad for them.

    I wipe, I just pick a stronger team and go again knowing what to expect the second time through... but the smaller rostered guys almost seem locked out by some of these "random" fights.

    It feels like someone asking me to stand still and let them randomly punch 4 parts of my body... sometimes I'll be lucky and get 4 punches to the arm... but most of the time I'm getting 3 punches to the face and one to the chest.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that it seems lower rosters will be having very hard times with ddq TBE since the changes. I've played with xfw some, but really hadn't developed an appreciation for his healing until this change. I used to never use the yellow I had. now I need it to just make it through. he and xpool are fun together, but with my xfw at 172 and xpool at 145 (for now, until I finish rulk), I have lost one before (usually xfw, and its been a few times), but limped to the end. I use them with cmags.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2016
    20three wrote:
    Whailer wrote:
    I just wanted to vent some frustration over the recent changes to the deadpool daily quest. Ever since the changes it has been increasingly difficult to obtain the three star covers, particularly when there are ultron or carnage goons. This hasn't affected me once I am in the early stages of four star transition (another frustration) but it has prevented my girlfriend who has several max two stars (obw, Thor, hawkeye, storm, daken, wolverine) from obtaining 3 star covers. She is planning on quitting the game now, and I would not be surprised if other people who are trying to make the three star transition do the same.

    I don't know what it's like to use championed 2 stars in that final node, but before that, I would never have had a chance beating it with 3 level 94s, so if someone's gonna quit based on that, then it just sounds like complaining and crying to me. Pay your dues and move forward, I wasn't able to defeat that last level until I had a 5 yellow covered patch and even then I had to use boosts, so it's not really like much has changed...

    First of all your post is worthless and not helpful to simply say this person is whining when it is a legitimate issue. Secondly, most people did use 2* teams to clear that node to grow their 3* roster, I did myself. I used a level 94 team of Daken, Thor and OBW and was able to clear that node although at times I would wipe and many times I would win but my team would take significant damage. It was very possible but challenging. Under the new format, it is extremely difficult as I have actually used those same characters (who are now champed and level 120+) and it was very hard to do so and I have wiped several times ....even though those characters are now more powerful than when I used to do it with level 94 characters. It is a valid complaint as it is THE main way to transition to a 3* roster. Even with the new changes, my team of 3*DP, Cage and Switch sometimes still takes significant damage clearing certain Enchiladas, although normally it is due to bad boards (or Ultron goons).

    Consider this....there was no reason to make the changes they did that resulted in significantly increasing difficulty. Some might say for variety but that ends up being a poor reason to do so when it impacts people trying to transition into 3* so much. For those with developed 3* rosters and above, it doesn't prevent us from completing the Enchilada. The only thing it does to us is that it sometimes means we take more damage than we used to and sometimes it takes more time as well. All around the change has been a bad deal for most of the player base except those who use the variety argument. I guarantee that most of those people are all ready tired of the variety of Ultron goons and Venom symbiotes.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    20three wrote:
    I don't know what it's like to use championed 2 stars in that final node, but before that, I would never have had a chance beating it with 3 level 94s, so if someone's gonna quit based on that, then it just sounds like complaining and crying to me. Pay your dues and move forward, I wasn't able to defeat that last level until I had a 5 yellow covered patch and even then I had to use boosts, so it's not really like much has changed...
    I'm with war on this one. I used 2* thor/mags/storm forever - way before champing was even being thought about. then moved to cap/blade/falcon until they pointed out that most 'don't' use 2*s, so I went back to using thromneto just to keep my data as using 2*s (even as maxed out 4* teams) - until I got hopelessly bored of it and started exploring other teams. that was right before they switched things up on us. but 23, there are lots, LOTS, of threads outlining how to beat TBE with 2*s and there are multiple viable strategies with level 94, 2*s. When an expectation is set by a wildly successful and beloved part of the game by not changing it for over a year, such a drastic increase in difficulty level will understandably get a frustrated response. if you really needed a 5 yellow patch to finished TBE, you might want to hone your skills icon_e_wink.gif
  • Despite being far past the 2* transition, I still use Storm/Magneto/Hawkeye every single day on it without any issues.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2016
    Your GF has the right set of 2* characters.

    I switched to using Thor (104) /Storm (75) /OBW (85) when they made the changes a few weeks ago. I think I've wiped only twice and have never failed to get the cover on a re-try.

    The key is having Thor's yellow at 5 covers and NOT using his Green (if she's champed him switch to 5 Red and 3 Green). Thor's job is to use Red to generate Yellow which generates Green (when getting close to using Yellow stop matching Green so more cascades happen). Once you've stored 20+ green Storm uses the Green. This *fills* your AP especially when you get to 30 green on later nodes. It also removes trap/attack/defend/strike/count down tiles etc which is a god send.

    OBW is there to deal with count down timers you can't match especially in wave 1. In later waves you save the Blue for Storm's Windstorm (on the final node I always have 22 Blue to drop 2 Windstorms and stun 2 enemy characters) because normally you are full of AP and rarely need to use OBW Blue.

    The toughest part is dealing with the 1st wave while you build the AP for Red->Yellow->. If you survive that wave (and I've been desperate as having 2 characters under 100 health after wave 1 and still managed to win) things get rolling really fast on subsequent waves.

    I'm using the same trio to roll through the Ninja wave nodes in the current PvE.


    P.S. Just finished getting my Loki cover with the above team. Windstormed the Keishu to stop caltrops (after getting hit a few times while gathering Blue) since IW has no offensive skill. Used Windstorm at start of wave 2&3&4 to neutralize DocOK/SWitch/BW. As an FYI was down 75% health after wave 1 but was never in any danger after thanks to Windstorm preventing any enemy moves in waves 2-4.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Druss wrote:
    Lol to DDQ today - a Kishu - haven't seen enough of these guys recently - just about to kill 'im & IW makes him Invisible. aaaarrrgggg!!!!

    Exact. Same. Thing.
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I use Thor+OBW+Ms.Marvel for the 2* team. They are champed at around 120 though.

    A few more tips,
    1. If you don't know what the next wave is, always down the last opponent of each wave with a special power. In my case, Thor's red works just fine. This is to avoid getting spammed by special power from the heroes in the next wave.
    2. OBW is very good at controlling opponents AP with her purple and black. (I keep her at 355).
    3. I usually lose >50% health during the first wave. But even without OBW's blue, I hardly take any damage from the 3rh and 4th waves.
    4. This is probably my personal preference. I incline not to take two fragile characters (like OBW or Storm) with the team just in case I have to deal with Ultron or venom's goons in the early waves. That is the reason why I have Ms. Marvel in my team, since she is the second most tankiest character I have and she can use black AP OBW generatee.
  • y2fitzy wrote:
    I am in the 2* to 3* transition, having taken a year off playing, so have only had a couple of days of the DDQ. So far have had decent success with OBW, Storm, Magneto, boosting blue and purple. Storm's AOE is a lifesaver.

    It is bloody hard though

    Same as me. These 3 were my saviour during transition from 2* to 3* with the same boost. I'm using IM40 now with 3Cap and Panther so it's still reasonably straight forward after the change. I wouldn't relish Big Enchilada these days with a 2*'re operating on smaller margins and I empathise with any frustration.