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  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    The only issue I am having is do I take a pause and add some levels to Falcap so I can win his DPDQ. He is at level 100 but is covered 3,5,5.
    No idea if it's enough but I paused 4thor to take falcap to my ddq level of 145. Mine is fully covered, but not many 150 and less made it last time. But also, that was before the 3* nerf I think.
    Sometimes people worry too much about making characters Ddq ready by pumping levels in - 1/2/5 level 94 Falcap took me through just fine....
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Double absolutely Phaser. I will refer again to this post, that I will continue flogging wherever I can ... icon_lol.gif
    Scaling, Iso Flow, and ... Positive Reinforcement

    The details can be quibbled over but the base concept—that defeating opposition generates iso which builds your roster enabling you to defeat tougher oppoistion ... winning even more iso which builds your roster even stronger enabling you to defeat even tougher opposition ... winning even more iso which builds your roster even stronger enabling you to defeat even tougher opposition ... winning even more iso which builds your roster even stronger enabling you to defeat even tougher opposition ... — is so obvious, that it not being baked into this game from the start is an insult.

    As it is .... you start with a handful of weak covers, win matches, build roster, are eventually able to complete and compete in all events (time permitting) .... but once you reach that point, you are effectively on a FIXED income.

    Your needs continue to grow, but your resources remain constrained.

    You know, it reminds me all too much of real life.

    Yuck icon_lol.gif

    Tying iso flow to level of opposition overcome creates a natural, rewarding feedback loop. Would keep players more engaged and for longer. Satisfaction ain't a bad thing!

    Excellent points.

    MPQ: The game where you level up, progress to the next stage of the game, move on to harder enemies... who drop the exact same loot as the very first time you played them.

    This is extremely frustrating, because it runs contrary to EVERY SINGLE OTHER GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED. I want to stress that point, because I am not using hyperbole here... I cannot thing of one single example of a game that I have played (other than MPQ) that breaks this formula.

    It is an absolute Hallmark of gaming... you get stronger, enemies get stronger, gear & abilities get more expense, and REWARDS GET BETTER.

    Would anyone do an end-game Dungeon raid if the rewards were identical to going back and playing the boss in the starting area?

    Whether it's XP, Gold, Weapon/Armor drops, healing potions, points, etc... it all follows the same formula. Unless it's MPQ. And don't give me the progression rewards as an example... In PVE especially they are much more a function of time spent rather than your "level." PVP too, there is only a minimal increase in what progressions you can hit... maybe 800 is the max early on, but frankly the bump you get in going from 800 -> 1300 is laughable compared to the time spent building your roster, considering you can only get it once every few days.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    CT1888 wrote:
    Sometimes people worry too much about making characters Ddq ready by pumping levels in - 1/2/5 level 94 Falcap took me through just fine....
    Sometimes this is true... but with some of the 4* fights you have to have some HP to soak up damage. This is especially true on partially-covered characters... your 1/2/5 Flaptain has that big nuke... but were he a 2/5/1 you would need the extra staying power to have any shot.

    One more reason to hate the randomness of the cover system icon_e_wink.gif
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    CT1888 wrote:
    Sometimes people worry too much about making characters Ddq ready by pumping levels in - 1/2/5 level 94 Falcap took me through just fine....
    I think that's an exception to the rule.. a 5/2/1 lvl 94 wouldn't have enough fire power or the HP to survive fighting against Captain Marvel. Just like a lvl 70 1/0/0 IW or 0/1/0 Prof X could win their challenge.

    Some characters would benefit from being at higher level, some not so much.. Moose's Falcap is 3/5/5. So, at 94 he shouldn't have too much of a problem either. But, how many attempts did you need? With a good board, you could beat it in one try. But, you're also risking having to repeat the node numerous times, wasting time, health packs and other resources that you could be using playing PvP or PvE. He also mentioned before in the past, he likes his 4*s to be at 145..

    So far, I've beaten all the 4* DDQ nodes in the 2nd round (16/16) with less than 4 attempts and no boosts, except Mr.F's today, which took 8 and some boosts. Many only took 1 attempt. I could try without the boosts, but I'd rather get it over and done with ASAP.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm not saying you're right either.. everyone's got their own way of playing. Kudos for being Cap Marvel with you Falcap.

    Edit: got beaten by a few minutes, sorry if it appears that I'm copying you.. I'm not!

    I totally agree, with a different build it would've been a different matter all together, but I did the maths and ran him sticking at 94 because I had things I wanted to spend the iso on and with the size of his nuke, no more levels were necesary - if I lost control of the board and got hit a couple of times, ten or 20 levels wouldn't've made that much of a differwnce. This one took me 2 attempts, with +2r/y, +1 all, and careful board control.

    I've learned a heck of a lot about board control from this round of DDQ4 (which has served me well today in EotS), and was running at 100% until today, including 1/1/2 level 94 Thing, Carnage 106 2/2/0 and 100 2/1/2 Starlord, all 4 or less attempts iirc. Iso is always tight, so I try and work out what the minimum is I need in these situations.

    And they are some of the most satisfying fights I've had.

    Tl;dr used well, your low level characters can be gems.

    And sorry for not actually contributing to discussion property with my first post.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Totally agree on board control... That is the key to the DDQ. Even if it means making a match that doesn't help you, just deny, deny, deny your enemies colors.