Give us 4* rewards for 4* meta

TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
For once, I'll be brief. When 3* meta ruled, we had 3* placement rewards, followed by 2*.

This is 2016. The 4* meta is slowly being eclipsed by a 5* meta. There should be 4* rewards followed by 3* followed by 2* for placement. And I don't mean 4* just for the top 10.

I'm tired of the silence and/or excuses. There should not be a gradual phase in for a structure that should have been implemented over SIX months ago. 3* tiny kitty placement rewards need to go the way of the way of dot matrix printers and 50lb 13" televisions.

*drops mic*


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can't upvote this enough.

    Adjust the ISO to give out triple the amount while you're at it.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why, TOS, it seems as not so long ago when in threads very much like this one, you used to chip in advising to look at the bright side and remain positive icon_razz.gif

    I'm not mocking you, though. I used to be exactly the same a year ago. There are issues that are invisible to you until you experience them, or rather, experience them long enough. The one you describe in the OP is one of them. Sure, they have definitely addressed it in the latest 6 months but not with the promptness and decisiveness that was needed.

    From the moment they introduced 5*s, they should have made a separate tier of PVP that mirrors the current one but with relative increased rewards: A featured 4*, rewards of 3*s at 200 and 500 points, Legendary tokens (or maybe a new kind of token that rewards 3*s at worst) at 200, 650 and 900 points, a given 4* cover at 800 and a given 5* cover at 1k. As we quickly approach the 40-mark for 4*s, which theoretically will be the point at where the production will starting shifting entirely to 5*s, this kind of measures become more urgent.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    To prove a point:

    Day 715 Shield Resupply reward: - 5* shiny perhaps? ......No, Useful 4* maybe? ......No

    Yeah! a nerfed 3* reward - just what I needed!
  • You're still getting Standard Tokens on days 800+! I think that proves the point that the Daily Rewards are out of touch better than anything...
  • You're still getting Standard Tokens on days 800+! I think that proves the point that the Daily Rewards are out of touch better than anything...
    Daily Rewards need a complete reworking, despite the known fact that people will complain about not receiving a reward they have passed already. They retroactively added CP, now finish what they started there.

    (Agreed with the OP as well.)
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,727 Chairperson of the Boards
    On one hand, I agree since I can't see a way to really start rolling in 4* (forget 5*)covers with my time allowed to play. I am nearing a healthy set of 3* char at 11-13 covers. 2* and 3* can be done pretty easily with good time management thanks to the LIMITED and capped rosters plus rewarded covers being achievable. 4*? With more and more characters, there needs to be a better system. I can get CP rewards in PVE, but then the pull... How about a CP cost for trade in for diff color? Or diff char?

    On the other hand, if everyone could easily complete the characters, no one would play. Or a lot less. Everyone who has max leveled your char in an RPG knows that you stop playing once there isn't anything to go after. Each MPQ player has to decide how much they enjoy a never ending (and I do mean never ending, new characters and roster slots are obviously how this games stays profitable) chase for a roster. If it was easier to get what you want then you would stop playing when you got it.

    I do agree that daily rewards should change somehow. Even 1 CP is pref to a standard token at this point.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Why, TOS, it seems as not so long ago when in threads very much like this one, you used to chip in advising to look at the bright side and remain positive icon_razz.gif

    I'm not mocking you, though. I used to be exactly the same a year ago. There are issues that are invisible to you until you experience them, or rather, experience them long enough. The one you describe in the OP is one of them. Sure, they have definitely addressed it in the latest 6 months but not with the promptness and decisiveness that was needed.

    From the moment they introduced 5*s, they should have made a separate tier of PVP that mirrors the current one but with relative increased rewards: A featured 4*, rewards of 3*s at 200 and 500 points, Legendary tokens (or maybe a new kind of token that rewards 3*s at worst) at 200, 650 and 900 points, a given 4* cover at 800 and a given 5* cover at 1k. As we quickly approach the 40-mark for 4*s, which theoretically will be the point at where the production will starting shifting entirely to 5*s, this kind of measures become more urgent.

