So the new DDQ...



  • cooleyo
    cooleyo Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    I'm not sure if they made a change, or if I leveled a hero to a point to where the scaling got a lot harder. After never failing TBE, I've been busted here lately. I used to use 2*Thor, Mags, and Storm (sometimes swapping in OBW for Mags if needed a heal). Over the last few days this thing has just eaten my lunch and made me insanely angry. My updated roster is below, any thoughts on a good team to use is appreciated.

    Side note: I've got 47 command points. I've never bought any roster slots and don't plan to, so I'm not really looking to turn those into 4* covers (I already have a 4 star Ghost Rider about to expire in a week that I'm trying to get more HP for a slot). I'm thinking about turning my 117 Black Panther (5/3/1) into a 5/3/3 buying 2 covers for 20 CP each to give myself one really strong hero. Not sure if that messes up the scaling though.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    cooleyo wrote:
    I'm not sure if they made a change

    They did! But before you spend any CP, hold tight, it sounds like this is getting addressed starting tomorrow:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]*Update (02/19/16)*


    Here's an update from Demiurge regarding Deadpool's Daily Quest:

    "After looking into how people were doing with the new Deadpool's Daily Quest missions we saw a few areas that were more difficult than what we were aiming for. Starting with the next Deadpool's Daily Quest (Tuesday, Feb. 23) we have made the following changes:
      - Ultron Sentries and Symbiote minions will appear less. - Enemies in missions that have at least 1 Ultron Sentry or Symbiote minion are easier (each enemy has up to 10 less levels). - Ultron can never turn up in the first 3 waves of The Big Enchilada mission."

    Thank you.

    Hi everyone,

    We've heard your feedback on the revised Deadpool's Dailies and Demiurge are going take another look at how things are currently playing out and tweak where necessary. We don't have a time-table yet for when a fresh balance pass will be completed, but the team hope to refine Deadpool's Daily Quests in the coming weeks.

    Thanks very much for the feedback!
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    A while before the DDQ change, I made a thread asking for 3* BE team suggestions. One of those mentioned (at that point as an "if in a hurry"-solution) was Patch/LDaken/Loki.
    This trio has served me well since the revamp:
    - collect green, red and black while building up some passive strike tiles
    - most colors tanked by the regenerators, who can take turns at the front
    - option to finish a wave with Daken's blue
    - In mover waves, use 1-2 Patch green and maybe a red, followed by Lokis black to turn the enemy strikes around
    -> 1k+ match damage and only taking 1 damage from then on
    -> great synergy now with Lokis board shake (free matches)
    - occasional AP steal when movers match4
    - by the time, the big tiles are matched away, there's usually enough AP to start the cycle again
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    cletus1985 wrote:
    I use Black Panther/ Lcap/ IF, hasn't failed me yet

    I use CMags instead of LCap, but same colors. Works really well, though I may try some of the other teams here for laughs
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Magneto, Witch, Cage.

    I haven't lost with this team yet, though they do take pretty heavy damage when the symbiotes or ultron goons are around. No particular strategy here - just seems like there's enough power diversity to fire off powers at the opportune times, and Cage's protect really helps mitigate the weaker attack tiles and hero strikes in the early rounds. Things start getting hairy when the special tiles build up. SWitch becomes much less effective and there's not a lot you can do other than use her green at opportune spots or shake the board with Mags red.

    If I knew what was coming I'd think about switching things around, but the easy protect/high damage output make this one hard to get away from until I have a few viable 4*s.
  • irwando
    irwando Posts: 263 Mover and Shaker
    I'm still using the same team I always have - R&G, 3Thor, Loki. Takes a little while to get going but once you get some blue strike tiles out and build up some yellow, waves just fall. I can often go 2 waves without the enemy taking a turn. Loki provides great board shake or turns strike tiles against the enemy. R&G tank like no-one else.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using R&G, IF, SW for DDQ. I like to mix it up every now and again, using all strike tile generators, or using all AOE people, its fun to throw different teams at it, but if I'm just getting it done because I'm short on time, that's my team, once strike tiles are out people go down with 1 hit and the attack tile.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Before and even after the change, my team has been:
    icon_blade.png = Free Strike Tiles, STRONG Attack Tiles in Purple, & AP Steal
    icon_captainamerica.png = Reusable High Damage Red, Stun & Strong Protect Tile Blue, make a Match5 Yellow and/or STRONG Protect tiles (in a survival setting, getting 17 Yellow isn't that hard by Wave 3).
    icon_falcon.png = Deals with Countdown Tiles, Boosts all Special tiles, which there are generally lots of, especially offensive ones. Eventually I'll do over 1K a match, and over 2K per Attack Tile trigger at the start of their turn.

    This team can do it all, except have an active Green power.
    I had very little trouble before the change, and so far after the change this team still works very well.
    Only one time did I take noticeable damage, and it was an Ultron and Symboyte goon heavy setup. One time the very first wave was Ultron bots and Ultron himself! Fights like this are ROUGH for transitioning players.

    I can't even fathom how the designers thought a change like this would not affect difficulty.
    Mixing it up is fine in theory, but the end result made it harder for lots of players, which should have been taken into account when they changed it.
    They should have kept the TBE fight the same format of Waves 1 & 3 are non-tile movers only, and Waves 2 & 4 are tile movers. After that, randomize the opponents. Don't randomize the whole damn thing.

    All content acquisition in this game is RNG, so I suppose it's no surprise they are starting to have their actual playable content be RNG driven as well.
    100% RNG is flat out lazy design.
    Without any type of rules, the end result is something designers can't control/balance reliably, and players can't reliably prepare for.