MPQ At Green Goblin Alert!



  • "Unlike the Hood, who’s still a petty criminal at heart and lacks finesse..."

    This hurt me... take that back! icon_evil.gif

    More on ... z413HpZiRJ
  • colwag wrote:
    .. and yet, quite curious how Norman himself ended up back on the glider.

    It would seem they have abandoned the whole Dark Reign storyline. Which on the Brightside means less likely to be Dark Avengers in new PvE content (though they still made their way into Hearts of Darkness!).
  • Woooo another unattainable 5*

    Well at least one person in particular will get to play with him icon_e_smile.gif
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Personally I think this seems like a missed opportunity for Iron Patriot.

    Just hoping it's going to be a new story campaign that introduces him (and that it's not a 7 day grind to the death.)

    Oh, wait. As a 5 star, he get's no story nor any release event. He just pops into the token rotation at the decided time.

    In any case:

    Give me Iron Patriot!!!!
    Lol Iron Patriot in the console is OP
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    colwag wrote:
    Better yet:

    Give me Iron Patriot that is NOT a Iron Man reskin.

    I don't want the ultimate enemy of the game to look like a clone of a 1* character.
    Iron Patriot is totally a suit of Iron Man armor that Osborne stole and repainted. Making the artwork a re-skin is canon.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, but it should still have new animations.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    I have to say I have mixed feelings about this release.

    The Green Goblin is my all time favorite Marvel villain. I have been asking for his release in every "what character do you want in the game" survey and poll since I started playing (800+ days)

    His power set looks really interesting and would be fun to play.

    I'm primarily disappointed that, in all likelihood, I will never get to play a usable version of the character.

    I play pretty much every event, get the vast majority of CP & LTs. Yet, the oldest 5* character, I only have one color for that character. My best covered 5* has 7 covers but not all of the colors so I can't even save up CP to finish him.

    With the speed of release of 5* characters, it is almost a certainty that GG will be phased out before I get him even 1/2 covered.

    TL;DR- So, it's awesome that they've introduced the goblin as a powerful, playable character. It sucks that I'll never get to play him.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    colwag wrote:
    So, how long until we run into the PVE event that justifies his existence?

    Because I don't know how ready I am to fight that.. and yet, quite curious how Norman himself ended up back on the glider.

    I think they did set things up for Norman reverting back to Green Goblin at the end of Venom Bomb PVE's story. I think it was Luke Cage and Miles who exposed to the press and media that Osborn was being the Venom outbreak. He retreated quickly but they could use that as a stepping stone for his breakdown/fall from grace.

    But then again, when have they ever acknowledged a 5* in the PVE stories? Realistically, every new PVE for the past few months should have be all the heroes and villains losing their minds that there's Phoenix running around.

    More likely, if they do acknowledge it, they'll just have Norman wave off his Goblin appearances as a smear campaign from his enemies or a Skrull plot.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    *insert meme of iron patriot on milk carton here*
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think he'll have a hard time competing at the 5*. All the current 5*, have some form of healing or way to avoid the massive damage at that tier. (SS blue, OML yellow, Phoenix Green, BSSM purple)

    As far as I can tell, goblin has no way to mitigate 5* match damage. He'll be a great support tier character for 4*
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    They haven't revealed all his Goblin Bomb effects. One of them may be healing (e.g. release a burst of aerosol goblin serum that triggers his healing factor).
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Can we get the full stats posted on this guy before he goes live in tokens tomorrow? It would be nice for people to know if they should cash them out now in hopes of getting OML, or if they should go for Green Goblin.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2016
    Can we get the full stats posted on this guy before he goes live in tokens tomorrow? It would be nice for people to know if they should cash them out now in hopes of getting OML, or if they should go for Green Goblin.
    Hi-Fi posted in another thread that we'll get Vision stats sometime today, so maybe they'll post the Goblin stats then as well.
  • Yeah, the Goblin! Wooohoooo!


    Oh, a 5*.


    Of course.

    (goes away and smashes the door)


  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    From the article: "Green Goblin’s great with any character that has crucial Countdown tiles to protect."

    Except for these guys. All of them have powers that last as long as the countdown lasts. Decreasing the counter weakens the power.
    Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
    Deadpool (X-Force)
    Iceman (All New X-Men)
    Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)
    Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw)
    Colossus (Classic)
    Luke Cage (Hero For Hire)
    Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
    Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable)
    Vision (Android Avenger)
    Wolverine (X-Force) -- sometimes the damage is wanted.

    At Balance Suggestions for Countdowns and Buffs and Let's talk about Countdown Tiles, I mention an idea that would fix everything.

    Use a negative number for beneficial countdowns.

    All countdowns would move towards zero at the start of a turn. Powers that lower countdowns (Falcon, Goblin, Hood) would subtract from countdowns, and powers that increase countdowns (OBW, Bagman) would add to them.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Counterpoint: with those characters you just don't fire his active yellow, and let its passive component Fortify the countdowns without decrementing them. Still helpful!
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    The important question is: are we going to get a new symbol or are we supposed to use icon_ironpatriot.png ?
  • Lidolas wrote:
    The important question is: are we going to get a new symbol or are we supposed to use icon_ironpatriot.png ?

    Especially since Iron Patriot is still a "Someday we will" character.

    Why is this character called Green Goblin (Norman Osbourne) and not Norman Osbourne (Green Goblin)?

    Iron Patriot and Green Goblin should probably not be run at the same time.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    All countdowns would move towards zero at the start of a turn. Powers that lower countdowns (Falcon, Goblin, Hood) would subtract from countdowns, and powers that increase countdowns (OBW, Bagman) would add to them.

    Wonderful idea, but I bet they won't do it for two reasons:

    1) Usually people think of negative numbers as "bad," so players might get confused as to why some Countdown Tiles are negative and count "up" and others are positive and count down.
    2) The devs actually like the "balance" of powers like Hood Black affecting Countdown Tiles that you actually don't want to end a turn sooner as a "trade-off" for raising theirs. I don't think the devs like the concept of "Beneficial CD Tiles" and "Negative CD Tiles" in regards to the Player.

    I get the sense the devs just want them as CD Tiles in a general sense, and that's it. It makes stuff like Antman CD Tiles & Hood Black interaction much more complicated and potentially confusing. Every single CD-based power in the game would need a pass to set whether it was Beneficial (a negative number counting to 0) or Negative (current functionality, a positive number counting down to 0) based on its function. Doubt they have the desire or bandwidth to do that dev wise.

    Hell, it took almost 2 years to fix 20 ISO, and that was more or less changing some RNG values. So I can't even begin to guess the implementation timeline for anything in for this game that isn't a new character (we sure get those like clockwork about every 2 weeks though don't we?).

    This would also add an extra layer of readability to them too.
    If there are a slew of yellow CD tiles at once, and one of them is negative, I know right away that the negative one is good for me without having to tap it to bring up it's info.

    Heh, this would also fix the AI's use of Bagman's power that increases his own team's CD tiles for some reason. Not that I'm complaining when it happens. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lidolas wrote:
    The important question is: are we going to get a new symbol or are we supposed to use icon_ironpatriot.png ?
    No, you use icon_greengoblin.png.