    I've been positive and writing that we needed this change for almost a year now. IMHO, I have shown remarkable patience on the matter. If now is it not the time, what is the magic number? 2 years? Never?
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    bluewolf wrote:
    On one hand, I agree since I can't see a way to really start rolling in 4* (forget 5*)covers with my time allowed to play. I am nearing a healthy set of 3* char at 11-13 covers. 2* and 3* can be done pretty easily with good time management thanks to the LIMITED and capped rosters plus rewarded covers being achievable. 4*? With more and more characters, there needs to be a better system. I can get CP rewards in PVE, but then the pull... How about a CP cost for trade in for diff color? Or diff char?

    On the other hand, if everyone could easily complete the characters, no one would play. Or a lot less. Everyone who has max leveled your char in an RPG knows that you stop playing once there isn't anything to go after. Each MPQ player has to decide how much they enjoy a never ending (and I do mean never ending, new characters and roster slots are obviously how this games stays profitable) chase for a roster. If it was easier to get what you want then you would stop playing when you got it.

    I do agree that daily rewards should change somehow. Even 1 CP is pref to a standard token at this point.

    The only problem with this is we have empirical evidence to the contrary.

    Historically, when 3* rewards were given during the 3* meta, players played. Also, new characters come out at least every other week. So, more reality l easily accessible rewards will not deter player enthusiasm.

    Then, there's the other side. Newer players get an even shorter end of the stick. 4* transition players get the 3* covers they need, while they're left with scraps.

    Given the number of characters, most needing 13 covers initially, and more championing, there has never been a more urgent time to update the reward structure to reflect the current encumbered l environment of the game. The last 3* was introduced almost 9 months ago, while the transition to a new 4* meta started almost 2 years ago work the introduction of purple fury as a season alliance reward.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been asking for six (or more) months why there isn't 4* rewards for alliances in PVP.

    Recently I've just changed that - there should be 4* rewards in EVERY PLACE that 3* rewards currently exist. This includes multiple SSim rewards, 800 reward in PVP, and so forth.

    Turn 3*'s into the 2* candy that falls from tokens currently - let players get their +100 in less time than "two years" or whatever it will take to get those extra 3*'s.

    Edit - Oh right, and Daily 4* DDQ. Why isn't that implemented like...tomorrow?
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    I'l even give the devs an easy way around it, don't necessarily GIVE more - but provide access for more CAPACITY.

    Anything from running LRs 5 days of 7, to creating a prologue-like static ISO gathering event that people can go into a grind iso. Right now if you slave all day you can pull about 20k iso. Which in the old meta would be pretty nice and allow you to max all the 3*s quick.

    In today's game with 4/5* the iso capacity is so much larger that we need something far bigger in terms of access.

    However give more also works, so how about an iso multiplier based on how much iso you need? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    I'd go so far as to say they should just give all new players all of the 1*s, either fully covered from the jump or else give away all covers in the Prologue and then remove standard tokens entirely.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been positive and writing that we needed this change for almost a year now. IMHO, I have shown remarkable patience on the matter. If now is it not the time, what is the magic number? 2 years? Never?

    You misunderstood me. I'm not criticising you for losing your patience after all this time. If any, I was pointing out that you had it for too long, trying to soften our blows against the devs whenever we were the ones complaining. icon_e_smile.gif
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    That's silly talk, TOS! It's almost like you want people who DON'T treat MPQ as a 40-hour-a-week job to progress in the game!
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    So much yes.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been of the same opinion too.
    When X-Force, Thoress, Invisible Woman and Nick Fury were the few, very occasional new 4*s then it made absolute sense for them to be the ultimate goal to aim for. Something not easy to get. Something you needed to be lucky for or to work hard and reach the top of the leaderboard.

    But after Elektra the floodgates opened and the game never caught up. We have a diverse cast of 4*s but the game is still designed with a 3* mindset. "Do well and you'll get some 3* characters! They aren't effective against 4*s but you could always, could...huh. I guess you'll have to do better?"

