What is the best way to utilize OML?



  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    What is the best way to utilize OML?

    1. Get Old Man Logan on your roster.
    2. Put Old Man Logan on your team when you go into battle.
    3. Watch Old Man Logan murder everyone.
    4. Stay off Old Man Logan's lawn.
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    My OML is 0-4-1 and I haven't leveled him at all (I'm still in 4* transitionland) but I use him constantly. For this and the last PVE, I put him on a team with Luke Cage. The third character barely even matters - since they usually end up tanking at least one of the other three colors, I use them for a meat shield if OML needs a turn to heal, then use a different one next match. LC never ends up at the front unless OML is downed, so he lasts for a while. At 255, he heals about 1k damage a turn, so Ares and Juggs together are pretty much the only thing that regularly takes him down.
  • teknofyl
    teknofyl Posts: 80
    Mine is 212@lvl330 and drops big strike tiles (3@320 for black, and 2@120 for his red passive).

    My favorite grouping in PVE is with Jean Grey and Classic Cyke, where he tanks yellow, black, red and TU. I use Cyke's yellow (which gives black in this grouping) to control whether or not he mode-switches, depending on the situation. Most of the time, though, he's tanking, healing and dropping strikes while Cyke pounds them with red and Jean sneaks out occasionally to gather blue, green or purple.

    A typical match goes like this:
    Evaluate the field for the most available color that Jean gathers (green, blue, purple) and gather that color. Do this until the enemy may be able to fire a damaging power.
    Start collecting the colors that Logan gathers.
    Fire Cyke's yellow when possible, and gather TUs or black.
    Drop some big strike tiles.
    Fire off whichever damaging powers are available (Jean's green or purple, Cyke's red or blue). If none are available, gather AP to make them available.

    I only usually mode-switch Logan when the fight can end quickly. At this level Logan's red is inferior to Cyke's and Jean makes good use of any strike tiles.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Lvl 265 OML with 4 black and 4 yellow. Since I don't have red I've been pairing him with my lvl 180 Nova. Since he tanks all colors for Nova I never transform him and let Nova put out strike tiles. I add either Ldaken or teenJean to the mix.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    I am in the middle of the 4* transition (only a big thoress and wolverine atm) but have a 4 cover OML; what impact on my scaling should I expect if i start using him?.
    My highest chars are 264 OML, 256 SS and JG (I never ever use them), 255 XFWolv, 253 Thoress, then a 200 Fury and 170ish 3*
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Wolarsen wrote:
    I am in the middle of the 4* transition (only a big thoress and wolverine atm) but have a 4 cover OML; what impact on my scaling should I expect if i start using him?.
    My highest chars are 264 OML, 256 SS and JG (I never ever use them), 255 XFWolv, 253 Thoress, then a 200 Fury and 170ish 3*
    Well... let me state first I am no expert on scaling...

    But as I understand it, there is no impact from using/not using him, it only factors in your available roster for that event.

    In general, I would expect his impact to be pretty minimal. The average level of XFW, GT, NF is 236... throw in that 264 OML and it comes up to 257... Not a massive jump. Plus you have other 5*, so really he's only bringing it from 256 to 259.

    However, that is just the base roster. Since 5* are (almost) never boosted, you may easily get events where your 4*s are higher level. Heck, even a boosted 170ish 3* is going to be up around 250.

    Again, I'm no expert, but I don't think having him on your roster is hurting you too much, and I would DEFINITELY use him if he is on your roster.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks icon_e_wink.gif Already started using it, it's a great high level Hood ripper.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Wolarsen wrote:
    Thanks icon_e_wink.gif Already started using it, it's a great high level Hood ripper.
    Yeah, my standard team against any PVE high level Hood is OML, Phoenix, IF... Steal all the AP you want, Hoodie, you are still going down quick!
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    I'm curious why the mods get all fascist-regime level strict about moving posts that offer suggestions with criticism, but allow ones like this to remain in General.

    Don't get me wrong, I think this should be allowed in General Discussion, I just find the inconsistency amusing.