Unable to make purchases

A few days ago I went to make a purchase - and to my surprise, I could not. I got an error saying "Purchase Failed": Unable to complete purchase at this time. Please try again later. Now, it did save me some money - however, I'm unable to shield or w/e else I convince myself to spend money on in this game. It's been like this for days now. I made a purchase in another app game just to be sure that itunes or my card wasn't the issue. So, I'm only having the issue in MPQ. icon_e_sad.gif


  • I'm having the same issue.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    That happened to me as well a couple of days ago (steam user).

    The problem is that, in my case, the funds were taken nonetheless by steam (I purchased a stark salary)... I opened a ticket with CS, unfortunately it happened on a saturday, so I will have to wait until later today to know what happened.

    The error happened twice: the first time it didn't allow me to go to the transaction page (for steam); the second time, the error happened AFTER I authorized the transaction.

    It's not a problem related to funds (or absence of): I used a steam card, and the system acknowledged the new funds (and the transaction itself).

    Also, if it can help, I wasn't experiencing connection issues. The game kept running just fine. Looks like a bug post-latest patch to me.

    (and yes, it was quite a bummer! Not only for the missing funds - I'm sure they will fix this - but also because I had very few hp for shields, and it was the end of the season! I blame this too on RNGesus icon_razz.gif ).
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    We've had a few reports of this occurring and Support and the developers are actively looking into it.
    Don't worry, Support will get your items out to you. Please open a ticket if you haven't done so yet:


    Thanks very much. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    "David wrote:

    We've had a few reports of this occurring and Support and the developers are actively looking into it.
    Don't worry, Support will get your items out to you. Please open a ticket if you haven't done so yet:


    Thanks very much. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    thanks for the update David (and thanks to Support for their work): the CS credited my account with the missing hp/cp after reviewing my ticket today. It was quite a relief!
  • I play on Iphone 6 - I can make purchases through Clash of Clans so I know my itunes works. I'm not paying by gift card - it's either my debit or credit. I've shut off my phone and turned it back on. I've gone to itunes and changed my payment method several times. I spent a couple hundred dollars in a few weeks (I know, I'm pathetic. icon_lol.gif ). So it sucks to spend that money and now be somewhat limited to how hard I want to go in PvP or PvE. (No shields, No health packs.). It's a little frustrating, the PvP season ended and I couldn't even shield so I lost my top 5 spot. Lol.
  • Just to clarify - It's not even getting into an Itunes prompt. As soon as I click to buy anything it just says, "Purchase Failed: Unable to complete purchase at this time. Please try again later."
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    So bummed about this. It's been over 2 weeks now and still can't make purchases. I need to buy a slot for Quake icon_cry.gif I submitted a ticket and waiting on a response
  • I've been encountering the exact same problem on my iPhone 6s. After a few days of back and forth with customer support and submitting a ticket, they said the issue was solved and any purchases could be completed through Apple (which didn't work.) They claimed to be working on a fix but to be honest I'm not holding my breath.
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I've been encountering the exact same problem on my iPhone 6s. After a few days of back and forth with customer support and submitting a ticket, they said the issue was solved and any purchases could be completed through Apple (which didn't work.) They claimed to be working on a fix but to be honest I'm not holding my breath.

    That's what they told me too. So annoying and they're losing a ton of money.
  • I've had this problem for a week and their poor customer support has told me to reach out to Apple to help "complete" purchases.

    Three separate Apple reps have told me they have no idea what they are talking about and one said they will be speaking to their supervisors about concerns around D3 and their customer support. (Whatever that involves and means)

    This has been pretty frustrating. I'm going to lose five 4 star covers because I can't make the purchase to unlock more library slots.

    It really feels like D3 just doesn't care...at all.
  • Square-Chopper
    Square-Chopper Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Same here. It's been at least a week or more and still I'm unable to make any purchases. Back and forth with CS over and over. Then a form letter from some entity supposedly higher up than CS. Then yesterday, when I replied to that email to just see if there was any update, they went back to square one like they didn't already know what I was talking about. So I copied and pasted their own previous reply and sent it back to them, at which point they closed the ticket. Seriously?

    This all in addition to the fact that I'm also having the issue where the game crashes on my phone after the Marvel screen, ever since the second I updated to R95 like two weeks ago, which they also can't seem to fix.

    At this point, I don't really care to make a purchase. They don't deserve my money anyway.
  • I've been having the same problem for over a week and getting the same run around. They keep telling me to contact Apple customer service who are unable to do anything. The problem is clearly an issue with the game itself because I can make purchases just fine in other games, itunes and on the app store. You would think they would be more helpful considering you are trying to give them money.
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I really don't understand the lack of urgency in fixing the issue. Isn't this their revenue stream?! I'm losing covers because I can't champion anyone and can't do the vaults. This sucks.
  • slf03c
    slf03c Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    I am now having the same issue. Deleted the app and trying to see if it will work after redownloading.

    Update - Did not fix the issue. Still cannot purchase hp in game. Works in other apps. This is screwing me for pvp!!
  • Seeing all of these comments does not make me feel confident about my problem (same as op).
  • I have had this game for almost a year. I love it until recently when this very issue of failed purchases has popped up for the first time. I have 3 4 star characters I am about to lose. This is beyond frustrating. Please fix this issue ASAP
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has anyone tried different levels of purchases? I once was unable to do a $20 purchase, but could do a smaller one. (Didn't try higher.) Later, everything worked normally.
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I have tried each form of purchase and all have the same sub-screen with "purchase failed" on it. Probably wonmt be resolved by end of Quake PVP.
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Yep I click on all of the amounts and get the purchase failed message. I have a ticket open and email them when I lose covers. It's bugging me that I can't buy a slot for Quake. I normally spend 40-60 a week on this game. Now other companies are getting my money.
  • And there is no fix yet in next patch notes...