    Ah, but we can get a 4* for hitting top ten now. Brilliant. I haven't managed to do that since my late 2*, early 3* transition days, but it's an option now, right?

    I cannot fathom what their design philosophy is. The meta at best is 4* and more accurately 5* now. For the last two seasons I have had an exceptionally difficult time reaching 1000 points for the 4* cover to help me. I'd been hitting it fairly regularly before and I'm entering the same high scoring brackets as always, I simply don't have the kind of defensive team that can protect me while I climb past 850 points. I can fight the only 40+ point enemies (all maxed 4* teams, natch) and win 37 points...and lose 74. At best.

    I feel very much like I'm getting left behind. I think back to when I'd saved up 100,000+ ISO before championing because I was dithering about, waiting until I'd maxed my 3*s before moving onto 4* land. "ISO shortage? I'm doing alright!" And now I want to get my XPool levelled up and a single DDQ lets me level him up once. This is getting painful.

    championing felt like a fun way to keep playing. The power nerf has just neutered my roster as well as my desire to push on.
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    For a long time I'm advocating for new or rather old reward structure. Back when 3* were rare, they were giving them as t50 placement and up. That's what needs to be done again. My proposed structure would be
    1: lt + all previous rewards
    2-5: 3 4* covers + 10000 iso
    6-10: 2 4* covers + 5000 iso
    11-25: 1 4* cover + 2500 iso
    26-50: 1 4* cover + 1000 iso

    Add HP and cp as they are now, that is fine. From this point on goes 3* rewards

    Also individual season reward structure needs to be changed. T50 for season gives you one pack that on average gives 8 2* covers and 2 3* tokens. That much can be earned from a single LR, so I really don't see incentive of tryi g to compete for them. It used to be good 2 years ago, but the game came long way from there. Progression rewards were tweaked once or twice in that time, but placement remained the same.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't believe I have to disagree with a post headed towards triple-digit upvotes. Just speaking personally, I don't need any more 4* covers. Am I stressed that my Gwen, Venom and Nova are woefully undercovered? Hell no, because by the time I have enough ISO to level up my full-covered X23, GR, Miles and Cho (he's gonna be in DDQ4 eventually, so you have to), those characters WILL be full covered. And I'll still have no ISO. I also have at least a dozen 3*s that will never be champed because of no ISO. I'd also like to champ even the low-tier 4*s, because hell, who wouldn't want a 35k nuke during Falcrap's boost week? And don't even get me started on the ISO hole in my 5*s.

    So until the ISO economy changes, the rate at which we're getting covers is working for me, and probability a lot of people. ISO is the overwhelming constraint, not cover availability.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    I'd also like to champ even the low-tier 4*s, because hell, who wouldn't want a 35k nuke during Falcrap's boost week? And don't even get me started on the ISO hole in my 5*s.
    Sam's boosted week is here! ...but unfortunately Hulkbuster and Thor are among the other boosted fourstars, so I don't really see myself using Sam much even though he is fully covered...
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    I can't believe I have to disagree with a post headed towards triple-digit upvotes. Just speaking personally, I don't need any more 4* covers. Am I stressed that my Gwen, Venom and Nova are woefully undercovered? Hell no, because by the time I have enough ISO to level up my full-covered X23, GR, Miles and Cho (he's gonna be in DDQ4 eventually, so you have to), those characters WILL be full covered. And I'll still have no ISO. I also have at least a dozen 3*s that will never be champed because of no ISO. I'd also like to champ even the low-tier 4*s, because hell, who wouldn't want a 35k nuke during Falcrap's boost week? And don't even get me started on the ISO hole in my 5*s.

    So until the ISO economy changes, the rate at which we're getting covers is working for me, and probability a lot of people. ISO is the overwhelming constraint, not cover availability.

    OK, but, if you are winning more 4* covers instead of 3* covers, that is double the ISO from selling them if you already have them full covered but not maxed/champed.