What is the best way to utilize OML?

westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So for the lucky group of you who use him on a regular basis, I am wondering how he is used. Do you use his black early to get strike tiles out or do yo save up with yellow to change his powers?


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It depends. Against an aoe-spamming opponent, such as JG, I prefer to do black as quickly as possible (as long as she's not high on purple to delete all my blacks).

    In fact in most cases, I like to do black as quickly as possible so that my attacks are strong. But if I almost have 12 yellows, I might wait a few turns.

    I like to use OML with IF or Carnage, as you can win matches twice as quickly, since after your huge strike match, you get an additional attack damage at the end of the turn. IF during PVE and Carnage during PVP.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I use him regularly. He's 255 for me with 2 black and 1 yellow. I'm in the middle of the 3* transition, so YMMV.

    I tend to get black strike tiles out ASAP and keep the heal. However, I usually wait until black matches aren't possible before popping the non-claws.

    If OML has a lot of HP left, and the opponent doesn't have any powers they can use, I sometimes actually pop the claws and go to town. I try not to do it unless I have at least 16 black so I can use the black for MASSIVE damage. I also usually save it to finish opponents off they are almost dead. I use the yellows for AOE, and finish off the last character with the black.
  • it's almost game over if u can transform OML, so always try to stack the 12 yellow then use his black skill
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    westnyy2 wrote:
    So for the lucky group of you who use him on a regular basis, I am wondering how he is used. Do you use his black early to get strike tiles out or do yo save up with yellow to change his powers?
    Somewhere in the OML thread, I trivialized these two options and said something like "obviously the idea is to transform him ASAP". After actually using him, I disagree with my former self. He's much more valuable as a never-dying damage sponge, especially in PvE. I can now do a whole grind and usually end up at 10 health packs. If I transform him, it's usually by accident, or because I have no yellow outlet and can't help it.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    My OML is 3/4/3 level 405, so obviously I use him all of the time.

    For me, changing his powers isn't always necessary. Of course, my OML drops 3 strength 647 strike tiles. Like the poster above, I try to make sure there aren't any black matches available when I do it. If I'm close enough to 12 yellow, then I might try to get it to change powers, but not always. Usually though I'm using Teen Jean as well, and his strike tiles are the perfect compliment to her AoE attacks.

    So he's an awesome tank and terrific match damage. His black and red are plenty good enough on their own without needing to worry about his transformation. Get the black as quick as you can and don't worry about the yellow. Try to match him up with either AoE users, or people that drop attack tiles. Double-dipping with those massive strike tiles is so good. Plus, you can fire off OML's black and still do decent damage that turn from the attack tiles.
  • My OML is only 330 and not high enough to really use as part of my PvP A-Team. As such I use him for climbing or in PvE where it is typically better to not transform him for sustained climbing/grinding.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Agree with all of the above.

    If I'm going to transform him, I always check to make sure I have enough AP to completely wreck the enemy team the turn after.
  • Gowaderacer
    Gowaderacer Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Anyone with attack tiles works like a dream with OML. I use Carnage in pvp when he is boosted as OML will just heal away the attack tile damage on the next turn and regularly use Iron Fist/OML in pve.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I have a 2/3/5 lvl 405... Best tank in the game.

    During the climb, pair him with Hood to drain the enemy and store up AP... I don't transform til I can do 2 yellow and 1 red... That pretty much kills any team... And no HP necessary.

    Once I get above 1000 and speed becomes more important, I will throw in IF, and boost Black/green damage and take the purple AP boost. One purple match and you can cast Kun Lun, which adds 2 270 strike tiles, and hopefully a nice cascade of boosted black matches.
  • lokiagentofhotness
    lokiagentofhotness Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    weirdly, because i hate losing a turn, i rarely use black even when i have enough, unless i have 12 yellow and want to end the game. so nine out of ten games i never use the black at all.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Have a 1/1/4 345 lvl OML. He is a meat shield until I gain enough Y/R to destroy the opposing team in one turn. Though during this week I've been using him with IM40 and HT as they are both boosted. So, he's mostly a meat shield and a strike tile provider when IM40 launches his Y. My OML R does 11k+ damage when he has 50% or less health. It gets messy.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think there is really a bad way to use him at all.

    Pre change he is a strike-generating, self-healing, high damage tank.

    Post change, he has cheap, devastating damage powers.

    Maybe if you dropped all your strike tiles and transformed just as an opponent jg got 10 purple or xfw got 11 black to immediately destroy all those strikes.
  • drcassino
    drcassino Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    Totally with Morpheus. I generally don't transform him, but when I do, I make sure it'll be the last turn the opponent sees. I most often use his black as a "skip a turn" button. If there's no good matches to make, I use it instead of making a useless match 3.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    My OML is 4 3 3 @ 335

    As a result, in PVE I almost never need to use Health Packs, and can get through an entire sub clear in about 30 minutes.
    OML really helps against those overscaled Juggernauts and Ares's, and even Moonstone's Red & Daken's Blue. Whenever the AI has enough AP for a power, I thrown him in front to absorb the blow. About 95% of the time there is a Black, Yellow, Red, or Team Up match that can be made, and if you've brought along no one with a Blue or Green power, he'll tank those colors too. Then, he heals it all back in about 3/4 turns. The only way he can die is if the AI fires off multiple high damaging powers in a row along with some moderate cascades. Still, if one of your other characters dies, his heal is noticeably less powerful, so something to be mindful of.
    I will say though that even Carnage nodes are a potential problem, especially if there are Strike tiles too...

    I pair him with characters that have most of his colors (the Hood works very well, guessing Black Panther would too), and let him tank away. Characters with low AP skills work well also, as OML spits out Red strike tiles pretty quickly. Iron Fist is probably the best partner all things considered. A low AP skill that fills the board with OML's strongest color and only active power color (at least initially). It takes the sting out of the "ends the turn" because you'll do massive damage with Iron Fist's passive Attack Tile.
    weirdly, because i hate losing a turn, i rarely use black even when i have enough, unless i have 12 yellow and want to end the game. so nine out of ten games i never use the black at all.

    Totally with you here.
    I also hesitate to transform him. The healing is just too strong. In PVE, his 5 Star caliber match damage trivializes the 3 easy nodes anyway, even at Level 255.
    I will only use his Black if there are no available Black matches (similar to how I plan out Blade's Purple or Panther's Yellow), or if I have Attack Tiles out. I hate the "ends the turn" effect so much, but understand it needs to be there as an attempt to balance this power.
    Another big reason for my low use of his Black is also how often Moonstone is in PVE nodes. She always seems to somehow have 9 Black AP to steal them. She steals my Red strike tiles often... So, I wait until she's dead, but by that point I have enough AP to use other skills, and I often don't bother.

    There is no denying OML is game changing though regardless of usage, especially when you get at least 1 Yellow cover. The only OML that is potentially not worth using is 0 0 1.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only OML that is potentially not worth using is 0 0 1.
    my 2/-/5 logan disagrees here. I've tried and tried, but cannot make him work. I can't tell you the rejoicing that will happen that day the yellow comes through. and the mpq-hatred that will happen when I start pulling more reds.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    TxMoose wrote:
    The only OML that is potentially not worth using is 0 0 1.
    my 2/-/5 logan disagrees here. I've tried and tried, but cannot make him work. I can't tell you the rejoicing that will happen that day the yellow comes through. and the mpq-hatred that will happen when I start pulling more reds.

    Right, the more Red you've got without at least 1 Yellow, the less usable he is...
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, poor moose has "lucked" into the second worst oml build. But at least be can still transform and do massive red damage of he survived that long. 0/0/5 would be the absolute worst, since he would just slowly kill himself with each ability you used.

    Nevertheless, I would probably trade my 0/1/0 oml for Moose's 2/0/5. Moose only needs 1 very lucky yellow pull to have a kickass 5* for all game modes. I need 3-5 fairly lucky pulls to get close to useable.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    That why only red OML is a Reluctant Hero icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • JangoLore
    JangoLore Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    MY 0/1/2 pairs great with my 2/0/0 Phoenix and IF to take down the first three or four nodes in any PVE. That is all. Thank you.

    At least until I hit day day 820 (I'm currently at 776) so only 6 more weeks and my answer may change.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    I use him all the time, and he's great in three ways. I'll list them in order of usefulness.

    1. Damage Sponge. He soaks and heals a ton of damage.
    2. Strike tile maker. Fire his black once, get some from his red. Mine makes 657 worth of strikes for his 9 black AP right now. That's nothing to sneeze at, and if you can tell by looking at the board that you won't fire other abilities for a while, sometimes it's your best choice.
    3. Finisher. If you need it, and you aren't already using your Red/Yellow on other abilities, flip him and tear 'em to shreds. The reason this is last, is because you really need some AP to use, otherwise you're just throwing away your ability to heal and make strike tiles. As a result, this option often is a "win more" effect- it's most effective when you're already winning by a lot.